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Notice sur les Coléoptères qui se trouvent dans le district des mines Nertchinsk, dans la Siberie orientale, avec la description de quelques espèces
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Notae et additamenta ad catalogum Sibiriae occidentalis et confinis Tartariae
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Characteristik mehrerer neuen Sibirischen Coleopteren
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Notae et additamenta ad catalogum Coleopterorum Sibiriae occidentalis et confinis Tartariae
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Coleopterorum species novae, a Dr.Schrenk in deserto kirgiso-songorico anno 1843 detectae
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Generis Lethri species Rossicae descriptae
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Verzeichnis der im Kolywano-Woskresenskischen Hüttenbezirke Süd-West Sibiriens beobachteten Käfer mit Bemerkungen und Beschreibungen
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Verzeichniss der im Kolywano-Woskresenskischen Huttenbezirke Sud-West Sibiriens beobachteten Kafer mit Bemerkungen und Beschreibungen
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Verzeichniss der von Herrn Dr.Schrenk in den Kreisen Ajagus und Karakaly in der östlichen Kirgisensteppe und in der Songarey in den Jahren 1840 bis 1843 gefundenen Kaeferarten
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Notes on East African Cetoniinae
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Taxonomy of Scarabaeidae of Tripura, North East India
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Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Scarabaeidae
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Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Scarabaeidae
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De quibusdam Insectis Sardinia novis aut minus cognitis
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A New North American Ateuchus Weber
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Dichotomius comarapensis sp.nov., une nouvelle espèce bolivienne de scarabée brachyptère
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New Synonymy in the Genus Paragymnopleurus Shipp
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Onthophagini présumés néotropicaux: provenances erronées et nouvelle synonymie
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Le genre Eurysternus Dalman, 1824 révision taxonomique et clés de détermination illustrées
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Copriodes Gistel 1857, un nouveau synonyme de Phalops Erichson, 1847
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A new species and notes on the subgenus Deltochilum (Deltochilum) Eschscholtz, 1822
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Transfert d’Onthophagus bubalus Harold, 1867, dans le genre Phalops Erichson, 1847, et notes sur sa position phylogénétique
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Ateuchus cujuchi n. sp., a new inquiline species of Scarabaeinae from tuco-tuco burrows in Bolivia
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A new Guatemalan cloud forest endemic Onthophagus Latreille, 1802
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Taxonomic notes on two Southern African Catharsius Hope, 1837
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A new Pedaria Laporte de Castelnau, 1832, from Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
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On the Identity of Canthon Imitator Floridanus Brown, 1946
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Dendropaemon Perty, 1830: taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny of the morphologically most derived phanaeine genus
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Canthidium alvarezi Martínez and Halffter, 1986: a remarkable Ateuchus Weber, 1801
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Revision of the South American genera Andinocopris new genus and Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Homocoprini new tribe)
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Digitonthophagus gazella auctorum: an unfortunate case of mistaken identity for a widely introduced species
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Two new central american Onthophagus of the mirabilis species group
The Coleopterists Bulletin 53(2):130-144

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Onthophagus fragosus n.sp. a second endemic species of Onthophagus Latreille from Cuba
Zootaxa 3795(5):597-599

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Notes on Afrotropical Catharsius species described by Edgar von Harold
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Revision of the Neotropical dung beetle genera Scatimus and Scatrichus
Fabreries 28(2):57-111

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Onthophagus mirabilis Bates, description of the newly discovered female
The Coleopterists Bulletin 58(4):610-612

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Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex
Zootaxa 4248(1):1-110

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A new species of Onitis Fabricius, 1798 from south-eastern Africa
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Copris neotridens, un nouveau nom de remplacement pour Copris tridens Felsche, 1901, nec Mulsant, 1842
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A review of Arrow's types of Trichillum and Pedaridium with description of two new species of Pedaridium
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Histoire abregée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs des Paris; Dans laquelle ces Animaux sont rangés suivant un ordre méthodique
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Histoire abregée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs des Paris; Dans laquelle ces Animaux sont rangés suivant un ordre méthodique
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in Fourcroy. Entomologia parisiensis; sive catalogus insectorum, quae in agro parisiensi reperiuntur. Secundum methodum Geoffraeanam in sectiones, genera et species distributus: cui addita sunt nomina trivalia & fere trecentae novae species. Pars prima
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Verzeichnis der Käfer Schlesiens
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The Coleoptera of the Seychelles islands
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Descripción de Coleópteros de diversas especies que no se hallan en la obra del señor Gay
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Agrupacion de los Taurocerastidae
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Apuntes entomolójicos
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Catalogo de los Coleopteros Chilenos del Museo Nacional
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Neue Insekten beschrieben
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Reise nach Dalmatien und in das Gebiet von Ragusa
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Neue exotische Käfer
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Coleopterorum Species Novae aut Minus Cognitae, descriptionibus Illustratae
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Fauna Insectorum Europae
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Fauna Insectorum Europae
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Recension der Monographie der Cétoines von Gory
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Fauna Insectorum Europae
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Fauna Insectorum Europae
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Bestimmungen der von Herrn Dr.G.A.Fischer wahrend seiner Reise nach dem Massai-Land gesammelten Coleopteren
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A peculiar new genus and species of rhinoceros beetle, Ceratohyphus luzonicus, from the Philippines (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
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Diagnose d'un Coléoptère nouveau de la tribu des Cétonides
Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 6(107):427

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Enumerazione dei Cetonidi raccolti nell'Arcipelago Malese e nella Papuasia dai signori G.Doria, O.Beccari e L.M.D'Albertis
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 6:487-535

Gestro R. 1874
Diagnose d'une espèce nouvelle du genre Lomaptera
Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 6(113):451

Gestro R. 1875
Descrizione di un nuovo genre e di alcune nuove specie di Coleotteri Papuani
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 7:993-1027

Gestro R. 1876
Appendici all'enumerazione dei Cetonidi raccolti nell'Arcipelago Malese e nella Papuasia dai signori G.Doria, O.Beccari e L.M.D'Albertis
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 9:83-110

Gestro R. 1876
Oryctoderus albertisi Gestro n.sp.
Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 2(149):41

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Diagnose di alcuni nuove specie di Coleotteri raccolte nella regione Austro-Malese dai signori Dott.G.Doria, O.Beccari, L.M.D'Albertis e A.A.Bruyn
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 8:512-524

Gestro R. 1876
Descrizione di una nuova specie di Lucanide del genere Cyclommatus, raccolto nella Nuova Guinea meridionale dal Signor L.M.D'Albertis
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 9:324-326

Gestro R. 1877
Descrizioni di alcuni Coleotteri e diagnosi di quattro specie nuove esistensi nel Museo Civico di Genova
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 10:638-654

Gestro R. 1878
Diagnosi di alcuni specie nuove di Coleotteri dell'Abissinia e del paese dei Somalia
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 13:318-322

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Contribuzione allo studio dei Cetonidi della regione Austro-Malese
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 12:26-31

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Nuova contribuzione allo studio dei Cetonidi Malesi e Papuani
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 14:5-17

Gestro R. 1881
Spedizione Italiana nell'Africa Equatoriale. Risultati Zoologici. Diagnosi di nuove specie di Coleotteri
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Enumerazione dei Lucanidi raccolti nell'Arcipelago Malese e L.M.D'Albertis
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 16:303-347

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Sopra alcuni Coleotteri di Birmania raccolti dal Capitano G.B.Comotto
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Note entomologiche
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Descrizione di nuovo genere di Lamellicorni
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Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. IV. Nuove specie di Coleotteri
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 6:87-132

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Sopra alcune Cetonie dell'Isola Nias e della costa occidentale di Sumatra raccolte dal Dott.Elio Modigliani
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 7:93-99

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Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania regione vicine. 40 Contribuzione allo studio degli insetti termitofili
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 10:903-907

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Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania regione vicine. XXXVII. Enumerazione delle Cetonie
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 10:835-876

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Di alcuni coleotteri raccolti nel paese dei Somali dall'ing. L.Bricchetti Robecchi
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Di un nuovo genere di Lamellicornia scoperto in Sumatra dal Dott. Edio Modigliani
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 13:299-303

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Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. X.Nuove specie di Coleotteri
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Series 2) 13:285-293

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Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal cap.V.Bottegno durante gli anii 1892-93 sotto gli auspici della società geografica italiana. Risultati zoologici. XVI. Coleotteri
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Sopra alcune forme di Acanthocerini
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 39:451-498

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Un cenno sul genere Stiptopodius, Harold
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Alcune osservazioni introno al genere Chalcosoma
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Collezioni zoologiche del tenente Citerni in Somalia
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A new species of Protaetia Burmeister, 1842 from Armenia with taxonomic notes on Cetonia floricola fausti Kraatz, 1891
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Revision of the subgenus Hemiglaphyrus Champenois, 1903 of Glaphyrus Latreille, 1807, with description of three new species and Atticoglaphyrus new subgenus
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Description d'un Heliocopris nouveau d'Afrique orientale
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Gillet J.J.E. 1908
Coprides d'Afrique tropicale. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles et remarques sur quelques espèces connues
Mémoires de la Société entomologique de Belgique 16:63-82

Gillet J.J.E. 1909
Collections receuillis dans le Sahara et régions voisines, par René Chudeau
Bulletin du Muséum nationale d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 15(7):432-437

Gillet J.J.E. 1909
Descriptions d'Onitis nouveaux d'Afrique équatoriale
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 53:501-504

Gillet J.J.E. 1909
Remarques synonymiques sur quelques espèces de Coprides
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :297-303

Gillet J.J.E. 1909
Sur quelques espèces du genre Scarabaeus L.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 31:191-194

Gillet J.J.E. 1910
Espèces nouvelles du genre Copris et relevé synonymique des espèces decrites
Notes Leyden Museum 32(1):1-31

Gillet J.J.E. 1911
Lamellicornia Onthophila. Description de deux espèces de Hope et identification d'une espèce d'Olivier
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 55:288-291

Gillet J.J.E. 1911
Coprides nouveaux de la région orientale et remarques synonymiques
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 55:313-314

Gillet J.J.E. 1911
Scarabaeidae:Coprinae I. Coleopterorum Catalogus auspicis et auxilio W.Junk
A.Schenkling. Berlin 38:1-100

Gillet J.J.E. 1911
Lamellicornes coprophages nouveaux ou peu connus d'Amerique du sud
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 55:315-319

Gillet J.J.E. 1911
Coprophaga Africana. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles et remarques diverses
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 55(11):308-312

Gillet J.J.E. 1914
Lamellicornes coprophages de Nouvelle-Guinée
Nova Guinea 9:413-415

Gillet J.J.E. 1918
Coprides nouveaux de la région éthiopienne et remarques diverses
Zoologische Mededelingen. Leiden 4:146-158

Gillet J.J.E. 1921
Description de Lamellicornes coprophages indo-malais
Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles 41:123-129

Gillet J.J.E. 1924
Scarabéides coprophages de Sumatra
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 64:102-104

Gillet J.J.E. 1924
Descriptions d'Onthophagus nouveaux d'Asie tropicale
Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles 44:66-70

Gillet J.J.E. 1924
A preliminary Account of the Lamellicornia collected in Ceylon by Prof.E.Bugnion
Spolia Zeylanica 13:121-127

Gillet J.J.E. 1925
Deux Heliocopris nouveaux d'Afrique occidentale
Bulletin et Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 66:359-361

Gillet J.J.E. 1925
Results of Dr.E.Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia, 1910-1913. 40.Scarabaeidae:Geotrupinae et Coprinae
Arkiv för Zoologi. Stockholm A17 (7):1-16

Gillet J.J.E. 1925
Description d'Onthophagus nouveaux de l'Inde Britannique
Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles 44:230-236

Gillet J.J.E. 1926
Oniticellus sarawacus n.sp.
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 66:358

Gillet J.J.E. 1926
Zoological Results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Afrika, 1921
Arkiv för Zoologi. Stockholm A18 (15):1-4

Gillet J.J.E. 1927
Description de lamellicornes coprophages nouveaux
Bulletin et Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 67:251-261

Gillet J.J.E. 1928
Sammlungen der swedischen Elgon-Expedition im Jahr 1920. Lamellicornes coprophages
Arkiv för Zoologi. Stockholm A19 (29):1-7

Gillet J.J.E. 1929
Voyage au Congo de S.A.R. le Prince Léopold de Belgique (1925). Coleoptera. 10. Scarabéides, Coprides, Onthophagides, Onitides, Géotrupides, Aphodiides et Hybosorides
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 17(1):113-115

Gillet J.J.E. 1930
Onthophagides de Nouvelle Guinée
Nova Guinea. Zoologie Volume 15, Livret 4:411-434

Gillet J.J.E. 1932
Lamellicornes Coprophages
Bulletin et Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 72(11-12):323-332

Gillet J.J.E. 1932
Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique : Coprinae, Hybosorinae, Dynastinae
Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 4(4):59-64

Gillet J.J.E. 1933
Lamellicornes Coprophages. (2e note)
Bulletin et Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 73(3):89-94

Gillet J.J.E. 1935
Swedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestliche Provinzen Chinas. 3.Scarabaeidae
Arkiv för Zoologi. Stockholm A27 (3):1-12

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Visser. Brookhaus. Leipzig. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Niederländische Expedition Karakorum 1:318-319

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Description de la femelle de Lucanus tibetanus katsurai Mizunuma 1994
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Scarabaeidae:Coprinae II, Termitotroginae
Coleopterorum Catalogus auspicis et auxilio W.Junk, A.Schenkling. Berlin 90:103-264

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Coprophages et Dynastides provenant du voyage de M.F.Colmant dans les régions de l'Uellé du Bomu et du Baher-el-Gazal
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 52(2):54-67

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Dichotomius maya Peraza and Deloya, 2006 in Belize, a new country record for this Central American dung beetle
Insecta mundi 64:1-4

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New records of dynastine scarab beetles in the tribes Oryctini, Agaocephalini and Dynastini from Cayo district, Belize
Insecta mundi 99:1-9

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A new country record for Chrysina diversa (Ohaus, 1912) in Central America
Insecta mundi 108:1-3

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Gnorimus nobilis (L., 1758) en Lozère mérdionale
L'Entomologiste 75(5):317-318

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New Country Records of Scarab Dung Beetles in Swaziland and Zambia
The Coleopterists Bulletin 72(3):433-438

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Beginner's Guide. Scarabaeidae:Onthophagus
Beetle News 1:7-11

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Bubas bubaloides Janssens, 1938 in Europe
Lambillionea 108(4):529-533

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Macroevolution and shifts in the feeding biology of the New World scarab beetle tribe Phanaeini
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 130(4):661–682

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The rare rhinoceros beetle, Ceratophileurus lemoulti Ohaus, 1911, in French Guiana and Suriname
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Distribution and biology of the rare scarab beetle Megatharsis buckleyi Waterhouse, 1891
Insecta mundi 80:1-8

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Mise à jour des données pour le bousier endémique brésilien, Diabroctis pseudomimas Valois, Harada, Vaz-de-Mello et Silva, 2020
L'Entomologiste 76(4):197-199

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Diversity and distribution of the scarab beetle tribe Phanaeini in the northern states of the Brazilian Northeast
Insecta mundi 0118:1-19

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Nouveaux signalements pour deux Coléoptères Dynastides des tribus Oryctini et Pentodontini en Uruguay
L'Entomologiste 75(5):273-276

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A new species of melolonthine chafer in the endemic Californian genus Dinacoma Casey
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Scarab Dung Beetles in the Al Ain Region of the UAE and Neighbouring Areas of Oman
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A solitary representative of the flower chafer beetles in the Al Ain region: Stalagmosoma albella (Pallas, 1781)
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A winter survey of insects and other terestrial invertebrates on Marawah Island, Abu Dhabi
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Confirmation of the occurrence of Temnorhynchus Baal Reiche & Saulcy on the island of Naxos, Greece
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New observations on three species of Eucraniine dung beetles in Mendoza and San Juan Province, Argentina
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(4):817-820

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A new record and locality for the Neotropical Scarab beetle Ontherus compressicornis Luederwaldt, 1931
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Review of the Genus Popilius and Preliminary Phylogeny of Passalidae
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The Importance of Body Size Standardization in Functional Diversity Studies of Dung Beetles
The Coleopterists Bulletin 76(4):497-502

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Possible Indicators of Feeding Habit Types: Analysis of the Mouthparts of Five Dichotomius Hope Species from Argentina The Coleopterists Bulletin 77(2):231-238

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A new species of the genus Pucaya from Peru
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A fifth species of the genus Hybochaetodus Arrow, 1909 from southern Peru highlands
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Quelques nomocénoses de Séricines dans la savane de Lamto (Basse Côte-d'Ivoire)
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Structure et variabilité de quelques peuplements de Melolonthinae dans une savane préforestière de Côte-d'Ivoire
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Wikispecies Notula I. Parastasia Westwood, 1841, nomen protectum and Caelidia Boisduval, 1835, nomen oblitum
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New Phyllophaga
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Sull'Onthophagus taurus Schreber
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Osservazione sopra il genere Onthophagus Latr. IV: Onthophagus lemur F.
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Osservazione sopra il genere Onthophagus. X Gli O.illyricus Scop. E taurus Schreb.
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Osservazione sopra il genere Onthophagus Latr. XII L'O.solivagus Harold, il suo ♂, e una sua varietá
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Genetic Control of Color Polymorphism in the Stag Beetle Cyclommatus metallifer Boisduval
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Nutritious tissue in petals of Annonaceae and its function in pollination by scarab beetles
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G.Sphaenognathe. Sphaenognathus Buquet. S. de Feisthamel. S.Feisthamelii
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Oficanthon Paulian, 1985, a junior synonym of Lepanus Balthasar, 1966, with redescription of Lepanus mirabilis (Paulian, 1985)
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Two new species of Onitis Fabricius, 1798 from Western Palaearctic
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Novyy vid khrushchey, Tanyproctus (Phalangonyx) legezini, iz Tsentral’nogo Irana
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Contribuciones al conocimiento de los Scarabaeidae Chilenos. La subfamilia Glaphyrinae
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Algunos Scarabaeidae de Satipo (Perú)
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Contribuciones al conocimiento de los Coléopteros del Paraguay (I). Nuevo género de Melolonthinae paraguayo
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Escarabajos comunes a Chile y la Argentina
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Notas sobre Scarabaeidae neotrópicos
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Notas sobre Scarabaeidae Chilenos
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Scarabaeidae del norte de Chile
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El género Liogenys en Chile
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Notas sobre Scarabaeidae neotrópicos II
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Notas sobre Scarabaeidae neotrópicos (III)
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Nuevo Registro Estatal y de Hospedero para Euphoria iridescens en México
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New Distribution Record for Phyllophaga latipes (Bates, 1888) with a Key to the Species of the Subgenus Chlaenobia from Oaxaca, Mexico
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New Records of Scarab Beetles from the State of Campeche, Mexico, with Comments on their Agricultural and Ecological Importance
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Description of teratologies in two species of the genus Phyllophaga
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El género Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 en México
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Los escarabajos Dynastinae de Oaxaca, México: lista actualizada de especies y análisis de su distribución
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