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Relationship of Dung Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) Abundance and Parasite Control in Cattle on Pastures throughout Maryland
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Reversal to a Two-Ovaries State in Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
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Agriculture Handbook 529-34b, United States Department of Agriculture :1-56

Hardy A. 2001
Studies in the Euphoriina of the americas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) II. Status of names in Euphoria, types and synonymies, with notes on the south american species
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 77(3):127-143

Hardy A.R. & Andrews F.G 1974
Observations on Megasoma with behavioral notes on some lamellicorn beetles associated with sand dunes
Pan-Pacific Entomologist 50(2):124-128

Hardy A. & Andrews F.G 1978
Studies in the Coleoptera of western sand dunes. 1. Five new Polyphylla Harris (Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 54(1):1-8

Hardy A. & Andrews F.G 1986
Studies in the Coleoptera of western sand dunes. 2. Notes on four Scarabaeidae from the Algodones Dune system
The Coleopterists Bulletin 40(2):127-139

Hardy A. & Andrews F.G 1987
Studies in the Coleoptera of western sand dunes. 3. Remarks upon Serica (Scarabaeidae) from some Nevada sand dunes with descriptions of to new taxa
The Coleopterists Bulletin 41(2):173-179

Hardy J. 1847
Descriptions of new British Coleoptera, with additional Notes
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 19:379-383

Hardy M. 2003
Description d'une nouvelle espèce congolais du genre Cyphonistes Burmeister (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae : Dynastinae)
Fabreries 28(2):53-56

Hardy M. 2003
Description of a new species of Dynastes Kirby (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dynastinae) from North and Central America
Besoiro 9:3-7

Hardy M. 2017
Description of a new species of Bothynus Hope from Argentina and Bolivia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Zootaxa 4362(1):141-145

Hardy M. & Dupuis F. 2016
Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hemiphileurus Kolbe, 1910, du Pérou (Coleoptera, Dynastidae)
Coléoptères 22(2):13-18

Harington J.S. 1964
The Geographical Distribution of the Black Maize Beetle, Heteronychus sanctae-helenae Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 26(2):438-440

Hariri, G. 1971
A list of recorded insect fauna of Syria. Part 2
Faculty of Agriculture, Unbiversity of Aleppo :1-305 (159-169)

Harold E.von 1859
Beiträge zur Kenntnis einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien. (Erstes Stück)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 3:193-224

Harold E.von 1860
Diagnoses de nouvelle espèces d'Aphodiens
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (3)8:614-616

Harold E.von 1861
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Zweites Stück)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 5:92-115

Harold E.von 1862
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Drittes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 6:138-171

Harold E.von 1862
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Viertes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 6:379-403

Harold E.von 1862
Note sur l'identité de l'Aphodius atramentarius Er. avec L'Aphodius depressus Kugel.
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (Series 4)2(2):301-308

Harold E.von 1863
Note sur les espèces mexicains du genre Phanaeus et descriptions de quelques espèces nouvelles de coléoptères Mexicaines
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 4(3):161-176

Harold E.von 1863
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Fünftes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 7:327-389

Harold E.von 1866
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Sechstes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 10:92-127

Harold E.von 1867
Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Canthidium und ihre nächsten Verwandten
Coleopterologische Hefte 1:1-61

Harold E.von 1867
Zur Synonymie zweier Gymnopleurus-Arten
Coleopterologische Hefte 1:73-75

Harold E.von 1867
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 1:76-83

Harold E.von 1867
Die chilenischen Aphodiden
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 11:278-282

Harold E.von 1867
Die Arten der Gattung Caccobius
Coleopterologische Hefte 2:1-16

Harold E.von 1867
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Onthophagus (I.Theil: Australier und Afrikaner)
Coleopterologische Hefte 2(3):23-59

Harold E.von 1867
Nachtrag zur Bearbeitung der Gattung Canthidium
Coleopterologische Hefte 2:60-93

Harold E.von 1867
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 2:94-100

Harold E.von 1868
Die Choerididen-Gattungen Uroxys und Trichillum
Coleopterologische Hefte 3:33-55

Harold E.von 1868
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 3:80-86

Harold E. 1868
Coleopterologische Hefte 3:93-95

Harold E.von 1868
Coptochirus singularis, eine neue europaische Aphodiinen-Art
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 12:395-396

Harold E.von 1868
Die Arten der Gattung Choeridium
Coleopterologische Hefte 4:32-76

Harold E.von 1868
Monographie der Gattung Canthon
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 12:1-144

Harold E.von 1868
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 4:79-86

Harold E.von 1868
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus und systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 4:95-103

Harold E.von 1868
Abänderungen vergebener Namen
Coleopterologische Hefte 4:104

Harold E.von 1868
Synonymische Notiz über eine Copris-Art
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 29:118-120

Harold E.von 1869
Ueber coprophage Lamellicornien mit besonderer Berücksichtigungen der Pariser Sammlungen
Coleopterologische Hefte 5:46-70

Harold E.von 1869
Tabula synoptica specierum generis Onthophagus ex Australia
Coleopterologische Hefte 5:78-87

Harold E.von 1869
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 5:95-104

Harold E.von 1869
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 5:105-119

Harold E.von 1869
Abanderungen vergebener Namen
Coleopterologische Hefte 5:122-125

Harold E.von 1869
Descriptions de quelques coprophages nouveaux du Bassin de la Mediterranee
L'Abeille 5:429-435

Harold E.von 1869
Die Arten der Gattung Glaphyrus Latr.
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 13:425-445

Harold E.von 1869
Note sur quelques Coprides de Mexique
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (Série 4) 9:493-512

Harold E.von 1869
Révision des espèces qui rentrent dans le genre Pinotus Erichson
L'Abeille 6:123-144

Harold E.von 1870
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 6:94-110

Harold E.von 1870
Die Arten der Gattung Euparia
Coleopterologische Hefte 6:19-30

Harold E.von 1870
Coleopterologische Hefte 6:117-119

Harold E.von 1870
Heyden L.:Entomologische Reise nach dem südlichen Spanien, der Sierra Guadarrama und Sierra Morena, Portugal und dem Cantabrischen Gebirgen
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin Supplement 14:1-218

Harold E.von 1871
Die Arten der Gattung Ammoecius
Coleopterologische Hefte. Munchen 7:1-20

Harold E.von 1871
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte. Munchen 7:112

Harold E.von 1871
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 7:113-119

Harold E.von 1871
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Siebentes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 15:249-287

Harold E.von 1871
Verzeichniss der von Dr.Beccari in Bogos gesammelten coprophagen Lamellicornien
Coleopterologische Hefte. Munchen 8:1-28

Harold E.von 1871
Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 8:114-116

Harold E.von 1871
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte. Munchen 8:117-123

Harold E.von 1872
Monographie der Gattung Trox
Coleopterologische Hefte 9-10:1-192

Harold E.von 1872
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte. Munchen 9-10:204-207

Harold E.von 1873
Über Geotrupes stercorarius und die nächstverwandten Arten
Coleopterologische Hefte 11:87-101

Harold E.von 1873
Diagnosen neuer coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 11:102-105

Harold E.von 1873
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus et systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 11:106-109

Harold E.von 1873
Miscellen. Synonymisches
Coleopterologische Hefte 11:146-147

Harold E.von 1874
Beiträge zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien (Achtes Stuck)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 18:177-208

Harold E.von 1874
Über asiatischen Acanthoceriden
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 35:285-287

Harold E.von 1874
Zur synonymie des Onitis belial (Fabr.)
Coleopterologische Hefte 12:1-3

Harold E.von 1874
Ueber die Ataenius-Arten mit gezahntem Kopfschilde
Coleopterologische Hefte 12(5):15-25

Harold E.von 1874
Zur Kenntnis der kugelförmigen Trogiden
Coleopterologische Hefte 12:26-51

Harold E.von 1874
Berichtigungen und Zusätze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus und systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 12:91-97

Harold E.von 1874
Beschreibung zweier neuer Aphodius-Arten
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 18:174-176

Harold E.von 1874
Beschreibung einer neuen Aphodius-Art
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 18:208

Harold E.von 1875
Verzeichniss der von Dr.Teuscher in Cantagallo gesammlten coprophagen Lamellicornien
Coleopterologische Hefte 13:57-72

Harold E.von 1875
Diagnosen neuer Arten. A)Coprophagen
Coleopterologische Hefte 13:88-94

Harold E.von 1875
Berichtigungen und Zusatze zum Catalogus Coleopterorum synonymicus und systematicus
Coleopterologische Hefte 13:104-108

Harold E.von 1875
Coleopterologische Hefte 13:181-183

Harold E.von 1875
Diagnosen neuer Arten
Coleopterologische Hefte 14(8):137-140

Harold E.von 1875
(Literatur) The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1875
Coleopterologische Hefte 14:184-188

Harold E.von 1875
Verzeichniss der von Herrn T.Lenz in Japan gesammelten coleopteren
Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Bremen 4(3):283-296

Harold E.von 1875
Coleopterologische Hefte 14:208-212

Harold E.von 1875
Neue Coprophagen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 19(1):209-218

Harold E.von 1875
Ueber einige Coprophagen aus Monrovia
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 36:452-456

Harold E.von 1876
Diagnosen neuer Arten
Coleopterologische Hefte 15:118-124

Harold E.von 1876
Verzeichniss der von Herrn H.Leder in Russisch-Georgien gesammelten Coprophagen Lamellicornien
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brunn 14:115-124

Harold E.von 1876
Notice sur les Aphodiides receuillis par M.Camille van Volxem dans l'Amérique du Sud
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles C.R. 19:93-99 (xciii-xcix)

Harold E.von 1876
Coleopterologische Hefte 15:174

Harold E.von 1877
Coleopterorum species novae
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein. Munchen 1:97-111

Harold E.von 1877
Beschreibung eines neuen Aphodius
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein. Munchen 1:112

Harold E.von 1877
Nomenclatorische und synonymische Bemerkungen zur zweiten Ausgabe des Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein. Munchen 1:113-125

Harold E.von 1877
Enumeration des Lamellicorn coprophages rapportes de l'Archipel Malais, de la Nouvelle Guinee et de l'Australie boreale par M.M.J.Doria, O.Beccari et L.M.D'Albertis
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 10:38-110

Harold E.von 1877
Zwei neue sibirische Onthophagus-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 21:333-336

Harold E.von 1877
Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan (Zweites Stuck). Japanische Käfer der Berliner Königl. Museums
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 21(2):337-367

Harold E.von 1878
Bericht über eine Sendung Coleopteren aus Hiogo
Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Bremen 5(1):115-135

Harold E.von 1878
Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan (Viertes Stuck). Japanische Käfer des Berliner Königl. Museums
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 22:65-88

Harold E.von 1878
Diagnosen neuer Coleopteren aus dem innern Africa
Mittheilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein Munchen 2:99-111

Harold E.von 1878
Ueber Coleopteren aus dem tropischen Afrika
Mittheilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein Munchen 2:38-48

Harold E.von 1878
Beschreibungen neuer Coleopteren vozueglich aus dem Sammlungen des Hern.J.M.Hildebrandt in Ostafrika
Monatsbericht der königlichen preussischen Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 43:210-222

Harold E.von 1879
Bericht über die von den Herren A.v.Homeyer und R.Pogge in Angola und im Lunda-Reiche gesammelten Coleopteren
Coleopterologische Hefte 16:1-224 (30-86)

Harold E.von 1879
Diagnosen neuer Arten. A) Scarabaeidae
Coleopterologische Hefte 16:225-232

Harold E.von 1879
Nachtrag zu Stück IV der Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 23:366-368

Harold E.von 1879
Kraatz G.: Ueber die Scarabaeiden des Amur-Gebietes
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 23:229-240

Harold E.von 1879
Beschreibung einer neuen Pachnoda
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein Munchen 3:142

Harold E.von 1879
Neue Coleopteren aus dem Berliner Museum
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 40:329-336

Harold E.von 1880
Descriptions of three new species of coprophagous lamellicorn Coleoptera from Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum. Leiden 2:193-196

Harold E.von 1880
Einige neue Coleopteren
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein Munchen 4:148-171

Harold E.von 1880
Verzeichniss der von E.Steinheil in Neu-Granada gesammlten coprophagen Lamellicornien
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 41:13-46

Harold E.von 1880
On Ataenius monstrosus, Harold
Notes from the Leyden Museum. Leiden 2:198

Harold E.von 1880
Xynophron, a new genus the Scatonomidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum. Leiden 2:199-202

Harold E.von 1880
Note sur quelques espèces du genre Cetonia, des Indes orientales
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles C.R. 23:4-6 (iv-vi)

Harold E.von 1880
Beschreibung neuer, auf einer Reise in Ostafrika, vozüglich in den Distrikten von Taita und Ukamba auf einer Tour von Mombassa nach den Kenia, von Hrn.J.M.Hildebrandt gesammelten Coleopteren
Monatsbericht der königlichen preussischen Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin :260-270

Harold E.von 1880
Einige neue Onthophagen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:349-352

Harold E.von 1881
Einige neue Coleopteren
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Verein Munchen 5:86-92

Harold E.von 1882
Scarabaeidae, Coprini. Veth P.J.: Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expeditie, uitgerust door het aardrijkskundig genootschap 1877-1879, beschreven door de leden der expeditie, onder toezicht van Prof.P.J.Veth. Vierde deel. Natuurlijke Historie. Eerste gedeelte. Fauna. Zesde afdeeling. Coleoptera E.J.Brill, Leiden :24-29

Harold E.von 1883
Einige neue Coprophagen
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 44:429-435

Harold E.von 1886
Beitrage zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Peking in Nord-China mitgeteilt von Dr.L.von Heyden, unter mitwirkung der Herren von Harold und Dr G.Kraatz
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Berlin 30(2):281-292

Harold E.von 1886
Coprophage Lamellicornien
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30(2):141-149

Harpootlian P.J. 2001
Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of South Carolina
Clemson University Public Service Publishing. Clemson:1-157

Harpootlian P.J. & Gordon R.D. & Woodruff R.E. 2000
Review of the genus Leiopsammodius Rakovic (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) in America North of Mexico with descriptions of three new species.
The Coleopterists Bulletin 54(3):292-299

Harris T.W. 1826
Minutes towards a history from some American species of Melolontha particularly injurious to vegetation
The Massachusetts Agricultural Repository and Journal 10:1-12

Harris T.W. 1827
Description of three species of the genus Cremastocheilus
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 5:381-389

Harris T.W. 1839
Remarks upon Scarabaeus goliathus and other african beetles allied to it
Journal of the Essex natural History Society 1:101-107

Harris T.W. 1841
A report on the insects of Massachusetts, injurious to vegetation
Cambridge :1-459

Harris T.W. 1844
Description of an African beetle, allied to Scarabaeus polyphemus, with remarks upon some other insects
Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston 4:397-405

Harris T.W. 1863
A treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation
Cambridge :1-640 (23-45)

Harrison J.Du G. 2004
Revision of the endemic southern African genus Rhabdopholis Burmeister, 1855 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
African Entomology 12(1):39-54

Harrison J.Du G. 2008
First documented record of the tropical genus Xenodorus Brême, 1844 in southern Africa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 45:101-113

Harrison J.Du G. 2009
A taxonomic revision of the African leaf chafer genus Asthenopholis Brenske, 1898 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae): a SEM study
Zootaxa 2225:1-48

Harrison J.Du G. 2009
Synonymic notes on African Dynastinae I: genus Callistemonus Péringuey (including Idioschema Arrow and Syrictoides Endrödi) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 46:81-90

Harrison J.Du G. 2014
Review of the South African species of Pegylis Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) commonly known as large wattle chafers
African Entomology 22(4):685-713

Harrison J.Du G. 2014
A morphological analysis of the subtribe Pegylina Lacroix, 1989 (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Melolonthini) reconstitutes its generic composition
African Entomology 22(4):726-741

Harrison J.Du G. & Philips T.K. 2003
Phylogeny of Scarabaeus (Pachysoma) stat.nov. and related flightless Scarabaeini (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 40:47-71

Harrison J.Du G. & Wingfield M.J. 2015
A taxonomic review of white grubs and leaf chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) recorded from forestry and agricultural crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
Bulletin of Entomological Research 106:141-153

Harrison, J.du G., Byrne, M.J., Scholtz, C.H., Baird, E., Tocco, C., Linander, N. & Dacke, M. 2024
Scarabaeolus carniphilus: a necrophagous dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) buries and feeds on a dead snake
African Entomology 32(e15256):1-4

Harrison J.Du G., Scholtz C.H. & Chown S.L. 2003
A revision of the endemic south-western African dung beetle subgenus Scarabaeus (Pachysoma), including notes on other flightless Scarabaeini (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Journal of Natural History 37:305-355

Hartung G. 1857
Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Inseln Lanzarote und Fuerteventura
Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesamnten Naturwissenchaften, Zürich, 15:1-168 (140)

Harvey D.J., Gange A.C., Hawes C.J. & Rink M. 2011
Bionomics and distribution of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus (L.) across Europe
Insect Conservation and Diversity 4:23-38

Haselböck A. 2018
Rhizotrogus cicatricosus Mulsant, 1843 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) neu für Baden-Württemberg
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 53(2):65-66

Hasenpusch J.W. & Moeseneder C.H. 2010
Storeyus, a new genus and Storeyus pseudodipterus a new species of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Australia, with a redescription of Lenosoma Kraatz
Australian Entomologist 36(4):221-234

Hashimoto S. 1984
A new species of the genus Lucanus of the family Lucanidae inhabitating Taiwan
Iwase 2:23-26,30

Hashmi A.A. & Tashfeen A. 1992
Coleoptera of Pakistan
Proceedings Pakistan Congress of Zoology 12:133-170 (134-135,146-149,154-155,158-161,164-167)

Hass R.W. & Reichenbach A. 2014
Eine neue Art der Gattung Polyphylla Harris von der Insel Rhodos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 58(3):207-210

Hatch M.H. 1926
Notes on Coleoptera from southeastern Oklahoma with a few records from adjacent portions of Texas and Arkansas, including new species
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences 6:142-148

Hatch M.H. 1926
Notes on the Morphology of the Eyes of Coleoptera
Journal of the New York Entomological Society 34(4):343-349

Hatch M.H. 1928
The species of Sinodendron (Lucanidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 4(4):175-176

Hatch M.H. 1930
Records and new species of Coleoptera from Oklahoma and western Arkansas with subsidiary studies
Publications of the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey 2:15-26

Hatch M.H. 1971
The beetles of the Pacific Northwest
Publications in Biology of the University of Washington 16:1-662 (429-485)

Hauser F. 1894
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Transcaspien und Turkestan. Zusammengestellt unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr.Eppelsheim, Escherich, Faust, Dr.von Heyden, Kuwert, Reitter und Weise
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :17-74

Hauser G. 1904
Neue Cetonien-Arten aus Afrika und eine neue Valgus-art aus Neu-Guinea
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1:33-41

Hauser, G., Wermelingen, B., Roth, N. & Chittaro, Y. 2021
Redécouverte d'Aesalus scarabaeoides (Panzer, 1793) en Suisse (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Entomo Helvetica 14:135-139

Hausmann J.F.L. 1807
Beiträge zur Insektenfauna des Vorgebirges der guten Hoffnung
Magazin für Insektekunde. K.Illiger, Braunschweig 6:229-267

Háva J. 2011
Contribution to the knowledge of beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in „Beřkovická obora“ and its surroundings
Elateridarium 5:254-259

Háva J. 2012
Contribution to the knowledge of beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in Hořínský park
Elateridarium 6:61-66

Háva J. 2018
Thirteen teratological beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Cleridae, Chrysomelidae, Dermestidae, Elateridae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Tenebrionidae)
Calodema 627:1-8

Háva J. 2018
Five teratological beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae, Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae, Silphidae)
Calodema 650:1-3

Háva J. 2020
New records and supplements to the published articles about Insecta of „Údolí Únětického potoka Natural Reserve“ and „Roztocký Háj-Tiché údolí Natural Reserve“ – part 4
Elateridarium 14:201-213

Háva, J. 2022
The oldest fossil record of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil
Euroasian Entomological Journal 21(3):164-165

Háva, J. 2023
New records and supplements to the published articles about Insecta of „Údolí Únětického potoka Natural Reserve“ and „Roztocký Háj-Tiché údolí Natural Reserve“ – part 6
Elateridarium 17:41-48

Háva J. & Vaclavik M. 2020
Teratological beetles of Lucanidae (Coleoptera) from the Philippines
Calodema 780:1-3

Hawkeswood T.J. 1992
Diphucephala bernhardti sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) From heathlands of nord-eastern New South Wales, Australia and its association with Hibbertia flowers (Dilleniaceae)
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 6:109-117

Hawkeswood T.J. 2006
Review of literature and the biology of the Australian Ceratocanthidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Calodema 7:8-11

Hawkeswood T.J. 2006
Description of the pupa of Ryssonotus nebulosus (Kirby, 1818) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with a review of the biology of adults and notes on larval host plants
Calodema 6:1-2

Hawkeswood T.J. 2006
Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Shell Picture Card series:Passalidae
Calodema Supplementary Paper 41:1-2

Hawkeswood T.J. & Bomans H.E. 1992
Notes on a small collection of Lucanidae from northern Papua New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera)
Spixiana 15(2):137-142

Hawkeswood T.J. & Sommung B. 2016
The Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (L., 1758) in Lat Krabang Park, Bangkok, Thailand with notes on its biology and a new larval host plant
Calodema 422:1-5

Hawkeswood T.J. & Sommung B. 2017
A record of the nocturnal/diurnal scarab beetle, Xylotrupes mniszechi Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from the farming district of Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, with notes on adult feeding on guava fruits
Calodema 581:1-5

Hawkeswood T.J. & Sommung B. 2019
A new record of the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (L., 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from near Kantharalak, Sisaket Province, Thailand
Calodema 707:1-4

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2018
First record of the scarab beetle, Anomala grandis (Hope, 1840) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand
Calodema 611:1-2

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2018
First record of the brown geotrupid beetle, Bolbohamatum drescheri Krikken, 1980 subsp. birmanicum (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Thailand with notes on its habitat
Calodema 625:1-4

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2018
First record of the cetonid beetle, Glycyphana horsfieldii (Hope, 1831) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand
Calodema 628:1-3

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2018
First record of the cetonid beetle, Campsiura nigripennis (Schaum, 1841) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand
Calodema 635:1-4

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2020
First record of the dung beetle, Onitis siva Gillett, 1911 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Sisaket Province, Thailand
Calodema 805:1-3

Hawkeswood T.J., Sommung B. & Sommung A. 2020
First record of the flower chafer, Protaetia niveoguttata Janson, 1876 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Sisaket Province, Thailand
Calodema 806:1-3

Hawkeswood, T.J., Sommung, B. & Sommung, A. 2020
First record of the flower chafer, Ixorida mouhotii (Wallace, 1867) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Sisaket Province, Thailand
Calodema 865:1-3

Hawkins S.J. 2006
A revision of the Chilean tribe Lichniini Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Zootaxa 1266:1-63

Hawks D.C. 1995
Plusiotis alfredolaui, a new sibling species of P. badeni Boucard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Insecta Mundi 9(3-4):273-276

Hawks D.C. 1999
A review of the Plusiotis marginata complex including the description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Occasional Papers of the Consortium Coleopterorum 3(1):21-29

Hawks D.C. 2001
Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in Chrysina and synonymic checklist of species (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Occasional Papers of the Consortium Coleopterorum 3(1):1-8

Hawks D.C. 2017
Five new species of Chrysina Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Insecta Mundi 544:1-9

Hawks D.C. 2020
Two new species of Chrysina Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Insecta Mundi 813:1-6

Hawks D.C. & Bruyea G.P. 1999
Chrysina cavei, a new species from Honduras (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Occasional Papers of the Consortium Coleopterorum 3(1):15-20

Haworth A.H. 1807
A brief account of some rare and interesting insects not hitherto announced as inhabitants of Great Britain
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1 (1):75-100

Hayashi M. 2001
Fossil record of Liatongus phanaeoides (Westwood) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from the Lower Pleistocene in Saitama Prefecture, Japan
The Entomological Review of Japan 56(2):67-68

Hayashi M. & Harusawa K. 1999
Two extant species of the genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from the Pleistocene in Central Japan
Elytra 27(1):185-189

Von Hayek C.M.E. 1985
On the type material of the species of Coleoptera described from the Drury collection by D.Drury and J.C.Fabricius with notes on some Coleoptera from the Milne collection preserved in the British Museum (Natural History)
Archives of Natural History 12(1):143-152

Hayes, W.P. 1922
The External Morphology of Lachnosterna crassissima Blanch. (Scarabaeidae, Coleopt.)
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 41(1):1-28

Hayes W.P. 1925
A comparative study of the history of certain phytophagous Scarabaeid beetles
Kansas State Agricultural College, Technical Bulletin 16:3-146

Hayes W.P. 1929
Morphology, Taxonomy, and Biology of Larval Scarabaeoidea
Illinois Biological Monographs 12(2):7-119

Hayes W.P. & McColloch J.W. 1924
A new species of Anomala (Coleop. Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 35:138-140

Heath E.A. 1900
LIII - Description of a new Cetoniid Beetle from East Africa
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 7(5):397-399

Heath E.A. 1900
Miscellaneous. Goliathinus (Sphyrorrhina) Wisei
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 7(5):546

Heath E.A. 1903
Description of a new Cetoniid beetle from British East Africa
Entomologist 36:98

Heath E.A. 1904
Description of two new Cetonid Beetles from British East Africa
Entomologist 37:101-102

Heer O. 1841
Fauna Coleopterorum Helvetica (v.1:II-III;1838-1842)
Orelii, Fuesslini et Sociorum. Turici 1:493-553

Heer O. 1847
Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Erste Abtheilung: Käfer
Neue Denkschriften der allg. schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften 8:1-229 (60-74)

Heer O. 1862
Beiträge zur Insektenfauna Oeningens. Coleoptera. Geodephagen, Hydrocanthoriden, Gyriniden, Brachekytren, Clavicornen, Lamellicornen, Buprestiden
Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem 16(2):1-90

Heer O. 1865
Die Urwelt der Schweiz
Schultheß: Zürich. XXIX:1-622, 19 plates

Heer O. 1870
Die miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens
Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 8(7):1-98

Held D.W. & Ray C.H. 2009
Asiatic Garden Beetle Maladera castanea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Grubs Found in Damaged Turf in Alabama
Florida Entomologist 92(4):670-672

Helfer I.G. 1833
Nova species Europaea sectionis Trichidum
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris :495-497

Helgesen, R.G. & Post, R.L. 1967
Saprophagous Scarabaeidae of North Dakota
North Dakota Insects-publication Department of Entomology, Agriculture Experimental Station, North Dakota State University 7:1-60

Heller K.M. 1891
Die mit der Ruteliden-Gattung Singhala Burm. Verwandten Gattungen und Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :289-306

Heller K.M. 1893
Über einige Anomala-Arten aus Luzon
Entomologische Nachrichten 19:321-325

Heller K.M. 1895
Erster Beitrag zur Papuanischen Kaeferfauna
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 5(16):1-17

Heller K.M. 1895
Zwei neue Cetoniden von den Philippinen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :281-285

Heller K.M. 1896
Neue Käfer von Celebes gesammelt von den Herren Dr.P. und Dr.F.Sarasin
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden (1897) 6(3):1-25

Heller K.M. 1897
Neue Käfer von Celebes II
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden (1896) 6(10):1-36

Heller K.M. 1897
Zwei neue Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Callynomes Westw.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:177-183

Heller K.M. 1897
Über Camelonotus Fairm., Horonotus Burm., Neodipelicus Rits. und Palmerstonia Blackb.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:163-173

Heller K.M. 1897
Zweiter Beitrag zur papuanischen Käferfauna
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 6(11):1-7

Heller K.M. 1897
Note XXI. Zwei neue Apogonien von den Philippinen
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:189-193

Heller, K.M. 1897
Lamellicornia melitophila. Catalogus systematicus Cetonidarum et Trichiidarum ad huc cognitarum von Dr. G. Schoch. Zürich 1896
Entomologische Nachrichten 23:49-55

Heller K.M. 1898
Neue Käfer von Celebes III
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 7(3):1-41

Heller K.M. 1899
Neue Käfer von den Philippinen
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 7(8):1-8

Heller K.M. 1899
Neue und wenig gekannte Thaumastopaeus-Arten
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :353-362

Heller K.M. 1899
Neue und wenig bekannte Lomapteren
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 8(4):1-14

Heller K.M. 1900
Neue Käfer von Celebes IV
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 9(5):1-46

Heller K.M. 1900
Über die corsicanischen Variëtäten der Cetonia aurata
Entomologische Nachrichten 26:54-57

Heller K.M. 1902
Dritter Beitrag zur papuanischen Käferfauna
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 10(2):1-20

Heller K.M. 1903
Eine neue Art der Cetoniden-Gattung Bothrorrhina aus Madagascar
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :167-168

Heller K.M. 1903
Sechs neue Käfer aus Deutsch Neu-Guinea
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :305-314

Heller K.M. 1904
Bothrorrhina Nickerli m.(female)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :12

Heller K.M. 1905
Zehn neue Käfer aus Neu-Guinea
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 49(2):65-76

Heller K.M. 1907
Eine neuer Aclopidae aus Argentinien
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :55-58

Heller K.M. 1907
Synonymische und andere auf die Systematik bezügliche Notizen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :58-59

Heller K.M. 1910
Fünfter Beitrag zur papuanischen Käferfauna, hauptsächlich auf Grund der Ausbeute von Dr.Schlaginhaufen
Abhandlungen der Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologische-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 13(3):1-42

Heller K.M. 1911
Beschreibung neuer Käfer aus Celebes. Note XXX
Notes from the Leyden Museum 34:171-174

Heller K.M. 1911
Eine dritte Morokia-Art aus Neu-Guinea
Deutsche entomologische National-Bibliothek 2(16):125

Heller K.M. 1911
Eine neue Ceracupes-Art aus Formosa
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 55:256-257

Heller K.M. 1912
Ein neuer Dynastinae (Col.) aus Neu-Guinea
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Amsterdam 55:307-310

Heller K.M. 1912
Neuheiten aus Herrn v. Bennigsen's Sammlung von Coleopteren aus den deutschen Kolonien. 1. Neue Lamellicornier aus Deutsch-Neuguinea
Entomologische Mitteilungen 1:109-111

Heller K.M. 1913
Über Papuana und Clyster
Entomologische Blätter Berlin 9:38-45

Heller K.M. 1914
Coleoptera von Seram (Ceram) und Bali (Zoologische Ergebnisse der II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 3:293-315

Heller K.M. 1914
Neue papuanische Kafer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 58:305-318

Heller K.M. 1914
Coleoptera. Résultats de l'expédition scientifique Néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée
Nova Guinea 9:615-666 (624-639)

Heller K.M. 1915
Macronota (Coelodera) diardi G.P. und niasica Schoch
Entomologische Blätter 11(4-6):83-86

Heller K.M. 1915
Ein neuer Cyclommatus (Col.)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 4:291-293

Heller K.M. 1916
Die Käfer von Neu-Kaledonien und den benachtbaren Inselgruppen
C.W.Kreidels Verlag. Wiesbaden. Sarasin F. & Roux J. Nova Caledonia. A.Zoologia 2:229-365

Heller K.M. 1917
Ueber Nigidius-Arten von Formosa und den Philippinen (Col.)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 6:170-174

Heller K.M. 1918
Cantholethrus peruvianus sp.n. (Col. Lucanidae)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 7:74-77

Heller K.M. 1921
Systematische und faunistische Notizen über Käfer
Entomologische Mitteilungen 10(6):195-198

Heller K.M. 1923
Die Coleopterenausbeute der Stötznerschen Sze-Tchwan-Expedition (1913-1915)
Entomologische Blätter 19(2):61-79

Heller K.M. 1924
Ein neuer Leptinopterus (Col. Lucanidae)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 13(2/3):63-64

Heller K.M. 1927
Drei neue Lucaniden von den Philippinen und Borneo (Col.)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 16(3):210-214

Heller K.M. 1929
Faunistische, systematische und andere Notizen über Käfer
Entomologische Blätter 25(1):43-46

Heller K.M. 1929
Megaceras chorinaeus F. var.n.?
Societas Entomologica 44(10):40

Heller K.M. 1933
A new species of Ischiopsopha (Col.: Scarabaeidae)
Stylops 2(2):48

Heller K.M. 1934
New and little-known Philippine Coleoptera
The Philippine Journal of Science 54(2):279-308

Hellmann V. 1985
Weitere funde von Propomacrus bimucronatus Pallas 1781 in Griechenland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenbörse 95(5):63-64

Hellwig J.C.L. 1792
Schneider's Neuestes Magazin für die Liebhaber der Entomologie 1(5):391

Hellwig J.C.L. 1798
Ankündigungen neuer Bücher
Intelligenzblatt der Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung 13:100-102

Hendrichs J. & Reyes-Castillo P. 1963
Asociacion entre coleopteros de la familia Passalidae y hormigas (Ins.)
Ciencia, Mexico 22(4):101-104

Hennuy J.J. 1997
Variété nouvelle d'Eudicella woermanni woermanni Kraatz 1890 du Mont Cameroen. Eudicella woermanni woermanni alexisi nov.var.
Lambillionea 97(4):539-542

Hensen M.C., Hernández M.I.M. & Lobo J.M. 2021
Predicted distributions could suggest regional sympatry in spite of local allopatry: The case of the dung beetle Canthon rutilans Castelnau, 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological Science 24(2):143-151

Hensen M.C., Hernández M.I.M., da Silva P.G., Amore V. & Lobo J.M. 2018
Distribution of Canthon rutilans rutilans and Canthon rutilans cyanescens along spatio-temporal and temperature gradients
Insects 9(4)124:1-10

Hentz N. M. 1827
Descriptions of some new species of North American Insects
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 5:373-375

Hentz N. M. 1830
Descriptions of eleven new species of North American Insects
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 3:253-258

Hepp A. 1931
Typhoeus (Ceratophyus) typhoeus L., fulvopubens (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Entomologischer Anzeiger 11:431

Hepp A. 1934
Lucanus cervus ab. ornatus Bernau (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Entomologischer Anzeiger 14:84

Hepp A. 1939
Cetonia aurata L. in Nordwürttemberg und Beschreibung neuer Formen von Cetonia aurata und Potosia cuprea F. (Col. Scarab.)
Entomologische Rundschau 56(17):169-172

Herbst J.F.W. 1779
Beschreibung und Abbildung einiger theils neuer, theils noch nicht abgebildeter Insecten
Beschäftigungen der Berlinischen Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. Berlin 4:314-326

Herbst J.F.W. 1782
Bemerkungen über Laichartings Verzeichnis und Beschreibung der Tyroler Insecten
Füessly, Neues Magazin für die Liebhaber der Entomologie 1:307-325

Herbst J.F.W. 1783
Kritisches Verzeichniss meiner Insektensammlung
Archives des Insektenkunde. Fuessly, Zurich 4:1-72

Herbst J.F.W. 1784
Verzeichniss seiner Insektensammlung. Fortsetzung
Archiv des Insektengeschichte. Fuessly, Zurich 5(1):73-128

Herbst J.F.W. 1784
Verzeichniss seiner Insektensammlung. Fortsetzung
Archiv des Insektengeschichte. Fuessly, Zurich 5(2):129-151

Herbst J.F.W. 1785
Der Käfer. Jablonsky C.G.: Natursystem aller bekannten in- und auslandischen Insecten, als eine Fortsetzung der von Büffonschen Naturgeschichte. Nach dem System des Ritters von Linné und Fabricius
Ben Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1:1-310

Herbst J.F.W. 1786
Erste Mantisse zum Verzeichniss der ersten Klasse meiner Insecten-Sammlung
Füessly J. C.: Archiv der Insectengeschichte 7-8:153-182

Herbst J.F.W. 1786
Fortsetzung des Verzeichniss seiner Insektensammlung
Archiv des Insektengeschichte. Fuessly, Zurich 5(2):183-196

Herbst J.F.W. 1789
Der Käfer. Jablonsky C.G.: Natursystem aller bekannten in- und auslandischen Insecten, als eine Fortsetzung der von Büffonschen Naturgeschichte. Nach dem System des Ritters von Linné und Fabricius
Ben Joachim Pauli, Berlin 2:1-330

Herbst J.F.W. 1790
Natursystem aller bekannten in und auslandischen Insecten; nach dem system des Ritters Carl von Linné bearbeitet; von C.G.Jablonsky fortgesetz von J.F.W.Herbst. Kafer
Ben Joachim Pauli, Berlin 3:1-325

Hernandez A.M. & Deloya C. 2002
Interacción entre Trogidos (Coleoptera: Trogidae) y tortugas marinas en el Pacífico Mexicano
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 87:29-46

Hernandez B. & Navarrete-Heredia J.L. 2017
New records for the family Ochodaeidae from Jalisco, Mexico
Southwestern Entomologist, Dallas 42(2):597-600

Hernández, B. & Navarrete-Heredia, J.L. 2018
Annotated Checklist and Biogeographical Affinities of Scarabaeinae Beetles from Los Altos de Jalisco Region, Mexico
Southwestern Entomologist, Dallas 43(1):131-148

Hernández, B., Maes, J.M. & Solís, A. 2020
Scarabaeinae (Scarabaeidae) de Cerro de Jesús (Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua) y redescubrimiento de Copris maesi Ratcliffe
Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 176:3-47

Hernández, B., Maes, J.M., Vargas, G., Toruño, N. & Zeas, L. 2022
Copris maesi Ratcliffe (Scarabaeidae) en Selva Negra, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 273:3-14

Hernandez B., Navarrete-Heredia J.L. & Deloya C. 2014
New Record of Germarostes (Haroldostes) viridulus (Bates, 1887) (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae) from Jalisco, Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(4):772-773

Hernández, B., Navarrete-Heredia, J.L., Vásquez-Bolaños, M., Quiroz-Rocha, G.A. & Deloya, C. 2022
Necrophagous Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea and Silphidae) along an Elevational Gradient from Cerro de García, Jalisco, México
The Coleopterists Bulletin 76(2):143-156

Hernández, B., Rivera-Rodriguez, D.M., González-Leal, I. & Rodriguez, W.D. 2024
Records of Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on Blackberry Plants (Rubus ulmifolius Schott; Rosaceae) in Western Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin 78(2):296-299

Hernández, B., Solís, A., Vargas, G., Toruño, N. & Zeas, L. 2022
Canthidium vespertinum (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de Selva Negra (Matagalpa) nuevo reporte para la fauna de Nicaragua
Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 276:3-10

Hernández-Cruz J., Guzmán-Vásquez H.M., Aquino-Boanose T., Jiron-Pablo E. & Granados-Echegoyen C.A. 2019
Phyllophaga (Chirodines) moroni (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) a new species from Oaxaca, Mexico
Florida Entomologist 102(1):121-124

Hernández-Cruz J., Guzmán-Vásquez H.M., Pacheco R.P. & Granados-Echegoyen C.A. 2019
A new host record for Euphoria spp. Burmeister (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Cetoniinae) in Oaxaca, Mexico: Tagetes patula (Asteraceae)
Florida Entomologist 102(1):236-239

Hernandez-Cruz J., Morón M.A., Ruiz-Vega J., Sanchez-Garcia J.A., Martinez-Martinez L. & Perez-Pacheco R. 2014
Bionomía de las especies de Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) en Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana 30(1):144-160

Hernandez-Cruz J., Morón M.A. & Sanchez-Garcia J.A. 2014
Species richness of the Genus Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in the North of the State of Veracruz, Mexico
Southwestern Entomologist Dallas 39:647-650

Hernandez-Cruz J., Morón M.A. & Sanchez-Garcia J.A. 2015
Two New Species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae) from Oaxaca, Mexico
Southwestern Entomologist Dallas 40(3):503-509

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Listado de especies del género Phyllophaga Harris 1827 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) en el estado de Oaxaca
Entomología Mexicana 3:924−929

Hernández-López N., Delgado L. & Burgos-Solorio A. 2016
Description of the Female of Ischnoscelis hoepfneri (Gory and Percheron) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), Notes on the Species Behavior, and a Key to the Species of the Genus
The Coleopterists Bulletin 70(2):387-390

Hernandez-Martinez G. & Castillo M.L 2003
Modified Logs as a Means for Rearing and Observing Sapwood/Heartwood Dwelling Passalids (Coleoptera: Passalidae) in the Laboratory
The Coleopterists Bulletin 57(2):243-244

Hernandez-Ruiz J.A. & Perez-Lopez F.J. 1998
Nuevos registros de Melolonthinae para la provincia de Granada (sureste de la Península Ibérica) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 21:15-17

Herrera L. & Rey M.A. 1985
Contribución al conocimiento de los coleopteros escarabeideos de Navarra (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Principe de Viana. Suplemento Ciencias 5:243-269

Hesse A.J. 1948
Notes on the sub-family Acanthocerinae (Col. Scarabaeidae) and descriptions of new species from Natal and Zululand
Annals of the Natal Museum 11(2):377-393

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Gliederthiere aus der Braunkohle des Niederrhein’s, der Wetterau und der Röhn
Palaeontographica 10:62-82

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Käfer und Polypen aus der Braunkohle des Siebengebirges
Palaeontographica 15:131-156

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Zur Synonymik der europäischen Coleopteren
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 8:318-328

Heyden L. 1870
Entomologische Reise nach südlichen Spanien
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift Supplement 14:(115-116)

Heyden L. 1870
Revision der europäischen Hymenoplia-Arten
Entomologische Reise Südlichen Spanien :177-183

Heyden L. 1875
Beiträge zur Europaischen Käferfauna: Nachtrag zur Revision der Europaischen Hymenoplia Arten
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 19:377-379

Heyden L. 1877
Die Käfer von Nassau und Frankfurt
Wiesbaden. Julius Niedner :1-358 (50-70)

Heyden L. 1878
Diagnoses Coleopterorum aliquot novorum in Japonia a Dom.Prof.J.J.Rein, Doct.phil., collectorum
Bericht über die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft (1878-79) :87-88

Heyden L. 1879
Die coleopterologische Ausbeute des Prof.Dr.Rein in Japan 1874-1875
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 23:321-347

Heyden L. 1880
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien, mit Einschluss derjenigen der Turanischen Länder, Turkestans und der chinesischen Grenzgebiete
Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Berlin 1-224 (68-86)

Heyden L. 1883
Zwei neue Käfer von Creta
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):368

Heyden L. 1886
Zusammenstellung der von Herrn von seiner Reise in den Provinzen Alger und Constantine, sowie von Tunis mitgebrachten Coleopteren
Bericht über die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft (1885-86) :35-57

Heyden L. 1886
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Peking in Nord-China
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30:281-292

Heyden L. 1886
Die Coleopteren-Fauna des Suyfun-Flusses (Amur)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30:269-277

Heyden L. 1887
Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Coleopteren-Fauna der Amurlander
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31:297-304

Heyden L. 1887
Bericht über die von den Herren Prof. Dr. Freiherrn von Fritsch und Prof. Dr. Rein in Marocco und dem Atlas-Gebirge gesammelten Käfer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31:433-448

Heyden L. 1887
Verzeichnis der von Otto Herz auf der chinesischen Halbinsel Korea gesammelten Coleopteren
Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae. Moscov 21:243-273

Heyden L. 1889
Insecta, a cl.G.N.Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. XII.Scarabaeidae, Cantharidae, Cleridae, Lagriidae, Melandruidae, Pedilida, Anthricidae. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren J.Bourgois, Fairmaire und Dr.Kraatz
Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae. Moscov 23:654-677

Heyden L. 1889
Descriptiones Coleopterorum novorum Regionis Palaearcticae
Deutschen Entomologische Zeitschrift (2):325-330

Heyden L. 1889
Die Varietäten des Trichius fasciatus L. und abdominalis Ménétr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):385-388

Heyden L. 1890
Aufzählung von Käfer-Arten aus Tunis und Tripolis aus Loosen von M. Quedenfeldt
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:65-75

Heyden L. 1892
XV. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan, Turkmenien und Süd-West-Sibirien
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):105-110

Heyden L. 1893
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien, mit Einschluss derjenigen des östlichen Caspi-Gebietes von Turcmenien, Turkestan, Nord-Thibet und des Amur-Gebietes. Nachtrag I
Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Berlin 1:1-217 (68-86)

Heyden L. 1896
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien, mit Einschluss derjenigen des östlichen Caspi-Gebietes von Turcmenien, Turkestan, Nord-Thibet und des Amur-Gebietes. Nachtrag II
Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Berlin 2:1-84 (43-54)

Heyden L. 1898
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien, mit Einschluss derjenigen des östlichen Caspi-Gebietes von Turcmenien, Turkestan, Nord-Thibet und des Amur-Gebietes. Nachtrag III
Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft Berlin 3:1-24 (18-20)

Heyden L. 1899
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna der Halbinseln Sinai
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 43(2):240-256

Heyden L. 1904
Die Käfer von Nassau und Frankfurt. II. Auflage
Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft :1-425 (381-398)

Heyden L. 1913
Die Coleopteren Ausbeute der Dr Ernst Hartert aus der Centralen West Sahara 1912
Novitates Zoologicae 20:85-108

Heyden L. & Faust J. 1888
Beiträge zur Kleinasiatischen Coleopteren-Fauna
Deutschen Entomologische Zeitschrift 32(1):45-47

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1881
Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Turkestan
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25:321-323

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1882
Käfer um Margelan, gesammelt von Haberhauer, aufgezählt von L.v.Heyden und G.Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):99-118

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1883
Käfer aus Tekke-Turcmenien
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):354-360

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1883
Käfer aus Osch (Turkestan)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):337-353

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1884
Neue Käfer-Arten aus Osch (Turkestan)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 28(1):217-228

Heyden L. & Kraatz G. 1885
Beiträge zur turkestanischen Coleopteren-Fauna
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:273-298

Heyden L., Reitter E. & Weise J. 1883
Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae et Caucasi. Editio Tertia
Berolini, Libraria Nicolai :1-228 (93-102)

Heyden L., Reitter E. & Weise J. 1891
Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae rossicae
E. Reitter ed., Mödling :1-420 (177-194)

Heyden L., Reitter E. & Weise J. 1906
Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae rossicae, editio secunda
E. Reitter ed., Paskau :1-774 (715-751)

Heyne A. & Taschenberg O. 1907
Die Exotischen Käfer in Wort und Bild
G.Reusche. Leipzig:1-262

Hidalgo J.M., Bach C. & Cárdenas A.M. 1998
Los Scarabaeoidea coprófagos (Coleoptera) de las comarcas naturales de la provincia de Córdoba: I. Aphodiidae
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 22(3-4):9-36

Hidalgo J.M., Bach C. & Cárdenas A.M. 1998
Los Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) coprófagos de las comarcas naturales de la provincia de Córdoba: II. Trogidae, Geotrupidae y Scarabaeidae
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 22(3-4):203-230

Hielkema A.J. 2017
Some corrections and remarks regarding the nomenclature of Neotropical Athyreini, Passalini, Phanaeini, Rutelini, Cyclocephalini, Dynastini and Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Insecta Mundi 0561:1-18

Hielkema A.J. 2018
Correction of the priority of Macraspis concoloripes (Blanchard, 1851) over its subspecies Macraspis concoloripes ratcliffi Soula, 2005 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Rutelini: Rutelina)
Insecta Mundi 0674:1-3

Hielkema, A.J. 2022
The referential abbreviations used by Linnaeus and other authors from 1758 through 1779 for describing species of Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Insecta Mundi 0949:1-93

Hielkema A.J. & Hielkema M.A. 2019
An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas
Insecta Mundi 0732:1-306

Hielkema, M. A. 2023
Cyclocephala kuijteni (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini), a new species from Suriname
Insecta Mundi 1006:1-6

Hilje L. & Cubillo D. 2017
Estacionalidad de Adultos de Melolonthidae (Coleoptera) en las Estribaciones del Volcán Irazú, Costa Rica
Southwestern Entomologist 42(3):821-831

Hiller A. 1990
Notes on systematics and biology of Trichaulax Kraatz (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Australian Entomological Magazine. Greenwich 17(4) 117-130

Hillert O. 2004
Lethrus (Paralethrus) crassus sp.n. from Uzbekistan (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Linzer Biologische Beiträge 36(2):823-839

Hillert O. 2010
Faunistisch interessante Funde von Blattkäfern im Großraum Berlin (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Märkische Entomologische Nachrichten 12(1):143-147

Hillert O. & Král D. 2013
Description of two new Ceratophyus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) species from the Mediterranean region along with annotated checklist of the genus
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 77:173-186

Hillert, O. & Rössner, E. 2023
Zwei Unterarten von Chaetopteroplia segetum (Herbst, 1783) in Deutschland (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Anomalini)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 67:53-57

Hillert, O. & Rössner, E. 2023
On the taxonomic position of Lethrus (Autolethrus) afghanus Král & Olexa, 1996 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae)
Mitteilungen der münchner entomologischen Gesellschaft 113:41-54

Hillert O.& Sechi D. 2014
Lethrus (Lehrus) baiocchii nov. sp. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Iran
Linzer Biologische Beiträge 46(1):703-722

Hillert O., Arnone M., Král D. & Massa B. 2016
The genus Bolbelasmus in the western and southern regions of the Mediterranean Basin (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Bolboceratinae)
Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 56(1):211-254

Hillert O., Král D. & Schneider J. 2012
Synopsis of the Iberian Chelotrupes species (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologia Bohemoslovaca 76:1-44

Hillert, O., Král, D., Bagaturov, M. & Chuluunbaatar, G. 2024
Lethrus (Heteroplistodus) kucerai (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Lethrinae), a new species from China
Zootaxa 5529(1):123-143

Hillert O., Rössner E., Navarro J. & Urbano J.M. 2019
Revision of the Melolontha papposa-complex from the Iberian Peninsula with description of three new species (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Melolonthini)
Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 109:5-33

Hillert O., Schönfeld J. & Ziani S. 2019
On taxonomic status of Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) macedonicus Mikšić, 1959 and of the subspecies of O. (P.) truchmenus Kolenati, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 82(3-4):131-149

Hincks W.D. 1931
Notes on the Passalidae. 1.The African genus Erionomus
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 67:127-130

Hincks W.D. 1932
Notes on Passalidae (Col.) from Sudest Island
Stylops 1(5):97-99

Hincks W.D. 1933
Notes on the Passalidae (Coleoptera). 3. New synonymy and some little-known species with the description of a new Publius
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 69:175-182

Hincks W.D. 1933
On the species of Labienus (Col. Passalidae) related to L. trigonophorus, Zang
Stylops 2(7):156-158

Hincks W.D. 1933
The Passalidae of the Belgian Congo
Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society London 81(1):53-65

Hincks W.D. 1933
Notes on the Passalidae. 2. Flightless species
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 69:10-13

Hincks W.D. 1934
A revision of the Madagascan Passalidae (Coleoptera)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 10(8):561-576

Hincks W.D. 1934
Notes on the Passalidae (Coleoptera). 4. The Proculine genus Verres Kaup
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 70:55-59

Hincks W.D. 1934
Notes on the Passalidae (Coleoptera). 5. Synonymic notes, with the descriptions of a new genus and new species
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 70:151-157; 270-274

Hincks W.D. 1935
Notes on the Passalidae (Coleoptera). 5. Synonymic notes, with the descriptions of a new genus and new species (Continued)
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 71:50-54

Hincks W.D. 1936
Results of the Oxford University Expedition to Borneo, 1932. Passalidae (Coleoptera)
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 72:155-159

Hincks W.D. 1937
Passalidae (Col.) from Papua collected by Miss L.E. Cheesman
Nova Guinea (N.S.) 1:112-124

Hincks W.D. 1938
Passalid Coleoptera from the Celebes
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 7(11):244-248

Hincks W.D. 1938
Some new Macrolininae (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 7(1):14-17

Hincks W.D. 1938
Passalidae (Coleoptera) from the Cyclops mountains, Dutch New Guinea
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 74:175-177

Hincks W.D. 1940
Preliminary key to the "Petrejus" section of the genus Passalus (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 11(6):486-496

Hincks W.D. 1949
Systematic and synonymic notes on Passalidae (Col.)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 12(2):56-64

Hincks W.D. 1950
Systematic and Faunistic notes on American Passalidae (Col.)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 12(3):1033-1047

Hincks W.D. 1951
A note on "Passalus cornutus Fabricius" (Passalidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 5(1):12-13

Hincks W.D. 1952
Passalidae (Col.) from Sumba, Flores and Timor. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Sumba-Expedition des Museums für Völkerkunde und des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel, 1949
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Basel 63(2):307-309

Hincks W.D. 1953
The Passalidae (Ins. Col.) of El Salvador
Senckenbergiana 34(1/3):29-35

Hincks W.D. 1954
La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. XVI.Coléoptères Passalides
Mémoires de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire. Dakar 40(2):207-208

Hincks W.D. 1956
Notes on Passalid Coleoptera from New Guinea with the descriptions of two new species
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 25(1):117-120

Hincks W.D. & Dibb, J.R. 1932
Passalidae of the Kei Islands
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 68:220-222

Hincks W.D. & Dibb J.R. 1935
Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio. Passalidae
.Junk, 's-Gravenhage Pars 142:1-118

Hincks W.D. & Dibb J.R. 1935
A new genus and species of Passalidae (Col.) from Australia
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 71:272-274

Hincks W.D. & Dibb J.R. 1958
Coleopterorum Catalogus Supplementa Passalidae
W.Junk, 's-Gravenhage Pars 142:3-32

Hinson K.R. 2014
The Oriental Beetle Anomala orientalis Waterhouse (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Charleston, South Carolina, and its Status in the Southeastern United States
Entomological News 124(1):64-66

Hinson K.R. & Chong J-H. 2011
New State Record for Phyllophaga inepta (Horn) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from South Carolina, U.S.A.
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(2):192-193

Hinton H.E. 1934
Two genera of Aphodiinae new to Mexico (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 10(1):27-30

Hinton H.E. 1934
A new name for Aphodium smithi Brown (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 45:277

Hinton H.E. 1934
Xenoheptaulacus, new genus of Aphodiinae from Panama (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 27(4):613-615

Hinton H.E. 1934
Notes on Aphodius in the cadaverinus group with a description of a new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 66:218-220

Hinton H.E. 1934
A new name for Ataenius consors Fall (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 66(5):119

Hinton H.E. 1934
New species of North American Aphodius (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Stylops 3(8):188-200

Hinton H.E. 1934
A second species of the genus Termitodius (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Revista de Entomologia. Rio de Janeiro 4:340-342

Hinton H.E. 1934
A Correction. Aphodius colimaensis, nom.n.
Stylops 3(9):200

Hinton H.E. 1936
Studies in the Mexican and Central American Eupariini (Coleoptera-Scarabaeidae)
University of California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley 6:273-276

Hinton H.E. 1936
XLII - New species of Ataenius allied to A. cribrithorax Bates (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 10(17):413-428

Hinton H.E. 1936
Descriptions of new American Ataenius with notes on others (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 10(20):177-196

Hinton H.E. 1936
A new species of Ataenius from Mexico (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Revista de Entomologia. Rio de Janeiro 6(3-4):471-474

Hinton H.E. 1937
Ataenius Chapini sp n from Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington 39(1):3-8

Hinton H.E. 1938
New species of Neotropical Aphodiinae (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Revista de Entomologia. Rio de Janeiro 8(1-2):122-129

Hintz E. 1896
Argyrophegges Kolbei
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (1):359

Hirai Y., Akino T., Wakamura S. & Arakaki N. 2008
Morphological and chemical comparison of males of the white grub beetle Dasylepida ishigakiensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) among four island populations in the Sakishima Islands of Okinawa
Applied Entomology and Zoology 43(1):65-72

Hirasawa H. 1983
(A record of Lucanus swinhoei Parry in Taiwan)
Gekkan-Mushi 150:31

Hirasawa H. 1985
Description of a new beetle belonging to the genus Gastromaladera from Taiwan (Sericinae)
Lamellicornia. Tokyo 1:13-15

Hirasawa H. 1987
Notes on the genus Sericania I, The variation of Sericania ohirai Sawada, and its near allied species, with a description of new ones
Lamellicornia, Tokyo 3:11-20

Hirasawa H. 1987
Notes on the genus Sericania II, On the distribution and variation of Sericania lewisi Arrow
Lamellicornia, Tokyo 3:43-52

Hirasawa H. 1989
Descriptions of two species of the genus Fruhstorferia from Malay peninsula and northern Thailand (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Gekkan-Mushi. Tokyo 224:4-10

Hirasawa, H. 1990
Some notes on the Genus Anthypna from eastern Asia (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Lamellicornia, Tokyo 6:7-13

Hirasawa H. 1991
A new subspecies of Eupatorus gracilicornis (Col., Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) from the Borderland of Myanmar and Thailand
Gekkan-Mushi. Tokyo 243:4-6

Hirasawa H. 1991
Some new sericid-beetles from Taiwan (Scarabaeidae)
The Entomological Review of Japan, Osaka 46(2):171-177

Hirasawa H. 1992
A new subspecies of Eupatorus gracilicornis (Col., Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) from Southwestern Thailand
Gekkan-Mushi. Tokyo 253:15-17

Hirasawa H. 1992
Description of some caliper-horned May beetles from Southeastern Asia I. (Col., Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 41:11-19

Hirasawa H. & Akiyama K. 1990
Two new stag beetles of the genus Lucanus from southeast Asia
The Entomological Review of Japan, Osaka 45(1):53-58

Hirayama S. 1933
Anomala albopilosa
Gensyoko Sensyu Kontyû Zûhû t.62, f.8

Hirayama S. 1940
Anomala c-pustulatus
Genshoku Kôchû Zufu 62, Pl.25 fig.6

Ho B-H. 2017
Notes on Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) lunatus Harold, 1868 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), a New Record in Kinmen County, Taiwan
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 2(3):5-7

Ho B-H. 2018
Two Dung Beetles of the Genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Kinmen Islands: new distribution record
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 3(2):43-45

Ho B-H. 2018
A new record of Microcopris reflexus (Fabricius, 1787) in Kinmen Islands, with a review of Microcopris from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 3(4):63-66

Ho, B.H. 2021
A new record species of genus Odochilus Harold (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Odochilini) from Taiwan
Journal of Tropical Coleopterology 2(2):13-20

Ho, B.H. & Chiu, Y.C. 2023
Notes on a Credible Record of the Flower Chafer Anthracophora (Poecilophilides) rusticola Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) in Taiwan
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 8(1):33-34

Ho B-H. & Ho Y-H. 2017
Notes on an Earth-boring Scarab Beetle Species (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) collected from Snake Corpse in Taiwan
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 2(4):13-15

Ho B-H. & Masumoto K. 2020
Paraphytus dentifrons (Lewis, 1895): A New Record for the Species and Genus in Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 5(1):1-4

Ho, B.H., Hu, F.S. & Fikáček, M. 2022
The Dung Beetle Oxyomus of Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): Review of the Fauna, a New Species and its Larva Associated by DNA Barcoding
Zoological Studies 61(80):1-17

Hochenwarth S. von 1785
Beyträge zur Insectengeschichte
Beschäftigungen der Berlinischen Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde, Berlin 6: 334-360

Hochhuth I.H. 1873
Enumeration der in den russischen Gouvernements Kiew und Volhynien bisher aufgefundenen Käfer (Fortsetzung)
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 45(4):283-322

Hochhuth I.H. 1873
Enumeration der in den russischen Gouvernements Kiew und Volhynien bisher aufgefundenen Käfer
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 46(1):124-164

Hoebeke E.R. & Beucke K. 1997
Adventive Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in North America: Geographic ranges, diagnoses, and new ditributional records
Entomological News 108(5):345-362

Hoermann, C., Lackner, T., Sommer, D., Heurich, M., Benbow, M.E. & Müller, J. 2021
Carcasses at Fixed Locations Host a Higher Diversity of Necrophilous Beetles
Insects 12(5):1-18

Hoffman R.L. 2006
The scarab Genus Polyphylla in Virginia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Banisteria 27:37-39

Hoffman R.L. 2006
The Volvating Scarabaeid Beetles of Virginia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Ceratocanthinae)
Banisteria 28:49-52

Hoffman R.L. 2007
Four may beetles new to the Virginia fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Banisteria 30:27-31

Hoffmann A. 1926
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Neusiedler See-Gebietes. Ergebnis meiner Exkursionen 1900 bis 1925
Entomologischer Anzeiger 6(1):1-4

Hoffmann A. 1928
Description d'un Aphodius nouveau de France (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 33(5):90-91

Hoffmann A. 1928
Description d'un Aphodius (Bodilus) nouveau de France (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 33(7):118-119

Hoffmann A. 1929
Sur la variation de couleur chez Aphodius fimetarius L. et signalement d'une espèce nouvelle pour la France
Miscellanea entomologica. Revue entomologique international. Castanet 31(10):85-86

Hoffmann A. 1938
Description d'un Aphodius nouveau de la Faune francaise (Col.)
Miscellanea entomologica. Revue entomologique international. Castanet 39:3-5

Hoffmann A. 1953
Un Onthophagus nouveau pour la faune française
L’Entomologiste 9(5-6) :95-96

Hoffmann A. 1954
Description d'un Aphodius (Agolius) nouveau de la faune pyrénéenne française (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 59(5-6):81-83

Hoffmann A. 1954
Un Aphodius nouveau des Alpes françaises (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 59(9-10):130-132

Hoffmann A. & Paulian R. 1939
Sur trois espèces paléarctiques d'Agolius (Col. Lamellicornia)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 44(13-14):185-187

Hoffmann C.H. 1935
The biology and taxonomy of the genus Trichiotinus (Scarabaeidae-Coleoptera)
Entomologica Americana 15(4):133-208

Hoffmann, C.H. 1936
The life history of Serica sericea (Ill.) (Scarabaeidae-Coleoptera)
Journal of the New York entomological Society 44:11-15

Hoffmann C.H. 1937
Biological notes on Pseudolucanus placidus Say, Platycerus quercus Weber and Ceruchus piceus Weber (Lucanidae-Coleoptera)
Entomological News 48:281-284

Hoffmann C.H. 1939
The biology and taxonomy of the Nearctic species of Osmoderma (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the entomological Society of America. Columbus 32(3):510-525

Hoffmannsegg J.C. 1817
Entomologische Bemerkungen bei Gelegenheit Abhandlungen der Amerikanischer Insekten
Zoologisches Magazin Wiedemann 1(1):8-56

Höhne W. 1921
Eine neue Erioscelis (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:108-109

Höhne W. 1922
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cyclocephaliden (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:81-95

Höhne W. 1922
Aspidolea (Subg.Aspidolites) atricollis n.sp. (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:374-376

Höhne W. 1922
Paraspidolia Helleri n.sp. (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:371-373

Höhne W. 1922
Ancognatha ustulata Burm. n.subsp. ustulaoides (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:373-374

Höhne W. 1923
Neue Dynastiden (Col.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:252-255

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Neue Cyclocephalen (Col. Dyn.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:345-373

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Koleopteren aus Mesopotamien
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (1919) 33:39-58

Holdhaus K. 1923
Elenco dei Coleotteri dell'isola d'Elba, con studi sul problema del Tirennide. Scarabaeidae
Memorie della Società entomologica italiana 2:77-175 (116-117)

Holdhaus K. & Lindroth C.H. 1939
Die europäischen Koleopteren mit boreoalpiner Verbreitung
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 50:123-293 (196-198)

Holguin, C.M. & Mira, R.H. 2021
Report of Astaena pygidialis Kirsch (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), the main chafer beetle causing damage to avocado fruit and young leaves in Antioquia Department, Colombia
Florida Entomologist 104(1):36-41

Holinei, H. & Prokopiak, M. 2023
The distribution of Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) in the regions of western Ukraine
Munis Entomology & Zoology 18(2):1711-1717

Hollande A. & Therond J. 1998
Aphodiidae du Nord de l'Afrique (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea)
Monografie Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali. Torino 21:1-280

Holloway B.A. 1960
Taxonomy and phylogeny in the Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Records of the Dominion Museum 3(4):321-365

Holloway B.A. 1961
A systematic revision of the New Zealand Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Dominion Museum Bulletin 20:1-138

Holloway B.A. 1962
A new species of Ceratognathus Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from New Zealand
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 2(12):69-72

Holloway B.A. 1963
A new species of Lissotes Westwood from New Zealand, and a description of the female of L.oconnori Holloway (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 3(7):77-80

Holloway B.A. 1963
Wing development and evolution of New Zealand Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 3(11):99-116

Holloway B.A. 1968
The relationships of Syndesus MacLeay and Sinodendron Schneider (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
New Zealand journal of Science 12(2):264-269

Holloway B.A. 1969
Further studies on generic relationships in Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) with special reference to the ocular canthus
New Zealand journal of Science 12(4):958-977

Holloway B.A. 1972
The systematic position of the genus Diphyllostoma Fall (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
New Zealand Journal of Science 15(1):31-38

Holloway B.A. 1996
Two new genera of New Zealand stag beetles previously placed in Dorcus MacLeay and Lissotes Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
New Zealand journal of zoology 23:61-66

Holloway B.A. 1997
Elytral surface structures as indicators of relationships in stag beetles, with special reference to the New Zealand species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
New Zealand journal of Zoology 24:47-64

Holloway B.A. 1998
A re-evaluation of the genera of New Zealand aesaline stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28(4):641-656

Holloway B.A. 2007
Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Fauna of New Zealand 61:1-254

Holm E. 1988
Synonymic notes on the African Cetoniinae III (Goraqua smithsana Péringuey = Euphoria inda L) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Cimbebasia 10:148

Holm E. 1988
Synonymic notes on African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) I Genus Xeloma Kraatz including Sisyraphora Kraatz and Pseudoprotaetia Kraatz
Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 6(1):1-18

Holm E. 1990
Revision of African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) II Genera Uloptera Burmeister Anthracophorides Moser Trymodera Gerstaecker and Scythropesthes Kraatz
Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 6(11):496-519

Holm E. 1990
Revision of African Cetoniinae III Genus Porphyronota Burmeister(including Poecilophila Kolbe) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Cimbebasia 12:111-125

Holm E. 1990
Synonymic notes on the African Cetoniinae V Genus Diphrontis Gerstaecker (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Cimbebasia 12:127-133

Holm E. 1991
Synonymic notes on the African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) IX tribe Cetoniini - Discopeltis Burmeister Clinteroides Schoch and associated genera
Cimbebasia 13:127-139

Holm E. 1991
Synonymic notes on the African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) VIII: tribe Gymnetini-genera Stethodesma Bainbridge, Amazula Kraatz and Pseudoclinteria
Cimbebasia 13:117-125

Holm E. 1991
Synonymic notes on African Cetoniinae VI genus Rhabdotis Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Pretoria 35(22):313-323

Holm E. 1992
Synonymic notes on African Cetoniinae: genus Tephraea Burmeister (including Pseudaplasta Kraatz) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35(23):325-334

Holm E. 1992
Revision of the African Cetoniinae V:Genus Ichnestoma Gory & Percheron (including Gariep Péringuey) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35(26):367-382

Holm E. 1992
Revision of the African Cetoniinae VI:Genera Rhinocoeta Burmeister, Xiphosceloides gen.nov. and Rhixiphloea Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35(27):383-398

Holm E. 1993
On the genera of African Cetoniinae: Anisorhina Westwood 1842, Melinesthes Kraatz 1880 and Inhambane Péringuey 1907
Tropical Zoology 6:165-177

Holm E. 1993
On the genera of African Cetoniinae II: Eudicella White, and the related genera with horned males (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Journal of African Zoology 107(1):65-81

Holm E. 1994
On the genera of African Cetoniinae 1: The genus Pedinorrhina Kraatz and related taxa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 48(1):19-29

Holm E. & Kirsten J.F. 1979
Pre-adaptation and speed mimicry among Namib Desert scarabaeids with orange elytra
Journal of Arid Environments 2:263-271

Holm E. & Marais E. 1988
Revision of African Cetoniinae I Genus Trichostetha Burmeister (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae)
Cimbebasia 10:51-65

Holm E. & Marais E. 1992
Fruit Chafers of Southern Africa (Scarabaeidae Cetoniini). 1st ed.
Ekogilde Hartebeesport RSA. :1-326

Holm E. & Perissinotto R. 2004
New and lesser known species of African fruit chafers (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Tropical Zoology 17(1):73-95

Holm E. & Perissinotto R. 2010
Revision of the Afrotropical species of the genus Spilophorus Westwood (in Schaum), 1848 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Cremastocheilini)
African Entomology 18(1):47-65

Holm E. & Perissinotto R. 2011
New Descriptions and Revisions of Southern African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) I
African Entomology 19(1):88-95

Holm E. & Scholtz C.H. 1979
A revision of the genus Pachysoma M'Leay with an evaluation of the subtribe Pachysomina Ferreira and its genera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 42(2):225-244

Holm E. & Stobbia P. 1995
Fruit Chafers of Southern Africa (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) Appendix I
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 7:289-300

Holter P. & Scholtz C.H. 2011
Re-establishment of Biting Mouthparts in Desert-Living Dung Beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) Feeding on Plant Litter—Old Structures Reacquired or New Ones Evolved?
Journal of Morphology 272(8):1007-1016

Holzer E. 2018
Erstnachweise und Wiederfunde für die Käferfauna der Steiermark (XVI) (Coleoptera)
Joannea Zoologie 16:45-54

Holzer E. 2019
Erstnachweise und Wiederfunde für die Käferfauna der Steiermark (XVII) (Coleoptera)
Joannea Zoologie 17:149-170 (159-161)

Hombron J.B. & Jacquinot H. 1846
Dumont d' Urville, Jules Sébastien César:Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l' Océanie sur les corvettes l' Astrolabe et la Zélée, pendant les années 1837-1838-1839-1840, sous le commandement de M. Dumont d' Urville, capitaine de vaisseau, publié par ordre du gouvernement et sous la direction supérieure de M.Jaquinot, capitaine de vaisseau, commandant de la Zélée. Zoologie
Gide et Cie, éditeurs, rue des Petits-Augustins, 5, près le quai Malaquais; Imprimerie d' A. Sirou, rue des Noyers, 37, Paris

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Fossil insects in the diatoms of Shanwang
Bulletin of the Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources 8:1-15

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Fossil insects from the Laiyang Basin, Shandong Province. The stratigraphy and palaeontology of Laiyang Basin, Shandong Province
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Hongo Y. 2005
Diurnal activity of the Japanese Stag Beetle Prosopocoilus dissimilis okinawanus Nomura (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Elytra, Tokyo 33(1):245-257

Hongo Y. 2014
Interspecific relationship between the Japanese horned beetle and two Japanese stag beetle species
Entomological Science 17(1):134-137

Hongsuwong, T. 2023
A new species of the genus Dicaulocephalus Gestro (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Thailand
Bulletin of Insectology 76(1):57-62

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An annotated catalogue of the large green Anomala Samouelle, 1819 specimens deposited in the Natural History Museuml of the National Science Museum, Thailand
Thai Specimens 3:41-61

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New records of the chining leaf chafer beetles from Thailand and Laos
Far Eastern Entomologist 398:8-17

Hongsuwong, T., Sanguansub, S. & Jaitrong, W. 2022
A new species and a new synonym in the scarab genus Parastasia Westwood, 1841, with a key to species from Thailand
Zootaxa 5205(6):547-562

Hooper R.R. & Larson D.J. 2012
Checklist of Beetles of Saskatchewan
Entomological Society of Saskatchewan. Insect Lists:1-133

Hope F.W. 1831
Gray: Synopsis of the new species of Nepal Insects in the collection of Major General Hardwicke
Zoological Miscellany. London 1:21-32

Hope F.W. 1833
Characters of several new genera and species of coleopterous insects
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Communications 1(5): 61-64

Hope F.W. 1834
XI. Characters and descriptions of several new genera and species of Coleopterous Insects
Transactions of the Zoological Society London 1(2):91-112 Plates XII-XVI

Hope F.W. 1834
Observations on succinic insects
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (1836) 1(3):133-147

Hope F.W. 1835
Monograph on Mimela, a genus of Coleopterous Insects
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 1:108-117

Hope F.W. 1837
On the Golofa Beetle of Venezuela and its allied species
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 2:42-45

Hope F.W. 1837
Lamellicornia. The Coleopterist's Manual, containing the lamellicorn insects of Linnaeus and Fabricius
Volume 1. Bohn: London :1-121

Hope F.W. 1838
Observations on the lamellicorns of Olivier
Entomological Magazin 5:312-326

Hope F.W. 1839
Monograph on the Coleopterous genus Euchlora MacLeay
Proceedings of the Zoological Society London 6:65-75

Hope F.W. 1839
Observations on the Lamellicorns of Olivier
Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorology 3 (New Series):17-24,171-177

Hope F.W. 1839
On the entomology of the Himalayas and of India. Royle J.F.: Illustration of the Botany and other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains and of the Flora of Cashmere. I.
London 1:liv-lv,t.9, f.4

Hope F.W. 1839
Descriptions of some nondescript insects from Assam, collected by William Griffith
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1(9):42-44

Hope F.W. 1840
On a new species of Dynastes and other Coleoptera
Proceedings of the Entomological Society London (1841)4:11

Hope F.W. 1840
Descriptions of some nondescript insects from Assam, collected by William Griffith
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1(9):77-79

Hope F.W. 1841
Observations on the Coleoptera of Port Essington, in Australia, with descriptions of the following new species
Transactions of the Entomological Society London IV. Proceedings :43-50

Hope F.W. 1841
Descriptions of some nondescript Lamellicorn beetles in his collection
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 8(51):302-303

Hope F.W. 1841
Descriptions of some nondescript Insects from Assam, collected by William Griffith, Esq., F.L.S., Assistant Surgeon in the Madras Medical Service
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 6(37):299-301

Hope F.W. 1841
Descriptions of nondescript lamellicorn beetles in his collection
Proceedings of the Entomological Society London :32-34

Hope F.W. 1841
Descriptions of some nondescript Insects from Assam, chiefly collected by William Griffith, Esq., F.L.S., Assistant Surgeon in the Madras Medical Service
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 18(4):587-600

Hope F.W. 1841
Description of some new Lamellicorn Coleoptera from Northern India
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 3:62-67

Hope F.W. 1841
Descriptions of some nondescript Insects from Assam, collected by William Griffith
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(4):279-281

Hope F.W. 1842
On some rare and beautiful Coleopterous insects from Silhet, the major part belonging to the collection of Frederic Parry, Esq., of Cheltenham
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(9):247-248

Hope F.W. 1842
Descriptions of some new Coleopterous insects from the Kasya Hills, near the boundary of Assam
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London :83-84

Hope F.W. 1842
On some rare and beautiful Insects from Silhet, chiefly in the collection of Frederik John Parry
Proceedings of the Linnean Society London 1:127-128

Hope F.W. 1842
Observations on the Coleoptera of Port Essington, in Australia, with descriptions of the following new species
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(9):423-430 (1841)

Hope F.W. 1842
On some new insects from Western Africa
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(9):494-496

Hope F.W. 1842
Descriptions of the coleopterous insects sent to England by Dr.Cantor from Chusan and Canton, with observations on the entomology of China
Proceedings of the Entomological Society London (1841):59-64

Hope F.W. 1843
On some nondescript Lamellicorn beetles
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 3(4):279-283

Hope F.W. 1843
Descriptions of the Coleopterous insects sent to England by Dr.Cantor from Chusan and Canton, with observations on the Entomology of China
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(11):62-66

Hope F.W. 1843
Descriptions of some new Coleopterous insects from the Kasya Hills, near the boundary of Assam
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(12):363-365

Hope F.W. 1843
Description of new species of exotic Coleoptera
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London :94-95

Hope F.W. 1843
On some rare and beatiful Coleopterous Insects from Silhet, chiefly in the collection of Frederick John Parry, Esq., F.L.S.
Transactions of the Linnean Society London (1843-1845) 19(2):103-112

Hope F.W. 1845
On the entomology of China, with description of the new species sent to England by Dr.Cantor from Chusan and Canton
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4:4-17

Hope F.W. 1845
Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera, from the Kasyah Hills, near the boundary of Assam, in the East Indies, lately received from Dr.Cantor
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4(1):73-76

Hope F.W. 1845
Descriptions of some new species of Coleoptera, from Adelaide in New Holland
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4:100-113

Hope F.W. 1845
Description of new species of exotic Coleoptera
The Annals and Magazine of natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 1(16):208-209

Hope F.W. 1846
Descriptions of new Coleoptera
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4:146-147

Hope F.W. 1846
Descriptions of a few nondescript Species of Beetles
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4:181-183

Hope F.W. 1847
Descriptions of various Coleopterous Insects from New Holland, collected chiefly by Mr.Fortnum, at Adelaide
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 4:280-285

Hope F.W. 1847
Descriptions of some new species of exotic Cetoniidae
Transactions of the Entomological Society London 5:32-35

Hope F.W. & Westwood J.O. 1845
A Catalogue of the Lucanoid Coleoptera in the collection of the Rev.F.W.Hope, together with descriptions of the new species therein contained
J.C.Bridgewater, South Molton street, London (editor):1-31

Hoppe D.H. 1795
Enumeratio Insectorum elytratorum circa Erlangam indigenarum secundum systema Fabricianum observationibus iconibusque illustrata
Erlangae :1-70

Hopping R. 1931
III. New Coleoptera from western Canada
The Canadian Entomologist 63(10):233-238

Hori S. 1991
A new subspecies of Macrodorcus okinawanus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from the Ryukyu Islands
Elytra 19(1):75-76

Horie H. 1992
Female characters of the hybrid between Dorcus curvidens x Macrodorcas rectus
Gekkan-Mushi 256:26-27

Horion, A. 1935
Nachtrag zu Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches
Hans Goecke, Verlag Krefeld :1-358 (212-216)

Horion, A. 1957
Bemerkungen zur Scarabaeiden-Fauna von Südbayern
Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 6:105-109

Horion, A. 1958
Faunistik der mitteleuropaischen Käfer. Band VI: Lamellicornia (Scarabaeidae - Lucanidae)
Kommissionverlag Buchdruckerei A. Feyel :1-343

Horn G.H. 1866
Descriptions of some new genera and species of Central-American Coleoptera
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 18:397-401

Horn G.H. 1867
Descriptions of new genera and species of western Scarabaeidae, with notes on others already known
Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Philadelphia 1:163-170

Horn G.H. 1868
Geotrupes of boreal America
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 1:313-322

Horn G.H. 1870
Notes on some genera of coprophagous Scarabaeidae of the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 3:42-51

Horn G.H. 1870
Contribution to the Coleopterology of the Unites States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 3:69-97

Horn G.H. 1870
Description of the species of Aphodius and Dialytes of the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 3:110-134

Horn G.H. 1871
Synopsis of Aphodiini of the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 3:284-296

Horn G.H. 1871
Descriptions of new Coleoptera of the United States, with notes on known species
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 3:325-344

Horn G.H. 1874
Revision of the species of Trox of the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 5:1-12

Horn G.H. 1875
Synonymical notes and description of new species of North America Coleoptera
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 5:126-156

Horn G.H. 1876
Revision of the United States of Ochodaeus and other genera of Scarabaeidae
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 5(1):177-197

Horn G.H. 1876
Notes on some coleopterous remains from the bone cave at Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 5:241-245

Horn G.H. 1878
Revision of the species of Listrochelus of the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 7:137-148

Horn G.H. 1878
Contributions to the Coleopterology of the United States Nr.2
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 7:51-60

Horn G.H. 1879
A monographic revision of the species of Cremastochilus of the United States
Proceedings of the american philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful Knowledge. Philadelphia 18:382-397

Horn G.H. 1880
Synopsis of the Euphoriae of the United States
Proceedings of the american philosophical Society, heldt at Philadelphia, for promoting useful Knowledge. Philadelphia 18:397-408

Horn G.H. 1880
Contributions to the coleopterology of the United States. Nr.3
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 8(1-2):139-154

Horn G.H. 1881
Revision of the species of Polyphylla
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 9:73-76

Horn G.H. 1882
Notes on some little known genera and species of Coleoptera
Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Philadelphia 10(2):113-126

Horn G.H. 1883
Dr.Horn exhibited two specimens of a Plusiotis
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 11(3-4):xxxi

Horn G.H. 1884
Notes on the species of Anomala inhabiting the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 11(2):157-164

Horn G.H. 1885
Descriptions of new North American Scarabaidae
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 12:117-128

Horn G.H. 1886
Synonymical notes No. 2
Entomologica Americana 1:88-90

Horn G.H. 1887
A monograph of the Aphodiini inhabiting the United States
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 14(1):1-110

Horn G.H. 1887
Revision of the species of Lachnosterna of America north of Mexico
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 14(3-4):209-296

Horn G.H. 1887
Notes on Lachnosterna
Entomologica Americana 3:141-145

Horn G.H. 1888
Review of the species of Pleocoma, with a discussion of its systematics position in the Scarabaeidae
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 15:1-18

Horn G.H. 1894
The Coleoptera of Baja California
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2)4:302-449

Horn G.H. 1895
The Coleoptera of Baja California (supplement 1)
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2)5:225-259

Horn W., Kahle I., Friese G. & Gaedike E. 1990
Collectiones entomologicae, Eine Kompendium über den Verbleib entomologischer Sammlungen der Welt bis 1960
Institut für Pflanzenschutzforschung Kleinmachnow - Bereich Eberswalde, Abteilung Taxonomie der Insekten - der Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR :1-573

Hortal J., Cabrero-Sanudo F.J. & de la Rosa J.J. 2002
Discusión sobre las especies de Liothorax (Coleoptera, Aphodiinae) en la Península Ibérica. Nueva cita para Ciudad Real de Liothorax cylindricus (Reiche & Saulcy, 1856)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 31:111-112

Hortal J., Lobo J.M. & del Rey L. 2006
Distribución y patrones de diversidad de los afódidos en la comunidad de Madrid (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae, Aphodiinae y Psammodiinae)
Graellsia 62 (numero extraordinario):439-460

Hosking G.P. 1971
Dendroblax earlii (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) attacking telephone poles
New Zealand Entomologist 5(1):78-79

Hosoguchi M. 2000
A revisional synopsis of the Aegus ogasawarensis Okajima et Kobayashi
Gekkan-Mushi 350:24-25

Hosoguchi M. 2004
A new species of the genus Dorcus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from northern India
Gekkan-Mushi 402:30-31

Hosoguchi M. 2006
A new species of the genus Dorcus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from Enggano Is., Indonesia
Gekkan-Mushi 426:20-22

Hosoya T. 2009
A new record of Aesalus asiaticus asiaticus Lewis, 1883 (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from the Satsuma Peninsula, South Kyushu
Kogane 10:89-90

Hosoya T. 2011
Phylogenetic relationships of Genus Dorcus and its related genera (Coleoptera, Lucanidae): A reanalysis of allozyme data
Elytra, Tokyo New Series 1(2):199-209

Hosoya T. 2011
Records of the exotic and pest beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) from Takara Island in the Tokara Islands
Elytra, Tokyo New Series 1(2):209-210

Hosoya T. 2014
Re-identification of the species of Aphodius (Aganocrossus) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodinae) in the Tokara Islands and Kami-mishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 4(1):121-124

Hosoya T. 2014
Notes on the establisment of an exotic dung beetle, Ataenius picinus Harold (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodinae) in Takara-jima Island, the Tokara Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 16:95-98

Hosoya T. 2014
Scarabaeid Dung Beetle Fauna of Kodakara-jima Island, the Tokara Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, with Special Reference to Establishment of an Exotic Dung Beetle, Ataenius picinus Harold (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodinae)
Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 4(2):271-275

Hosoya T. 2016
Notes on the establisment of an exotic dung beetle, Ataenius picinus Harold (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodinae) and dung beetle fauna of Takara-jima Island, the Tokara Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, in Ocotober 2015
Kogane, Tokyo 18:89-93

Hosoya T. & Araya K. 2005
Phylogeny of Japanese Stag Beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) inferred from 16S mtrRNA Gene Sequences, with Reference to the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism of Mandibles
Zoological Science 22(12):1305-1318

Hosoya T. & Araya K. 2006
Phylogeny and evolution of sexual dimorphism of mandibles in Japanese stag beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Gekkan-Mushi 426:41-49

Hosoya T., Araya K. & Kon M. 2008
Phylogenetic relationships of Aulacocyclinae (Coleoptera, Passalidae) inferred from morphological characters
Elytra, Tokyo 36(2):301-309

Hosoya T., Araya K. & Shirota Y. 2002
Molecular phylogeny of Japanese and Taiwanese stag beetles of the genus Dorcus and allied genera (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) based on random amplified polymorphic DNA
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 10:133-140

Hosoya T., Araya K. & Shirota Y. 2002
Molecular phylogeny of Japanese stag beetles of the genus Dorcus and its allied genera (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) inferred from Mitochondrial COI Gene Sequences
Elytra, Tokyo 31(1):127-142

Hosoya T., Tanahashi M. & Murai Y. 2013
Records of four Scarabaeoidea beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae and Lucanidae) from the uninhabited island, Gaja Island in the Tokara Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 14:129-132

Hosoya T., Tanahashi M., Toki W. & Katayama M. 2013
Record of Scarabaeoidea fauna (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae and Lucanidae) on the uninhabited island, Gaja Island in the Tokara Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 14:133-142

Houlbert C. 1912
Descriptions d'un Lucanide asiatique formant un genre nouveau et une espèce nouvelle de la tribu des Cladognathinae (Cladophyllus oberthuri) (Col.)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 2:137-148

Houlbert C. 1912
Description de deux espèces nouvelles appartenant au genre Neolucanus (Col.)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 2:183-188, 193-201

Houlbert C. 1913
Quelques lucanides nouveaux. Contribution à l'étude de la faune asiatique
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 3:171-173

Houlbert C. 1914
Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une espèce nouvelle de la tribu des Dorcinae (Col. Lucanidae)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 4:344-346

Houlbert C. 1914
Quelque Neolucanus nouveaux de la Faune Malaise et Indo-Chinoise
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 4:252-260

Houlbert C. 1914
Quelque Neolucanus nouveaux de la Faune Malaise et Indo-Chinoise (Fin)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 4:276-284

Houlbert C. 1915
Description de quelques lucanides nouveaux de la tribu des Cladognathinae (Fin)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 5:48-54

Houlbert C. 1915
La loi de la taille e l'evolution des Coléoptères (Suite)
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 5:5-11

Houlbert C. 1915
Note sur le Dorcus derelictus Parry, comme type d'un nouveau genre (Durelius) de la tribu des Cladognathinae
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 5:89-98

Houlbert C. 1915
Descriptions de quelques Lucanides nouveaux
Insecta, revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 5:17-23

Houlbert, C. & Monnot, E. 1910
Faune Entomologique Armoricaine. Coléoptères. Lamellicornes. 43e Famille: Platycérides. 44e Famille: Scarabaeides
Bulletin de la Société scientifique et médicale de l'Ouest 17:1-172

Houston W.W.K. 1983
Identification of the dung beetles Onitis crenatus Reiche (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Ethiopia and O.crenatus sensu Boheman from southern Africa
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 46(2):249-256

Houston W.W.K. 1992
Zoological Catalogue of Australia Vol.9 Scarabaeoidea
Canberra AGPS :1-544

Hovore F.T. 1971
A new Pleocoma from southern California with notes on additional species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 47(3):193-201

Hovore F.T. 1972
Three new sympatric Pleocoma from the southern Sierra Nevada mountains of California (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 71:69-80

Hovore F.T. 1977
New synonymy and status changes in the genus Pleocoma LeConte (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 31(3):229-238

Hovore F.T. 1977
A review of the taxonomic and distributional relationships of Pleocoma Hoppingi Fall and Pleocoma rubiginosa Hovore (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 31(4):319-327

Hovorka, O. 2019
Rozšíření chlupáče Trichius sexualis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini) ve středních Čechách
Muzeum a současnost Roztoky, ser. natur. 30:63-69

Howden H. 1952
A new name for Geotrupes (Peltotrupes) chalybaeus LeConte, with a description of the larva and its biology (Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 6(3):41-48

Howden H. 1954
Notes on Australian beetles in the tribe Bolboceratini formerly in the genus Bolboceras
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 79:142-144

Howden H. 1954
A review of the genus Podolasia Harold (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
American Museum Novitates 1661:1-11

Howden H. 1955
Biology and taxonomy of North American Beetles of the subfamily Geotrupinae with revision of the genera Bolbocerosomas Eucanthus Geotrupes and Peltotrupes (Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 104(3342):151-319

Howden H. 1955
Description of a new Peruvian Athyreus with notes on the method of illustration
Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G.Frey 6:667-673

Howden H. 1955
Some new species and records of Nort American Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington 57(6):257-264

Howden H. 1958
A seventh species of Podolasia Harold (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist 90(5):291-292

Howden H. 1958
Species of Acoma Casey having a three-segmented antennal club (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist 90(7):377-401

Howden H. 1959
A new species of Isonychus Mannerheim from southern Arizona (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist 91(1):59-61

Howden H. 1960
A new species of Phyllophaga from the Big Bend region of Texas and Coahuila, with notes on other Scarabaeidae of the area
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 92:457-464

Howden H. 1961
New species and a new genus of Melolonthinae from the southeastern United States (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist 93(9):807-812

Howden H. 1962
New species and synonymy in Acoma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist 94:1147-1155

Howden H. 1964
The Geotrupinae of North and Central America
Memoirs of the entomological Society of Canada. Ottawa 96(39):1-91

Howden H. 1965
Lectotype designations in Cotinis Burm. for species described by Bates in the Biologia Centrali Americana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist, 97(6):670-671

Howden H. 1965
A second new world species of Sisyphus Latreille (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 97:842-844

Howden H. 1965
Notes on the Geotrupes of Taiwan (Formosa) with a description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Pacific Insects 7(3):502-504

Howden H. 1966
Notes on Canthonini of the "Biologia Centrali Americana" and descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 98:725-741

Howden H. 1967
Mexican Geotrupini: a new species of Geotrupes and description of the larva of Ceratotrupes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 99:1003-1007

Howden H. 1968
Generic relationships of Thyce, Plectrodes, Dinacoma, and Hypotrichia with a description of a new genus and species from Eastern Texas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthini)
The Canadian Entomologist 100:542-548

Howden H. 1968
Canadian Ochodaeus, with a description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 100:1118-1120

Howden H. 1968
A review of the Trichiinae of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Memoirs of the entomological Society of Canada. Ottawa 100(54):5-77

Howden H. 1969
Species of Coenonycha Horn from mainland Baja California, Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 23(2):53-56

Howden H. 1970
Jamaican Scarabaeidae: notes and descriptions (Coleoptera)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 102(1):1-15

Howden H. 1970
The genus Paragnorimus, with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 102:1385-1389

Howden H. 1971
A second species of Peltotrichius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Trichiinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 103:104-106

Howden H. 1971
Five unusual genera of new world Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 103:1463-1471

Howden H. 1971
Key to the New World Cremastocheilini with notes and description of a new genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington 73(2):224-230

Howden H. 1972
New species of Dialithus Parry and a new synonym of Pantodinus Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Trichiinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 104:647-654

Howden H. 1973
Bolbothyreus, a new genus for Stenaspidius ruficollis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 105:1567-1571

Howden H. 1973
Revision of the New World genus Cryptocanthon Balthasar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 51:39-48

Howden H. 1973
Four new species of Onthophagus from Mexico and the United States (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington 75(3):329-337

Howden H. 1973
Scarabatermes Amazonensis, a new genus, new species of termitophilus scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 105:29-33

Howden H. 1974
Additional records and descriptions of North and Central American Geotrupinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 52(5):567-573

Howden H. 1974
A revision of the Australian genus Stenaspidius Westwood (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae)
Records from the South Australian Museum 17(2):11-21

Howden H. 1975
A sixth species of Stenaspidius with a note on adult behaviour (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Journal of the Australian entomological Society 14(4):439-441

Howden H. 1976
New species in the genera Bdelyopsis, Cryptocanthon and Drepanocerus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 78(1):95-103

Howden H. 1978
Descriptions of some West Indian Scarabaeidae primarily in the Natural History Museum, Basel
Entomologica Basiliensia 3:377-393

Howden H. 1979
A revision of the Australian genus Blackburnium Boucomont (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 72:1-88

Howden H. 1980
Gillaspytes Janzeni, a new genus and species of North American Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 112:89-92

Howden H. 1980
Key to the Geotrupini of Mexico and Central America, with the description of a new species (Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 58:1959-1963

Howden H. 1982
Larval and adult characters of Frickius its relationships to the Geotrupini and a phylogeny of some major taxa in the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 60:2713-2724

Howden H. 1984
A catalog of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Family: Scarabaeidae Subfamily: Geotrupinae
Agriculture Handbook 529-34a, United States Department of Agriculture :1-17

Howden H. 1985
A revision of the Australian genera Bolboleaus Howden & Cooper, Blackbolbus Howden & Cooper and Bolborhachium Boucomont (Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 111:1-179

Howden H. 1985
A revision of the South American genus Parathyreus Howden and Martínez (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 39(2):161-173

Howden H. 1985
A revision of the South American species in the genus Neoathyreus Howden and Martínez (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae)
Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 21(4):1-95

Howden H. 1988
A new genus and four new species of New World Trichiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 42(3):241-250

Howden H. 1989
The Geotrupinae of New Guinea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Invertebrate Taxonomy 3(3):261-289

Howden H. 1992
A revision of the Australian Beetle genera Eucanthus Westwood, Bolbobaineus Howden & Cooper, Australobolbus Howden & Cooper and Gilletinus Boucomont (Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Invertebrate Taxonomy 6(3):605-717

Howden H. 1992
Scientific Note: First Canadian record of the subfamily Ceratocanthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(3):273

Howden H. 1993
New Bolboceratini from Western Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Journal of the Australian entomological Society 32:379-386

Howden H. 1994
A new Geotrupes Latreille (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from the Sierra de las Minas range of Guatemala
The Coleopterists Bulletin 48(4):345-348

Howden H. 1994
A new Mexican Apeltastes Howden and notes on Guatemalan Paragnorimus Becker (Scarabaeidae: Trichiinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 48(4):349-353

Howden H. 1995
New Rhyparini from Fiji and the Philippines (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 49(1):23-27

Howden H. 1996
West Indian Neoathyreus and their over-water dispersal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Journal of Natural History 30(10):1503-1515

Howden H. 1997
Podolasiini, new tribe and a revision of the included genera, Podolasia Harold and Podostena Howden, new genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 51(3):223-255 Howden H. 1998
A new species of Pelidnota Macleay from Chiriqui Province, Panama (Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 52(2):171-173

Howden H. 1998
More on Podolasia Harold: a new species and notes on another (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 52(3):275-277<:p>

Howden H. 1999
New species of Central and South American Athyreini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 53(4):339-354

Howden H. 2001
A new tribe of Hybosorinae with a description of a new species of Callosides Howden (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 55(2):199-204

Howden H. 2002
The Athyreus tribuliformis Felsche complex with descriptions of three new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae: Athyreini)
Entomotropica 17(1):25-35

Howden H. 2003
Two new genera of New World Rhyparini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Sociobiology 42(2):391-402

Howden H. 2005
Notes on Bolboceratini from Northeastern Mexico with a description of a new Bolbocerosoma Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 44(2):213-218

Howden H. 2006
New species and a new subgenus of South American Neoathyreus Howden and Martínez (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Athyreini)
Zootaxa 1137:37-52

Howden H. F. 2006
Two new species of Odontotrypes Fairmaire from Northern Myanmar (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Acta zoologica Cracoviensia, 49B(1-2):13-16

Howden H. 2008
Association of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with Thrincopyge LeConte (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in North America
The Coleopterists Bulletin 62(2):181-184

Howden H.F. & Campbell J.M. 1974
Observations on some Scarabaeoidea in the Colombian Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
The Coleopterists Bulletin 28(3):109-114

Howden H. & Cartwright O.L. 1963
Scarab beetles of the genus Onthophagus Latreille North of Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 114(3467):1-135

Howden H. & Cartwright O.L. 1970
A new name for Onthophagus monticolus Howden and Cartwright (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington. Washington 72(1):54

Howden H. & Cook J. 2002
Paracryptocanthon, a new Canthonine genus from Brazil (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 56(4):585-588

Howden H. & Cooper J.B. 1977
The generic classification of the Bolboceratini of the Australian region, with descriptions of four new genera (Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 50:1-50

Howden H. & Endrödi S. 1966
Five new species of Cyclocephala Latreille from North and Central America (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 98:295-302

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1984
Two new species of Neoathyreus Howden and Martínez from Costa Rica with distribution notes on other Athyreini from Mexico and Central America (Coleoptera: Geotrupinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 116:1637-1641

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1987
New species and new records of Panamanian and Costa Rican Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 41(3):201-224

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1988
Xenocanthus, a new genus of inquiline Scarabaeidae from southeastern Venezuela (Coleoptera)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 66:2071-2076

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1988
A fourth genus of unusually modified Ceratocanthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from South America
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 66:2077-2079

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1993
A second species of Termitoderus from Angola and Namibia (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Termitoderini)
Sociobiology 21:203-208

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1993
Mesoamerican Onthophagus Latreille in the Dicranius and Mirabilis species groups (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 125:1091-1114

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 1995
Trachycrusus, a new genus of Ceratocanthinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) with two new species from Peru
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 127:587-593

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 2000
Tribes of New World Ceratocanthinae, with keys to genera and descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Sociobiology 35.2B:281-329

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 2001
A new species of Ivieolus Howden, and Gill and a new type species designation for Aulisostes Howden and Gill
Sociobiology 38.3A:531-538

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 2003
The Mexican and Central American species of Astaenomoechus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae; Ceratocanthinae)
Sociobiology 42.2:201-242

Howden H. & Gill B.D. 2005
An unusual new species of Germarostes Paulian from Peru (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Ceratocanthinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 59(2):272-274

Howden H. & Hardy A.R. 1971
Generic placement and adult behavior of the genus Leptohoplia Saylor (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington. Washington 73(3):337-341

Howden H. & Joly L.J. 1998
South American Trigonopeltastes Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with description of a new species from Venezuela
The Coleopterists Bulletin 52.2:194-200

Howden H.F. & Lawrence J.F. 1974
The New World Aesalinae, with notes on the North American lucanid subfamilies (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology 52:1505-1510

Howden H. & Malý V. 2005
Cryptoryctes tricornutus sp. nov. from the Northern Territory, Australia (Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Oryctini)
Canadian Entomologist 137:274-277

Howden H. & Martinez A. 1963
The new tribe Athyreini and its included genera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 95:345-352

Howden H. & Martinez A. 1978
A review of the New World genus Athyreus MacLeay (Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae, Athyreini)
Contributions American Entomological Institute 15(4):1-70

Howden H. & Peck S.B. 1987
Adult habits, larval morphology, and phylogenetic placement of Taurocerastes patagonicus Philippi (Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 65:329-332

Howden H. & Ratcliffe B.C. 1990
An unusual new species of Trigonopeltastes Burmeister from Chiapas, Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Trichiinae)
The Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa 122(1/2):1-4

Howden H. & Scholtz C.H. 1987
A revision of the African genus Odontoloma Boheman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 50(1):155-192

Howden H. & Scholtz C.H. 1988
A second species of the African genus Peckolus Scholtz & Howden (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeini)
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 51(1):133-136

Howden H. & Solis A. 1995
Two new species of Geotrupinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Costa Rica
The Coleopterists Bulletin 49(3):261-266

Howden H. & Storey R. 1992
Phylogeny of the Rhyparini and the new tribe Stereomerini with descriptions of new genera and species (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae; Aphodiinae)
Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa 70(9):1810-1823

Howden H. & Storey R. 2000
New Stereomerini and Rhyparini from Australia, Borneo and Fiji (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(1):175-182

Howden H. & Vaurie P. 1957
Two new species of Trox from Florida (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
American Museum Novitates 1818:1-6

Howden H. & Young O.P. 1981
Panamanian Scarabaeinae Taxonomie distribution and habits (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Contributions American Entomological Institute 18(1):1-204

Howden H. & Cartwright O.L.& Halffter G. 1956
Descripción de una nueva especie Mexicana de Onthophagus con anotaciones ecologicas sobre especies asociadas a nidos de animales y a cuevas
Acta Zoológica Mexicana 1(9):1-16

Howden H., Howden A. & Holloway G. 2007
Digging down under: Australian Bolboceratini, their habits and a list of species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae)
Zootaxa 1499:47-59

Hron V. 2020
Review of interesting records of beetles (Coleoptera) in Chrudim (Czechia)
Elateridarium 14:148-164

Hrubant M. 1961
Eine neue Art der Gattung Aphodius Ill. (Col.). Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Familie Scarabaeidae, Col.
Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden 26:97-100

Hruzová L. 2019
Dung beetles of the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area
Český kras (Beroun) 45:39–48

Hruzová, L., Král, D., Sommer, D. & Šípek, P. 2023
Larval morphology of Phaeochroops rattus (Coleoptera Hybosoridae) and historical overview of known preimaginal stages of the family
Bulletin of Insectology 76(2):283-293

Huang G-Q. & Wang F-L. 2019
Two new and one newly recorded species of Anomala Samouelle, 1819 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Yunnan, China
Zootaxa 4706(2):366-374

Hu H-Y. & Huang R-X. 2013
Colored Pictorial Handbook of Insects in Xinjiang
Xinjian University Press :1-300 (79-94)

Hu, L., Yang, L., Tian, T. & Chen, B. 2023
Sequencing and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Campsiura mirabilis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Entomologica Sinica 66(6):825-834

Huang H. 2006
New descriptions and notes on Chinese stag-beetles, with discovery of the second species of Noseolucanus from SE Tibet (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Coleoptera 10:11-34

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2009
Notes on the morphology, taxonomy, and natural history of the genus Platycerus Geoffroy from China, with the description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 2087:1-36

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2010
Stag beetles of China I

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2011
Notes on Prosopocoilus Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) from China, with the description of two new species
Zootaxa 3126:39-54

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2012
A review of the genera Prismognathus Motschulsky and Cladophyllus Houlbert (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) from China, with the description of two new species
Zootaxa 3255:1-36

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2013
Stag beetles of China II

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2015
Discovery of a second species of Aesalini from Taiwan, with description of the new species of the genus Echinoaesalus Zelenka, 1993 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 3920(1):163-170

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2015
Description of a new species of the genus Bombodes Westwood, 1848 from SE Tibet, China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Taenioderini)
Animma.X 68:1-10

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2016
Two new species of stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from western Yunnan, China
Insecta Mundi 0516:1-8

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2016
Motuotrichius yangi, a new genus and species from southeastern Tibet, China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini)
Zootaxa 4205(4):365-375

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2016
Two new species of stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) from Taiwan, China
Beetles World 14:2-6

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2017
Stag beetles of China III
Formosa Ecological Company :1-524

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2018
A new species of Prismognathus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) from SW. Yunnan, China
Beetles World 18:2-6

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2019
Lucanus liuweii sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) from Zhejiang, China
Beetles World 19:2-7

Huang H. & Chen C.C. 2020
New or little-known stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) from China
Beetles World 21:2-11

Huang, H. & Chen, C.C. 2022
Rediscovery of the myrmecophilous Lucanid genus Xizangia Zhang, 1988 from southwest China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 5116(4):517-549

Huang, H. & Chen, C.C. 2022
New or little known stag beetles of the genus Platycerus Geoffroy, 1762 from China (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Beetles World 24:24-38

Huang, H. & Chen, C.C. 2023
Revisional notes and new descriptions of stag beetles from China (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Beetles World 25:7-37

Huang H., Bartolozzi L. & Chen C.C. 2015
Notes on the genus Echinoaesalus Zelenka, 1993 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), with the description of a new species from the Malay Peninsula
Zootaxa 4039(4):553-565

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A New Species of the Genus Platycerus Geoffroy (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from Gansu China
Elytra 38(2):233-238

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A new species of Ceruchus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Syndesinae) from SE Tibet, China
Beetles World 21:12-15

Huang H., Chen C.C., Tao R-C. & Xiao C-M. 2020
Two new species of Lucanidae (Coleoptera) from SE Tibet, China
Beetles World 21:19-25

Huang H., He Y. & Shi Z. 2011
Description of two new species of Lucanus Scopoli (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) from southeastern Tibet, China
Zootaxa 2987:56-64

Huang H., Imura Y. & Chen C.C. 2011
Notes on the genus Ceruchus MacLeay from China, with the description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 2906:1-42

Huang H., Imura Y. & Wu L. 2011
Description of three new taxa of Echinoaesalus Zelenka from Borneo and Java (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 12:97-107

Huang H., Xuan W. & Zhen L. 2009
Discovery of a second species of Aesalini from continental China, with description of the new species and its third instar larva (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 2069:18-42

Huang, H., Yang, Q.Z. & Chen, C.C. 2022
Description of a new species of the genus Aesalus Fabricius, 1801 from central China (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Beetles World 24:16-23

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Évaluation génétique du statut taxonomique des populations de dynaste hercule des Petites Antilles (Coleoptera, Dynastinae)
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The Hercules beetles (subgenus Dynastes, genus Dynastes, Dynastidae): a revisionary study based on the integration of molecular, morphological, ecological, and geographic analyses
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The species versus subspecies conundrum: quantitative delimitation from integrating multiple data types within a single Bayesian approach in Hercules beetles
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Diversification in subtropical mountains: Phylogeography, Pleistocene demographic expansion, and evolution of polyphenic mandibles in Taiwanese stag beetle, Lucanus formosanus
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Evolution of adult male horn developmental phenotypes and character displacement in Xylotrupes beetles (Scarabaeidae)
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Genomic data revealed inbreeding despite a geographically connected stable effective population size since the Holocene in the protected Formosan Long-Arm Scarab beetle, Cheirotonus formosanus
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A new species of the genus Aphodius Illiger (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae) from China
Entomotaxonomia 21(4):288-290

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The faunal composition and the feeding habits of Scarabs in Xinjiang (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Acta Entomologica Sinica 42(1):70-77

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Description of a new species of Anomala Samouelle, 1819 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from the Nanling Mountains (China) and remarks on three related species
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Un Scarabée nouveau pour les Petites Antilles: Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius) (Col. Scarabaeidae, Coprinae, Onthophagini)
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Scission du genre Chiron et description de deux nouveaux genres de Chironidae (Coleoptera:Scarabaeoidea)
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Révision du genre Amphiceratodon Huchet, 2000 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Chironidae)
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Insecta Coleoptera Chironidae
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Un nouveau Nothochodaeus Nikolajev des Philippines (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Ochodaeidae)
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Nothochodaeus mindanaoensis, nouvelle espèce des Philippines (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Ochodaeidae)
Coléoptères 20(8):57-64

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Un nouveau genre et une nouvelle espèce d’Ochodaeidae pour la faune d’Europe (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Coléoptères 22(5):38-53

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Un nouveau sous-genre et une nouvelle espèce d’Ochodaeidae des Philippines (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Coléoptères 23(9):93-101

Huchet J.-B. 2018
Une nouvelle espèce du sous-genre Ceratochodaeus Huchet, 2017, de Luzon, Philippines (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Ochodaeidae)
Coléoptères 24(7):63-70

Huchet J.-B. 2019
New data on the taxonomy and distribution of Philippine Ochodaeidae and description of a new species from Central Visayas (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Insecta Mundi 0722:1-10

Huchet J.-B. 2019
Quatre nouvelles espèces du genre Chiron MacLeay, 1819 de la région afrotropicale (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Chrironidae)
Coléoptères 25(11):157-178

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Un nouveau Chiron MacLeay, 1819 d’Afrique subsaharienne (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Chrironidae)
Coléoptères 25(13):185-192

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Trois nouveaux Chiron MacLeay, 1819 d’Afrique orientale (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Chrironidae)
Coléoptères 25(16):213-224

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Chiron elegans, nouvelle espèce d’Afrique subsaharienne< (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Chrironidae)br> Faunitaxys 8(9):1-3

Huchet J.-B. 2020
Two new species of Nothochodaeus Nikolajev, 2005 from the Himalayan region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Insecta Mundi 778:1-11

Huchet J.-B. 2020
Two new genera of Ochodaeinae for Africa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France(NS) 56(5):361–373

Huchet J.-B. 2020
Un nouveau Phoberus MacLeay, 1819, aptère du KwaZulu-Natal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae)
Faunitaxys 8(23):1-5

Huchet, J.B. 2021
Two new species of Nothochodaeus Nikolajev, 2005 from Palawan Island, Philippines (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Insecta Mundi 0893:1-12

Huchet, J.B. 2022
Three new species of the genus Nothochodaeus Nikolajev, 2005 from Java, Greater Sunda Islands (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Faunitaxys 10(61):1-10

Huchet, J.B. 2024
Nothochodaeus lycaon, a new species from Palawan Island, Philippines (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Faunitaxys 12(23):1-4

Huchet J.-B. & Da Costa-Silva V. 2018
A new species of Polynoncus Burmeister, 1876 from Brazil (Coleoptera: Trogidae)
Zootaxa 4524(5):553-566

Huchet, J.B. & Gutierrez, J.L.L. 2024
New insights and comparative morphology of the rare Western Palearctic species Ochodaeus montanus Fuente, 1912, and its closest relative, O. inermis Reitter, 1893 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae)
Insecta Mundi 1079:1-16

Huchet J.-B. & Keith D. 2017
Réhabilitation du genre Mimochodaeus Nikolajev, 2009, et description d’une nouvelle espèce du Sichuan (Coleoptera: Ochodaeidae)
Coléoptères 23(2):17-30

Huchet, J.B. & Labatut, S. 2022
Ataenius heinekeni (Wollaston, 1854) découvert en France. Première citation pour la région paléarctique continentale (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae: Eupariinae)
Faunitaxys 10(31):1-7

Huchet J.-B. & Li C-L. 2015
Une nouvelle espèce taïwanaise du genre Nothochodaeus Nikolajev (Coleoptera, Ochodaeidae)
Coléoptères 21(16):179-189

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The larva of Chiron senegalensis and comments on its relationships with other Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Chironidae)
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Ochodaeus berytensis Petrovitz (Coleoptera: Ochodaeidae), a new pest of the truffle Tuber aestivum in Upper Galilee, Israel
Journal of Applied Entomology 146(7):911-916

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Hybosorus illigeri Reiche, 1853, première mention pour les Petites Antilles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Hybosoridae)
Faunitaxys 8(8):1-7

Huchet J.-B., Sommer D., Hillert O. & Král D. 2020
Nouvelle espèce du genre Jekelius López-Colón, 1989, pour la faune paléarctique (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Geotrupidae)
Coléoptères 26(1):1-10

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Taxonomy of Moluccan Onthophagus, including eight new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
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Nova Species Variorum
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Pseudoryctes magnificollis sp.n. from western Australia and new records for other species of Pseudoryctes Sharp (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Australian Entomologist 45(4):433-440

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Revisitng Nephrodopus Sharp, 1873, with the description of a new species and a female (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Australian Entomologist 46(1):1-14

Hutchinson P.M. & Allsopp P.G. 2019
Bolboleaus houstoni Howden, 1985 (Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae: Bolboceratinae): diagnosis of the female, placement in a key and notes on distribution and habitat
Australian Entomologist 46(3):119-124

Hutchinson P.M. & Allsopp P.G. 2020
Revision of Epironastes Carne, 1957 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini: Pseudoryctina) with description of the female, behaviours, and habitats
Zootaxa 4852(4):428-448

Hutchinson P.M. & Allsopp P.G. 2020
Cavonus Sharp, 1875 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini: Pseudoryctina) in Western Australia with description of a new species and the female of Cavonus sculpturatus Blackburn, 1888
Zootaxa 4852(4):449–460

Hutchinson, P.M. & Allsopp, P.G. 2021
Revision of Anomalomorpha Arrow, 1908 and Enracius Dechambre, 1999, with Erbmahcedius new genus from southeastern Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini: Cheiroplatina)
Zootaxa 5072(5):439-462

Hutchinson, P.M. & Allsopp, P.G. 2021
Australian Melolonthini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae): a sixth species of Pseudholophylla Blackburn, 1911, and notes on the other known species
Zootaxa 5082(1):30-40

Hutchinson, P.M. & Allsopp, P.G. 2022
Liomenochilus ongi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Systellopini), a new genus and new species from northern Western Australia
Zootaxa 5100(1):119-128

Hutchinson P.M. & Moeseneder C.H. 2013
Grandaustralis, a new genus and Grandaustralis boomerang, a new species of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Western Australia
Zootaxa 3669(1):17-26

Hutchinson P.M. & Moeseneder C.H. 2013
Chondropyga insignicosta, a new species of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Queensland, Australia
Zootaxa 3710(3):281-288

Hutchinson P.M. & Moeseneder C.H. 2019
Aurum, a new monotypic genus of Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) endemic to Western Australia, Australia
Zootaxa 4683(2):277-285

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Rigoutorum a new genus for Diaphonia bacchusi Rigout and Allard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Schizorhinini), with description of a second species from Western Australia and notes on habitats and behaviours
Zootaxa 5150(2):239-259

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The Dynastini of the World (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
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