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New and little known species of Scarab genus Onthophagus Latr. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from China, Vietnam, Laos and Pakistan
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Materiały do znajomości chrząszczy z nadrodziny Scarabaeoidea Beskidu Wschodniego
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Kogane, Tokyo 10:73-76

Kawai S. 2010
Notes on Caccobius suzukii Matsumura, 1936, a junior synonym of Caccobius (Caccophilus) boucomonti Balthasar, 1935 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 11:89-92

Kawai S. 2011
Transition of Dung Beetles Inhabited in Tanzawa-Fudakake, Kanagawa Prefecture
Special Publication of the Japanese Society of Scarabaeoidology, Tokyo 1:177-182

Kawai S. & Hori S. 2002
Notes on Mozartius testaceus Nomura et Nakane nand M.jugosus (Lewis) (Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae): Re-evaluation of the status of M.testaceus
Kogane, Tokyo 3:39-44

Kawai S., Hori S., Kawahara M. & Inagaki M. 2005
Atlas of Japanese Scarabaeoidea Vol.1 Coprophagous group
Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books, Tokyo, Japan :1-189

Kawano K. 1988
Why are the horns of lucanid beetles so imposing? Evolutionary process through competition among males II.
Gekkan Mushi 210:8-15

Kawano K. 1988
Why are the horns of lucanid beetles so imposing? Evolutionary process through competition among males II.
Gekkan Mushi 211:22-27

Kawano K. 1989
Evolutionary mechanism of polymorphism in lucanid beetles - evolutionary process through competition among males III.
Gekkan Mushi 221:22-25

Kawano K. 1989
Evolutionary mechanism of polymorphism in lucanid beetles - evolutionary process through competition among males III.
Gekkan Mushi 220:16-21

Kawano K. 1990
Geographic variation of Dorcus curvidens and its speciation
Gekkan Mushi 233:9-19

Kawano K. 1992
Male dimorphism and alternative mating strategies in rhinoceros beetles. Evolutionary process through competition among males. V.
Gekkan Mushi 252:11-21

Kawano K. 1992
Male dimorphism and evolution of Lucanid beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Gekkan Mushi 259:12-16

Kawano K. 1993
Polymorphism in lucanid beetles and the evolutionary theory (revised from the previous title). II. A consideration on a polymorphic pattern occurring across different taxa
Gekkan Mushi 265:7-10

Kawano K. 1993
Polymorphism in Lucanid beetles and the evolutionary theory. III. A consideration on the "Ookuwagata" pattern
Gekkan Mushi 268:10-15

Kawano K. 1994
Polymorphism in lucanid beetles and the evolutionary theory. IV. The variation in the apical teeth of mandibles and developmental program
Gekkan Mushi 280:6-14

Kawano K. 1997
Cost of Evolving Exaggerated Mandibles in Stag Beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 90(4):453-461

Kawano K. 1999
Polymorphism in stag beetles and the evolutionary theory VI Polymorphism in the genus Odontolabis revisited; Parallelism or ontogeny-derived variation?
Gekkan Mushi 340:26-34

Kawano K. 2000
Genera and allometry in the stag beetle family Lucanidae, Coleoptera
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 93(2):198-207

Kawano K. 2003
Character displacement in Stag Beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96(4):503-511

Kawano K. 2004
Development stability and adaptive variability of male genitalia in sexually dimorphic beetles
The American Naturalist 163(1):1-16

Kazmi S.I. & Ramamurthy V.V. 2004
Coleoptera (Insecta) fauna from the Indian Thar Desert, Rajasthan
Zoos' Print Journal 19(4):1447-1448

Keasar T., Harari A.R., Sabatinelli G., Keith D., Dafni A., Shavit O., Zylbertal A. & Shmida A. 2010
Red anemone guild flowers as focal places for mating and feeding by Levant glaphyrid beetles
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99(4):808-817

Keith D. 1996
Acquisitions remarquables pour l'Eure-et-Loir (Col. Geotrupidae et Eucnemidae)
L'Entomologiste 52(5):182

Keith D. 1996
Onthophagus intéressants de Turquie (Col. Scarabaeidae)
L'Entomologiste 52(5):182

Keith D. 1998
Remarques geographiques et biologiques sur quelques Scarabaeoidea du proche Orient
Lambillionea 98(4):549-552

Keith D. 1998
Redécouverte de Chaetopteroplia segetum cordofana et description de la femelle (Scarabaeoidea: Rutelindae, Anomalinae, Anisopliini)
Lambillionea 98(3):361-363

Keith D. 1998
Deux Maladera (Aserica) Lewis nouvelles d'Anatolie (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 67(10):287-290

Keith D. 1998
Contribution à l'inventaire entomologique d'Eure-et-Loir. Premier complément aux inventaires existants
Bulletin de la Société des Amis du Muséum et des Naturalistes d'Eure-et-Loir 18:44-47

Keith D. 1999
Sur les Hybosoridae du Pakistan et description d'un nouveau Phaeochrous Castelnau (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
L'Entomologiste 55(1):11-13

Keith D. 1999
Cinq nouvelles espèces du genre Brachyllus Brenske et remarques sur B.ulcerosus Brenske et B.cechovskyi Sabatinelli et Pontuale (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon 68(9):279-292

Keith D. 1999
Remarques biogeographiques sur quelques Scarabaeoidea du Bassin Mediterraneen Oriental
Lambillionea 99(3):469-471

Keith D. 1999
Sur les Scarabaeoidea des Canaries (Col.)
L'Entomologiste 55(4):141

Keith D. 1999
Présence de Melolontha hippocastani (F.) en Eure-et-Loir (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Symbioses (N.S.) 1:46

Keith D. 2000
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Moyen Orient: Taxons nouveaux ou peu connus (Coleoptera)
Lambillionea 100:380-387

Keith D. 2000
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Moyen Orient (2éme note): Taxons nouveaux ou méconnus (Coleoptera)
Lambillionea 100(4):564-571

Keith D. 2000
Description de Lacroixidema poggii n.gen., n.sp. du Myanmar (Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Pachydeminae)
Lambillionea 100(1):123-127

Keith D. 2000
Un nouveau Phaeochroops Candèze du Myanmar septentrional (Coleoptera Hybosoridae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Lyon 69(3):51-54

Keith D. 2000
Addendum à un article récent sur le genre Brachyllus Brenske (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 69(7):181-182

Keith D. 2001
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Proche et du Moyen-Orient (9e Note): description de Medeotrogus linnavuorii n.gen. d'Irak et d'Iran et d'Adoretus kashmarensis n.sp. d'Iran (Col. Rutelidae)
Symbioses (N.S.) 5:75-78

Keith D. 2001
Brachyllus itohi, nouvelle espèce du Vietnam (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae )
Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon 70(6):155-158

Keith D. 2001
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du proche et du moyen orient (5e note): Un nouveau Pygopleurus Motschulsky, 1859 du Liban (Coleoptera: Glaphyridae)
Biocosme Mésogéen, Nice 18(1):5-10

Keith D. 2001
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Proche et du Moyen Orient (7e note). Observations sur Oxythyrea dulcis Reitter, 1898 (Col. Cetoniidae)
Cetoniimania 1(4):95-97

Keith D. 2001
Un nouveau Phaeochroops Candéze d'Inde du Nord (Col. Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Lyon 70(6):151-154

Keith D. 2001
Sur les genres Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 et Pseudopanotrogus Petrovitz, 1969. Présence de Brahmina glabellus Nikolajev et Kabakov, 1980 au Pakistan (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 70(1):6-14

Keith D. 2001
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Proche et du Moyen Orient (4eme Note): présence du genre Apogonia Kirby en Anatolie Occidentale (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 101(2):196

Keith D. 2001
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du Proche et du Moyen Orient (3eme Note): sur le genre Triodontella Reitter, 1919 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Sericinae)
Lambillionea 101(1):153-160

Keith D. 2002
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du proche et moyen Orient (6e Note): taxons méconnus et description de deux espèces nouvelles de Melolonthinae d'Irak, d'Arabia Saoudite et de Syrie (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea)
Lambillionea 102(2):140-148

Keith D. 2002
Contribution à la connaissance des Scarabaeoidea du proche et du moyen orient (10e note): sur la faune de Chypre
Biocosme Mésogéen, Nice 19(1-2):21-30

Keith D. 2002
Sur quelques Pachydeminae (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 102(1):36-42

Keith D. 2002
Contribution to the knowledge of the Scarabaeoidea from the Near and Middle East (8th note): Systematic notes on the genera Madotrogus Reitter, 1902, Xestotrogus Reitter, 1902 and Xanthotrogus Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)
Biocosme Mésogéen, Nice 19(1-2):11-20

Keith D. 2002
Phaeochrous nicolasi, nouvelle espèce d'Australie (Col. Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Lyon 71(9):355-356

Keith D. 2002
Sur les genres Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 et Pseudopanotrogus Petrovitz, 1969. II. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 71(4):141-151

Keith D. 2002
Addendum à la description de Medeotrogus linnavuorii Keith, 2001 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Symbioses (N.S.) 7:42

Keith D. 2003
Addendum:Complement a l'article paru en mars 2003: Nouveaux Rhizotroginae du Moyen Orient
Lambillionea 103(1):328

Keith D. 2003
Le genre Brachyllus Brenske, 1896, en Chine. Nouvelles acquisitions pour la faune chinoise (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 108(3):307-311

Keith D. 2003
Note synonymique et homonymique sur les Anoxia chypriotes (Col., Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 108(4):354

Keith D. 2003
Nouveaux Rhizotroginae du Moyen Orient (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 103(1):89-102

Keith D. 2003
Une nouvelle espèce pour la faune d'Europe: Anomala affinis Ganglbauer, 1882 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Rutelidae)
Lambillionea 103(3):529-531

Keith D. 2003
Scarabaeoidea méconnus du Proche Orient (Coleoptera)
Lambillionea 103(1):103-110

Keith D. 2004
Revalidation du genre Clypeolontha et description du mâle de Clypeolontha bertiae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique. Entomologie 74:77-79

Keith D. 2004
Un nouveau Melolonthidae du nord-est de le Thaïlande (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique. Entomologie 74:81-83

Keith D. 2004
Un nouvel Hilyotrogus du Myanmar (Col.,Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 104(4):727-728

Keith D. 2004
Note synonymique sur Brahmina poonensis (Col. Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 109(2):189

Keith D. 2004
Note homonymique sur Liogenys excisa Moser, 1919 (Col. Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 109(2):195-196

Keith D. 2004
Remarques sur quelques espèces du genre Exolontha Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 109(3):329-332

Keith D. 2004
Sur quelques Adoretini (Col. Scarabaeoidea Rutelidae)
Lambillionea 104(2):179-180

Keith D. 2004
Une nouvelle espèce de Holochelus (Miltotrogus) de Syrie (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 104(3):676-678

Keith D. 2004
What is Hoplia (Decamera) semirufa Pic, 1908 ? (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Hopliinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 5:9-12

Keith D. 2005
Les Elaphocera du Bassin Mediterraneen Oriental a hanches posterieures saillantes en pointe: Deux nouvelles espèces de Grece (Col. Melolonthidae Pachydeminae)
Lambillionea 105(2):242-244

Keith D. 2005
Observations sur quelques Scarabaeoidea grecs (Col. Orphnidae, Glaphyridae, Trogidae, Cetoniidae)
Lambillionea 105(1):169-170

Keith D. 2005
Sur quelques Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) paléarctiques et orientaux
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 74(3):93-102

Keith D. 2005
Un nouveau genre de Melolonthidae de Thaïlande (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 75:141-145

Keith D. 2005
Une nouvelle espèce invasive au Magreb : Maladera insanabilis (Col. Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 110(1):42

Keith D. 2005
Révision du genre Gnaphalostetha (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 110(1):103-108

Keith D. 2005
Nouvelles données sur la faune des Scarabaeoidea de Syrie (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 110(3):272

Keith D. 2005
Révision des Chilotrogus Reitter, 1905 du groupe batillarius (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 110(3):273-280

Keith D. 2005
Remarques taxonomiques sur quelques Rhizotroginae orientaux et description de nouvelles espèces (Col. Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Symbioses 12:23-32

Keith D. 2005
Une nouvelle Holotrichia de Chine (Col. Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 105(4):541-544

Keith D. 2005
Sur quelques types de Sericinae et description d’une nouvelle espèce de Rhizotroginae de Libye (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 75:135-139

Keith D. 2005
First record of the genus Bolbelasmus from Iran (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 6:51-52

Keith D. 2006
Sur le genre Tocama Reitter, 1902 (Col. Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae Melolonthinae)
Lambillionea 106(2):223-229

Keith D. 2006
Sur le genre Amadotrogus Reitter, 1902, en Grèce et au Proche-Orient (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 111(1):133-136

Keith D. 2006
Reflexions sur le genre Engertia et description d'une nouvelle espèce des Philippines (Col. Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 106(1):90-94

Keith D. 2006
First record of Melolonthinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) from Qatar
Kogane 7:52

Keith D. 2006
Qu'est-ce que Tropinota (Epicometis) jakesi Balthasar, 1967 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae)?
Animma X 14:17-18

Keith D. 2006
Un biotope surprenant pour Cetonischema aeruginosa (Drury, 1770) (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
L'Entomologiste 62(1-2):50

Keith D. 2006
Espèces nouvelles ou méconnues de Melolonthidae asiatiques (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Symbioses (N.S.) 17:43-58

Keith D. 2006
Qu'est-ce que Articephala phasmella Biggs, 1945? (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 23(4):377

Keith D. 2006
Corrigenda: Planche: sur le genre Tocama
Lambillonea 106(3):501

Keith D. 2007
Un nom de remplacement pour Leptolepis Ley, 1917 (Col. Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 112(1):40

Keith D. 2007
Sur quelques Scarabaeoidea de Libye (Coleoptera); description de Onitis ringenbachi nov. sp.
Biocosme mésogéen 24(1):15-21

Keith D. 2007
Trois nouvelles espèces du genre Brachyllus Brenske, 1896 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Hartmann M. & Baumbach H.: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya II.:419-424

Keith D. 2007
Espèces nouvelles ou méconnues de Pachydeminae asiatiques (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Hartmann M. & Baumbach H.: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya II.:425-432

Keith D. 2007
Le genre Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 au Népal (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Hartmann M. & Baumbach H.: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya II.:435-437

Keith D. 2007
Une nouvelle Amphicoma du Laos (Coleoptera Glaphyridae)
L’Entomologiste 63(1):3-4

Keith D. 2007
Un nouveau genre de Rutelinae du Vietnam (Insecta: Coleoptera. Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae)
Lambillionea 107(3)(2):466-470

Keith D. 2007
Sur l'identité du genre Lepesmonyx Paulian, 1991 (Col. Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 112(4):480

Keith D. 2007
Présence avérée de la sous-famille des Pachydeminae au Pakistan avec une clé du genre Falsotoclinius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 112(4):505-509

Keith D. 2007
Description de nouvelles espèces et d'un nouveau genre de Melolonthidae asiatiques (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 23(4):291-299

Keith D. 2007
Nouvelles espèces de Melolonthidae asiatiques (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Symbioses 16:44-56

Keith D. 2007
Description de deux nouvelles espèces du genre Pectinichelus Ballion, 1871 du Tibet (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Symbioses (N.S.) 20:75-76

Keith D. 2008
Description de Pygopleurus weilli, nouvelle espèce de Syrie (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Glaphyriidae)
Biocosme mésogéen 25(1):39-42

Keith D. 2008
Observations sur quelques Scarabaeoidea de Turqui (Coleoptera)
Biocosme mésogéen 25(2):63-69

Keith D. 2008
Rectificatifs (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)

Keith D. 2008
Un problème d'homonymie pour un genre de Melolonthidae (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 113(1):72

Keith D. 2008
A new species of the genus Amphicoma Latreille, 1807 from China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Glaphyridae)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:23-26

Keith D. 2008
Nouveaux Melolonthini du Sud-Est asiatique (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 24(4):335-349

Keith D. 2008
Nouveaux Melolonthidae du Myanmar (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Lambillionea 108(3):315-322

Keith D. 2008
Description d'une troisième espèce d'Aglaphyra Brenske, 1896 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Pachydeminae)
Coléoptères 14(8):99-104

Keith D. 2008
Descriptions de deux nouvelles espèces de Melolonthidae du Nepal (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Lambillionea 108(4):491-495

Keith D. 2008
Une espèce nouvelle pour la faune du Pakistan (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 113(4):520

Keith D. 2008
Sur le genre Bunbunius Nomura, 1970 (Col. Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
Symbioses 22:60-70

Keith D. 2008
Description d'une nouvelle espèce d'Anomala du Myanmar (Col. Scarabaeoidea Rutelidae)
Symbioses 22:71-72

Keith D. 2008
Erratum. Nouveaux Melolonthidae du Myanmar
Lambillonea 108(4):524

Keith D. 2009
Rediscovery of Melolontha excisicauda Balthasar, 1936 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae) from Lebanon
Kogane, Tokyo 10,61-62

Keith D. 2009
Une nouvelle espèce d'Amphimallon de Tunisie (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 25(4):353-356

Keith D. 2009
Contribution à la connaissance de la faune des Pachydeminae asiatiques (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 79:73-88

Keith D. 2009
Présence du genre Taiwanotrichia Kobayashi, 1990 en Chine continentale (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
L’Entomologiste 65(5):233-234

Keith D. 2009
Melolonthidae asiatiques nouveaux ou méconnus avec une clé des Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 du Népal et remarques systématiques sur le genre Pseudopanotrogus Petrovitz, 1969 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Vernate 28:333-358

Keith D. 2010
Le genre Madotrogus Reitter, 1902 au Pakistan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 115(1):77-80

Keith D. 2010
Note sur Onitis miesseni Gusakov & Klimenko (Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae, Coprinae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 26(2):162

Keith D. 2010
Description d’un nouvel Amphimallon de Grèce (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
L'Entomologiste 66(3):113-115

Keith D. 2010
New record of Polyphylla jessopi De Wailly, 1993 from Guangxi, China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 11:19-20

Keith D. 2010
Nouvelles espèces de Melolonthidae asiatiques et une synonymie dans le genre Miridiba Reitter, 1901 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 26(3):231-245

Keith D. 2010
Description d'une cinquième espèce du genre Aglaphyra Brenske, 1896 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Pachydeminae)
Symbioses (N.S.) 26:5-6

Keith D. 2010
Sur Brahmina verticalis Moser, 1915, et Idionycha excisa Arrow, 1932 (Col., Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 115(4):507-508

Keith D. 2011
Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Maladera Mulsant & Rey, 1871 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae: Sericinae)
Vernate 29:161-163

Keith D. 2011
Description d'une seconde espèce du genre Holopycnia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 26(4):375-377

Keith D. 2011
Sur Trox perrisi Fairmaire, 1868 en Turquie (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Trogidae)
L'Entomologiste 67(4):236

Keith D. 2012
Note synonymique sur Lasiexis vartiani Petrovitz, 1980 (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 117(1):82

Keith D. 2012
Description de deux nouvelles espèces de Scarabaeoidea d'Asie (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Bolboceratidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 28(1):3-10

Keith D. 2012
Description d'une nouvelle espèce appartenant au genre Neomaladera Baraud, 1965 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Sericinae)
L'Entomologiste 68(1):53-56

Keith D. 2012
Une nouvelle espèce de Melolonthidae du Vietnam (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea)
L'Entomologiste 68(6):333-335

Keith D. 2012
New Melolonthidae from Myanmar II (lnsecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Hartmann M, Weipert A., editors. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. Band 3. Erfurt: Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. IV :317-321

Keith D. 2017
Présence d'Afromorgus pauliani (Haaf, 1954) en Thaïlande (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Trogidae)
L'Entomologiste 73(5):349

Keith D. 2017
Présence de Polyphylla nubecula Frey, 1962 hors de Chine (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Melolonthini)
L'Entomologiste 73(5):349

Keith D. 2017
Description d’une troisième espèce du genre Euremina Westwood, 1867 du Vietnam et du Laos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae)
Cetoniimania 12:3-5

Keith D. 2019
Sur Phaeochrous pseudintermedius Kuijten, 1978 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae)
L'Entomologiste 75(2):101-102

Keith D. 2019
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Anomala Samouelle, 1819 de Thaïlande septentrionale (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Rutelinae)
L'Entomologiste 75(5):283-284

Keith D. 2020
Description d’une troisième espèce dans le genre Pantolasius Lansberge, 1887 (Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea, Hybosoridae)
Faunitaxys 8(10):1-2

Keith D. 2020
Description d’espèces nouvelles du genre Miridiba Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 8(13):1-5

Keith D. 2020
Description de nouvelles espèces du genre Megistophylla Burmeister, 1855 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Rhizotrogini)
L'Entomologiste 76(5):269-276

Keith D. 2020
Description de deux espèces nouvelles du genre Miridiba Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Rhizotrogini)
L'Entomologiste 76(6):375-380

Keith, D. 2021
Description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Miridiba Reitter, 1902 de Chine méridionale (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 9(45):1-4

Keith, D. 2022
Description d’une nouvelle espèce du genre Brachyllus Brenske, 1896 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) de Chine méridionale
Faunitaxys 10(14):1-3

Keith, D. 2022
Le genre Phaeochroops Candèze, 1876 aux Philippines (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae)
L'Entomologiste 78(2):159

Keith, D. 2022
Première citation du genre Bunbunius Nomura, 1970 du Vietnam avec la description d’une nouvelle espèce (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae)
L'Entomologiste 78(3):171-174

Keith, D. 2023
Description d’espèces nouvelles du genre Miridiba Reitter, 1902 du Laos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 11(9):1-9

Keith, D. 2023
Rectificatif concernant Miridiba brancuccii Keith, 2023 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 11(49):1

Keith, D. 2023
Note morphologique et taxinomique sur le genre Nuiba Prokofiev, 2016 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Melolonthini)
L'Entomologiste 79(2):145-148

Keith, D. 2023
Description d’une nouvelle espèce du genre Pachydema Laporte, 1832 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Pachydemini)
L'Entomologiste 79(3):273-277

Keith, D. 2024
Observation en France d’Onitis ion (Olivier, 1789) (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Scarabaeinae)
L'Entomologiste 79(5):380

Keith, D. 2024
Description de deux espèces nouvelles du genre Miridiba Reitter, 1902 du Vietnam (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 12(20):1-6

Keith, D. 2024
Redécouverte d’Anomala papuna Arrow, 1917, espèce orientale méconnue (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Faunitaxys 12(54):1-3

Keith, D. 2024
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Bunbunius Nomura, 1970 du Myanmar (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Hartmann, Barclay & Weipert. Biodiversitat und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VIII. - Erfurt 2024:379-381

Keith D. & Ahrens D. 2002
Zur Kenntnis der Arten der Gattung Maladera Mulsant et Rey, 1871, aus dem Iran (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Sericinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift 112(7):194-197

Keith D. & Aston Paul 2011
First record of Phaeochrous hainanensis Zhang, 1990 from mainland China along with some remarks about its status (Coleoptera, Hybosoride)
Hong Kong Entomological Society Bulletin 3(2):3-4

Keith D. & Ballerio A. 2019
Une nouvelle espèce de Phaeochrous Laporte, 1840 du Vietnam (Coleoptera Hybosoridae)
L'Entomologiste 75(5):277-278

Keith D. & Bordat P. 2011
Sur la faune des Scarabaeoidea du Qatar (Coleoptera)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 27(2):183-189

Keith, D. & Coache, A. 2023
Présence du genre Glaresis Kolbe, 1905 au Sénégal et au Burkina Faso, et description d’une nouvelle espèce (Coleoptera: Glaresidae)
Faunitaxys 11(11):1-5

Keith, D. & Coache, A. 2023
Sur Phaeochrous thomensis Arrow, 1909 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Hybosoridae)
Faunitaxys 11(39):1-5

Keith D. & Delpont M. 2004
Noms de remplacement pour deux genres de Cetoniidae (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Lyon 73(9):363

Keith D. & Drumont A. 2004
Mission du Dr.Michel Jangoux dans le Sultanat d'Oman: Hybosoridae, Glaresidae, Melolonthidae et Dynastidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique. Entomologie 74:85-87

Keith D. & Drumont A. 2005
Sympatrie de Melolonthidae en vallée de Vésubie (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
L'Entomologiste 61(3):109-110

Keith D. & Kawai S. 2007
First records of Afromorgus zumpti (Haaf, 1957) from Kenya and Zimbabwe (Coleoptera, Trogidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 8:97-98

Keith D. & Lacroix M. 1999
Deux nouveaux Tanyproctus Faldermann de Chine (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 99(3):472-480

Keith D. & Lacroix M. 2003
Un nouveau Tanyproctus Ménétries, 1832 de Chine et remarques sur les genres Pachnessa Brenske, 1894 et Peritryssus Reitter, 1918 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Coléoptères 9(4):37-50

Keith D.& Li C-L 2005
Notes on the Melolontha guttigera group with description of a new species from Java (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidaa, Melolonthinae)
Kogane 6:1-7

Keith D. & Li J. 2009
Lamellicornes Pleurosticti du mont Wuzhishan (île d’Hainan, République populaire de Chine) avec la première citation du genre Taiwanotrichia Kobayashi, 1990 hors de Taiwan (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea)
L’Entomologiste 65(4):163-166

Keith D. & Li J. 2013
Description d’une nouvelle espèce du genre Bunbunius Nomura, 1970 du Xizang, R.P. Chine (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Symbioses, nouvelle série 29:21-22

Keith D.& Lo Cascio P. 2005
A new Haplidia Hope from Nysiros Island (Dodecanese, Greece) with a catalogue of the genus (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 105(1):139-142

Keith D. & Makris C. 2008
Confirmation of Oxythyrea abigail Reiche & Saulcy from Cyprus Island and a record of O.dulcis from Andros Island (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:27-28

Keith D. & Miessen G. 2009
Une nouvelle espèce de Maladera de Chypre (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 25(2):179-182

Keith D. & Montreuil O. 2004
Révision des genres Otoclinius Brenske 1896, Falsotoclinius n. gen. et Tanyproctoides Petrovitz 1971 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Pachydeminae)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France 40(3-4):213-225

Keith D. & Moretto P. 2007
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Onitis d'Arabie Saoudite (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris (N.S.) 24(2):177-178

Keith D. & Peslier S. 2009
Description de la femelle d'Amphimallon maevae Montreuil, 1999 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie 18(2):89-90

Keith D. & Reichenbach A. 2018
Pachydeminae afrotropicaux nouveaux (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae)
L'Entomologiste 74(2):73-79

Keith D. & Sabatinelli G. 2008
Compléments à la description de Holochelus (Miltotrogus) rapuzzi Keith, 2004 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Lambillionea 108(4):489-490

Keith D. & Sabatinelli G. 2010
Nouvelles espèces de Pectinichelus Ballion, 1871, et Miridiba Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 115(3):339-344

Keith D. & Sabatinelli G. 2012
Description de trois espèces et d'une sous-espèce nouvelles de Melolonthini des genres Tocama Reitter, 1902, et Exolontha Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 117(3):269-276

Keith D. & Saltin J-P. 2012
Première contribution à la connaissance des Melolontha Fabricius, 1775 du Pakistan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
R.A.R.E. 21(1):20-35

Keith D. & Trichas A. 2007
Description d'Elaphocera kosensis nouvelle espèce du genre Elaphocera Gené, 1836 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Pachydeminae)
Biocosme mésogéen 24(2):51-55

Keith D. & Uliana M. 2008
Contribution to the knowledge of Iranian Pygopleurus Motschulsky, with description of P. rapuzzii n. sp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Glaphyridae)
Zootaxa 1825:59-64

Keith D. & Zubair A. 2013
New records for the fauna of Pakistan (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Symbioses (N.S.) 31:45-46

Keith, D., Bezděk, A., Sehnal, R. & Král, D., 2022
Two new Holochelus (subgenus Miltotrogus) species (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Rhizotrogini) from Iran
Bulletin of Insectology 75(2):253-263

Keith D., Li J., Zhang X. & Huang L. 2012
Scarabaeoidea Pleurosticti récoltés sur le Mt.Gaoligongshan en République Populaire de Chine (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Vernate 31:387-397

Keith, D., Pham, P.V. & Sabatinelli, G. 2023
Exolontha permirabilis, a new species from Vietnam with notes on the genus (Col. Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae Melolonthini)
Faunitaxys 11(73):1-5

Keith, D., Pham, P.V. & Sabatinelli, G. 2024
Description d’une remarquable nouvelle espèce du genre Eotrichia Medvedev, 1951 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Faunitaxys 12(35):1-4

Keith D., Rössner E. & Ahrens D. 2010
Zur Identität von Triodontella alni (Blanchard, 1850) und Serica luteipes Fairmaire, 1881 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, .5ericini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart 120(3):103-107

Keith D., Sabatinelli G. & Uliana M. 2015
Synopsis of the genus Pharaonus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae), with descriptions of new taxa
Zootaxa 4012(1):167-180

Keller O. & Skelley P.E. 2020
New family record for the West Indies and two new species of Glaresis Erichson (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Glaresidae) from Hispaniola
Insecta Mundi 839:1-6

Kellner A. 1876
Verzeichniss der Käfer Thüringens mit Angabe der nützlichen und der für Forst-, Land- und Gartenwirtschaft schädlichen Arten
Zeitschrift für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften (N.F.) 14(48):341-472 (403-406)

Kemal M. & Koçak A.O. 2009
Nomenclatural notes on two Russian Insecta (Lepidoptera, Coleoptera)
Centre for Entomological Studies Miscellaneous Papers 146:1-2

Kemal M., Seven E. & Koçak A.O. 2013
Polyphylla persica Brenske, 1902, new to the fauna of Turkey (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Coleoptera)
Cesa News. Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara 92:10-11

Kerman K., Roggero A., Rolando A. & Palestrini C. 2018
Evidence for Male Horn Dimorphism and Related Pronotal Shape Variation in Copris lunaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Coprini)
Insects 9(3)(108):1-13

Kerman K., Roggero A., Piccini I., Rolando A. & Palestrini C. 2020
Dung beetle distress signals may be correlated with sex and male morph: a case study on Copris lunaris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Coprini)
Bioacoustics 30(2)(2021):180-196

Kerremans Ch. 1880
Catalogue des Coléoptères de Belgique et des régions voisines
Editeurs A.-N. Lebègue et Cie :33-35

Keskin B., Keith D., Yolcu F., Cevik I.E. & Arikan H. 2008
Organization and archiving of insect material in the zoology museum at Ege University. Part I. Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera)
Ege Üniversitesi Basimevi, Bornova Izmir :1-29

Khadakkar S.S., Tiple A.D. & Khurad A.M. 2018
Morphology of immatures of Aphodius (Neocalaphodius) moestus (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Munis Entomology & Zoology 13(2):616-621

Khadakkar S.S., Tiple A.D. & Khurad A.M. 2018
Description of life stages of dung beetle Scaptodera rhadamistus (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with notes on nesting and biology
Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(15):12990-12994

Khadakkar S.S., Tiple A.D. & Khurad A.M. 2019
Scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae) of Vidarbha, India, with Notes on Distribution
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 89(4):1239-1249

Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa N.A.B.A.T. 2013
Checklist of the Family Scarabaeidae (Scarab Beetles) from Palestine
The Palestinian Biological Bulletin 105:1-26

Khaldy L., Tocco C., Byrne M., Baird E. & Dacke M. 2020
Straight-line orientation in the woodland-living beetle Sisyphus fasciculatus
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 206(3):327-335

Khan K.M. 1980
Taxonomic status of genus Holotrichia Hope ( Melolonthini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae)
PKV Research Journal 4(1):46-47

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1978
Notes on genus Trichoserica Reitter (Sericini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae) and a new combination for Serica (Ophtalmoserica) umbrinella Brenske
Indian Journal of Entomology. New Dehli 40:214

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1980
Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Autoserica Brenske (Sericini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae) with Descriptions of three new species from India and Pakistan, Redescription of Autoserica bimaculata (Hope) and three new combinations along with a key to the species
Bulletin of Entomology 21:23-32

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1980
Schizonycha impressa, a new species from India (Melolonthini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae) and redescription of two species
Bulletin of Entomology 21:33-39

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1980
Notes on the genus Hemiserica Brenske (Sericini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae) with descriptions of two new species from India and key to species
Bulletin of Entomology 21:40-43

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1982
Taxonomic Status on the Genus Holotrichia Hope (Melolonthini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae) with Descriptions of five new species from India along with redescriptions of two poorly described species and a key to species
Bulletin of Entomology 23:28-45

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1982
Paragynaecoserica: A new Sericine Genus from India (Sericini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of Entomology 23:61-64

Khan K.M. & Ghai S. 1983
Notes on Taxonomic status of the genus Anomalochela Moser (Melolonthini: Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of Entomology 24(1):35

Kharel, B.P. & Sarkar, S.K. 2021
World checklist and key to Indian species with a new record of Tiniocellus Péringuey, 1901 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from India
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 14:321-327

Kharel B.P., Schoolmeesters P. & Sarkar S.K. 2020
A first faunistic account on the Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) of the Nadia district, West Bengal, with a preliminary checklist from India
Check List 16(2):361–381

Khidhir, A.Q.S. & Mustafa, R.A. 2023
Re-Description of The New Species for Iraq, Asiopertha Nazarena Marseul, 1878 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Journal of University of Duhok 22(2):210-215

Khobrakova L.T., Rudykh S.G. & Maladaev A.A. 2016
A new record of Oryctes nasicornis L. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) from Buryatia, Russia
Euroasian Entomological Journal 15(5):450

Kierdorf-Traut G. 2015
Zum vorkommen von Trypocopris alpinus alpinus (Sturm & Hagenbach, 1825), Trypocopris alpinus opacus (Mariani, 1958) und Trypocopris pyrenaeus splendens (Heer, 1841) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in Südtirol, Italien
Gredleriana 15:129-130

Kiesenwetter H. 1849
Lamellicornia. In Dohrn C.A., Kiesenwetter H., Märkel J.C.F., Schaum H.& Suffrian E. Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae
Entomologische Zeitung 10:1-82 (35-39)

Kiesenwetter H. 1858
Beitrag zur Käferfauna Griechenlands. Viertes Stuck:Parnidae, Heteroceridae, Lamellicornia, Buprestidae
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:231-249

Kiesenwetter H. 1859
Beitrag zur Käferfauna Griechenlands. Sechstes Stuck
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 3:158-192

Kieseritzky V. 1910
De duobus Cetoniinis novis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Revue russe d'Entomologie 10(4):281

Kieseritzky V. 1928
Novyi vid roda Gymnopleurus Ill. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) iz peskov Sredney Aziyi. Une espèce nouvelle du genre Gymnopleurus Ill. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) du desert sabloneux de l'Asie russe
Izvestiya Kursov Prikladnoy Zoologii i Fitopatologii (Bulletin Institut Zoologie Appliquee Phytopathologie Leningrad) 4:43-46

Kieseritzky V. 1928
Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Sugrames Reitt. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 22:113-115

Kieseritzky V. & Reichardt A. 1927
De specie secunda tribus Thinorycterina (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 21:255-256

Kikuta T. 1985
The name of Japanese stag beetle, Serrognathus costatus (Boileau)
Gekkan-Mushi 173:25

Kikuta T. 1986
On the higher taxa of the stag beetle family Lucanidae
Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 2:131-138

Kim A.Y. & Park S.W. 2020
A new record of the Genus Pachyserica Brenske, 1897 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) in Korea
Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 59(1):37-40

Kim C-H, Lee J-S, Go M-S & Park K-T 2002
Ecological characteristics of Protaetia orientalis submarmorea (Burmeister) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
The Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 41(1):43-47

Kim E. 2018
One new species of genus Cyclommatus Parry, 1862 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) and related species from Borneo Island
Insect Korea 8:53-58

Kim, E. 2022
Hypothetical Speciation Scenario of Subgenus Psalidoremus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) by Morphological Traits and Geographical Patterns
Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea 3(1):41-46

Kim E., An S.L., Choi J.B. & Park J.K. 2020
Taxonomic study on the montanellus species group of the genus Cyclommatus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from Borneo Island, Malaysia, and Indonesia
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 13(3):372-379

Kim, E., Kim, P. & An, S.L. 2020
The complete mitochondrial genome of Korean indigenous stag beetle, Dorcus koreanus
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5(3):3741-3742

Kim E., Park J. & Park J.K. 2017
Taxonomic study on the subspecies of Cyclommatus metallifer (Boisduval, 1835) from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 10(4):519-526

Kim J. & Brou V.A. 2018
The genus Strategus Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) in Louisiana
Southern Lepidopterists' News 40(2):100-105

Kim J. & Brou V.A. 2019
Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) in Louisiana
Southern Lepidopterists' News 41(3):250-254

Kim J. & Jung S. 2019
A new species of the genus Mawenzhena Alexis & Delpont (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Goliathini) from South Korea
Zootaxa 4671(2):277-282

Kim J.I. 1979
A new species of Aegialia (s.str.) (Col., Scarab., Aegialidae) from Sand Dunes of Korea
The Korean Journal of Entomology 9:9-10

Kim J.I. 1980
Deux nouvelles espèces du genre Psammodius Coréen (Col. Aphodiidae)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 10(2):9-11

Kim J.I. 1980
Deux nouvelles espèces sabuleuses appartenant au genre Psammodius (Col. Aphodiidae) de la Corée
The Korean Journal of Entomology 10(1):7-8

Kim J.I. 1984
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea, Insecta) I. Scarabaeidae (1)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 14(1):51-61

Kim J.I. 1984
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea) II. Scarabaeidae (2) Genus Caccobius
The Korean Journal of Entomology 14(2):19-22

Kim J.I. 1985
Taxonomic Study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea) IV. Aphodiidae (Aphodiini I.)
The Korean Journal of systematic Zoology. Seoul 1:79-86

Kim J.I. 1985
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). III. Scarabaeidae (3.genus Onthophagus)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 15:1-13

Kim J.I. 1986
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). V. Two new and two rare unrecorded species of the genus Aphodius
The Korean Journal of Entomology 16(1):7-11

Kim J.I. 1987
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). VI. Aphodiidae Aphodiini. 2
The Korean Journal of Entomology 17(1):69-74

Kim J.I. 1987
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). VII. Two unrecorded and non palaearktic species of the genus Psammodius (Aphodiidae) from Korea
The Korean Journal of Entomology 17(3):171-174

Kim J.I. 1987
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). VIII. Aphodiidae. Aphodiini. 3
The Korean Journal of Entomology 17(4):191-197

Kim J.I. 1989
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea) IX. Aphodiidae (Aphodiini 4)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 19(1):1-6

Kim J.I. 1989
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). X. Aphodiidae (Aphodiini. Final report)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 19(3):191-197

Kim J.I. 1989
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). XI. Aphodiidae. (Eupariini and Psammodiini)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 19(4):273-279

Kim J.I. 1990
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). XII. Aegialiidae, Ochodaeidae and Hybosoridae
The Korean Journal of Entomology 20(3):151-156

Kim J.I. 1991
Taxonomic study on the Korean Laparosticti (Scarabaeoidea). XIV. Trogidae
The Korean Journal of Entomology 21:133-139

Kim J.I. 1994
Taxonomic Revision of Korean Cetonia (Col., Cetoniidae)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 24(4):317-324

Kim J.I. 1995
Taxonomic study of Korean Rutelidae. II Genus Popillia
The Korean Journal of Entomology 25(3):209-217

Kim J.I. 1996
A new genus and species, Koreoxyomus koreanus, from Korea and taxonomic discussion on the genus Mozartius of Japan (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
The Korean Journal of systematic Zoology. Seoul 12(2):101-105

Kim J.I. 1996
Taxonomic study of Korean Rutelidae (Coleoptera) IV. Genus Mimela
The Korean Journal of Entomology 26(3):235-242

Kim J.I. 1997
Description of a new species, Anomala koreana from Korea (Col., Rutelidae)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 27:279-280

Kim J.I. 1998
Taxonomic study of Korean Rutelidae (Coleoptera) VI. Two new genera and some removal species from Korean Anomala
The Korean Journal of Entomology 28(4):311-316

Kim J.I. 2000
Taxonomic Review of the Genus Holotrichia of Korea (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 30(1):13-20

Kim J.I. 2000
Economic Insects of Korea 4. Coleoptera (Scarabaeoidea)
Insecta Koreana Supplement 11:1-149

Kim J.I. 2001
Economic Insects of Korea 10. Coleoptera (Scarabaeoidea II)
Insecta Koreana Supplement 17:1-197

Kim J.I. 2001
Redescription, Discovery of Female and Designation of Plesiotypes of a Species, Valgus koreanus Sawada, 1944 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
The Korean Journal of Entomology 31(3):143-145

Kim J.I. 2004
Two newly recorded coprophagid species from Korea (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae and Aphodiidae)
Entomological Research 34(3):157-158

Kim, J.I. 2011
Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea. Pleurosticti
Insect Fauna of Korea 12(1):1-252

Kim J.I. 2012
Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea. Laparosticti
Insect Fauna of Korea 12(3):1-209

Kim J.I. & Kim A.Y. 2003
Taxonomic review of Korean Sericinae (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) I: Genera Serica Mac Leay and Nipponoserica Nomura
Insecta Koreana 20(1):71-79

Kim J.I. & Kim A.Y. 2003
Taxonomic review of Korean Sericinae (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) II: Genus Maladera Mulsant
Insecta Koreana 20(1):81-94

Kim J-I. & Kim S.I. 2014
Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae and Passalidae
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Taxonomic review of Korean Lucanidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
The Korean Journal of systematic Zoology. Seoul 14(1):21-33

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Review of family Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Korea with the description of one new species
Entomological Research 40(1):55-81

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Taxonomic of Sericinae (Melolonthidae, Coleoptera) from Korea I. Genus Sericania, Nipponoserica, Trichoserica and Serica
Entomological Research Bulletin. Seoul 17:47-60

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Taxonomic study of Korean Sericinae (Melolonthidae, Coleoptera) II. Genus Maladera
Insecta Koreana 14:119-135

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Troisieme contribution à l'étude des Aphodiidae de Corée: redescription de la larve d'Aphodius apicalis Har. (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 91(5-6):171-176

Kim, J.I. & Lumaret, J.P. 1986
Contribution a l'etude des Aphodiidae de Coree. Description des larves de quatre especes d' Aphodius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie (N.S.) 3(4):485-496

Kim, J.I. & Lumaret, J.P. 1988
Deuxième contribution a l'étude des Aphodiidae de Corée (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie (N.S.) 5(2):159-172

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Les larves du genre Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 I. Caractères communs et variations
Elytron 2:51-61

Kim J.I. & Lumaret J.P. 1989
Les larves du genre Onthophagus Latreille, 1802-5.les espèces des sous-genres Digitonthophagus, Trichonthophagus et "Incertae Sedis" (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Lyon 58(10):335-344

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Complete mitochondrial genome of the endangered flower chafer Osmoderma opicum (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 1(1):148-149

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Phylogeny of world stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) reveals a Gondwanan origin of Darwin’s stag beetle
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 86:35-48

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The biology of a giant dung-beetle (Heliocopris dilloni) (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae)
Journal of Zoology, London 181:243-263

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A century of insects, including several new genera described from his cabinet
Transactions of the Linnean Society. London 12(2):375-453

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A description of several new species of insects collected in New Holland by Robert Brown
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A description of some Insects which appear to exemplify Mr.W.S.Mac Leays doctrine of affinity and analogy
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A description of such genera and species of insects, alluded to in the "Introduction to Entomology" of Messrs.Kirby and Spence, as appear not to have been before suffiently noticed or described
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Description of two new species of coleopterous insects belonging to the genera Cremastocheilus and Priocera
Zoological Journal 2:516-518

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A description of some new genera and species of petalocerous Coleoptera
Zoological Journal 3:145-158

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A description of some Coleopterous insects in the collection of the Rev.F.W.Hope
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The insects. J.Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the Northern parts of British America
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First Mesozoic representative of the subfamily Liparochrinae (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae) from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber
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The beetle (Coleoptera) fauna of the Insect Limestone (late Eocene), Isle of Wight, southern England
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A list of the beetles of South Dakota
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Composition and Host-Use Patterns of a Scarab Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Community Inhabiting the Canopy of a Lowland Tropical Rainforest in Southern Venezuela
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Neue Käfer aus Malacca
Mitteilungen aus dem Königlichen Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden 1:25-58

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II.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Coleopteren-Fauna von Neu Guinea
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Zwei neue Coleopteren-Arten aus Neu-Guinea
Annali del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 14:18-20

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Phyllopertha massageta Kirsch, Solsky
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Neu südamerikanische Käfer
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:207-224

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Zwei neue Onthophagus-Arten aus Transkaukasien
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Phytophagous scarabaeid diversity in swidden cultivation landscapes in Sarawak, Malaysia
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 59(2):285-293

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New synonym of Ataenius australasiae (Boheman) (Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 1:39-40

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New evidence on the distribution of Oxythyrea cinctella (Schaum, 1841) in the Crimea, Ukraine (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Munis Entomology & Zoology 8(2):659-663

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New cases of Teratology in Lucanidae and Geotrupidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) from the Palaearctic region
Munis Entomology & Zoology 14(1):108-116

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Description of a variety of Euphoria heretofore undescribed
Entomological News. Philadelphia 5:198

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On the Scarabaeidae of southern Venezuela. A wonderful new form of the group Copris
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Klages E.A. 1907
A wonderful new beetle of the group Copris
Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington. Washington 8:141-142

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Contribution to the knowledge on insects (Insecta) of Georgia
Biuletyn Czestochowskiego Koła Entomologicznego 18:3-7

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Die Hirschkäfer oder Schröter. Lucanidae
Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei :1-83

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Life cycle and behavior of the flightless beetles Thorectes sericeus Jekel, T. albarracinus Wagner, and T. laevigatus cobosi Baraud (Col. Geotrupidae)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France 21(4):425-431

Kletecka Z. 2014
Distribution of beetles of family Lucanidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in South Bohemia I
Sbornik Jihoceského muzea v Ceskych Budejovicich, Prirodni vedy 54:178-190

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Verzeichniss der Insekten Böhmens. VI. Die Käfer (Coleoptera)
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Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 4: Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Derodontoidea, Bostrichoidea, and Cleroidea
Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow :1-215

Klopp W.W. 1977
A new Odontolabis from West Malaysia (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Entomologische Berichten 37(4):60-64

Klug J.C.F 1825
Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen alterum, sistens Insectorum Coleopterorum nondum descriptorum centuriam scripsit
Nova Acta Caesareae Leopoldina Carolinae germanicae naturae curiosorum Halle. 12(2):431-432

Klug J.C.F 1829
Preis-Verzeichnis vorräthiger Insectendoubletten des Königliche Zoologischen Museums der Universität Belrin

Klug J.C.F 1834
Bericht über eine auf Madagascar veranstaltete Sammlung von Insecten aus der Ordnung Coleoptera
Abhandlungen der Koniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin :91-223

Klug J.C.F 1835
Verzeichniss von Thieren und Pflanzen, welche auf einer Reise um die Erde gesammelt wurden von A.Erman. V.Insekten (Coleoptera)
Berlin G.Reimer :27-50

Klug J.C.F 1838
Ueber zwei neue Käfergattungen aus Madagaskar
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Berlin 4:67-72

Klug J.C.F 1843
Die Coleopteren-Gattungen: Athyreus und Bolboceras, dargestellt nach den in der Sammlung der hiesiger Königlich Universität davon vorhandenen Arten
Abhandlungen der Koniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin:21-57

Klug J.C.F 1845
Symbolae physicae, seu icones et descriptiones insectorum quae ex itinere per Africam borealem et Asiam occidentalem Federici Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiani Godofredi Ehremberg medicinae et chirurgiae doctorum studio novae aut illustratae redierunt. Berolini Pars Zoologica V:1-5 (1829-1845)
Mittler. Berlin

Klug J.C.F 1855
Diagnosen der neuer Coleopteren aus Mossambique
Berichten der Koniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin 20:643-660

Klug J.C.F 1862
Peters W.C.H.:Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique auf Befehl seiner Majestät des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm IV in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgeführt. Zoologie V. Insecten und Myriapoden
Georg Reiner. Berlin :1-566

Klug J.C.F & Erichson W.F. 1842
Doubletten-Verzeichniss von senegallensischen Insecten mit Diagnosen neuer Arten von Klug und Erichson

Klug J.C.F & Erichson W.F. 1859
Einige Diagnosen
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 20:83-87

Knaus W. 1916
Three new forms of Coleoptera
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 1(4):182-183

Knaus W. 1916
A Kansas variety of Euphoria herbacea
Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Lancastar 11:84

Knirsch E. 1930
Rhadinotaenia Nickerli spec. nov. (Cetonidae)
Sbornik entomologickeho oddeleni narodniho Musea v Praze, Praha 8:55-57

Knirsch E. 1944
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna Deutsch-Ostafrikas insbesondere des Matebgo-Hochlandes. Ergebnisse einer Sammelreise H.Zerny's 1935-36. VIII Coleoptera: 2 Scarabaeidae, Subfam.Cetoniinae
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Wien (1942) 53(2):115-122

Knirsch E. 1944
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Cetoniden
Sbornik entomologickeho oddeleni narodniho Musea v Praze, Praha 22:404-407

Knoch A.W. 1801
Neue Beyträge zur Insectenkunde
Leipzig Vol.1:1-208

Kobayashi H. 1974
Notes on the Sericid beetles (Scarabaeidae) from Tobira spa, Nagano pref. (I)
New Insect 18(2):1-8

Kobayashi H. 1974
Notes on the Sericid beetles (Scarabaeidae) from Tobira spa, Nagano pref. (II)
New Insect 18(3):1-10

Kobayashi H. 1975
Description of new species of the genus Hoplomaladera Nomura from the Loochoo Archipelago (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 24:9-10

Kobayashi H. 1978
Notes on the Sericid-beetles from the Loochoo Archipelago (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 27:14-16

Kobayashi H. 1978
Report of the male of Charitovalgus formosanus
Coleopterists News 43:3

Kobayashi H. 1979
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan 1
Nature and Insects 14(11):22-25

Kobayashi H. 1979
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan 2
Nature and Insects 14(13):11-14

Kobayashi H. 1980
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan 3
Nature and Insects 15(2):19-22

Kobayashi H. 1980
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan 4
Nature and Insects 15(7):28-32

Kobayashi H. 1980
Description of some sericid-beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 29(1):15-21

Kobayashi H. 1981
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan 5
Nature and Insects 16(4):29-31

Kobayashi H. 1982
On the genus Adoretus from Japan and Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 31:47-56

Kobayashi H. 1983
A new melolonthid-beetle of the genus Apogonia Kirby from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 32:21-23

Kobayashi H. 1983
Description of some sericid-beetles from Taiwan, II (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 32(3):15-20

Kobayashi H. 1983
The Scarabaeidae of Taiwan (6)
Gekkan Mushi 143:13-16 (special issue)

Kobayashi H. 1983
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (7)
Gekkan-Mushi 145:15-18

Kobayashi H. 1983
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (9)
Gekkan-Mushi 150:15-18

Kobayashi H. 1983
An explanation of the japanese Valginae
Coleopterists News 61:1-4

Kobayashi H. 1985
Description of some sericid-beetles from Taiwan, III. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
New Entomologist, Ueda 34(3-4):10-15

Kobayashi H. 1985
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (11)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 169:26-29

Kobayashi H. 1985
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (12)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 173:20-24

Kobayashi H. 1986
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (13)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 179:12-17

Kobayashi H. 1986
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (14)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 181:6-10

Kobayashi H. 1987
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (15)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 194:14-19

Kobayashi H. 1987
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (16)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 201:13-16

Kobayashi H. 1987
Some new Rutelid beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Elytra. Tokyo 15(1-2):21-32

Kobayashi H. 1988
List of Formosan Scarabaeidae, collected by Dr.K.Baba I.
Transactions Essa entomological Society, Niigata 65:53-61

Kobayashi H. 1988
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (17)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 206:11-15

Kobayashi H. 1988
Scarabaeidae from Taiwan (18)
Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo 213:12-15

Kobayashi H. 1990
List of Formosan Scarabaeidae, collected by Dr.K.Baba II.
Transactions Essa entomological Society, Niigata 69:42-48

Kobayashi H. 1990
The Scarabaeidae of Taiwan (19)
Gekkan Mushi 228:24-29

Kobayashi H. 1990
The Scarabaeidae of Taiwan (20)
Gekkan Mushi 230:18-23

Kobayashi H. 1990
Notes on Scarabaeid beetles from Lutao Island off Taiwan
Elytra. Tokyo 18(1):83-88

Kobayashi H. 1990
Four new Scarabaeid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra. Tokyo 18(1):73-81

Kobayashi H. 1990
List of Formosan Scarabaeidae, collected by Dr.K.Baba III.
Transactions Essa entomological Society, Niigata 69:49-56

Kobayashi H. 1991
Notes on some sericid beetles from Taiwan, captured by Dr.K.Baba (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Transactions Essa entomological Society, Niigata 73:47-52

Kobayashi H. 1991
Some new Sericid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 19(2):211-220

Kobayashi H. 1991
Notes on the genus Adoretus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from North Thailand
Elytra. Tokyo 19(1):63-74

Kobayashi H. 1993
Some new Sericid and Melolonthid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Central Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 21(1):67-75

Kobayashi H. 1993
A record of an aberrant form of Dicranocephalus bourgoini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 21(1):76

Kobayashi H. 1994
Some new Valgid and Cetoniid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra. Tokyo 22(1):145-151

Kobayashi H. 1994
List of Formosan Scarabaeidae collected by Dr.K.Baba IV.
Special Bulletin of the Essa entomological Society (2):157-164

Kobayashi H. 1995
Two new Rutelid beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 1(1):35-38

Kobayashi H. 1995
New Scarabaeid beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera)
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 1(2):147-150

Kobayashi H. 1995
Descriptions of some Melolonthid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 23(1):35-42

Kobayashi H. 2001
Notes on the genus Hoplomaladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 29(2):335-342

Kobayashi H. 2002
Descriptions of three new sericid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 5:313-317

Kobayashi H. 2007
Five new species of the genus Adoretus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Southeast Asia
Kogane, Tokyo 8:1-6

Kobayashi H. 2007
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeast Asia
Kogane, Tokyo 8:7-20

Kobayashi H. 2007
Notes on synonymy of Anomala horii (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 8:21-22

Kobayashi H. 2007
Notes on Maladera senta and its related species from Taiwan, with description of a new species of Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 8:23-29

Kobayashi H. 2008
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeast Asia II
Kogane, Tokyo 9:29-39

Kobayashi H. 2008
Notes on the genus Nipponoserica from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:41-49

Kobayashi H. 2008
Notes on some species of the genus Maladera from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:51-64

Kobayashi H. 2008
Redescription of Popillia comma Niijima et Matsumura (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:65-68

Kobayashi H. 2009
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeast Asia, III
Kogane, Tokyo 10:11-34

Kobayashi H. 2009
Taxonomic notes on the genus Serica from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:35-39

Kobayashi H. 2010
Notes on some species of the genus Apogonia from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 11:21-26

Kobayashi H. 2010
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeast Asia, IV
Kogane, Tokyo 11:27-40

Kobayashi H. 2010
Revisional notes of the genus Apogonia from Laos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 11:41-66

Kobayashi H. 2010
Four new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Southwest Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 11:67-74

Kobayashi H. 2011
Two New Species of the Genus Neovalgus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Valginae) from Southeast Asia
Special Publication of the Japanese Society of Scarabaeoidology, Tokyo 1:199-202

Kobayashi H. 2011
Description of a new subspecies of Neovalgus laetus from Tokunoshima Is., the Amami Islands, southeast Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Valginae)
Kogane, Tokyo 12:11-13

Kobayashi H. 2012
A new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 13:21-23

Kobayashi H. 2012
Notes on the genus Spinanomala from the Oriental region (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 13:37-48

Kobayashi H. 2012
New species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from West Kalimantan, Borneo Is., Indonesia
Kogane, Tokyo 13:49-67

Kobayashi H. 2013
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Borneo
Kogane, Tokyo 14:45-55

Kobayashi H. 2013
Ten new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from the Philippines
Kogane, Tokyo 14:57-73

Kobayashi H. 2013
A new species of the genus Trioserica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 14:75-79

Kobayashi H. 2014
Two new taxa of the genus Sericania (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini) from Shikoku, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 16:33-37

Kobayashi H. 2014
A new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Ishigaki-jima Isl., Okinawa, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 16:38-40

Kobayashi H. 2014
On the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Irian-Jaya, New Guinea
Kogane, Tokyo 16:41-49

Kobayashi H. 2014
Notes on the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from the Philippines
Kogane, Tokyo 16:50-60

Kobayashi H. 2015
Two new species of sericid-beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 17:25-32

Kobayashi H. 2015
Notes on the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 17:33-43

Kobayashi H. 2015
Three new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Thailand
Kogane, Tokyo 17:45-51

Kobayashi H. 2015
Notes on the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Thailand collected by Drs. K. Masumoto & K. Takahashi
Kogane, Tokyo 17:53-72

Kobayashi H. 2016
Three new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from China
Kogane, Tokyo 18:27-33

Kobayashi H. 2016
Notes on the genus Ectinohoplia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 18:34-40

Kobayashi H. 2016
A new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericinae) from Iriomote-jima Is., Okinawa, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 18:41-44

Kobayashi H. 2016
A new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 18:45-47

Kobayashi H. 2017
Two new species of the genus Ectinohoplia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Hopliini) from China, Thailand and Laos
Kogane, Tokyo 19:17-22

Kobayashi H. 2017
Notes on the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Siberut Is., West Sumatra, Indonesia
Kogane, Tokyo 19:23-30

Kobayashi H. 2017
A new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Borneo
Kogane, Tokyo 19:31-34

Kobayashi H. 2017
Four new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Sumatra
Kogane, Tokyo 19:35-43

Kobayashi H. 2017
Seven new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from the Malay Peninsula
Kogane, Tokyo 19:44-56

Kobayashi H. 2017
Notes on the genus Hoplia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Hopliini) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 20:17-30

Kobayashi H. 2017
Proposal of a new replacement name, Mimela yotakemurai for M.takemurai Sawada, 1942 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 20:31-32

Kobayashi H. 2017
Notes on the genus Tetraserica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini) from Thailand
Kogane, Tokyo 20:33-45

Kobayashi H. 2017
Three new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Vietnam
Kogane, Tokyo 20:46-52

Kobayashi H. 2018
Description of a new subspecies of Brahmina taitungensis and proposal of a replacement name for B. pubiventris (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) with a list and a key of the species of Brahmina from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 21:47-52

Kobayashi H. 2018
New species and new distribution records of the genus Tetraserica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Kogane, Tokyo 21:53-58

Kobayashi H. 2018
Four new species of the genus Thoracoplia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Hopliini) from China and Laos
Kogane, Tokyo 21:59-66

Kobayashi H. 2018
On the genus Adoretus Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from North Thailand
Kogane, Tokyo 21:67-82

Kobayashi H. 2019
Six New Species of the Genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from China
Elytra, New Series 9(1):55-65

Kobayashi H. 2019
New species and new records of the Genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from China
Kogane, Tokyo 22:81-95

Kobayashi H. 2019
Notes on the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Hainan Island, China
Kogane, Tokyo 22:96-107

Kobayashi H. 2020
Notes on Apogonia yunnana and its related species from Southeast Asia, with description of six new species of Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 23:18-32

Kobayashi H. 2020
Notes on the genus Pseudosericania (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 23:33-38

Kobayashi, H. 2021
Six new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Malay Peninsula and Lankawi Island
Kogane, Tokyo 24:82-92

Kobayashi, H. 2021
Four new species and a new record of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from India
Kogane, Tokyo 24:93-100

Kobayashi, H. 2021
Three new species of the tribe Hopliini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from China
Kogane, Tokyo 24:101-106

Kobayashi, H. 2022
Five New Species of the Genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Thailand
Elytra New Series 12(2):199-208

Kobayashi, H. 2022
Three new species of the Maladera sinica species group and its related one new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 25:12-22

Kobayashi, H. 2022
One new species and one new replacement name of the Serica nigroguttata species group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Taiwan
Kogane, Tokyo 25:23-28

Kobayashi, H. 2023
Topics on the Taiwanese Sericini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) - transfer of genus, new distribution records and a new replacement name (Japanese)
Saikaku-Tsushin 46:22-23

Kobayashi, H. 2023
A new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 26:69-72

Kobayashi H. & Bezdek A. 2011
Some new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeast Asia, V
Kogane, Tokyo 12:49-66

Kobayashi H. & Chou W-I 2008
Description of a new genus of Anomalini and two new species of Hoplini and Melolonthini from Taiwan, with two new records of scarabaeid beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 9:69-76

Kobayashi H. & Chou W-I 2009
Description of a new species of the genus Melolontha from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:49-51

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2008
Notes on the genus Sericania (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini) from Japan
Kogane, Tokyo Supplement 2:35-76

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2009
Notes on some species of the genus Mimela and Anomala from Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Anomalini)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:40-47

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2013
A new subspecies of Tricholontha papagena (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Amami Islands, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 14:81-83

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2013
Notes on the genus Pseudosinghala Heller (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Southeast Asia
Kogane, Tokyo 14:85-92

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2013
Some new species of the genus Paratrichius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae) from Southeast Asia and East Asia
Kogane, Tokyo 14:93-98

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2014
Some new species of the genus Hoplia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Hopliini) from the Philippines
Kogane, Tokyo 16:25-31

Kobayashi H. & Fujioka M. 2016
Two new species of Polyphylla (Granida) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Vietnam
Kogane, Tokyo 18:15-26

Kobayashi, H. & Fujioka, M. 2021
Seven new species and new distribution records for four known species of Callistethus maculatus group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Southeast Asia
Kogane, Tokyo 24:107-120

Kobayashi H. & Li C. 1995
A new Rutelid beetle of the Genus Phyllopertha (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Elytra. Tokyo 23(1):31-34

Kobayashi H. & Lien V.V. 2020
Four new species of the genus Apogonia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Vietnam
Kogane, Tokyo 23:39-46

Kobayashi, H. & Lien, V.V. 2021
Taxonomic Notes on the Apogonia apicalis Species Group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae), with Descriptions of Two New Species from Vietnam and Distributional Data for Six Known Species
Elytra New Series 11(1):199-208

Kobayashi H. & Matsumoto T. 2011
Atlas of Japanese Scarabaeoidea. Vol.3 Phytophagous group II
Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books, Tokyo, Japan :1-178

Kobayashi, H. & Medina, M.N. 2024
Three new species related to Apogonia rizali Heller, 1897 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) from Mindanao Is., the Philippines
Kogane, Tokyo 27:22-33

Kobayashi H. & Ootsubo H. 2009
A list of Sericini with description of a new subspecies of the genus Maladera from Tokunoshima Is. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:53-56

Kobayashi H. & Sasaki N. 2016
On the genus Callynomes (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) from the Philippines and Sulawesi Is.
Kogane, Tokyo 18:49-66

Kobayashi H. & Tanikado M. 2003
Description of a new species of the genus Paratrichius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
The Entomological Review of Japan 58(1):67-70

Kobayashi H. & Tanikado M. 2005
A new record of genus Thaumastopeus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae), from Taiwan
Gekkan Mushi 415:12-13

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 1993
Notes on the Genus Cyphochilus from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Chinese Journal Entomology, Taipei 13:347-352

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 1993
Notes on three new Sericid beetles of Genus Pachyserica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Taiwan
Chinese Journal Entomology, Taipei 13:353-360

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 1993
Notes on Genus Gnorimus from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Chinese Journal of Entomology. Taipei 13(1):77-82

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 1994
On the genus Dicranocephalus from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Chinese Journal of Entomology. Taipei 14(1):115-119

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 1997
One new sericid beetle from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Chinese Journal of Entomology. Taipei 17(3):179-181

Kobayashi H. & Yu C.K. 2000
Notes on the genus Taiwanoserica from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Chinese Journal of Entomology. Taipei 20(2):125-134

Kobayashi H., Fujioka M. & Lien V.V. 2019
Three new species of the genera Epitrichius and Paratrichius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Tricvhiinae) from Vietnam
Kogane, Tokyo 22:75-80

Kobayashi H., Kusui Y. & Imasaka S. 2006
Four new species of the genus Maladera (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericinae) from Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 7:69-76

Kobayashi H., Masumoto K., Sakai K., Yoshitake H. & Ito M. 2015
Records of Scarabaeoid Beetles from Ludao Is., Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 21(2):367-372

Kobayashi H., Yu C-K. & Chu Y. 1995
Name List of Insects in Taiwan-Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Pleurosticti
Chinese Journal of Entomology. Taipei 15(3):181-201

Kobayashi, K. 2019
A synopsis of the genus Megasoma (Coleoptera: Dynastinae) in North and South America
Be-Kuwa 70:8-47

Kobayashi, K. 2022
A synopsis of the genus Golofa (Coleoptera: Dynastinae) in the World
Mushi-sha 82:4-35

Kobayashi, K. & Ratcliffe, B.C. 2023
A New Species of Spodochlamys Burmeister, 1855 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anatistini) from Colombia and a Key and Checklist of Spodochlamys Species
The Coleopterists Bulletin 77(1):120-126

Koçak A.O. & Kemal M. 2008
Nomenclatural notes on the genus-group names in the order Coleoptera
Centre for Entomological Studies Miscellaneous Papers 144:5

Koçak A.O. & Kemal M. 2008
Tropicalia nom. nov., a replacement name for pre-occupied genus name from South America (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
Centre for Entomological Studies Miscellaneous Papers 145:7-8

Kocarek P., Sabol O. & Vavra J.C. 2011
Recent records of Osmoderma barnabita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in Moravian-Silesian region, Czech Republic
Acta Musei Beskidensis 3:193-194

Kocher L. 1952
Quelques observations à propos des Lamellicornes de la collection Théry, avec description d'une nouvelle varieté d'Anoxia
Compte Rendu de la Société de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc. Rabat 18:76-77

Kocher L. 1952
Description de deux nouvelles sous-espèces d'Hymenoplia marocains (Col. Lamellic.)
Compte Rendu de la Société de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc. Rabat 18:49

Kocher L. 1953
Localisations nouvelles ou intéressantes de Coléoptères Marocains
Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien. Série Zoologie. Rabat 3:7-11 ;67-79 ;135-142

Kocher L. 1956
Catalogue commenté des coléoptères du Maroc. Préface – Introduction – Carte
Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien. Série Zoologie. Rabat 7:1-26

Kocher L. 1957
Contribution à l'étude des Glaphyrus marocains (Col. Scarab.)
Bulletin de la Société de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc. Rabat 37:259-267

Kocher L. 1957
Deux nouvelles Hoplia du Maroc (Col. Scarab.)
Compte Rendu de la Société de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc. Rabat 23:177-178

Kocher L. 1958
Catalogue commenté des coléoptères du Maroc. Fascicule VII: Lamellicornes
Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien. Série Zoologie. Rabat 16:7-83

Kocher L. 1960
Nouvelles espèces de Coléoptères du Maroc
Bulletin de la Société de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc. Rabat 40(3):233-241

Kocher L. 1969
Catalogue commenté des coléoptères du Maroc. Fascicule X bis: Nouveaux addenda et corrigenda
Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien. Série Zoologie. Rabat 34:95-101

Koenig E. 1889
Neue Coleopteren aus Russland
Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae. Moscov 23:301-305

Koenig E. 1901
Erster Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Kaukasus
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 20:9-10

Kofler A. 2007
Zur Kenntnis der Blatthornkäfer und Hirschkäfer Osttirols (Coleoptera: Trogidae, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae)
Carinthia II 197-117-2:355-374

Kofler B. 2009
Trypocopris pyrenaeus also in Slovenia
Pirenejski govnač tudi v Sloveniji 56:163-166

Kohlmann B. 1981
Nuevas especies de Ateuchus de Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 49:71-92

Kohlmann B. 1984
Biosistemática de las especies Norteamericanas del género Ateuchus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 60:3-81

Kohlmann B. 1994
A preliminary study of the invasion and dispersal of Digitonthophagus gazelle (Fabricius, 1787) in Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Acta Zoológica Mexicana, México (N.S.) 61:35-42

Kohlmann B. 1996
The Costa Rican species of Ateuchus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Revista de Biologia Tropical 44(3)/45(1):177-192

Kohlmann B. 2000
New species and distribution records of Mesoamerican Ateuchus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Revista de Biologia Tropical 48(1):235-246

Kohlmann B. 2001
Un método ecológico-cladístico para verificar hipótesis biogeográficas
Introducción a la Biogeografía en Latinoamérica : Teorías, conceptos, métodos y aplicaciones J.L.Bousquets & J.J.Morrone, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM :107-110

Kohlmann B. 2019
A new Ateuchus guatemalensis (Bates, 1887) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) synonym from Mexico
Zootaxa 4624(4):593

Kohlmann, B. 2022
Escarabajos Estercoleros (Aphodiidae, Geotrupidae y Scarabaeidae)
La Biodiversidad en Oaxaca volume III:61-72

Kohlmann B. & Halffter G. 1988
Cladistic and biogeographical analysis of Ateuchus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Mexico and the United States
Folia entomológica mexicana 74:109-130

Kohlmann B. & Halffter G. 1990
Reconstruction of a specific example of insect invasion waves: the cladistic analysis of Canthon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and related genera in North America
Quaestiones Entomologicae 26:1-20

Kohlmann B. & Morón M.A. 2003
Análisis Histórico de la Clasificación de los Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea o Lamellicornia
Acta Zoológica Mexicana, México (N.S.) 90:175-280

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 1996
Una nueva especie de Scatimus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de Costa Rica
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 8:99-103

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 1997
El género Dichotomius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) en Costa Rica
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 8:343-382

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2001
El género Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) en Costa Rica
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 49(9):159-261

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2001
A new species of Phanaeus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica and Panama
Besoiro 6:9-11

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2006
El género Canthidium (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) en Norteamérica
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 11:235-295

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2006
New species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Mexico and Costa Rica
Zootaxa 1302:61-68

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2009
New species of Ateuchus and Canthidium (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica
Zootaxa 2219:31-37

Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 2012
New species and revalidations of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Athyreini and Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica and Panama
Zootaxa 3193:28-52

Kohlmann B.& Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. 2018
A new key for the species of Ateuchus Weber (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) occurring in Mexico, with a description of the first North American inquiline species from a rodent burrow (Rodentia: Geomydae) and new distribution records
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 62(2):131-134

Kohlmann B. & Wilkinson J. 2003
Fronteras Biogeográficas: Coincidencia entre factores climáticos, topográfgicos, geológicos e históricos
J.J.Morrone & Llorente-Bousquets. Una perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Biogeografia. Las Prensas de Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. :221-226

Kohlmann B. & Wilkinson J. 2007
The Tárcoles Line: biogeographic effects of the Talamanca Range in lower Central America
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 12:1-30

Kohlmann, B., Arriaga-Jiménez, A. & Mora-Aguilar, E.F. 2023
An annotated checklist of the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae and Scarabaeidae, subfamilies Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae) of Oaxaca, Mexico
Insecta Mundi 981:1-34

Kohlmann B., Arriaga-Jiménez A. & Rös M. 2018
An unusual new species of Canthidium (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Oaxaca, Mexico
Zootaxa 4378(2):273-278

Kohlmann B., Arriaga-Jiménez A. & Rös M. 2018
Dung beetle vicariant speciation in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, with a description of a new species of Phanaeus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae)
ZooKeys 743:67-93

Kohlmann B., Cano E. & Delgado-Castillo L. 2003
New species and records of Copris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Central America
Zootaxa 167:1-16

Kohlmann, B., Salomão, R.P. & Solis, A. 2024
New World dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) colonization of a recent Miocene insular territory: The case of Costa Rica
Ecology and Evolution 14(6)(e11436.):1-17

Kohlmann B., Solis A. & Alvaredo G.E. 2018
Did Costa Rican dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) feed on Bison dung before the arrival of Spanish cattle ?
The Coleopterists Bulletin 72(2):295-300

Kohlmann B., Solis A. & Alvarado G.E. 2019
Description of Onthophagus humboldti and Uroxys bonplandi, two new scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica, with notes on tropical mountain brachyptery and endemicity
ZooKeys 881:23-51

Kohlmann B., Solís A., Elle O., Soto X., & Russo R. 2007
Biodiversity, conservation, and hotspot atlas of Costa Rica: a dung beetle perspective (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Zootaxa 1457:1-34

Kojima K. 1989
Successive breedings of Dorcus formosanus Miwa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Gekkan-Mushi 222:3-7

Kojima K. 1990
The individual variation for Odontolabis siva Hope under different breeding conditions
Gekkan-Mushi 235:4-11

Kojima K. 1993
The breeding of stag beetles
Gekkan-Mushi 268:2-9

Kojima W. & Lin C.P. 2017
It takes two to tango: functional roles, sexual selection and allometry of multiple male weapons in the flower beetle Dicronocephalus wallichii bourgoini
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121(3):514-529

Kolbe H.J. 1883
Neue Coleoptera von Westafrika
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 27:15-36

Kolbe H.J. 1884
Kurze Bemerkungen über Farbenvarietäten einiger Melolontha- und Anoxia-species
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 28:76

Kolbe H.J. 1884
Ueber neue Goliathiden aus Central-Afrika, nebst Studien über einige dieselben betreffenden Probleme aus dem Gebiete der Phylogenie und Speciesbildung
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 28:77-96

Kolbe H.J. 1884
Neue Stammesgenossen der Gattung Valgus aus Centrafrika
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 28:165-166

Kolbe H.J. 1884
Über Goliathus albosignatus Boh., kirkianus Gray und russus n.sp.
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 28:383-387

Kolbe H.J. 1886
Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Coleopteren-Fauna Koreas, bearbeitet auf Grund der von Herrn Dr.C.Gottsche während der Jahre 1883 und 1884 in Korea veranstalteten Sammlung; nebst Bermerkungen über die zoogeographischen Verhältnisse dieses Faunengebiets und Untersuchungen über einen Sinnesapparat im Gaumen von Misolampidius morio
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Berlin 52(1):139-240

Kolbe H.J. 1887
Beiträge zur Zoogeographie Westafrikas nebst einem Bericht über die während der Loango-Expedition von Herrn Dr.Falkenstein bei Chinchoxo gesammelten Coleoptera
Nova Acta Caesareae Leopoldina Carolinae germanicae naturae curiosorum Halle. 50(3):153-364 (244-273)

Kolbe H.J. 1889
Bericht über die von Herrn Dr.R.Büttner im Gebiete des unteren Quango und Kongo gesammelten Coleopteren
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 50:113-133

Kolbe H.J. 1891
Aufzählung der von Herrn Dr Hans Meyer im jahre 1889 im Gebiete des Kilimandscharo- und Ugueno-Gebirges gesammelten Coleopteren
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 52:18-36

Kolbe H.J. 1892
Herr H.J.Kolbe sprach über die von Herrn Leopold Conrad in Deutsch-Ostafrika, namentlich in der Gebirgslandschaft von Usambara, gesammelten melitophilen Lamellicornier
Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (5):62-75

Kolbe H.J. 1892
Ueber die von Hauptmann Kling und Dr R Büttner in Togo (Ober-Guinea) gesammelten melitophilen Lamellicornier
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 53:125-142

Kolbe H.J. 1892
Über Elaphinis atomosparsa Fairm.
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 53:143

Kolbe H.J. 1892
Ueber die Gattung Stephanorrhina und ihre Arten
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 53:145-155

Kolbe H.J. 1892
Herr H.J.Kolbe sprach über die melitophilen Lamellicornier von Kamerum
Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin :235-261

Kolbe H.J. 1893
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Mistkäfer, Lamellicornia Onthophila
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 54:188-202

Kolbe H.J. 1893
Ueber afrikanische Mistkäfer (Catharsius, Diastellopalpus)
Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin :131-151

Kolbe H.J. 1893
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der melitophilen Lamellicornier
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 54:205-213

Kolbe H.J. 1894
Ueber einige neue, von Herrn J.Fruhstorfer auf Java entdeckte Coleopteren
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 55:3-11

Kolbe H.J. 1894
Beiträge zur Kenntniss Mistkäfer, Lamellicornia onthophila
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 55:166-178

Kolbe H.J. 1894
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Melolonthiden. I. Uebersicht der Melolonthiden, Leucopholiden, und Schizonychinen Africas
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 38:548-577

Kolbe H.J. 1894
Coleopteren aus Afrika
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 55:178-190

Kolbe H.J. 1894
Synopsis der in Afrika gefundenen Arten der Ruteliden-Gattung Popillia
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 55:207-263

Kolbe H.J. 1895
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der melitophilen Lamellicornier
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 56:271-293

Kolbe H.J. 1895
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Mistkafer, Lamellicornia Onthophila
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 56(10-12):329-345

Kolbe H.J. 1895
Coleopteren aus Afrika
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 56:345-366

Kolbe H.J. 1896
Afrikanische Coleoptera des Königlichen Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin IV Theil
Entomologische Nachrichten 22:5-10

Kolbe H.J. 1896
Afrikanische Coleoptera des Königlichen Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin V Theil
Entomologische Nachrichten 22:88-92

Kolbe H.J. 1896
Afrikanische Coleoptera des Königlichen Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin VI Theil
Entomologische Nachrichten 22:296-302

Kolbe H.J. 1897
Coleopteren. Die Käfer Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas
Dietrich Reimer. Berlin 4:1-367 (128-196, 349-350)

Kolbe H.J. 1897
Über die von Hern Dr.F.Stuhlmann in D.Ostafrika und Mosambik während der Jahre 1888 bis 1890 gesammelten Coleopteren
Mittheilungen aus dem naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 14:75-101

Kolbe H.J. 1897
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der melitophilen Lamellicornier. VIII. Die afrikanischen Genera und Spezies der Valgiden
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 58:184-215

Kolbe H.J. 1897
Zwei neue Lucaniden
Entomologische Nachrichten 23:10-12

Kolbe H.J. 1899
Ueber Coelorrhina-Arten
Entomologische Nachrichten 25:346-349

Kolbe H.J. 1899
Ueber neue oder wenig bekannte Arten der Melolonthiden-Gattung Apogonia aus Africa
Entomologische Nachrichten 25:39-60

Kolbe H.J. 1899
Die von Ceylon bekennten Arten der Melolonthiden-Gattung Apogonia
Entomologische Nachrichten 25:198-204

Kolbe H.J. 1900
Über einige der Dynastidengattung Heteronychus
Entomologische Nachrichten 26:163-169;324-335

Kolbe H.J. 1900
Eine neue Chalcosoma-Art aus der Familie der Dynastiden
Entomologische Nachrichten 26:52-53

Kolbe H.J. 1901
Herr H.J.Kolbe machte einige Mittheilungen über die Coleopteren-Fauna der nördlichen Nyassaländer
Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin :69-84

Kolbe H.J. 1903
Nachtrag zu meiner Synopsis der in Afrika gefundenen Arten der Rutelidengattung Popillia
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 47:66-78

Kolbe H.J. 1904
Über einige interessante Lamellicornier und Tenebrioniden Afrikas
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 49:282-302

Kolbe H.J. 1904
Gattungen und Arten der Valgiden von Sumatra und Borneo
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 65(1):3-57

Kolbe H.J. 1905
Dynastiden aus Kamerun, gesammelt von Herrn Prof.Dr.Yngve Sjöstedt (Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna von Kamerun. No.30)
Arkiv för Zoologi 2(18):1-20

Kolbe H.J. 1905
Über die Lebensweise und die geographische Verbreitung der coprophagen Lamellicornier
Zoologische Jahrbuch. Supplement 8:475-594

Kolbe H.J. 1906
Ueber die Arten der amerikanischen Dynastiden Gattung Strategus
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 51:1-32

Kolbe H.J. 1906
Die Dynastiden-Gattung Daemonoplus
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 67:265-275

Kolbe H.J. 1906
Mitteilungen über die Fauna der Coleopteren in den Landschaften südlich vom Tschadsee (Tsâde)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 51:334-345

Kolbe H.J. 1907
Neue myrmekophile Coleopteren Afrikas aus der Gruppe der Cremastochilinen
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 51:363-369

Kolbe H.J. 1907
Über einige Cetoniden Afrikas
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 51:370-375

Kolbe H.J. 1907
Coleopteren. Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise, Lief. VIII

Kolbe H.J. 1907
Neue Coprophagen aus Afrika I.
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 51(5):25-31

Kolbe H.J. 1908
5. Dynastidae, Cetoniidae und Scarabaeidae. Schultze L.:Zoologische und arthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen südafrika. Erster Band: Systematik und Tiergeographie
Denkschrift Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 13:121-132

Kolbe H.J. 1908
Kolbe H.J., Obst P. & Weise J. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition Filchner. 3. Coleoptera
E.S.Mittler & Sohn. Berlin 10(1):82-96

Kolbe H.J. 1909
Über die Arten und Unterarten der Cetoniidengattung Dicranorhina und deren Verbreitung über Afrika
Entomologische Rundschau 26(22):133-134

Kolbe H.J. 1909
Die termitophilen Coleopteren aus der Unterfamilie der coprophagen Lamellicornier
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 54:53-63

Kolbe H.J. 1909
Über die Cryptodontinen, ein verbindendes Glied zwischen den Dynastiden und den melitophilen Lamellicornier
Entomologische Rundschau 26:81-83

Kolbe H.J. 1910
Ueber die Phileurinen Amerikas
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 54(4):330-354

Kolbe H.J. 1910
7, Coleoptera. 18, Scarabaeidae: Troginae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, Dynastinae, Trichiinae, Valginae und Cetoniinae. Sjöstedt Y.:Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Masaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas
Stockholm 7(18):341-362

Kolbe H.J. 1910
Neue Ruteliden aus dem Tropischen Afrika
Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 54:74-80

Kolbe H.J. 1910
Die Coleopterenfauna der Seychellen
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 5(1):1-49 (22-23)

Kolbe H.J. 1911
Beiträge zur schlesischen Käferfauna
Jahresheft des Vereins für Schlesischen Insektenkunde zu Breslau. Breslau 4:7-12

Kolbe H.J. 1912
Die tiergeographischen Verhältnisse der Scarabaeidengruppe der Phaeochroinen
Entomologische Rundschau 29:153-155

Kolbe H.J. 1913
Zur Kenntnis der Fauna der Insel Ukerewe: Coleoptera Lamellicornia
Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 3:192-218

Kolbe H.J. 1914
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzog zu Mecklemburg. Band V: Zoologie III. Lieferung 3. Scarabaeiden
Klinkhardt & Biermann. Leipzig 5(3):261-416

Kolbe H.J. 1920
Über Mutationen und Aberrationen deutscher und auswärtiger Coleopteren und anderen Insekten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :386-408

Kolenati F.A. 1846
Insecta Caucasi. Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Mutillidae, Aphaniptera, Anoplura (Volumes 1-5:1845-1846)
Meletemata Entomologica, Petropoli 5:1-140 (1-32)

Kollar V. 1836
Species insectorum Coleopterorum novae
Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte 2:327-336

Kollar V. 1869
Gemminger M. & Harold E. Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Scarabaeidae
Grummi E.H. Monachia 4:979-1346

Kollar V. & Redtenbacher E. 1843
Coleopterorum Syriae genera et species novae; vorher Bemerkungen über die in Syrien von Th.Kotschy gesammelten Käfer
Russeger Reise :979-990

Kollar V. & Redtenbacher E. 1848
Aufzählung und Beschreibung der von Freih. Carl v. Hügel auf seiner Reise durch Kaschmir und das Himalayagebirge gesammelten Insecten
von Hügel, C. F. von: Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek 4 (2):497-564;582-585

Kollar V. & Redtenbacher E. 1850
Ueber den Charakter der Insecten-Fauna von Südpersien
Denkschrift des kaiserlich Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien 1:42-53

Koller, W.W., Gomes, A., Rodrigues, S.R. & Oliveira Alves R.G. 1999
Besouros Coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Coletados em Campo Grande, MS, Brasil
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 28(3):403-412

Kolov C.V. & Temreshev I.I. 2012
The Toraygyr ridge beetle fauna (Insecta, Coleoptera) in South-East Kazakhstan
Euroasian Entomological Journal 11(4):337-342

Kolov S.V. & Nikolajev G.V. 2011
A new species of the genus Aphodius Illiger, 1789 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from the West of Kazakhstan
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 7(2):127-128

Kometani M. 1938
Description of a new species of Potosia from Formosa
The Entomological World 6:443-445

Kometani M. 1940
Description of a new species of Glycosia, Scarabaeidae, from Formosa
The Entomological World 8:155-157

Kometani M. 1940
Descriptions of new variety and aberrant forms of the Heterorrhides from Formosa
The Entomological World 8:223-225

Kometani, S. 1938
Notes on the male and female of Potosia nitidiscutellata Niijima et Kinoshita
The Entomological World 6(47):94-97

Kon M. 2001
Redescription of Ophrygonius minor (Gravely) (Coleoptera: Passalidae) with a new synonym
Special Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society 1:107-109

Kon M. 2002
A new record of Aceraius aequalis (Gravely) (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Laos, with notes on the geographic variation of A. aequalis
Elytra, Tokyo 30(1):181-182

Kon M. 2006
New records of Leptaulax loebli Kon, Johki et Araya (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Laos and Myanmar
Elytra, Tokyo 34(1):152

Kon M. & Abe A. 2008
A new subspecies of Leptaulax matsumotoi (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Kachin, Myanmar
Elytra, Tokyo 36(1):129-131

Kon M. & Abe A. 2009
Proposal of the new replacement name, Leptaulax matsumotoi kangfangensis, for L.matsumotoi kachinensis Kon et Abe (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:94

Kon M. & Araya K. 1991
On a colony of the Bornean passalid beetle, Leptaulax bicolor (Coleoptera: Passalidae), collected from a fallen bamboo
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 59(2):467-468

Kon M. & Araya K. 1992
On the microhabitat of the Bornean passalid beetle, Taeniocerus platypus (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Elytra, Tokyo 20(1):129-130

Kon M. & Araya K. 1992
On some microhabitats observed in the Bornean passalid beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
In Behaviour and evolution of small animals in the humid tropics 1898-1991:20-21

Kon M. & Araya K. 1994
A new record of Ophrygonius singapurae (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Thailand
Elytra, Tokyo 22(2):280

Kon M. & Araya K. 1999
Description of the male genitalia of Ophrygonius sternibarbis Boucher (Coleoptera: Passalidae), with new records from Mt.Trus Madi, Sabah and Mt.Mulu, Sarawak
Elytra 27(2):476-477

Kon M. & Araya K. 2002
In search of Proculus: Travel to Guatemala
Saikaku-Tsushin (4):39-44

Kon M. & Araya K. 2003
On the microhabitat of Ceracupes yui (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Taiwan
Elytra, Tokyo 31(1):154-155

Kon M. & Araya K. 2004
Re-evaluation of the status of Pelopides mniszechi (Coleoptera: Passalidae), with a redescription based on the holotype
Elytra, Tokyo 32(1):119-123

Kon M. & Araya K. 2005
Notes on Ceracupes arrowi (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Vietnam
Elytra, Tokyo 33(1):265-266

Kon M. & Araya K. 2005
Travels to Mexico, with reference to Passalidae
Saikaku-Tsushin (10):53-58

Kon M. & Araya K. 2007
A new species of Tiberioides (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Myanmar, with a key to the species of Tiberioides
Elytra, Tokyo 35(1):313-318

Kon M. & Fukinuki K. 2001
A new record of Aceraius aequalis (Gravely) (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Myanmar
Elytra, Tokyo 29(1):128

Kon M. & Ichihashi H. 2000
A new record of Gonatas carolinensis Gravely (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Koror Island, Palau
Elytra, Tokyo 28(2):386

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1987
A new type of microhabitat, the interface between the log and ground, observed in the passalid beetle of Borneo Taeniocerus bicanthatus (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Journal of Ethology 5(2):197-198

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1989
Re-evaluation of the Status of Aceraius kuwerti (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Borneo
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 57(1):91-95

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1989
A New Species of Aceraius (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 57(3):533-535

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1991
A new species of Ophrygonius (Passalidae, Coleoptera) from Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 59(3):505-508

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1992
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae) collected from Sabah, Borneo, with special reference to their colony composition and habits
Elytra, Tokyo 20(2):207-216

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1992
Redescription of Aceraius perakensis Kuwert, 1898 (Coleoptera: Passalidae), with re-evaluation of the status of A.laevimargo Zang, 1905
Elytra, Tokyo 20(1):57-60

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1993
Redescription of Ophrygonius wallacei (Kuwert, 1898) (Coleoptera: Passalidae), with a new synonym
Elytra, Tokyo 21(1):111-114

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1994
Passalid beetles in South East Asia (Japanese)
Insects and Nature 29(2):11-16

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1995
The male genitalia of the genus Ceracupes (Coleoptera: Passalidae), with new records of Ceracupes chingkini from Thailand and Vietnam
Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology, Tokyo, (4):371-375

Kon M. & Johki Y. 1996
A new record of Aceraius alutaceosternus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Sumatra
Elytra, Tokyo 24(1):12

Kon M. & Johki Y. 2004
A redescription of Leptaulax arrowi (Coleoptera: Passalidae) based on the Holotype
Elytra, Tokyo 32(2):337-341

Kon M. & Kato M. 1993
A new record of Aceraius lamellatus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Sumatra
Elytra, Tokyo, 21(1):107-108

Kon M .& Ochi T. 2005
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) kashizakii a new replacement name for O. (O.) borneomontanus Ochi et Kon (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Elytra 33(2):664

Kon M. & Ochi T. 2014
On the brood balls likely made by Oniticellus cinctus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) in Langkawi Island, Malaysia
Kogane, Tokyo 16:91-93

Kon M. & Ochi T. 2018
Dung ball rolling behavior of Onthophagus (Onthophagiellus) kapitensis Frey (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 21:32-34

Kon M. & Shimada T. 2003
A new record of Leptaulax cyclotaenius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Thailand
Elytra, Tokyo 31(1):148

Kon M. & Tanaka M. 1998
Discovery of Ceracupes chingkini Okano (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from China
Elytra, Tokyo 26(2):352

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 1992
A new record of Ophrygonius rajanus (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from the Malay Peninsula
Elytra, Tokyo 20(1):122

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 1992
A new species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from the Malay Peninsula
Elytra, Tokyo 20(2):203-206

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 1992
Passalidae (Coleoptera) collected from Sarawak, with a check list of the Bornean species
In Behaviour and evolution of small animals in the humid tropics 1898-1991:1-19

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 1993
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from Sarawak, Borneo. 1. The subfamily Passalinae, with description of a new Acerarius species from Mt.Mulu
Elytra. Tokyo 21(1):115-122

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 1993
A new species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sabah, Borneo, with redescription of A. moeschleri Kuwert
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 61(4):711-717

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 1994
Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) new to fauna of the Korean Peninsula
Elytra, Tokyo 22(2):314

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 1996
On the microhabitat of Taeniocerus pygmaeus (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
Elytra, Tokyo 24(1):47-48

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2001
Synopsis of Thai Passalidae (Insecta, Coleoptera)
The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 1(1):61-67

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2001
Notes on the Genus Ceracupes (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Vietnam, with a New Record of C. arrowi Heller
Elytra. Tokyo 29(2):441-445

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2001
Redescription of Pelopides monticulosus (Smith) (Coleoptera, Passalidae) based on the type specimen
Kogane, Tokyo 2:37-40

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2002
Relationship between Microhabitat and Relatively Body Thickness in Adult Beetles of the Oriental Passalid Genera Aceraius, Macrolinus and Ophrygonius (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 5:297-304

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2003
A new record of Leptaulax riekoae (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Myanmar with a comparison of the male genitalia between L.riejoae and L.roepstorfi
Kogane, Tokyo 4:37-40

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2005
Miscellaneous notes on Passalidae (Coleoptera). (2) In search of the microhabitat of Ceracupes
Saikaku-Tsushin (11):67-70

Kon M., Araya K., & Johki Y. 2005
A new subspecies of Leptaulax riekoae (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Myanmar, with a new record of L. Riekoae from Laos
Kogane, Tokyo 6:47-50

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 2015
A new species of the genus Cylindrocaulus (Passalidaen Coleoptera) from Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India
Kogane, Tokyo 17:127-130

Kon M., Araya K. & Johki Y. 2016
Re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Leptaulax niae Kuwert (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 18:76-78

Kon M., Araya K. & Maryati M. 2006
Two new species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Borneo, with a key to the Bornean species of Aceraius
Elytra, Tokyo 34(1):107-117

Kon M., Ballerio A., Pittino R. & Johki Y. 2014
A new record of Leptaulax eschscholtzi Kaup (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from the Malay Peninsula, with notes on the microhabitat and possible colony composition of L.eschscholtzi and the scarab-guests in its gallery
Kogane, Tokyo 16:99-102

Kon M., Johki Y. & Araya K. 2002
Notes on Ophrygonius emas (Iwase, 1998), comb. nov. (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
Elytra, Tokyo 30(2):451-453

Kon M., Johki Y. & Araya K. 2003
Two New Species of the Genus Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sumatra, with a Key to the Sumatran Species of Aceraius
Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 6:179-187

Kon M., Johki Y. & Araya K. 2003
A new species of Leptaulax (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Thailand, with a key to Thai species of Leptaulax
The Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 9(2):181-185

Kon M., Johki Y. & Araya K. 2003
A new species of the genus Leptaulax (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Phu Phan, Laos
Elytra, Tokyo, 31(1):149-153

Kon M., Johki Y. & Araya K. 2005
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from the Malay Peninsula, with description of two new species of Pelopides and Leptaulax
Elytra, Tokyo 33(2):531-542

Kon, M., Johki, Y. & Araya, K. 2021
A New Species of the Genus Leptaulax (Passalidae, Coleoptera) from the Malay Peninsula
Elytra New Series 11(Supplement):133-136

Kon M., Johki Y. & Ballerio A. 2010
The ceratocanthid beetle, Pterorthochaetes haroldi (Coleoptera, Ceratocanthidae), collected from a gallery of the passalid beetle, Leptaulax planus, in Sabah, Malaysia
Kogane 11:93-95

Kon M., Johki Y. & Boucher S. 1995
A new species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sabah, Borneo
Japanese Journal of Entomology. Tokyo 63(1):53-57

Kon M., Johki Y. & Kikuta T. 1993
On the colonies of the Bornean passalid beetle, Ophrygonius uedai (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
Elytra, Tokyo 21(2):279-280

Kon M., Johki Y. & Kikuta T. 1995
Colony composition and altitudinal distribution of Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) observed in the Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Borneo
Elytra, Tokyo, 23(2):221-224

Kon M., Johki Y. & Pham H.T. 2017
A New Species of the Genus Leptaulax (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Vietnam
Special Bulletin of the Coleopterological Society of Japan 1:97-101

Kon M., Johki Y., Araya K., & Hosoya T. 2007
The hind wings of the genus Cylindrocaulus (Coleoptera, Passalidae, Aulacocyclinae)
Kogane, Tokyo 8:45-50

Kon, M., Johki, Y., Ueno, H., Araya, K., Meleng, P., Kaliang, C.H. & Itioka, T. 2021
Leptaulax species (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia, with descriptions of two new species
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 16(66):169-178

Kon M., Kashizaki & Johki Y. 2001
A new record of Leptaulax sarawakus Iwase (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Mt. Trusmad, Sabah, Borneo, with reference to Sexual Dimorphism
Elytra, Tokyo 29(2):445-446

Kon M., Mizota K. & Araya K. 2005
Passalidae (Coleoptera) recorded from the Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia
Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation 1:31-46

Kon M., Ochi T. & Abe A. 2010
New records of Copris (Sinocopris) uenoi and C.(S.) barclayi (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Kachin, Myanmar
Elytra 38(2):296

Kon M., Ochi T., Nabhitabata J., Araya K. & Matsui M. 1998
Necrophagous Scarab beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Onthophagus) attracted to a Diplopod copulating pair (Diplopoda) in Thailand
Elytra, Tokyo 26(2):347-349

Kon M., Ochi T., Ohara M., Ueda A. & Hartini S. 2008
A new record of Oniticellus cinctus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Borneo
Elytra, Tokyo 36(2):290

Kon M., Ohara M., Ochi T. & Hartini S. 2006
A new record of Onthophagus (Sunenaga) wallacei (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Halmahera, Maluku
Elytra, Tokyo 34(2):396

Kon M., Panha S., Araya K. & Matsui M. 1998
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from Thailand, with new records of Ophrygonius cantori (Percheron) and Aceraius laevicollis (Illiger)
Elytra, Tokyo 26(2):350-352

Kon M., Sakai S.& Ochi T. 2000
A new species of the genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Sarawak, Borneo
Entomological Science 3(2):367-371

Kon M., Tanaka M. & Araya K. 1997
Discovery of Cylindrocaulus davidi Boucher et Reyes-Castillo (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from the Daliang Shan Range, Sichuan, China
Elytra 25(2):429-430

Kon M., Tanaka M. & Araya K. 1999
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from Bhutan, with description of the male genitalia of Tiberioides austeni Gravely
Elytra 27(2):471-474

Kon M., Tanaka M., Araya K. & Nose Y. 1999
Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) collected from northern Myanmar, with new records of Ceracupes chingkini and Tiberioides borealis
Elytra, Tokyo 27(1):199-205

Kon M., Ueda A. & Johki Y. 1993
A new Aceraius species (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sabah, Borneo
Elytra, Tokyo 21(2):275-279

Kon M., Ueda A. & Johki Y. 1995
Two new species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sabah, Borneo
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 1(1):99-104

Kon M., Ueno T. & Araya K. 1999
A new record of Cylindrocaulus davidi Boucher et Reyes-Castillo (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Gansu, China
Elytra 27(2):475-476

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Die Trypoxylus-Arten aus Japan und Formosa (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Insecta matsumurana. Entomological Museum Hokkaido University. Sapporo 4:159-160

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Die Lamellicornien aus den Kurilen (Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Käferfauna der Kurilen)
Insecta matsumurana 9(4):162-165

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Die Lamellicornien aus der Kurielen II. (zehnter beitrag zur kenntnis der Käferfauna der Kurilen)
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Die Käfer-Ausbeute aus Nordsachalin im Jahre 1922
Zoological Magazine 38(455):276-296

Konopko D., Kowalczyk J.K., Komosiński K., Sienkiewicz P., Aleksandrowicz O., Przewoźny M., Konwerski S., Mocarski Z., Lasecki R. & Buchholz L. 2017
Materials to the knowledge of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Kępa Redłowska in Gdynia
Przegląd Przyrodniczy 28(3):45-72

Kontkanen P. 1956
Zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Käferfauna I.
Suomen Hyönteistieteelinen Aikakauskirja (Annales Entomologici Fennici) 22:55-63

Konvička O. 2010
Records of Euoniticellus fulvus (Goeze, 1777) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in White Carpathian Mountains (Czech Republic)
Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 1:100

Konvička, O. 2021
Second contribution to the faunistics of beetles (Coleoptera) in the Wallachian region (eastern Moravia, Czech Republic)
Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 12:43-102

Konvička O. & Vávra J.C. 2020
Distribution of Trox (Niditrox) perrisii (Coleoptera: Trogidae) in the Czech Republic
Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 10:54-57

Koprivnikar N., Gjerkes M. & Koren T. 2013
New records of Onthophagus furcatus (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Slovenia and the overview of its distribution and occurrence in the North-Western Balkans
Annales Series historia naturalis 23(2):161-166

Korasaki V., Vaz-de-Mello F.Z., Braga R.F., Zanetti R. & Louzada J. 2012
Taxocenose de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em Benjamin Constant, AM
Acta Amazonica 42(3):423-431

Koren T. 2015
The first record of Trox perrisii Fairmaire, 1868 in Croatia
Entomologia Croatica 19(1-2):31-35

Koren T. 2017
The status and occurrence of Bolbelasmus unicornis Schrank, 1789 (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) in Croatia
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 69(1):139-142

Koren T. & Trkov D. 2014
The fauna of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae, Scarabaeinae and Geotrupidae) of Konavle region, southern Croatia
Natura Croatia 23(2):389-399

Koren T. & Trkov D. 2015
Contribution to the Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of island Cres, Croatia
Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Liubljiana 25(2):151-160

Koren T., Buric I., Laus B., Rojko I., Svoboda P. & Seric Jelaska L. 2010
Carabidae, Cerambycidae and Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera). Fauna of Kornat, Lavsa and Žut islands, Croatia
Entomologia Croatica 14(3-4):53-62

Koren T., Rojko I. & Laus B. 2011
Additions to the faunal list of Scarabaeoid beetles (Insecta, Scarabaeoidea) of the river Zrmanja and its surroundings, Croatia
Annales Series historia naturalis 21(2):125-132

Košanin, N. 1904
Index Coleopterorum in Museo Historico-Naturali Serbico
Narodni muzej Belgrade, Yougoslavie :1-26

Koshantschikov D. 1891
Neue Aphodien
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 25:438-440

Koshantschikov D. 1893
Eine neue Lethrus-Art
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 27:137-138

Koshantschikov D. 1894
Verzeichniss der von Herrn D.Glasunow in Turkestan gesammelten coprophagen Lamellicornen
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 28:103-119

Koshantschikov D. 1894
Einige Bemerkungen zu Reitter's "Bestimmungs Tabelle der Lucaniden und coprophagen Lamellicornen"
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 28:100-102

Koshantschikov D. 1894
Zur Scarabaeiden-Fauna der Umgegend von Issyk-kul
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 28:96-99

Koshantschikov D. 1894
Vier neue Aphodien der russisch-europaischen Fauna
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 28:123-127

Koshantschikov D. 1894
Ein neuer Lethrus aus Turcmenien
Horae Societatis entomologicae. Moscov 28:149-151

Koshantschikov W. 1910
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 10:18-20

Koshantschikov W. 1911
Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 11:18-25

Koshantschikov W. 1911
Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 11:205-212

Koshantschikov W. 1912
Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. St.Petersburg 12:511-523

Koshantschikov W. 1913
Sechster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Archiv für Naturgeschichte Abt.A79.11:186-203

Koshantschikov W. 1913
Fünfter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 13:257-265

Koshantschikov W. 1916
Septième contribution à l'étude des Aphodiini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Revue Russe d'Entomologie 16:192-208

Koshiyama Y., Miyata R., Matsumura K. & Miyatake T. 2019
Meat-eating by larvae changes of life history strategy of Protaetia brevitarsis (Lewis, 1879) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) which breeds in bird nests
Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 9(2):317-323

Koskela H. & Hanski I. 1977
Structure and succession in a beetle community inhabiting cow dung
Annales Zoologici Fennici 14:204-223

Kostova, R. & Bekchiev, R. 2023
Data on the distribution of Osmoderma barnabita Motschulsky, 1845 (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in Bulgaria from 1904 to 2022
Historia naturalis bulgarica 45(6):155-161

Köteles, L. & Bakonyi, G. 1996
First record on the Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of Gödöllő (Hungary)
Folia Entomologica Hungarica 57:97-104

Kovács, T. 2023
Ritka és természetvédelmi szempontból jelentős bogarak (Coleoptera) Béda-Karapancsa és Gemenc területéről
Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 47:113-120

Kovács T., Merkl O. & Racz R. 2014
Distribution of Lethrus apterus (Laxmann, 1770) in Hungary (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 38:67-73

Kovács T. & Merkl O. 2013
Beetles from Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, with new country records (Coleoptera)
Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 37:89-92

Kovács, T. & Mesaroš, G. 2020
Beetles from West-Balkan, with new country records (Coleoptera)
Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 44:137-140

Kovalev A.V., Kovalenko Ya.N., Kryukov I.V., Marusov A.A., Potanin D.V. & Sazhnev A.S. 2011
Interesting and new records of beetles to the Saratov Province (Coleoptera)
Eversmannia 27-28:56-61

Kozel, P., Kadlec, J. & Čížek, L. 2022
Saproxyličtí brouci na vybraných lokalitách jižních Čech (Saproxylic beetles of selected localities in South Bohemia)
Sborník Jihočeského muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní vědy 62:61-80

Kozminykh V.O. 2019
Records of Oxythyrea funesta (Poda von Neuhaus, 1761) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) for the Middle Urals and neighbouring territories
Eversmannia 58:26-28

Kozminykh V.O. 2019
The new findings of Mimela holosericea (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at the Middle Urals
Eversmannia 58:71

Kozminykh V.O. 2020
Notes on the autumn communities of Aphodiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at the Middle Urals
Eversmannia 61:11-15

Kraatz G. 1860
Ueber die europäischen Hirschkäfer (Erstes Stück)
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 4:68-75

Kraatz G. 1860
Ueber die europäischen Hirschkäfer (Zweites Stück)
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 4:265-275

Kraatz G. 1864
Ueber die Artrechte der europäischen Maikäfer (Melolontha Fabr.)
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 8:1-16

Kraatz G. 1864
Zur kritischen Kenntniss europäischer Käferarten. Erstes Stuck
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 8:131-142

Kraatz G. 1876
Ueber Lucanus pentaphyllus Reiche
Entomologische Monatsblätter 1:71-72

Kraatz G. 1876
Ueber die Zahl und Unterscheidung der europäischen Hirschkäfer-Arten
Entomologische Monatsblätter 1:73-74

Kraatz G. 1879
Ueber die Scarabaeiden der Amur-Gebietes
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 23(2):229-240

Kraatz G. 1879
Cetonia aurata Linné (der Goldkäfer), am Amur in Euryomia- und Glycyphana-Arten verwandelt; = Protaetia bensoni Westw. Von Himalaya ? ein Beitrag zür kritischen Deutung der Cetonia-Formen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 23:241-252

Kraatz G. 1880
Genera nova Cetonidarum
Entomologische Monatsblätter 2:17-30

Kraatz G. 1880
Synonymische Bemerkungen über exotische Cetoniden
Entomologische Monatsblätter 2:31-32

Kraatz G. 1880
Cetonia fieberi, eine wichtige deutsche Form aus der Verwandschaft der metallica Herbst
Entomologische Monatsblätter 2:57-61

Kraatz G. 1880
Ueber Cetonia opaca Fabr.
Entomologische Monatsblätter 2:62,104

Kraatz G. 1880
Zwei neue africanische Arten der Cetoniden-Gattung Leucocelis
Entomologische Monatsblätter 2:153-155

Kraatz G. 1880
Käfer aus dem Aschanti-Gebiete nach Familien aufgezählt und beschrieben
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24(1):145-159

Kraatz G. 1880
Ueber Aphelorrhina simillima Westwood (nec simillima Waterh.= westwoodi Kraatz)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:165-167

Kraatz G. 1880
Gehört die Goliathiden-Gattung Hypselogenia Burm. zu den Goliathiden ?
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24(1):168-171

Kraatz G. 1880
Zwei neue westafricanische Cetoniden-Gattungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:172-173

Kraatz G. 1880
Über die Varietäten der Pachnoda flaviventris Gory
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24(1):174-176

Kraatz G. 1880
Genera Cetonidarum Australiae
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:177-214

Kraatz G. 1880
Drei neue und ausgezeignete Cetoniden (Lomaptera) aus dem Südosten von Neu-Guinea
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:215-216

Kraatz G. 1880
Nova Genera Cetonidarum (Zweites Stück)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24(2):305-320

Kraatz G. 1880
Nachträgliche Bemerkungen über meine Lomaptera aus Neu-Guinea und eine Glycyphana von dort
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 24:321-322

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber die madagascarischen Cetoniden-Gattung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25(1):65-79

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber die beiden Geschlechter und Heimath der Melolonthiden-Gattung Trematodes Fald.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25(1):80

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber das männliche Begattungsglied der europäischen Cetoniden und seine Verwendbarkeit für deren scharfe specifische Unterscheidung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25(1):129-142

Kraatz G. 1881
Über einige neu aufgestellte Cetoniden-Gattungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25(1):174-176

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber die Varietäten von Neptunides polychrous Thoms.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :257-259

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber Varietäten der Dicranorrhina Oberthüri Deyr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25:260-261

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber Smaragdesthes mutica Harold
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25:262-263

Kraatz G. 1881
Ueber Diplognatha incoides Thomson
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25:263

Kraatz G. 1881
Über die Gruppe der Anoplochiliden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 25(2):264

Kraatz G. 1882
Polyphylla ragusae Kraatz Nov.Sp.
Il Naturalista Siciliano 1:82

Kraatz G. 1882
Kurze Revision der Elaphocera-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):15-32

Kraatz G. 1882
Revision der europaisch-syrischen Arten der Melolonthiden-Gattung Haplidia Hope
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):33-42

Kraatz G. 1882
Über die Gattung Clinteria Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):49-51

Kraatz G. 1882
Ist es Prosternalforsatz von Goliathus higginsi Westw. (female) von allen Goliathen auffallend abweichend ?
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):51-52

Kraatz G. 1882
Revision der Arten der Dynastiden-Gattung Pentodon Hope
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26:57-64

Kraatz G. 1882
Die africanischen Leucoceliden und die ihnen zunächst verwandten Gattungen der Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):65-78

Kraatz G. 1882
Über die Verwandten der Leucocelis haemorrhoidalis Fabr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):79-80

Kraatz G. 1882
Über das männliche Begattungsglied der sogenannten Goliathiden und der Gattung Pachnoda
Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins in Brünn 21:21-30

Kraatz G. 1882
Forceps-Abbildungen von exotischen Melolonthiden nach Präparaten von Metzler in Frankfurt a. M.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(1):123-124

Kraatz G. 1882
Synonymische Bemerkungen über einige Goliathiden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(2):204

Kraatz G. 1882
Über die systematische Stellung der Cetoniden-Gattungen Dymusia Burm. und Gnathocera Kirby
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(2):205-206

Kraatz G. 1882
Ueber die Polyphylla-Arten der palaearctischen Region
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26:235-241

Kraatz G. 1882
Ueber einige seltene Melolontha-Arten und die männlichen Genitalien dieser Gattung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(2):243-245

Kraatz G. 1882
Heyden L. & Kraatz G.: Käfer um Samarkand gesammelt von Haberhauer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 26(2):297-338

Kraatz G. 1883
Ueber die verwandten der japanischen Cetonia submarmorea Burmeister
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(1):9-13

Kraatz G. 1883
Ueber die Arten der Gattung Anisoplia
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(1):17-24

Kraatz G. 1883
Adoretops, eine neue Rhizotrogiden-Gattung, welche die Ruteliden-Gattung Adoretus copirt
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 27:151-152

Kraatz G. 1883
Ueber die Melolonthiden-Gattung Lasiopsis Er.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27:153-154

Kraatz G. 1883
Synomische Bemerkungen über Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):317-320

Kraatz G. 1883
Heyden L. & Kraatz G. Käfer aus Osch (in Turkestan)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):337-353

Kraatz G. 1883
Käfer aus Tekke-Turcmenien
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27:354-360

Kraatz G. 1883
Ueber die Trichiiden-Gattung Incala Thoms.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):369-370

Kraatz G. 1883
Zwei neue afrikanische Myoderma-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):370-372

Kraatz G. 1883
Ueber die Gattung Valgus und eine Anzahl neuer Arten derselben
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):373-379

Kraatz G. 1883
Neue exotische Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):380-390

Kraatz G. 1883
Ptychodesthes nov.genus Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 27(2):391-392

Kraatz G. 1884
Neue Käfer-Arten aus Malatia im südlichen Kleinasien
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 28(1):231-234

Kraatz G. 1885
Ueber einige Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:15

Kraatz G. 1885
Ueber Goliathus albosignathus Boh., Westw.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:16

Kraatz G. 1885
Ueber die Artrechte der europäischen und die Varietäten der deutschen Maikäfer. Zweites Stück
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:49-73

Kraatz G. 1885
Über die Gattung Clithria Burm
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:74-77

Kraatz G. 1885
Über einige neue Glycyphana-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29(1):77-80

Kraatz G. 1885
Die Cetoniden der Aru-Inseln, nach dem von Herrn C.Ribbe 1884 gesammelten Materiale
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:81-93

Kraatz G. 1885
Ueber Varietäten von Sternoplus Schaumii White (Cetoniden-Gattung von Celebes)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:94-96

Kraatz G. 1885
Eine neue Cetonide von Sumatra
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:245-246

Kraatz G. 1885
Pachnoda Nachtigali nov.spec. vom Congo
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:247

Kraatz G. 1885
Über die Varietäten der Pachnoda sinuata Fabr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:341-348

Kraatz G. 1885
Ueber den systematischen Wert der Forceps-Bildung bei den mit Lomaptera verwandten Gattungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:349-352

Kraatz G. 1886
Über einige Oxythyreiden-(Cetoniden)-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30(1):20

Kraatz G. 1886
Clithria eucnemis Burm. var. nigripes Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30:300

Kraatz G. 1886
Ueber Lomaptera xanthopus Boisd. und Verwandte
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30(2):433-437

Kraatz G. 1886
Ueber Cetonien aus Turkestan
Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae. Moscov 20:104-110

Kraatz G. 1886
Über Simorrhina Staudingeri und einige andere Cetoniden von Benue
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 30(2):438-444

Kraatz G. 1886
Radde G.F.R.: Die Fauna und Flora des südwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu den Reisen an der Persisch-Russischen Grenze
Leipzig, F.A.Brockhaus :1-425

Kraatz G. 1887
Drei neue Lomaptera von der Aru-Inseln
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31:153-155

Kraatz G. 1887
Pachnoda marginella var. euparypha Gerstaecker
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :156-157

Kraatz G. 1887
Kurze Bemerkungen zu dem vorhergehenden Aufsatze
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31:543-544

Kraatz G. 1887
A.Grandidier: Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar XXII
Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères. Imprimerie National Paris 2(1):1-25

Kraatz G. 1888
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coleopteren-Fauna Koreas von H.J.Kolbe und Dr.L.v.Heyden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32:199-204

Kraatz G. 1888
Ueber die Gattung Cyphonotus Fisch. und einige ihr verwandte neue russische Melolonthiden-Genera
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 32:205-208

Kraatz G. 1888
Über Goliathus atlas Nickerl, und die Varietäten des Goliathus cacicus Voet
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):269-272

Kraatz G. 1888
Ueber die südamerikanische Gymnetis patherina Burm. und die mit ihr verwechselten und verwandten Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):295-300

Kraatz G. 1888
[Review of] Catalogo de los Coleopteros de Chile por Frederico Philippi, Santiago de Chile 1887
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):335-336

Kraatz G. 1888
Synomische Bemerkung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):360

Kraatz G. 1888
Melolontha hippocastani var. schwarzi mihi
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 32:362

Kraatz G. 1888
Ueber das Vorkommen von Melolontha vulgaris und hippocastani
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 32:363

Kraatz G. 1888
Ueber Cetonia albohirta Seidlitz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):364

Kraatz G. 1888
Porphyrobapta nov.gen., Tab.V.Fig.6
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):411-412

Kraatz G. 1888
Eine neue Charadronota-(Cetoniden) Art, nebst Bemerkungen über die bekannten Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):413-414

Kraatz G. 1888
Pilinopyga, eine neue Cetoniden-Gattung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(2):415

Kraatz G. 1889
Varietäten des Goliathus giganteus Lam.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):377-379

Kraatz G. 1889
Cetonia brevitarsis Lewis var.nov.fairmairei
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):379-380

Kraatz G. 1889
Synonymische Bemerkungen etc. über Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :421-422

Kraatz G. 1890
Drei neue Lomapteridae
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):31-32

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber chinesische Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :91-92

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber Dichrosoma Lansbergei Kraatz und Stethodesma
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :92-93

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber die Varietäten der Eudicella morgani Westw. und Coelorrhina hornimani Westw.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :215-218

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber die Varietäten einiger Goliathiden-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):267-271

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber die Gattung Granida Motsch.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):272

Kraatz G. 1890
Cirrhospila und Melinospila, zwei neue Macronotiden (Cetoniden)-Gattungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):277-280

Kraatz G. 1890
Zwei neue nordafrikanische Melolonthiden-Gattungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):349-352

Kraatz G. 1890
Ueber die Varietäten von Pachnoda abyssinica Kraatz und rubromaculata Hope
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):397-398

Kraatz G. 1890
Brachagenius nov.gen. Trichiadarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):399-400

Kraatz G. 1891
Cetonia floricola var. fausti Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):75

Kraatz G. 1891
Smaragdesthes subsuturalis n.sp. vom Congo
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):123-124

Kraatz G. 1891
Über die africanische Cetoniden Gattung Stethodesma Bainbridge
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):127-128

Kraatz G. 1891
Ueber Tmesorrhina concolor Westw. und verwandte Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):128-130

Kraatz G. 1891
Die Varietäten des Trichius rosaceus Voët
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):193-195

Kraatz G. 1891
Die Varietäten des Trichius gallicus Heer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):196

Kraatz G. 1891
Die Varietäten des Trichius fasciatus L.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):197-198

Kraatz G. 1891
Macronota egregia Gory und biplagiata Gory sind nicht identisch; ebenseo egregia Gory und egregia Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):253-255

Kraatz G. 1891
Chalcothea fruhstorferi Kraatz n.sp. von Java
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):315

Kraatz G. 1891
Ueber die Gattung Stalagmosoma Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):316-318

Kraatz G. 1891
Cyphonotus thoracicus Krynicki (1829), das Weib von Rhizotrogus vulpinus Gyll. (1817)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):353-354

Kraatz G. 1891
Chioneosoma, neue Melolonthiden-Gattung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :354

Kraatz G. 1891
Ueber die seidenschimmernden russischen Rhizotrogus etc.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):355-356

Kraatz G. 1891
Ueber einige deutsche Rhizotrogus-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):356-357

Kraatz, G. 1891
Rhizotrogus limbatipennis Villa (1833) = furvus Germar (1817)
Entomologische Nachrichten 17(11):161-162

Kraatz, G. 1891
Ueber Polyphylla, Anoxia und Cyphonotus
Entomologische Nachrichten 17(14):210-216

Kraatz G. 1891
Ueber dunkle Rhizotrogus Arten, eine klare Antwort an Herrn E.Brenske
Entomologische Nachrichten 17(21):333-335

Kraatz G. 1892
Ueber Gnathocera schlütteri Nonfr. und hyacinthina Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):172

Kraatz G. 1892
Monographische Revision der Ruteliden-Gattung Popillia Serville
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):177-192

Kraatz G. 1892
Monographische Revision der Ruteliden-Gattung Popillia Serville
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):225-306

Kraatz G. 1892
Ueber Cryphaeobius Kraatz und Brahmina rubetra Fald.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):307-311

Kraatz G. 1892
Zwei neue Macronotiden-Gattungen von Java
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):312-314

Kraatz G. 1892
Ueber Taeniodera-Arten von Java und Malacca
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):315-320

Kraatz G. 1892
Die Gattung Mystroceros Burm. (Spec.Diardi Burm.), errichtet auf Heterorrhina Mac Leayi Gory mit eingesetztem Kopfe eines Diceros Gory
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):373-375

Kraatz G. 1892
Der Gattungsname Macronota Hoffmannsegg hat für die bisherigen Arten der Gattung Gymnetis Mac Leay einzutreten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):375

Kraatz G. 1892
Epistalagma cornuta Kraatz von Nossi-Bé, das muthmassliche Weibchen von Epistal. multiimpressa Fairm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):376-377

Kraatz G. 1892
Hadrosticta nov. Gen. cetonidarum aus Central-Amerika, neben Argyripa lansbergii Sallé
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :378-379

Kraatz G. 1892
Synonymische Bemerkungen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):415

Kraatz G. 1893
Neue Cetoniden von Madagascar
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 12:148-156

Kraatz G. 1893
Neue Cetoniden von Madagascar
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 12:233-238

Kraatz G. 1893
Zwei neue Arten der Cetoniden-Gattung Euselates Thoms.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):71-74

Kraatz G. 1893
Gametis viridiobscura Burm. und ihre Varietäten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):74

Kraatz G. 1893
Zwei neue Arten der Goliathiden-Gattung Phaedimus
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):75-77

Kraatz G. 1894
Zur näheren Kenntniss der Cetoniden-Gattung Stenotarsia Burm. aus Madagascar
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:160-163

Kraatz G. 1894
Trigonocnemis nov.gen. Melolonthidarum
Wiener entomologische Zeitung 13:171-172

Kraatz G. 1894
Trichaulax macleayi nov.spec.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:255

Kraatz G. 1894
Phaedimus mohnikei Kraatz var. minor.?
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):107-108

Kraatz G. 1894
Pleuronota 6-maculata n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):141

Kraatz G. 1894
Taeniodera laterimaculata n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):142-143

Kraatz G. 1894
Taeniodera trifasciata n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):143-144

Kraatz G. 1894
Pogonotarsus setiger n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):152

Kraatz G. 1894
Anthracophora siamensis Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):216

Kraatz G. 1894
Cyclommatus Albersii nov. spec., Hirschkäfer von Birma
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):268-269

Kraatz G. 1894
Phaneresthes nov.genus Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):269-270

Kraatz G. 1894
Macronota nobilis Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):272

Kraatz G. 1894
Oligophylla nov.gen., begründet auf Microphylla (Anoxia) detrita Fairm.
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :289-291

Kraatz G. 1894
Theodosia westwoodi Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):291-292

Kraatz G. 1894
Ueber Glycyphana quadricolor Wiedem.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):293-295

Kraatz G. 1894
Penthima nigerrima Krtz. ist gute Gattung, aber das Weib von Macronota aciculata Vollenh.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):296-297

Kraatz G. 1894
Pseudeuryomia Kraatz nov.gen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):297

Kraatz G. 1894
Protaetia mindoroensis Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):298

Kraatz G. 1894
Lomaptera Giesbersi Kraatz nov.spec.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 38(2):320-321

Kraatz G. 1894
Ischiopsopha exasperata Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):321

Kraatz G. 1895
Drei neue Adoretus-Arten
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 14:250-252

Kraatz G. 1895
Zwei neue Arten der westafrikanischen Valgiden-Gattung Stenovalgus Kolbe
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):63-64

Kraatz G. 1895
Ueber einige madagascarische Cetoniden des Senckenbergischen Museums in Frankfurt a.M.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):78-80

Kraatz G. 1895
Neue Arten der Ruteliden-Gattung Rhinhyptia Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):104-106

Kraatz G. 1895
Cephalocosmus nov.gen.Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):107-108

Kraatz G. 1895
Rhinacosmus nov.gen.Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):108-109

Kraatz G. 1895
Einige für Ceylon neue Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):110-112

Kraatz G. 1895
Zwei neue westafrikanische Oniticellus-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):142-144

Kraatz G. 1895
Neue Cetoniden von Madagascar gesammelt von Herrn Ch.Alluaud
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(1):219-224

Kraatz G. 1895
Poecilophana nov.gen. cetonidarum errichtet auf Cetonia ochroplagiata Heller
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):285-287

Kraatz G. 1895
Prosopocoelus möllenkampi Fruhstorfer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):287

Kraatz G. 1895
Ueber einige Macronotiden-Varietäten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):288

Kraatz G. 1895
Ueber einige Arten der Melolonthiden-Gattung Dicrania Serv.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):316-320

Kraatz G. 1895
Ueber einige Cetonien-Varietäten von Togo (Westafrika)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):320

Kraatz G. 1895
Leucocelis Nickerli Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):362

Kraatz G. 1895
Nigidius spectabilis n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):370

Kraatz G. 1895
Beschreibung des Weibchens von Glyptothea Whiteheadi Bates
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):370

Kraatz G. 1895
Neue exotische Cetoniden-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):371-384

Kraatz G. 1895
Pachnoda Fairmairei Raffray var.atra Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):384

Kraatz G. 1895
Ueber angeblich dreizähnige Mittelschienen von Cryptotrogus Krtz. und angeblich einzähnige Hinterschienen von Cyphonotus Anketeri Herbst
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):409-413

Kraatz G. 1895
Cyphonotus testaceus Pallas ist kein ♀, sondern ein ♂, und oryctoides Semenoff warscheinlich das ♀
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):413-415

Kraatz G. 1895
Gnorimus cupreus
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):415

Kraatz G. 1895
Taeniodera bifasciata nov.spec.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):416

Kraatz G. 1895
Goliathus intermedius nov.spec.?
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):438-439

Kraatz G. 1895
Goliathus giganteus Lam. var. apicalis
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):440

Kraatz G. 1895
Goliathus giganteus Lam. var. nigripes Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):440

Kraatz G. 1895
Argyrophegges nov.gen.Goliathidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):441-443

Kraatz G. 1895
Eccoptocnemis seminigra
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):443

Kraatz G. 1895
Acanthovalgus nov.gen. valginorum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 34(2):444

Kraatz G. 1896
Hadronigidius n.g. Lucanidarum aus Ostafrika
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):65-66

Kraatz G. 1896
Fornasinus Hauseri, eine neue Goliathiden-Art aus Kamerun
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):67-70

Kraatz G. 1896
Neue cetoniden aus Ostafrika gesammelt von R. v. Bennigsen
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):71-80

Kraatz G. 1896
Varietäten der Dicranorrhina Oberthüri Deyr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :111-112

Kraatz G. 1896
Synomische Bemerkung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):156

Kraatz G. 1896
Eine neue Dicrania (Melolonthide) von Paraguay
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :189

Kraatz G. 1896
Über die Varietäten des Amaurodes passerinii Westw.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):349-350

Kraatz G. 1896
Über die Gattung Micrelaphinis Schoch
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):350-352

Kraatz G. 1896
Tetragonorrhina nov.gen. cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):369-370

Kraatz G. 1896
Haematonotus hauseri Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):371-374

Kraatz G. 1896
Leucocelis lunicollis Kolbe
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :374

Kraatz G. 1896
Über einige Schoch'sche Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):375-376

Kraatz G. 1896
Einige neue Valgus-Arten von Borneo
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):380-382

Kraatz G. 1896
Trigonocnemis Kraatz ist von Semenow mit Recht zu den Ruteliden gesteltt
Wiener entomologische Zeitung 15:203-204

Kraatz G. 1897
Zwei neue Tmesorhina-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :150

Kraatz G. 1897
Grypocnemis, neue africanische Cetoniden-Gattung
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):151-152

Kraatz G. 1897
Chordodera guttulata Kraatz nov.spec.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):152-153

Kraatz G. 1897
Trichotarus, neue Cetoniden-Gattung gegründet auf Ischnoscelis Westwood
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :157-158

Kraatz G. 1897
Rhabdotis sobrina Gory = picta Fabr.var.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:191-192

Kraatz G. 1897
Zwei neue Stenovalgus aus Ostafrica
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):247

Kraatz G. 1897
Die Cetoniden-Gattung Chordodera Burm. gehört nicht zu den Diplognathiden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):248

Kraatz G. 1897
Goliathus Atlas Nickerl.=giganteus Lam.var.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):249-252

Kraatz G. 1897
Amaurodes Passerinii var. tibialis var.nov.vitticollis Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):252

Kraatz G. 1897
Über das Männchen des Dialithus magnificus Parry
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :326

Kraatz G. 1897
Nachträge zur monographischen Revision der Gattung Popillia
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:327-331

Kraatz G. 1897
Verzeichniss der Popillia und Ischnopopillia in Vorder-Indien gesammelt von Herrn E.Andrewes
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:332

Kraatz G. 1897
Ueber africanische Popillia
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:333-334

Kraatz G. 1897
Panglaphyra (Neophonia) Du Boulayi Thomson
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):334

Kraatz G. 1897
Molynoptera nov.gen. Cetonidarum propre Eucosma
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):335-336

Kraatz G. 1897
Ueber die von Prof.Schoch in Bd X., Heft 1, 55-60 beschriebenen neuen Cetoniden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):401-404

Kraatz, G. 1897
Cetonia purpurascens n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):405

Kraatz, G. 1897
Protaetia Heydeni n. sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):406

Kraatz, G. 1897
Pseudoprotaetia pilicollis n. sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):406-407

Kraatz, G. 1897
Eine neue Gnathocera aus Ostafrica
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):408

Kraatz, G. 1897
Ueber einige Macronota-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):409-410

Kraatz G. 1897
Ueber einige Agestrata-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):410-411

Kraatz G. 1897
Niphetophora maculipes Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):411

Kraatz G. 1897
Ueber einige Diplognatha-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):412-413

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber exemplare des Goliathus Atlas Nickerl vom Volta-Fluss
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):11-12

Kraatz G. 1898
Hadrodiplognatha nov.genus Diplognathidarum, gegründet auf Diplognatha herculeana Bainbr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):13

Kraatz G. 1898
Pachnoda bella Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):14-15

Kraatz G. 1898
Cetonia magnifica Kraatz von Bangalore
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):15

Kraatz G. 1898
Über einige Mausoleopsis-(Cetoniden)-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):16

Kraatz G. 1898
Psadacoptera bipunctata nov.sp. von Natal
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):92

Kraatz G. 1898
Pseudoplasta nov.gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):93-94

Kraatz G. 1898
Stenolomaptera nov. gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):95-96

Kraatz G. 1898
Simorrhina quadrimaculata
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):200

Kraatz G. 1898
Vier neue westafricanische Gnathocera-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):201-204

Kraatz G. 1898
Über die Gattung Phoxomeloides Schoch
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):205-206

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber Schoch's Bearbeitung der Taumastopeus Krtz.-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):207-208

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber Lomapteroides Schoch
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):208-209

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die Varietäten der Helionica Westwoodi Thoms.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):215-216

Kraatz G. 1898
Bemerkungen zum Nachtrag VI von Schoch's "Genera und Species seiner Cetoniden-Sammlung"
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):217-224

Kraatz G. 1898
Atrichelaphinis nov.gen. (prope Elaphinis)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):220

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die Gattung Hologymnia Schoch
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):220

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die Gattung Cotinorrhina Schoch
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):221

Kraatz G. 1898
Varietäten der Cotinis mutabilis, Labasii, sobrina und nitida
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):221-222

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die Gattung Anatona Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):222-224

Kraatz G. 1898
Hybothorax nov.gen. Cetonidarum von Java
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :379-380

Kraatz G. 1898
Glycyphana Swainsonii G.P., G.Burmeisteri, G.borneensis, G.punctipennis, G.pygidialis n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :381-384

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die Macronotiden-Gattung Ataenia Schoch und meine Auffassung der Arten derselben
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :385-396

Kraatz G. 1898
Über Goliathus albosignatus Boh. und Kirkianus Gray
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :396

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber einige Clinteria-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):397-399

Kraatz G. 1898
Ueber die beiden Geschlechter und die Varietäten der Coquerelia (Anochilia) flavipennis Kraatz und rufipes Kraatz aus Madagascar
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):401-405

Kraatz G. 1898
Poecilophilides nov.gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :406

Kraatz G. 1898
Pseudanthracophora nov.gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):407-408

Kraatz G. 1898
Cetonia tristicula n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):409

Kraatz G. 1899
Neue Cymophoriden aus Africa
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :55-61

Kraatz G. 1899
Pseudospilophorus nov.gen.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :62-64

Kraatz G. 1899
Pseudoprotaetia puncticollis n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 43(1):108-109

Kraatz G. 1899
Adoretus guttulatus n.sp. von Ukambani
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :109

Kraatz G. 1899
Stalagmosoma megastalactica n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :110

Kraatz G. 1899
Zwei neue deutsch-ostafricanische Gnathocera
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :111

Kraatz G. 1899
Cosmiophaena nov.gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):120

Kraatz G. 1899
Oxyrrhaphia Kolbe 1895=Niphetophora Kraatz 1883
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):121-122

Kraatz G. 1899
Macronota regia nov.var.bicolor Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :122

Kraatz G. 1899
Pararhabdotis nov.gen. Cetonidarum Coryphoceridarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):123-124

Kraatz G. 1899
Neue Arten der Gattung Incala Thomson aus Ost- und West-Africa
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):125-127

Kraatz G. 1899
Macronota venerea Thoms.var.nov.apicalis Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :127

Kraatz G. 1899
Nannopopillia viridula nov.spec.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :128

Kraatz G. 1899
Goniochilus niger
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :128

Kraatz G. 1899
Eine neue Ceratogonia-Art von Transvaal
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :141-142

Kraatz G. 1899
Pachnoda dieliana
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :142

Kraatz G. 1899
Paraneptunides nov.gen. Cetonidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:210

Kraatz G. 1899
Einige neue ostafricanische Popillia-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :211-214

Kraatz G. 1899
Coenochilus squamiger Kraatz n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :215

Kraatz G. 1899
Megalorrhina Harrisi Westw. var.nov. 4-maculata
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :216

Kraatz G. 1899
Zwei neue Cetoniden von der Molukkeninsel Dammer
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :237-238

Kraatz G. 1899
Genyodonta plagiata Kraatz. Genyodonta Jansoni Gestro (Expl.del Giuba 1895) var.?
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :239

Kraatz G. 1899
Cymophorus floccosus
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :316

Kraatz G. 1899
Neue ostafricanische Leucocelis-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :317-320

Kraatz G. 1899
Cetoniden vom Nyassa-See
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :352

Kraatz G. 1899
Zwei neue ostafricanische Polystalactica-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :365-366

Kraatz G. 1899
Dinonota Krtz. nov.gen. Diplognathidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :367-368

Kraatz G. 1899
Eine neue Carolina Thoms.-Art von Borneo
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :398-399

Kraatz G. 1899
Glycyphana bipustulata (anstatt binotata)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):399

Kraatz G. 1899
Mausoleopsis 4-maculata
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :400

Kraatz G. 1900
Cymophorus rufithorax
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :10

Kraatz G. 1900
Melanochroea nov.gen.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):11-12

Kraatz G. 1900
Protaetia squamipennis Burm.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):12

Kraatz G. 1900
Ogmothorax nov.gen.prope Coenochilus Schaum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):13-14

Kraatz G. 1900
Zwei neue Trichius aus Westafrica
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :14-15

Kraatz G. 1900
Seltene africanische Cetoniden aus der Sammlung von Meier-Darcis
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :16

Kraatz G. 1900
Dilochrosis nigra
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):74

Kraatz G. 1900
Einige neue Cetoniden-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):75-76

Kraatz G. 1900
Über die Gattung Phonotaenia Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):77-78

Kraatz G. 1900
Brachypteryx Krtz. = Syntomopteryx Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):78

Kraatz G. 1900
Rhadinotaenia n.gen. auf Gametis? Clytus Westw.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):79

Kraatz G. 1900
Trymodera duvivieri Schoch vom Nyassa-See
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):80

Kraatz G. 1900
Protaetia regalis var.nov. Horni Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :144

Kraatz G. 1900
Varietäten einiger Glycyphana-Arten von Neu-Guinea
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :186-188

Kraatz G. 1900
Fornasinius Darcisi Krtz. (neuer Goliathide)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :220

Kraatz G. 1900
Ueber die Varietäten der Protaetia soloriensis Wall.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :221-222

Kraatz G. 1900
Die Varietäten der Plaesiorrhina recurva Fabr.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :267-268

Kraatz G. 1900
Ischnotarsia dimidiata Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :268

Kraatz G. 1900
Coelorrhina Grandyi Bates u.nyassica Krtz.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :366-367

Kraatz G. 1900
Fruhstorferia 6-maculata Kraatz
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :367-368

Kraatz G. 1900
Dilochrosis Bennigseni Kraatz n. sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :383

Kraatz G. 1900
Megalorrhina Harrisi var.pallescens Kolbe (4-maculata Krtz.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :384

Kraatz G. 1900
Einige neue Arten der Gattung Pachnoda
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :410-412

Kraatz G. 1900
Phonotaenia fasciolata n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):413-414

Kraatz G. 1900
Rhomborrhina Möllenkampi n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):415

Kraatz G. 1900
Eudicella hereroensis n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):416

Kraatz G. 1900
Zwei neue Phymatopteryx-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):461-464

Kraatz G. 1901
Cetoniden aus Neu-Guinea gesammelt von Ludwig Bord
Termeszetrajzi fuzetek. Budapest 24:155-156

Krajčik M. 1998
Cetoniidae of the world. Catalogue-Part 1

Krajčik M. 1999
Cetoniidae of the world. Catalogue-Part 2

Krajčik M. 2000
A new species of the Asian genus Coilodera from South Laos (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Lambillionea 100(1):116-119

Krajčik M. 2001
Revision of the Genus Lansbergia Ritsema 1888 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania 1(2):41-44

Krajčik M. 2001
A new species of Lasiotrichius Reitter from China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Cetoniimania 1(3):67-69

Krajčik M. 2002
A new species of Cetonia from China, Sichuan province (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.x 1:13-15

Krajčik M. 2002
A new species of the genus Pachnoda Burmeister from Oman (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania 2(1):16-18

Krajčik M. 2003
Two new species of Ingrisma from Laos and North Vietnam (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.x 2:1-6

Krajčik M. 2005
Two new species of the genus Euselates Thomson from Southeast Asia (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 9:13-18

Krajčik, M. 2005
Dynastinae of the World. Checklist (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Animma.X Supplement 2:1-122

Krajčik M. 2006
New Cetoniinae beetles from Africa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 14:10-16

Krajčik M. 2006
New species of Kheper Janssens from Namibia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeinae)
Animma.X 14:19-23

Krajčik M. 2006
A new Trichius Fabricius from Hainan Island (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 14:24-27

Krajčik M. 2006
Checklist of Scarabaeoidea of the World. 1. Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Animma.X, Supplement 3:1-189

Krajčik, M. 2007
Checklist of Scarabaeoidea of the World. 2. Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Animma.X, Supplement 4:1-139

Krajčik M. 2007
New Cetoniinae beetles from SE Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Animma.X 18:1-11

Krajčik M. 2007
New Trichiinae beetles from SE Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Animma.X 18:13-25

Krajčik M. 2008
New species of Cetonia Fabricius from China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 24:1-5

Krajčik M. 2008
New species of Clerota Burmeister from Myanmar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 25:1-4

Krajčik M. 2008
New species of Paratrichius with synomical remarks on this genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 25:11-14

Krajčik M. 2008
Two new species of Paratrichius Janson 1881 from NE India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 26:9-15

Krajčik M. 2009
New Buprestidae, Cetoniinae and Trichiinae (Coleoptera)
Animma.X 28:1-18

Krajčik M. 2009
New species of Megasoma Kirby from Bolivia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Animma.X 29:1-7

Krajčik M. 2009
New species of the genus Clinteria Burmeister 1842 from Sri Lanka and Nepal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniini)
Animma.X 30:1-7

Krajčik M. 2009
Checklist of the subgenus Netocia Costa 1852 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X Supplement 1:1-44

Krajčik M. 2010
Two new species of the genus Parapilinurgus Arrow from China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 32:1-6

Krajčik M. 2010
Two new species of the genus Paratrichius Janson from SE Asia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 33:1-7

Krajčik M. 2010
Two new species of the genus Taeniodera Burmeister from SE Asia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 35:1-7

Krajčik M. 2011
New species of Clinteria Burmeister 1842 from China, Yunnan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 37:1-5

Krajčik M. 2011
Illustrated Catalogue of Cetoniinae Trechiinae and Valginae of China (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Animma.X Supplement 1:1-113

Krajčik M. 2011
New species of Protaetia and Paratrichius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 39:1-8

Krajčik M. 2011
New species of Neovalgus Miyake 1985 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Valgini) from China and NE India
Animma.X 43:1-5

Krajčik M. 2012
Checklist of the World Scarabaeoidea
Animma.X Supplement 5:1-278

Krajčik M. 2012
Description of new taxa of Cetoniidae from SE Asia and Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Animma.X 48:1-20

Krajčik M. 2013
Addenda to checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea 2012. Index of taxonomic names
Animma.X 49-54:1-299

Krajčik M. 2013
Addenda to checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea 2012. New taxa and synonyms in Cetoniinae and Trichiinae (Part I) (Coleoptera)
Animma.X 58:1-12

Krajčik M. 2014
Addenda to checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea 2012. Part II. New synonyms in Dicronocephalus Hope (Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 59:1-11

Krajčik M. 2014
Addenda to checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea 2012. Part III. New names, synonyms and new taxa in Cetoniinae
Animma.X 60:1-8

Krajčik M. 2016
Addenda to checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea 2012. Part IV. List of taxa of Cetoniinae, Trichiinae and Valginae published in 2000-2002
Animma.X 70:1-24

Krajčik M. 2016
Addenda to checklist of world Scarabaeoidea. Pars V. New synonyms and a new valid name in Cetoniinae (Coleoptera)
Animma.X 72:1-7

Krajčik M. 2018
Addenda to checklist of world Scarabaeoidea. Pars VI. Aethiessa Burmeister 1842 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 80:1-12

Krajčik M. 2018
Addenda to checklist Cetoniidae of the World. Part I. Cetonia bicostula Marseul 1878, valid bona species? (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X Supplment VI:1-2

Krajčik M. 2018
Addenda to checklist Cetoniidae of the World. Part II. Cetonia cuprea Fabricius 1775 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X Supplment VI:3-6

Krajčik M. 2018
Addenda to checklist Cetoniidae of the World. Part III. Checklist of the genus Gametis Burmeister 1842 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X Supplement VI:7-19

Krajčik M. 2019
Information about rare Lepidoptera and Coleoptera from Europe (IUCN red list)
Animma.X Supplement VII:1-12

Krajčik M. 2020
Insects in famous artworks (special selection). I. Sacred beetles of ancient Egypt
Animma.X 82:1-20

Krajčik M. 2020
Insects in famous artworks. Edgar A. Poe: The Gold Bug
Animma.X 83:1-28

Krajčik, M. 2021
A list of some cetonid beetles preserved in the Natural History Museum London, with remarks on the taxonomy for interesting taxa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) Part I
Animma.X 93:1-8

Krajčik, M. 2021
A list of some cetonid beetles preserved in the Natural History Museum London, with remarks on the taxonomy for interesting taxa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Part II. Illustrated books for determination
Animma.X 94:1-4

Krajčik, M. 2021
A list of some cetonid beetles preserved in the Natural History Museum London, with remarks on the taxonomy for interesting taxa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Part III
Animma.X 95:1-4

Krajčik, M. 2021
A list of some cetonid beetles preserved in the Natural History Museum London, with remarks on the taxonomy for interesting taxa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Part IV
Animma.X 96:1-5

Krajčik, M. 2022
A short list of eminent biologists with enumeration of the best writings or paintings. A manual for the modern entomologist. Part I. Selection of ancient and old natural history books
Animma.X 98:1-20

Krajčik, M. 2022
A short list of eminent biologists with enumeration of the best writings or paintings. A manual for the modern entomologist. Part II. Systema Naturae and the best entomology books in the time of Linnaeus
Animma.X 99:1-20

Krajčik, M. 2022
Overview of Cetoniidae specimens in the collection of Milan Krajcik, which is now part of the NHM collection in London (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae)
Animma.X AX Suppl.:1-50

Krajčik, M. 2022
Attractive and mostly rare insects of Europe (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera) Part I. Pyrgus alveus, Asilus crabroniformis, Doros profuges, Stilbum cyanurum, Eumenes subpomiformis, Nomada flavopicta, Oryctes nasicornis, Sphenoptera antiqua, Dorcadion aethiops
Animma.X AX 101:1-19

Krajčik, M. 2024
Easy to update checklist of Cetoniinae (Palaearctic region)
Animma.X 109:1-42

Krajčik, M. 2024
Flower beetles subtribe Cetoniina in the world (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Part 1. Alphabetical list of taxa of the subgenus Cetonia Fabricius
Animma.X 110:1-8

Krajčik, M. 2024
Flower beetles subtribe Cetoniina in the world. Part 2 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae).Part 2. Alphabetical list of the taxa in the genus Aethiessa Burmeister 1842
Animma.X 111:1-16

Krajčik, M. 2024
Attractive or endangered insects in Europe (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera) Part II. Trichius gallicus, Psacasta exanthematica, Aricia artaxerxes, Xanthogramma pedissequum, Ectemnius fossorius
Animma.X 113:1-10

Krajčik, M. 2024
Cetoniinae of the World. List of Taxa
Animma.X. AX Supplement :1-281

Krajčik, M. 2024
Assessment of the taxonomy of some cetoniine beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X. AX114:1-8

Krajčik, M. 2024
Assessment of the taxonomy of some cetoniine beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) Part II
Animma.X. AX115:1-8

Krajčik M. & Chou W-I 2008
New species of Epitrichius Tagawa 1941 from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Animma.X 26:1-8

Krajčik M. & Jákl S. 2004
A new Cetonia from Pakistan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Animma.X 4:1-6

Krajčik M. & Jákl S. 2005
Two new species of Cetoniinae beetles from SE Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Animma.X 10:36-42

Krajčik M. & Jákl S. 2007
New Cetoniinae beetles from Oriental and Australian region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Animma.X 22:1-20

Král D. 1993
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 11. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 29:172

Král D. 1994
Sinodendron yunnanense sp.nov. From China, with a key to the Palearctic species of this genus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Entomological Problems 25(1):47-52

Král D. 1995
A review of the Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Part I.subgenus Agolius
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 59(1-2):101-107

Král D. 1995
Ceruchus katerinae sp.n. from Sichuan (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Folia Heyrovskyana 3(7-8):96-99

Král D. 1996
New apterous Aphodius species from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Klapalekiana 32:195-199

Král D. 1996
Anisoplia hebrothracica sp.n. from Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 60(2-3):183-186

Král D. 1997
A review of Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Part 3: description of two new Agolius species with a key to Chinese and Himalayan species of this subgenus
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61(1):53-64

Král D. 1997
A review of Chinese Aphodius species. Part 4: subgenera Pseudacrossus and Qingaphodius sbg.n. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61(2):129-149

Král D. 1997
A review of Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Part 5: subgenus Aphodius
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61(3):199-217

Král D. 1998
Amphimallon sithoniense sp.n. from Greece (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 62(1):41-44

Král D. 1999
Palnia cambeforti sp.n. from Yunnan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 63(4):467-471

Král D. 1999
Three new Tanyproctus species from Yunnan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 63(4):473-481

Král D. 2000
A review of Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Part 2: revision of the subgenus Brachiaphodius
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 64(1):65-92

Král D. 2002
A review of Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Part 6: A.(Phaeaphodius) plutenkoi sp.n.from Shaanxi
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 66(1):47-50

Král D. 2002
Distribution and taxonomy of some Synapsis species, with description of S.strnadi sp.n.from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 66(4):279-289

Král D. 2002
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 151. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 38:226

Král D. 2003
The genus Haroldius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): two new species, range extension, catalogue
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 67(3):193-198

Král D. 2004
Lucanus (Pseudolucanus) xerxes sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from the Zagros Mts., with some distribution data to the lucanid fauna from Iran
Acta Societatis Zoologia Bohemoslovaca 68:183-189

Král D. 2006
First records of Psammodius danubialis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in Austria and Slovakia
Biologia (Bratislava) 61:604

Král D. 2011
A review of Chinese Aphodius species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Part 7: Aphodius (Pseudacrossus) smetanai sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from Hubei (China)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 7(1-2):249-254

Král D. 2012
Pharaonus saharicus sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from the Central Sahara (Algeria)
Klapalekiana 48:127-136

Král D. 2013
Agrilinus monikae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from the Tibetan plateau, associated with burrows of small mammals
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 9(2):481-486

Král D. 2014
Delopleurus mencli sp. nov. from Socotra Island (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54 (supplementum):133-138

Král D. 2016
Phelotrupes (Sinogeotrupes) annamiticus sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Central Vietnam
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 24(2):21-24

Král, D. 2020
Tanyproctus (Tanyproctus) zuzanae sp.nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Pachydemini) from Laos
Folia Heyrovskyana 28(1):26-30

Král, D. 2023
Odontotrypes (Odontotrupes) fryntai sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Himachal Pradesh, India
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 86:71-76

Král D. & Batelka J. 2017
Order Coleoptera, superfamily Scarabaeoidea
Arthropod fauna of the UAE 6:78-168

Král D. & Bezdek A. 2017
Scarabaeoidea (vrubounovití) [třída/class: Insecta; řád/order: Coleoptera; nadčeleď/superfamily: Scarabaeoidea]
Hejda R., Farkac J. & Chobot K. (eds) Red list of threatened species of the Czech Republic. Invertebrates :1-611 (409-413)

Král D. & Hajek J. 2012
Haroldius jechaer sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Yunnan, China
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(1):207-215

Král D. & Hajek J. 2014
A new Callosides species from Ecuador with uniquely built membranous mandibles (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae: Anaidinae)
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54(1):237-249

Král D. & Hajek J. 2015
A second species of Cheleion from Johor, Malaysia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae, Stereomerini)
ZooKeys 532:87-97

Král D. & Hillert O. 2013
Three new Lethrus species close to L. raymondi (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from the Balkan Peninsula
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(1):219-244

Král, D. & Hillert, O. 2021
Lethrus (Scelolethrus) golestanicus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Lethrinae), a new species from Iran
Zootaxa 5052(4):585-590

Král D. & Hrůzová L. 2018
Glaresis hespericula sp. n. from the Cape Verde Islands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Glaresidae)
ZooKeys 792:91-97

Král D. & Janus J. 2003
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 159. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 39:52

Král D. & Kuban V. 2012
Afromorgus reiterorum sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Trogidae) from Socotra Island
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(2):147-152

Král D. & Malý V. 1993
New records o f Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) from Bulgaria
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 57(1):17-29

Král D. & Masumoto K. 2020
Aphodiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) of Thailand: two new species, new distribution data, and a check-list
Kogane, Tokyo 23:131-147

Král, D. & Mencl, L. 2024
Gaindaphodius gainda, a new genus and new species of Aphodiini from Nepal(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 20(1):115-124

Král D. & Mocek B. 1998
A catalogue of the type-specimens of the Zdenek Tesar collection deposited in the Museum of East Bohemia, Hradec Králové. Part 1: Trogidae, Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae, Coprinae, Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Acta musei Reginaehradecensis s. A., 26:3-21

Král D. & Olexa A. 1996
New and otherwise noteworthy Lethrus species from Central Asia and Afghanistan (Coleoptera: Geotrupicae)
Folia Heyrovskyana 4(2):49-65

Král D. & Rakovič M. 2012
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 338. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae:Aphodiinae
Klapalekiana 48:291-292

Král D. & Rébl K. 2007
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 230. Coleoptera:Trogidae
Klapalekiana 43:186

Král D. & Rejsek J. 1997
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 61. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 33:100

Král D. & Rejsek J. 1999
The Liatongus species with moveable clypeal horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Folia Heyrovskyana Supplementum 5:1-18

Král D. & Rejsek J. 2000
Synapsis naxiorum sp.n. from Yunnan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologia Bohemoslovaca 64(3):267-270

Král D. & Sipek P. 2013
Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Goa, Maharashtra and Rajasthan (India) with description of Aphodius (Gilletianus) rajawatorum sp. nov.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(2):633-648

Král, D. & Sommer, D. 2021
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 508 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae
Klapalekiana 57:163-165

Král, D. & Sommer, D. 2021
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 514 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae
Klapalekiana 57:313-316

Král D. & Strnad J. 1992
New Eophileurus species from Vietnam (Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Folia Heyrovskyana 1(1):3-5

Král D. & Vitner J. 1993
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 1. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 29:18

Král D. & Vitner J. 1993
Faunistic grid mapping of Czechoslovak Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) - selected results obtained in 1989-1990
Klapalekiana 29:25-36

Král D. & Vitner J. 1993
A record of Miltotrohus nocturnus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Slovakia
Klapalekiana 29:99-100

Král D. & Vitner J. 1996
Distribution of Psammodius species in Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Klapalekiana 32:59-70

Král D. & Vitner J. 1996
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 43. Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae
Klapalekiana 32:134

Král D. & Vitner J. 1996
Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea.In: Rozkosny R. & Vanhara J.:Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of Unesco, III
Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 94:409-631 (419-431)

Král D., Bezdek A. & Jurena D. 2014
First country records of Trox litoralis and Exomala (Trichopertha) hirtella (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) from Austria
Klapalekiana 50:69-72

Král D., Bezdek A. & Jurena D. 2018
Icones Insectorum Europae Centralis.Coleoptera:Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Glaresidae, Lucanidae, Ochodaeidae, Glaphyridae
Folia Heyrovskiana, series B 32:1-28

Král, D., Elmi, H.S.A. & Sommer, D. 2023
Trogidae, Hybosoridae and Scarabaeidae: Dynamopodinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) of Somaliland
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 86:77-96

Král D., Hillert O., Drožová D. & Šípek P. 2013
Lethrus (Lethrus) schneideri sp.n. (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae) from Greece
ZooKeys 339:93-106

Král D., Hillert O., Drožová D. & Šípek P. 2018
Lethrus (Lethrus) thracicus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae) a new species from the European part of Turkey
Zootaxa 4521(4):573-583

Král, D., Hillert, O., Mencl, L. & Sommer, D. 2022
Bolbaffroides dhofarensis (Coleoptera: Bolboceratidae), a new species from Oman
Zootaxa 5128(3):425-434

Král D., Hrůzová L., Lu Y. & Bai M. 2017
First records of Glaresidae (Coleoptera) in China, with the description of a new species from Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi
Zootaxa 4306(1):145-150

Král D. Hrůzová L., Šípek P., Awale A.I., Hurre A.A. & Sommer D. 2019
Pachnoda iskuulka (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), a new species from Somaliland, including description of its mature larva
Zootaxa 4604(3):482-496

Král D., Jákl S., Lu Y. & Bai M. 2020
The genus Ceratophyus Fischer von Waldheim, 1824 (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) in China, along with description of a new species
Zootaxa 4747(2):339-349

Král D., Jákl S. & Manjunatha H.B. 2020
Enoplotrupes (Enoplotrupes) apatani sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 84:23-27

Král, D., Kopr, D. & Bezděk, A. 2021
First country records of Erytus aequalis and Euorodalus tersus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae) from Albania and Montenegro
Ecologica Montenegrina 41:35-40

Král, D., Kubáň, V. & Sommer, D. 2023
Occurrence of Aphodius fimetarius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae) in Slovakia
Klapalekiana 59:67–72

Král D., Lu Y. & Bai M. 2019
First country record of Glaresis rufa (Coleoptera: Glaresidae) from China
Klapalekiana 55:217-223

Král, D., Lu, Y. & Bai, M. 2020
Two new species of Odontotrypes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Ningxia and Sichuan, China
Journal of Insect Biodiversity 14(2):47-53

Král D., Lu Y. & Bai M. 2021
Airapus rakovici (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae: Eupariini), a new species from Fujian, China
Zootaxa 4920(1):140-144

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2001
Revision of the genera Odontotrypes and Phelotrupes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Folia Heyrovskyana Supplementum 8:1-178

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2012
Enoplotrupes (E.) rhinoceros sp.nov. and E. (Tyrannotrupes) tyrannus subgen.nov., sp.nov. from India and Myanmar (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, Hors série 34:1-11

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2014
Odontotrypes (Odontotrypes) hubeicus sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Hubei, China
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 78(3-4):213-217

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2015
Descriptions of four new Enoplotrupes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from China
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 11(2):323-337

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2015
Descriptions of two new Enoplotrupes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) species from Kachin, Myanmar
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 23(1):37-46

Král D., Malý V. & Schneider J. 2019
Descriptions of three new Enoplotrupes species from China and Himalaya (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 82(3-4):151-164

Král D., Mencl L. & Rakovič M. 2018
Notes on possible existence of the genus Blackburneus in Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 14(2):407-416

Král D., Mencl L. & Rakovič M. 2019
Three new species of the genus Airapus from the Oriental Region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 15(2):383-398

Král D., Mencl L. & Rakovič M. 2021
A new Carinaulus species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini) from Nepal
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 17(1):69-75

Král, D., Mencl, L. & Rakovič, M. 2021
Ajmeraphodius clypeosetosus, a new genus and new species of Aphodiini from India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 29(2):46-55

Král, D., Mencl, L. & Rakovič, M. 2023
Rhyssemodes yuanyuanae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) from Yunnan, China
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 19(2):331-338

Král D., Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2014
Two new Gilletianus species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini) from Sulawesi, Indonesia
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 10(1):113-126

Král D., Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2015
Odontoxyomus denticlypeatus, a new genus and new species of Aphodiini from Laos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 11(1):159-166

Král D., Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2015
Two new species of Aphodiini from China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 11(2):311-322

Král D., Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2016
Orammoecius, a new genus for four new Asian species of the tribe Aphodiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 12(1):117-137

Král D., Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2016
Pleuraphodius arabiaefelicis sp. nov. from Yemen (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 12(2):395-402

Král D., Rejsek J. & Schneider J. 2001
Lethrus (Lethrus) ares sp.n. (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) from Greece
Klapalekiana 37:253-260

Král D., Sehnal R. & Bezdek A. 2012
Tanyproctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) of Socotra Island
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(2):153-182

Král, D., Šípek, P., Sommer, D. & Vondráček, D. 2023
Resurrection of Oxythyrea abigailoides Mikšić, 1978 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) based on new morphological, morphometrical and molecular data
Zootaxa 5301(5):561-574

Krásenský P. 2020
Příspěvek k poznání fauny brouků (Coleoptera) jezeřského arboreta (severozápadní Čechy)
Sborník Oblastního muzea v Mostě, řada přírodovědná 40:68-88

Krátký, J. 2021
New distributional data on beetle species (Coleoptera) from the Canary Islands
Weevil News 90:1-6

Krausse A. 1913
Bei Sorgono im Gennargentugebirge auf Sardinien gesammelte Coleopteren
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Berlin A79(1):59-64

Krell F-T. 1986
Dynastinae aus Togo sowie Beschreibungen einer neuen Temnorrhynchus-Art (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Entomofauna 7(21):293-304

Krell F-T. 1986
Zur Aphodius-Faunistik (Scarab.) (Kleine Mitteilungen Nr. 2070)
Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer 82(1-2):126

Krell F-T. 1987
Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) aus Südwest-Deutschland I
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 22:35-44

Krell F-T. 1990
Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) aus Südwest-Deutschland II, nebst Darstellung des Kartierungskonzeptes
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 25:46-65

Krell F-T. 1990
Onthophagus statzi nom. nov. für Onthophagus muelleri Statz, 1952 (Insecta: Coleoptgera: Scarabaeidae (Oligozän))
Senckenbergiana lethaea 71(1-2):187

Krell F-T. 1990
Nomenklaturische Bemerkungen zu diversen Taxa der Scarabaeoidea orb. terr. (Coleoptera)
Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer 86(1-2):103-114

Krell F-T. 1991
Restituierung und Designation des Hololectotypus von Aphodius (Melinopterus) punctatosulcatus Sturm, 1805 (Insecta, Coleoptgera: Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiinae)
Spixiana 14(3):293-300

Krell F-T. 1991
Zur Chorologie und Taxonomie einiger Lamellicornia (Coleoptera) der Meditterraneis und angrenzender Regionen
Mitteilungen Entomologische Verein Frankfurt a.Main 16(1-2):1-16

Krell F-T. 1991
Die Identität von Aphodius hirtipes Fischer de Waldheim, 1844 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 28(27):141-144

Krell F-T. 1991
Aphodius (Agolius) montanus Erichson, 1848, neu für Österreich (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der österreichischen Entomologen 43:82-84

Krell F-T. 1991
Vorschlag zur Stabilisierung der Hoplia-Nomenklatur (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Hopliinae)
Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer 87:186-192

Krell F-T. 1991
Odonteobolca nom.nov. for Odonteus Agassiz, [1838] (Osteichthyes, Perciformes)
Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, section C, 4e série 12 (3-4):351-352

Krell F-T. 1991
Gnorimus nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trichiinae) in einer Borkenkäferfalle bein Wildgutach (Schwarzwald), zugleich ein Beitrag zur Bibliographie der Begleitinsektenfauna (excl.Scolytidae) in Borkenkäferfallen
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 26:29-33

Krell F-T. 1992
Verschmelzung von Antennomeren (Symphysocerie) als Regelfall bei Temnorhynchus repandus Burmeister, 1847, sowie phylogenetische, taxonomische, faunistische und nomenklaturische Anmerkungen zu diversen Taxa dieser Gattung (Coleoptera. Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae, Pentodontini)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 39(4-5):295-367

Krell F-T. 1993
Phylogenetisch-systematische Revision des Genus Temnorhynchus Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini). 1.Teil: Phylogenetische Analyse, mit Anmerkungen zur phylogenetisch-systematischen Methodologie
Beiträge zur Entomologie 43(2):237-318

Krell F-T. 1993
Die Lamellicornia (Coleoptera) der Käfersammlung Paul Dolderer im Museum Schloß Hellenstein, Heidenheim an der Brenz, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 28:22-42

Krell F-T. 1993
Beschreibung von Temnorhynchus kasanganus sp. n. sowie phänogeographische und taxonomische Diskussion von T. cribratus Bates, 1884 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae)
Bonner zoologische Beiträge 44 (3-4):251-266

Krell F-T. 1994
Chorologische und taxonomische Notizen über südeuropäische und nordafrikanische Lamellicornia (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 19(1/2):5-19

Krell F-T. 1994
Phylogenetisch-systematische Revision des Genus Temnorhynchus Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini). 2.Teil: Bestimmungstabelle, Katalog, Bibliographie, Gazetteer und Material-Listen
Beiträge zur Entomologie 44(1):83-155

Krell F-T. 1994
Phylogenetic and taxonomic considerations on the variability of cuticular surface micromorphology within one species, Aphodius (Nialus) varians Duftschmid (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Revue Suisse de Zoologie 101(1):265-287

Krell F-T. 1995
Die Lamellicornia (Coleoptera) der Käfersammlung Dr. Theodor Hüeber in den Naturkundlichen Sammlungen der Stadt Ulm, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Mitteilungen des Vereins für Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik Ulm/Donau 36/37:49-87

Krell F-T. 1995
Beschreibung und systematische Stellung von Temnorhynchus zairensis spec.nov. aus Zaire (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae, Pentodontini)
Spixiana 18(2):157-164

Krell F-T. 1995
Das nordwestlichsye Vorkommen von Aphodius (Planolinus) fasciatus (Olivier, 1798) in Deutschland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinische Koleopterologen (Bonn) 5(2):105-108

Krell F-T. 1996
Zu Taxonomie, Chorologie und Eidonomie einiger westpaläarktischer Lamellicornia (Coleoptera)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichten 40(4):217-229

Krell F-T. 1996
Type Catalogue of some Scarabaeoidea species described by Linnaeus (Insecta: Coleoptera)
The Linnean 12(1):13-20

Krell F-T. 1996
Historical Biogeography of Temnorhynchus species (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Zoologischer Anzeiger 235:209-226

Krell F-T. 1996
Die Kopulationsorgane des Maikäfers Melolontha melolontha (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden und funktionellen Anatomie der ektodermalen Genitalien der Coleoptera
Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A 537:1-101

Krell F-T. 1997
Aphodius (Melinopterus) punctatosulcatus Sturm, 1805, neu für Rheinland-Pfalz (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen 7(2):105-106

Krell, F. 1997
6. Überfamilie:Scarabaeoidea. Nachtrag zur 33.Familie:Scarabaeidae. 14.Gattung:Aphodius Illiger. In Klausnitzer B.: Die Larven der Käfer Mitteleuropas
Jena, Gustav Fischer Verlag 4(3):106-123

Krell, F. 1998
Familienreihe Lamellicornia in: Lucht, W. & Klausnitzer, B.: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas
Jena, Gustav Fischer Verlag 15(4 Supplementband):285-295

Krell F-T. 1999
Die Identität von Melolontha farinosa Kraatz, 1864 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Beitrage Entomologie 49(2):383-387

Krell F-T. 1999
Onthophagus illyricus (Scopoli, 1763) neu für Hessen (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Coprinae)
Hessische Faunistische Briefe 18(4):67-68

Krell F-T. 2000
Helictopleurus neoamplicollis nom.nov.for Helictopleurus amplicollis (Harold) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Oniticellini)
Bonner Zoologische Beitrage 49(1-4):177-178

Krell F-T. 2000
The fossil record of Mesozoic and Tertiary Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga)
Invertebrate Taxonomy 14:871–905

Krell F-T. 2002
On nomenclature and synonymy of Old World Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Blätter 98.1:37-46

Krell F-T. 2003
Onthophagus mankonoensis Balthasar from Côte d'Ivoire, a junior synonym of Onthophagus mocquerysi d'Orbigny (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Casopis Narodniho muzea, Rada prirodovedna 172(1-4):51-54

Krell F-T. 2004
Bestimmung von Larven und Imagines der mitteleuropäischen Melolontha-Arten (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Laimburg Journal 1(2):211-219

Krell F-T. 2006
Fossil record and evolution of Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga)
Coleopterists Society Monograph 5:120-143

Krell F-T. 2007
Author, date, and type species of Adoretus (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 61(1):125-126

Krell, F. 2007
Catalogue of fossil Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) of the Mezozoic and Tertiary - Version 2007
Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Technical report 8:1-79

Krell F-T. 2009
Onthophagus stomachosus nom.nov. for Onthophagus seminulum Balthasar, 1964 (nec Klug, 1855) from Somalia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the National Museum, Natural History Series 178(2):5-6

Krell F-T. 2009
Onthophagus witteianus nom.nov. for Onthophagus wittei Frey, 1958 (nec Harold, 1867) from Congo (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey 31:119-120

Krell F-T. 2010
Trichius sexualis Bedel, 1906 - nomen protectum (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 57(2):219-222

Krell F-T. 2010
Catalogue of Colorado scarab and stag beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), based on literature records
Denver Museum of Nature & Science Technical Report 2010-4:1-84

Krell F-T. 2010
Case 3504 Onthophagus rugulosus Harold, 1886 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae): proposed conservation of the specific name
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 67(1):28-31

Krell F-T. 2012
On nomenclature and synonymy of Trichius rosaceus, T. gallicus, and T. zonatus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini)
Zootaxa 3278:61-68

Krell F-T. 2012
An old record of the japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, from Panama (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
The Entomologist's monthly Magazine London 148:231-233

Krell F-T. 2013
Pleurophorus caesus new to New Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Entomological News 122(5):491-492

Krell F-T. 2014
Pleistocene Dung Beetles from MIS 5 at Ziegler Reservoir, Snowmass Village, Colorado (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals 5:2-14

Krell F-T. 2018
Zu Verbreitung und Morphologie einiger Onthophagus-Arten der Schweiz (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Alpine Entomology 2:59-75

Krell, F. 2021
Taxonomy and distribution of Orubesa in the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding areas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Zoology in the Middle East 67(4):332-343

Krell, F. 2024
The European dung beetle Aphodius (Melinopterus) prodromus (Brahm) and related native species in the Dakotas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Entomological News 131(2):64-74

Krell F-T. & Angus R. 2014
The identity of Aphodius nodifrons Randall, 1838 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from Maine, United States of America, with designation of the lectotype and handwriting examples
Zootaxa 3827(2): 273-281

Krell F-T. & Breidenbaugh M. 2016
The Mango Flower Beetle, Protaetia fusca (Herbst), on Wake Island, Western Pacific Ocean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) - an Accomplished Island Invasive
Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 48:9-13

Krell F-T. & Cambefort Y. 2000
Onthophagus clementianus Cambefort from Guinea: a junior synonym of O.stehliki Balthasar (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 105(4):398

Krell F-T. & Fery H. 1992
Familienreihe Lamellicornia. In Lohse, G.A. & Lucht W.H.: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas
Goecke & Evers 13 (Suplementband 2):200-253

Krell F-T. & Hangay G. 1998
The African rhinoceros beetle Temnorhynchus retusus (Fabricius) established in eastern Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Australian Journal of Entomology 37:312-314

Krell, F. & Klausnitzer, B. 1997
33. Familie: Scarabaeidae. in:Klausnitzer, B.: Die Larven der Käfer Mitteleuropas. Polyphaga. sowie Ergänzungen zum 1. bis 3. Band
Jena, Fischer Verlag 4(3):357-360

Krell F-T. & Král D. 2017
Order Coleoptera, family Scarabaeidae Subfamily Dynastinae
Arthropod fauna of the UAE 6:169-185

Krell F-T. & Krell-Westerwalbesloh S. 2003
First record of the genus Eusaproecius Branco from West-Africa (Col., Scarabaeidae, Coprinae)
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 139:13-14

Krell, F. & Krell-Westerwalbesloh, S. 2024
One elephant may sustain 2 million dung beetles in East African savannason any given day
The Science of Nature 111(5):1-8

Krell F-T. & Philips K. 2010
Formicdubius Philips & Scholtz from South Africa, a junior synonym of Haroldius Boucomont, and a survey of the trichomes in the African species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Onthophagini)
Zookeys 34:41-48

Krell F-T. & Reading R.P. 2017
Dung ball rolling by a flower chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(2):348-350

Krell F-T. & Rössner E. 2009
The British Amphimallon ochraceum (Knoch) is A. fallenii (Gyllenhal) (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Coleopterist 18(1):15-16

Krell F-T. & Schawaller W. 2011
Chapter 19 Beetles (Insecta:Coleoptera)
T. Harrison (ed.), Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context. Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna, Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology :535-548

Krell F-T. & Theuerkauf J. 2015
A new species of the endemic genus Hemicyrthus Reiche (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from New Caledonia, with a revised key
Zootaxa 4048(2):281-290

Krell F-T., Ballerio A., Smith A.B.T. & Audisio P. 2006
Gnorimus Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau & Serville, 1828 and Osmoderma Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau & Serville, 1828 (Inseta, Coleoptera): proposed conservation of the generic names
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 63(3):177-183

Krell F-T., Dellacasa G. & Dellacasa M. 2011
Auperia Jacquelin-Duval is a Junior Synonym of Euparia Le Peletier De Saint-Fargeau and Serville and Odontolytes Kozhantshikov is the Valid Name for Auperia sensu Stebnicka (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(2):173-176

Krell F-T., Knight J.B., Hammon R., Wheeler P., Roberts J.J. & Eckberg J.R. 2015
Northern Range extension of the Figeater beetle, Cotinis mutabilis (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), into Nevada, Utah, and Colorado
Western North American Naturalist 75(1):8-13

Krell F-T., Korb J. & Walter P. 2003
The beetle fauna of hyaena latrines: coprocenoses consisting of necrophagous beetles (Coleoptera Trogidae Scarabaeidae)
Tropical Zoology 16:145-152

Krell F-T., Mann D.J., Angus R.B. & Maté J.F. 2003
Aphodius niger Illiger, 1798 (Insecta, Coleoptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 60(2):127-131

Krell F-T., Rey A., Mico E. & Dutto M. 2012
On nomenclature and identity of Scarabaeus aeruginosus Linnaeus, S. aeruginosus Drury and S. speciosissimus Scopoli (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniinae and Rutelinae)
Revue Suisse de Zoologie 119(1):99-110

Kriechbaumer J. 1847
Bemerkungen über Aphodius luridus und nigripes
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 7:21-23

Kriesche R. 1917
Neue Chiasognathinen (Coleopt. Lucanid.)
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 83A(11):93-95

Kriesche R. 1919
Zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Cladognathinen (Col. Lucan.)
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 9:157-176

Kriesche R. 1919
Eine neue Euchirine (Col.)
Entomologische Mitteilungen 8:77-78

Kriesche R. 1920
Etwas über die Verbreitung der Formen von Dicranorrhina derbyana Westw. und oberthüri Deyr. (Col. Ceton.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :76-80

Kriesche R. 1920
Zur Kenntnis der Lucaniden
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):92-107

Kriesche R. 1920
Zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Figulinen (Col. Lucan.)
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):107-114

Kriesche R. 1920
Ueber Eurytrachelus titanus Boisd. und seine Rassen (Coleopt. Lucan.)
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):114-119

Kriesche R. 1920
Über die Rassen von Prosopocoilus occipitalis Hope (Coleopt. Lucan.)
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):120-122

Kriesche R. 1920
Einige neue Cetonidenformen
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):122-124

Kriesche R. 1920
Ein neuer Lucanide aus Neu-Guinea
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 86A(8):124-125

Kriesche R. 1922
Zur Kenntnis der Lucaniden
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin 83:115-137

Kriesche R. 1924
Über Metopodontus bison Ol. (Col. Luc.)
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 68(5):439-440

Kriesche R. 1926
Neue Lucaniden
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 87:382-385

Kriesche R. 1928
Cantharolethrus homoderoides n.sp. (Col. Lucan.)
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 72:116

Kriesche R. 1932
Neue Cladognathinen (Col. Lucan.)
Wiener entomologische Zeitung 49:161-162

Kriesche R. 1935
Ueber paläarktisch-chinesische Lucaniden
Koleopterologische Rundschau 21:169-174

Kriesche R. 1940
Vier neue Lucaniden
Entomologische Blätter 36(2):39-40

Krikken J. 1970
Termitaxis holmgreni gen.nov.,sp.nov., a blind, flightless termitophilous scarab from Peru (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Proceedings koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam(C)73:469-476

Krikken J. 1970
New species of Euparia Lepeletier & Serville from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 44(22):317-329

Krikken J. 1971
The characters of Cyobius wallacei, Sharp, a little known onthophagine scarab from the Malay Archipelago (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 31(1):22-28

Krikken J. 1971
New species of the Papuan genus Tafaia Valck Lucassen (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 's Gravenhag. Amsterdam 114(7):239-254

Krikken J. 1972
Species of the east asian bifasciatus group in the genus Trichius Fabricius (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 47(40):481-496

Krikken J. 1972
A new species of the African genus Genuchus Kirby (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 32(1):137-140

Krikken J. 1972
Species of the South American genus Lomanoxia (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Studies on the Fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas. The Hague 13:68-83

Krikken J. 1974
A new species of Platyonitis Janssens from Kenya, with notes on the genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 48(18):195-203

Krikken J. 1975
Cremastochilodius tristis a new Scarabaeoid genus and species from Brazil
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 35:190-192

Krikken J. 1975
Telochilus freyi a new genus and species from Nigeria (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 49(3) 21-25

Krikken J. 1975
Aesalus timidus sp. nov., a remarkable addition to the Indonesian stag-beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Entomologische Berichten 35(4):49-51

Krikken J. 1976
New genera of New World Cremastocheilini with revisional notes (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 49(25):307-315

Krikken J. 1976
New Cremastochiliform genera from Africa (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 90(3):649-657

Krikken J. 1976
Taxonomy of the African genus Placodidus Péringuey (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam 79(4):367-380

Krikken J. 1976
Elephastomus carnei a new species from Queensland (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 36:101-103

Krikken J. 1977
Additional species in two African genera hitherto considered monotypic (Col., Cetoniidae)
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 112:91-95

Krikken J. 1977
A new bolboceratine species from Angola (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 37:78-80

Krikken J. 1977
A reappraisal of the Bolboceras iphicles group from southwestern Africa (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 91(2):337-344

Krikken J. 1977
Notes on Asian Cremastochiliform genera with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 50(21):309-320

Krikken J. 1977
Notes on African Onitini mainly from southeastern Kenya (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 51(9):141-170

Krikken J. 1977
The Asian genus Pleuronota Kraatz and allied forms a clarification (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 51(13):199-209

Krikken J. 1977
The genus Bolbelasmus Boucomont in Asia with notes on species occurring in other regions (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 51(17):277-292

Krikken J. 1977
New bolboceratine genera from southwestern Africa (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 52(12):161-168

Krikken J. 1977
Some new and otherwise noteworthy species of Onthophagus Latreille from the Indo-Australian archipelago (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 52(13):169-184

Krikken J. 1977
Asian bolboceratine Scarabs of the genus Bolbogonium Boucomont (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 120(3):77-108

Krikken J. 1978
Valgine beetles a preliminary review of the genera with descriptions of two novelties
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 53(15):153-164

Krikken J. 1978
A new Plectrone from the Philippine Islands (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 38:30-32

Krikken J. 1978
Some peculiar Cetoniine beetles from South West Africa
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 53(24):263-271

Krikken J. 1978
Taxonomic notes on Bolboceras indicum Westwood and its relatives(Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 38:72-77

Krikken J. 1978
The Afro-Asian Bolboceroides validus group (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 52(26):301-311

Krikken J. 1978
Platygeniops a new Osmodermine genus from Southeast Asia (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 53(8):83-89

Krikken J. 1979
The genus Bolbocerosoma Schaeffer in Asia (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 54(3):35-51

Krikken J. 1979
Suralcis Machatschke, a remarkable genus of African ruteline chafers
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 39:41-45

Krikken J. 1979
Taxonomic review of the Afrotropical genus Hypselogenia Burmeister (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 54(8):111-121

Krikken J. 1979
A new Placodidus from Angola (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Journal of the entomological Society of Southern Africa 42(1):57-60

Krikken J. 1979
Taxonomic review of the Southeast Asien genus Rhinacosmus Kraatz (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 54(20):281-289

Krikken J. 1979
New and otherwise noteworthy Cetoniine beetles
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 54(1):1-14

Krikken J. 1980
A new Coenochilus from southern Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 40:69-71

Krikken J. 1980
Taxonomic reviews of three small Cremastochiliform genera from Asia and Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 56(2):7-25

Krikken J. 1980
Taxonomic review of the New Guinea subgenus Homoeosopha Schürhoff of Ischiopsopha Gestro (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 56(4):53-64

Krikken J. 1980
Bolboceratine scarabs of the Oriental genus Bolbohamatum nov. (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 123(1):1-38

Krikken J. 1980
New cetonine taxa from Africa and Asia (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Revue Française d'Entomologie (N.S.) 2(4):185-189

Krikken J. 1981
Taxonomic review of the New World genus Genuchinus Westwood (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Proceedings koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam 84(4):403-417

Krikken J. 1981
Geotrupidae from the Nepal Himalayas. New flightless species of Geotrupes Latreille, 1796, with a biogeographical discussion (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Senckenbergiana biologica 61(5/6):369-381

Krikken J. 1981
A new species of Onthophagus Latreille from Sumatra (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 41:95-96

Krikken J. 1981
A peculiar new cetoniine beetle from Lombok
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 41:170-172

Krikken J. 1982
A new Clinterocera from Borneo (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 42:30-32

Krikken J. 1982
The genus Heteroclitopus Péringuey in Kenya (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 42:120-124

Krikken J. 1982
Some unusual genera and species from Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 96(3):529-538

Krikken J. 1982
New species of Taeniodera Burmeister from the Sunda Islands (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 56(8):113-119

Krikken J. 1982
New genus-group names in the family Cetoniidae (Coleoptera)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 42:148-149

Krikken J. 1982
North American Myrmecophilous beetles of the genus Cremastocheilus discussion of their classification and review of the subgenera Trinodia and Anatrinodia (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Proceedings koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam 85(4):509-526

Krikken J. 1983
A new genus and species of Cetoniine beetle (Col., Scarabaeoidea) from New Guinea
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 119:137-139

Krikken J. 1983
An interesting case of camouflage in African dung-beetles of the genus Drepanocerus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 43:90-92

Krikken J. 1983
The little known Afrotropical genus Trichocephala Moser, with notice of a second species (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 57(27):357-362

Krikken J. 1983
New species of the Australasian genus Ischiopsopha Gestro (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 57(2):19-25

Krikken J. 1984
A new Ingrisma species from Hainan (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 44(3):41-43

Krikken J. 1984
A new key to the suprageneric taxa in the beetle family Cetoniidae, with annotated lists of the known genera
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 210:1-75

Krikken J. 1984
A new genus of small Goliathini from East Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31(H/4-5):237-240

Krikken J. 1984
A generic reclassification of the Afrotropical Bolboceratini (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 58(3):23-45

Krikken J. 1985
A new Centrantyx from Ethiopia with notes on the genus (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 99(2):153-157

Krikken J. 1986
Provisional checklist of the Valginae (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Haroldius 1:1-17

Krikken J. 1986
Two new species of Onthophagus Latreille from the Philippine Island of Samar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 60(19):277-283

Krikken J. 1987
Triplognatha gen. nov. and Phonopleurus Moser two remarkable Diplognathine genera from Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 101(4):513-517

Krikken J. 1987
A new species of the dung beetle genus Synapsis Bates From Borneo with notes on its relatives (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 61(23):319-325

Krikken J. 1987
A third Valgine species from the Island of Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 47(8):122-124

Krikken J. 1987
A new Melinesthes from Rwanda, with notes on related species (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Haroldius 2:6-14

Krikken J. 1987
Cryptogenius Westwood and Cremastochilodius Krikken (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae)
Haroldius 2:15

Krikken J. 2008
A neglected trichiine beetle from Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 82(13):103-108

Krikken J. 2008
Blind, flightless termitophiles of the genus Termitotrox in East Africa: three new species with a generic review (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Termitotroginae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 151(1):65-75

Krikken J. 2008
Two new species from Kenya in the physogastric termitophilous genus Termitoderus Mateu 1966 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Aphodiinae)
Tropical Zoology 21:153-162

Krikken J. 2008
Zelenkaesalus subgen.n. for three Southeast Asian species of Echinoaesalus Zelenka, including E. javanus sp.n. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae)
Koleopterologische Rundschau 78:275-284

Krikken J. 2009
Indognorimus and Indotrichius, new genera for South Asian Trichiini: a taxonomic clarification (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Haroldius 3:3-15

Krikken J. 2009
Drepanocerine dung beetles: a group overview, with description of new taxa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Haroldius 4:3-30

Krikken J. 2011
A new Kenyan species of Bolboceras Kirby (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Bolboceratinae)
Koleopterologische Rundschau 81:237-242

Krikken J. 2013
Distinguishing Bolboceras inaequale Westwood, 1848 and two new relatives from India (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Bolboceratinae)
ZooKeys 276:55-66

Krikken J. 2013
Oriental Bolboceras: Introduction to the genus and taxonomy of the nigricans group of species (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Bolboceratinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 156(1):35-56

Krikken J. 2016
First records of the cremastocheiline genus Clinterocera Motschulsky, 1858 from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Zootaxa 4170(2):393-400

Krikken J. 2018
Two new genera of Australian flower chafers, with an annotated overview of their relatives (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Haroldius 5:3-34

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 1987
Subspecific differentation in Paragymnopleurus sparsus (Sharp), a ball-rolling scarab species from Sundaland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Haroldius 2:1-5

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 1987
Large eyed Onthophagus species of Sundaland a key and descriptions of five new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 61(9):123-136

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 1987
Southeast Asian Termitodius a taxonomic review with descriptions of four new species (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 61(7):97-111

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 1988
A new relative of Onthophagus palatus from Java (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 48(1):13-15

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2006
Miniature scarabs of the genus Haroldius on Sulawesi, with notes on their relatives (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 149:167-187

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2007
Taxonomic diversity of the genus Ochicanthon in Sundaland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 150(2):421-479

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2008
Two new taxa from the Lesser Sundas in the genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Journal of Natural History 42(43-44):2735-2746

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2008
Sulawesi large-eyed Onthophagus and their relatives: seven new species, with a key (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 151:155-171

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2008
Distinguishing the Sundaland species in the Onthophagus (Parascatonomus) aurifex group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 151:173-185

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2009
Onthophagus pilularius and its close relatives in Sundaland: a taxonomic reappraisal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 56(1):41-55

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2009
A new Haroldius Boucomont and a new Tesserodon Hope from the Moluccas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Koleopterologische Rundschau 79:257-266

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2011
New Southeast Asian Onthophagus species in the deflexicollis group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 154(2):203-213

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2011
Taxonomy of Sulawesi Onthophagus lacking a basal pygidial ridge (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 154(2):229–268

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2012
Taxonomy of Papuasian Onthophagus: twenty new species and their relatives (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 155(2-3):73-131

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2012
An unusual new Onthophagus from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(2):425-431

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2012
Taxonomy of new relatives of Onthophagus catenatus Lansberge, 1883 from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
ZooKeys 251:49–67

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2013
New Guinea Onthophagus: taxonomy of ten small, unicolored new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Zootaxa 3619(5):501-525

Krikken J. & Huijbregts J. 2017
Sulawesi Onthophagus: seven new species in select groups (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Zootaxa 4283(3):301-334

Krikken J. & Kaas J.P. 1984
A new dung beetle species of the genus Aphodius Illiger from East Africa (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam 44(1.1):9-11

Kriska, N.L. & Young, D.K. 2002
An annotated checklist of Wisconsin Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera)
Insecta Mundi 16(1-3):31-48

Kriska N.L. & Young D.K. 2005
New Wisconsin Records for Cyclocephala lurida (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Great Lakes Entomologist 38(3-4):201-202

Krivan V. & Král D. 2006
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 216. Coleoptera:Ochodaeidae
Klapalekiana 42:341

Kryger, U., Cole, K.S., Tukker, R. & Scholtz, C.H. 2006
Biology and ecology of Circellium bacchus (Fabricius 1781) (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae), a South African dung beetle of conservation concern
Tropical Zoology 19:185-207

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Literae Cel. Professoris J. Krynicki, Directori datae, Charkoviae 28 Julii. 1829. (Bemerkungen über Käfer um Charkow)
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 1(4):187-199

Krynicky J. 1832
Enumeratio Coleopterorum Rossiae meridionalis et praecipue in Universitatis in Caesarea Charcoviensis circulo obvenientium, quae annorum 1827 - 1831 spatio observavit
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 5:67-179

Kryzhanovsky O.L. 1978
Novyi vid roda Melolontha F. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) iz Srednei Azii
Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 61:133-137

Kryzhanovsky O.L. & Medvedev S.I. 1966
Lamellicorn beetles of the subfamily Coprinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in South-West China. Part 1
Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 45:387-400

Kubicka, A. 1981
Scarabaeids (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Warsaw and Mazovia
Memorabilia Zoologica 34:145-164

Kubota K., Kubota N. & Otobe H. 2008
A Revision of Platycerus acuticollis Y. Kurosawa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) its closely related Species
Biogeography 10:79-102

Kubota K., Kubota N. & Otobe H. 2009
Phylogeny and evolution of the genus Platycerus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in Japan (1) - Taxonomy of the acuticollis species group
Gekkan-Mushi 462:6-21

Kubota K., Kubota N. & Otobe H. 2011
Phylogeny and evolution of the genus Platycerus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in Japan (3) - distribution borders and interspecific gene flow in the acuticollis species group
Gekkan-Mushi 486:19-24

Kubota K., Kubota N., Otobe H. & Nagahata Y. 2010
Phylogeny and evolution of the genus Platycerus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in Japan (2) - Morphological analyses
Gekkan-Mushi 474:8-14

Kubota, K., Watanabe, K., Zhu, X.J., Kawakami, K., Tanahashi, M. & Fukatsu, T. 2020
Evolutionary Relationship Between Platycerus Stag Beetles and Their Mycangium-Associated Yeast Symbionts
Frontiers in Microbiology 11(1436):1-12

Kubota K., Zhu X-J., Ma T. & Wen X-J. 2018
A New Species of the Genus Platycerus Geoffroy (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province, China
Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 8(1):175-178

Küçükkayki E.C., Senyüz Y., Sirin Ü. & Caliskan H. 2013
New contributions to Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) fauna of the Eskisehir province
Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology - C. Life Sciences and Biotechnology 3(1):23-29

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Verzeichniss der einigen gegenden Preussens bis jetzt entdeckten Käfer-Arten, nebst kurzen Nachrichten von denselben
In Schneider. Neues Magazin für die Liebhaber der Entomologie. Strasland 1(3):257-296

Kugelann J.G. 1794
Verzeichniss der in einigen gegenden Preussens bis jetzt entdeckten Käfer-Arten, nebst kurzen Nachrichten von denselben
Neues Magazin für die Liebhaber der Entomologie. Strasland 1(5):513-582

Kühbandner M. 1982
Dicheros Gory & Percheron 1833 ein gültiger Gattungsname (Coleoptera, Cetoninae)
Entomofauna 3(10):141-143

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Beschreibung der bisher unbekannten Weibchens von Protaetia kuehbandneri Mikšić, 1983 (Insel Romblon, Philippinen) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Entomofauna 5(16):209-212

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Ein neuer Stephanocrates vom Congo-Staat (Col.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :651-652

Kuijten P.J. 1975
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)
Folia Entomologica Hungarica (series nova) 28(1):105-108

Kuijten P.J. 1977
A new subspecies of Ceroplophana modiglianii Gestro (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Malaysia
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 51(18):293-298

Kuijten P.J. 1978
Revision of the Indo-Australian species of the genus Phaeochrous Castelnau, 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae), with notes on the African species
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 165:1-40

Kuijten P.J. 1981
Description of Phaeochrous davaonis spec.nov., with notes on the other Philippine species of Phaeochrous (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae)
Netherlands Journal of Zoology 31:476-479

Kuijten P.J. 1981
Revision of the genus Phaeochroops Candèze (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae)
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 183:1-76

Kuijten P.J. 1981
The species of Phaeochrous (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Sri Lanka
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C. Biological and Medical Sciences 84(1):45-48

Kuijten P.J. 1983
Revision of the genus Hybosorus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae)
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 203:1-50

Kuijten P.J. 1984
Some new taxa of Asian Hybosorinae and notes on further species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series C. Biological and Medical Sciences 87(1):43-49

Kuijten P.J. 1985
Revision of some Hybosorine genera from the Indo-Malayan subregion: Microphaeochroops, Microphaeolodes, Mimocoelodes, Pantolasius and Phaeochridius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Hybosorinae)
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 222:1-39

Kuijten P.J. 1986
Revision of the African and Madagascan species of Phaeochrous Castelnau 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae)
Koninklijk Museum Midden Afrika Tervuren 249:1-50

Kuijten P.J. 1988
Rutelarcha, Lutera and Cyphelytra: notes on taxonomy and nomenclature, diagnoses, and keys (Coleoptera: Rutelinae, Rutelini)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 62(6):75-90

Kuijten P.J. 1988
Phaeocroides nanus (Arrow), Phaeocroides mapellii Petrovitz and Phaeochroides orientalis (Petrovitz): Notes on generic status synonomy and types; redescriptions (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leyden 62(7):91-98

Kuijten P.J. 1992
Revision of the genus Parastasia in the Indo-Australian Region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Zoologische Verhandelingen. Leiden 275:1-207

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Eine neue Art der Gattung Hoplebaea Brenske (Col. Scarab., Melolonth., Hopliini)
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Biology of Rose Beetle (Adoretus versutus) from Terai Foothills of Kumaon Region in India
National Academy Science Letters 46(3):189-192

Kumar, M. & Pandey, A.K. 2024
First Record of Leucopholis lepidophora Blanchard, 1850 (Scarabaeidae; Melolonthinae) from Western Himalayas along with a Checklist of the Genus Leucopholis from India
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Kumar, M., Pandey, A.K. & Keith, D. 2023
First Record of Three Species of Genera Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 and Pseudopanotrogus Petrovitz, 1969 (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae; Rhizotrogini) from India
Journal of the Entomological Research Society 25(2):363-370

Kumar, M., Pandey, A.K. & Keith, D. 2024
Description of a New Species of Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from Uttarakhand, India
Journal of the Entomological Research Society 26(1):123-128

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New Distributional Record of Holotrichia nagpurensis Khan and Ghai 1982 and Adult Beetle Host Range in Terai Region of Uttarakhand
Indian Journal of Ecology 48(5):1438-1441

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New record of scarab species, Adoretus testaceus (Hope) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Rajasthan, India
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Notes on major white grub species associated with groundnut crop ecosystem in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, India
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A new record of Xylotrupes gideon (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on Persia bombycina, Kost. From India
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A.Grandidier: Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar XXII
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Une Cétonide nouvelle du groupe des Goliath, provenant de Madagascar: Bothrorrhyna Radama
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Séance du 14 mars 1888
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Cétonides de Madagascar. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles
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Coléoptères Cétoniines de la Collection du Muséum. Description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Clerota : Cl.Bodhisattva
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Collections recueillies par M.Ch.Alluaud dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise et dans l'Afrique orientale Allemande: au Kilimandjaro (1903-1904)
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Coléoptères Scarabéides. Cétoniines. Voyage de M. le Baron Maurice de Rotschild en Ethiopie et en Afrique Orientale Anglaise (1904-1905)
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Analytische Tabelle der Unterarten und Formen der Pseudoclinteria infuscata Gory & Perch.
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Aus den Verbreitungstatsachen mitgefolgerte neue Aufassungen über das System einiger Scarabaeiden-genera vornehmlich der paläarktischen Region
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Príspevok k Poznanio Coniocleonus cicatricosus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
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Notes on the Cetoniid-beetles in Japan and its Adjacent Regions (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
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The stag-beetles of the Amami Islands of the Loo-Choos (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Kontyu 32(3):443-447

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Descriptions of two new species of the genus Lucanus Scopoli from Formosa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 9(3):339-344

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A revision of the subfamily Ochodaeinae in the Loo-choos, Formosa and their Adjacent Regions (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum 11:235-243

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Notes on the Formosan Cetoniid Beetles (I). A Revision of the Formosan Species of the genus Dicranocephalus Westwood
Bulletin of the National Science Museum 11(3):225-234

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A revision of the genus Platycerus Geoffroy in Japan (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 12(3):475-484

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The stag-beetles collected by the Lepidopterological Research Expedition to Nepal Himalaya in 1963
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Kurosawa Y. 1970
The stag-beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from the islands of Tsushima, Japan, preserved in the National Science Museum, Tokyo
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A new Cetoniid beetle from Iriomote-jima Island of the Ryukyus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Memoirs of the National Science Museum (6):109-112

Kurosawa Y. 1974
A stag-beetle new to the Formosan fauna (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Bulletin of the national science museum. Series A : zoology 17(2):103-104

Kurosawa Y. 1975
New stag-beetles of the genus Prismognathus from southwestern Japan (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 8:155-160

Kurosawa Y. 1976
Additional notes on Japanese stag-beetles
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo, Series A 2(3):189-194

Kurosawa Y. 1976
Check-list of Coleoptera of Japan. Family Lucanidae. Family Passalidae
Coleopterists' Association of Japan 1-2:1-9 Coleopterists' Association of Japan 1-2:1

Kurosawa Y. 1978
Phylogeny and distribution of Lucanus gamunus Sawada et Y. Watanabe (Coleoptera, Lucanidae), endemic to the Izu Islands, Central Japan
Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 11:141-153

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Discovery of a new long-armed Scarabaeid beetle (Coleoptera) on the island of Okinawa
Bulletin of the National Science Museum (A) 10:73-78

Kurosawa Y. 1985
A new lucanid beetle of the genus Aesalus Fabricius (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from the Himalayas
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo, Series A 11(1):49-51

Kurosawa Y. 1986
Occurence of a fourth Dicranocephalus species in Formosa, with description of a new subspecies of Dicranocephalus yui Y. Kurosawa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 12(1):31-35

Kurosawa Y. & Kobayashi H. 1975
A new May-beetle of the genus Fruhstorferia Kolbe from Formosa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Tokyo 1(4):213-215

Küster H.C. 1847
Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen (Apetz, Erichson, Kiesenwetter)
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Küster H.C. 1848
Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen (Apetz, Erichson, Kiesenwetter)
Bauer & Raspe. Nürnberg 13:1-100

Küster H.C. 1848
Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen
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Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen. Volumes 1-28 (1844-1854)
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Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen. Volumes 1-28 (1844-1854)
Bauer & Raspe. Nürnberg 18:1-100

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Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen (Apetz, Erichson, Kiesenwetter)
Bauer & Raspe. Nürnberg 24:1-100

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Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen. Volumes 1-28 (1844-1854)
Bauer & Raspe. Nürnberg 26:1-100

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Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Mit Beiträgen mehrerer Entomologen. Volumes 1-28 (1844-1854)
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Notes on some Scarabaeoidea from Shimokoshiki Island, Kyushu
The Entomological Review of Japan 23(2):116-118

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Notes on the Allomyrina dichotoma (Linné) from Okinawa Islands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
The Entomological Review of Japan 29(1-2):51-54

Kusui Y. 1980
New record of Protaetia fusca (Herbst) from Bonin Is., with a invasive record by Aeroplane to Japan (Col., Scarabaeidae)
The Entomological Review of Japan 34(1-2):113-116

Kusui Y. 1982 Distributional notes of Scarabaeoidea from the Islets, belonging to the Ryukyu Archipelago. II.Taramajima Is. And Minnajima Is.
The Entomological Review of Japan 37(1):79-81

Kusui Y. 1986
Invasive record of Osmoderma barnabita Motschulsky from an imported log
The Entomological Review of Japan 41(1):77-78

Kusui Y. 1990
Notes on some Scarabaeoidea from Matsumae-Kojima Island, Hokkaido
The Entomological Review of Japan 45(1):77-79

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Distributional notes of Scarabaeoidea from the Islets, belonging to the Ryukyu archipelago. III. Agunijima Is.
The Entomological Review of Japan 45(1):79-80

Kusui Y. 1991
Distributional notes of Scarabaeoidea from the Islets, belonging to the Ryukyu archipelago. IV. Iheyajima Is.
The Entomological Review of Japan 46(1):95-98

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Notes on Trypoxylus dichotomius (Linneaus) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
Kogane, Tokyo 8:37-38

Kusui Y. 2009
A new record of Protaetia pryeri (Janson) from Guam Island, the Mariana Islands
Kogane, Tokyo 10:63-64

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Notes on the distribution and biology of Exomala okiwaensis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 10:65-71

Kusui Y. 2012
Notes on the distribution and biology of Popillia lewisi Arrow (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Kogane, Tokyo 13:69-75

Kusui Y. 2016
Distributional notes of Scarabaeoidea from the Islets belonging to the Ryukyu Archipelago. VI. Records from Minnajima Is. (Tarama) in 2015
Kogane, Tokyo 18:67-72

Kusui Y. 2017
A new record of Exomala okinawaensis (Ohaus, 1925) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) from Zamamijima Island (Kerama Isls.) with an observation on its biology
Kogane, Tokyo 19:12-16

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Scarabaeoidea inhabiting the Karst plateau of Shimoji-shima, Miyako Islands, Okinawa Prefecture
Kogane, Tokyo 24:1-7

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Colour variations of Cetonia roelofsi Harold (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Gekkan Mushi 285:3-7

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Einige neue Passaliden
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (1890)1:97-104

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Systematische Übersicht der Passaliden-Arten und Gattungen
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Die Passaliden dichotomisch bearbeitet
Novitates Zoologicae, London 3:209-230

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Die Passaliden dichotomisch bearbeitet
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Die Passaliden dichotomisch bearbeitet
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Die Passaliden dichotomisch bearbeitet
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Distribution and habitat preferences of the stag beetle Lucanus cervus (L.) in forested areas of Poland
Scientific Reports 10:1-11

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Finding of the lesser stag beetle Dorcus parallelipipedus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in Kazakhstan
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 15(1):59-60
