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Ein neuer Nachweis von Bolbelasmus unicornis (Schrank, 1789) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) aus dem Naturschutzgebiet Sandberge Oberweiden, Niederösterreich
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Additional polymorphic microsatellite loci for detailed population of genetic studies of Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63(3):355-360

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The Fabrician types of the Australian and New Zealand Coleoptera in the Banks Collection at the British Museum (Natural History)
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Diagnose de quelques-unes des espèces nouvelles
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Coléoptères Lamellicornes rapportés par M.A.Raffray d'Abyssinie et Zanzibar. Descriptions des espèces nouvelles
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée, 3e Série 5:312-336

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Note Séance du 12 juin 1878. Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Cétonide de Nouvelle-Guinée
Bulletin des Séances de la Société entomologique de France 11:115

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Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coléoptère d'Abyssinie, appartenant à la division des Goliathides
Bulletin des Séances de la Société entomologique de France 21:177-178

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Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coléoptère d'Abyssinie
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 6(1):241-242

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Descriptions de trois nouvelles espèces de Coléoptères propres à l'Abyssinie
Bulletin des Séances de la Société entomologique de France 7:81-82

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Note sur la dispersion géographique des Coléoptères en Abyssinie, et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 6(5):293-326

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Coleotteri nuovi o poco conosciuti della Sicilia
Il Naturalista siciliano 1:248-251

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Catalogo ragionato dei Coleotteri di Sicilia. Stabilimento tipografico Virzi.
Il Naturalista siciliano. Giornale di Scienze naturali. Palermo :1-469(281-317)

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Catalogo ragionato dei Coleotteri di Sicilia
Il Naturalista siciliano. Giornale di Scienze naturali. Palermo 12:1-19;201-205;233-239;265-271

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Coleotteri nuovi o poco conosciuti della Sicilia
Il Naturalista siciliano. Giornale di Scienze naturali. Palermo 17:288-292

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Coleotteri nuovi o poco conosciuti della Sicilia
Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 53(4):121-130

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Insect pests of the cold climate fruit trees (Rosaceae) of Iran. Management based on ecological facts
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Rajagopal, C., Anto, A. & Vijayan, V.K. 2023
A checklist of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) associated with the Vypin-Kadamakkudy Barrier Island System, Kerala, India
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 16(3):324-331

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Fauna of Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary (Karnataka)
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Laparostic Scarabaeoidea collected in Central Asia
Časopis Slezkeho muzea Opava Ser.A.26:65-70

Rakovič M. 1977
Two new species of and taxonomic notes on the genus Psammodius Fallén (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 74:316-321

Rakovič M. 1978
Revision of specimens of Psammodius Fallén in the Zoological Museum of Helsinki University (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Annales entomologici fennici. Helsingfors 44:121-124

Rakovič M. 1978
Revision of the Types of the Psammodius Fallén Species Described by Petrovitz and Kept in the Museum of Natural History in Genève (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
Revue Suisse de Zoologie. Geneve 85(1):135-142

Rakovič M. 1979
A review of the genus Petrovitzius Rakovič (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 76:337-340

Rakovič M. 1979
A new genus and new species of the tribe Psammodiini (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
Revue Suisse de Zoologie. Geneve 86(1):251-254

Rakovič M. 1979
On some Psammodius Fallén from Seychelles and La Réunion (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 93:633-638

Rakovič M. 1981
A revision of the Psammodius Fallén species from Europe, Asia and Africa
Rozpravy Ceske Akademie Ved a Umeni. Praha 91:1-82

Rakovič M. 1981
Revision of species of the tribe Psammodiini from the Australian region (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae) I.Key to the genera and revision of the genera Aphodopsammobius Endrödi, Psammodius Fallén, Diastictus Mulsant, Phycochus Broun and Tesarius G.N.
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 139:1-37

Rakovič M. 1982
A revision of the genus Rhyssemodes Reitter (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 147:1-20

Rakovič M. 1983
Revision of species of the tribe Psammodiini from the Australian region (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae) II. Genera Rhyssemus Mulsant and Trichiorhyssemus Clouët
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 155:1-15

Rakovič M. 1984
Two interesting species of the genus Aphodius Illiger from Afghanistan Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae
Acta faunistica entomologica Musei Nationalis Prague 17:213-218

Rakovič M. 1984
A review of the genus Tesarius Rakovič (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 81(6):448-452

Rakovič M. 1984
Psammodiini of Sudan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 163:1-20

Rakovič M. 1986
Complementary notes to my revision of old world Psammodius Fallén species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 174:1-19

Rakovič M. 1986
A review of the genus Neopsammodius gen.n. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 83:197-201

Rakovič M. 1987
A revision of the genus Odochilus Harold with remarks on the tribal classification of the subfamily Aphodiinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 84:27-44

Rakovič M. 1987
A contribution to the knowledge of Trichiorhyssemus Clouët species from the Oriental region, New Guinea and Pacific Islands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 182:1-14

Rakovič M. 1990
Review of the genus Leiopsammodius Rakovič on the World basis with a key to species from the Western Hemisphere and description of a new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 197:1-18

Rakovič M. 1991
A treatise on some new and interesting Aphodius species with a list of species of the subgenus Nialus and related subgener (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae)a
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava 206:1-16

Rakovič M. 1994
A review of species of the genus Psammodius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae) of the Indian subcontinent
Folia Heyrovskyana 2(4):46-55

Rakovič M. 1995
Description of a new species of the genus Leiopsammodius from Somalia and key to species of the Ethiopean region (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae, Psammodiinae)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae Slovenske Narodne Muzeum v Bratislava 218:3-8

Rakovič M. 1997
A review of the genus Odochilus (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae: Odochilinae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61(2):157-167

Rakovič M. 1998
A key to species of the genus Granulopsammodius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae) and description of a new species from Iran
Folia Heyrovskyana 6(2):43-47

Rakovič M. 2001
Review of Psammodiinae of New Caledonia with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Folia Heyrovskyana 9(1):73-79

Rakovič, M. & Anichtchenko, A. 2021
Two new species of the genus Odochilus Harold, 1877 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Odochilini)
Zootaxa 4942(3):447-450

Rakovič M. & Král D. 1996
A review of the Leiopsammodius species of the Malayan subregion (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Folia Heyrovskyana 4(3):87-92

Rakovič M. & Král D. 1997
New taxa, new combinations and current taxonomic status of tribes and genera of Psammodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61(3):233-247

Rakovič M. & Král D. 2001
Studies on the genus Rhyssemus and related genera. I.A comparison of three closely related species from the Himalaya including a new species from Nepal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca. Praha 65(4):347-355

Rakovič M. & Král D. 2015
Psammodiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae): Supplementary contributions to the first and second editions of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 23(2):112-132

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2010
A new species of the genus Aphodius Illiger, 1798 (subgenus Loboparius A.Schmidt, 1913) from the Palaearctic region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 6(1-2):233-239

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2011
Sariangus sariangi, a new genus and species of the family Aphodiidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 7(1-2):385-391

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2011
A revision of Himalayan species of the genus Agoliinus A.Schmidt, 1913 with description of a new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae, Aphodiini)
Lambillionea 111(3):307-313

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2012
A contribution to knowledge of Asian species of the genus Teuchestes Mulsant, 1842 with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 8(1-2):295-304

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2012
Linargius pangmalai gen. et sp. n. (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini) from the Oriental region
Folia Heyrovskiana Series A 20(3-4):105-110

Rakovič M. & Mencl L. 2013
A second species of the genus Trichiopsammobius Petrovitz, 1963 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini: Psammodiina)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 9(2):517-524

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2014
A second species of the genus Pittinius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) from Nepal
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 10(2):577-586

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2016
Three possibly allied species of the genus Rhyssemus occurring in southern areas of the Arabian Peninsula and exerting affinity to the East-African fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 12(1):219-234

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2016
A revision of Trichaphodius species from the Indian Subcontinent (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Aphodiini)
Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 12(2):471-488

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2016
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 1.General considerations and R.mayeti Clouët des Pesruches, 1901 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 24(1):86-94

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2017
A review of Rhyssemodes species from China and Mongolia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 13(2):455-473

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2017
New information about and illustrations of Psammodiini species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). 1.Rakovicius thailandicus
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 25(2):147-152

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2018
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 5. Rhyssemus loebli Petrovitz, 1975 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 26(1):117-123

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2018
New information about and illustrations of Psammodiini species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). 2. Granulopsammodius transcaspicus
Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 26(2):71-76

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2019
New information about and illustrations of Psammodiini species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). 3. Leiopsammodius modestus
Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 27(1):105-110

Rakovič M., Král D. & Mencl L. 2020
Contributions to knowledge of Psammodiini from the Western Hemisphere 1. Types of Platytomus freudei and Platytomus gregalis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 16(1):229-239

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2014
Odontolochus lackneri sp. nov. from Angola (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Odontolochini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 10(2):587-594

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2016
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 2. Rhyssemus keisseri Bénard, 1910 ans Rhyssemus rohani Bénard, 1920 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Folia Heyrovskyana, series A 24(2):57-66

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2017
Rhyssemus rajasthani sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini: Rhyssemina) from India
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 13(1):193-201

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2017
Two new species of the genus Leiopsammodius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) from the Afrotropical region
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 13(2):475-483

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2018
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 3. Rhyssemus rothschildi Bénard, 1909 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 14(1):185-192

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2018
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 4. Rhyssemus tschadensis Petrovitz, 1963 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 26(1):110-116

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2018
Studies on types in the genus Rhyssemus. 6. Rhyssemus procerus Petrovitz, 1973 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 14(2):479-485

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2019
A new species of the genus Airapus from the Wallacea area (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 15(1):205-215

Rakovič M., Mencl L. & Král D. 2019
New information about and illustrations of Psammodinii species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). 4. Leiopsammodius evanidus
Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 27(2):132-137

Rakovič, M., Mencl, L. & Král, D. 2020
Contributions to knowledge of Psammodiini from the Western Hemisphere. 2. Two new species of Platytomus from the South-American Continent (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)">Folia Heyrovskyana Series A 28(1):91-102

Rakovič, M., Mencl, L. & Král, D. 2021
A new species of the genus Airapus from Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini)
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 17(2):415-422

Rakovič, M., Mencl, L. & Král, D. 2022
Psammodius jordanus sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) From Jordan
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 18(1):187-193

Rakovič, M., Mencl, L. & Král, D. 2023
Neotrichiorhyssemus ghati sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini) from southwest India
Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 19(1):125-137

Ramage T. 2015
A new Cetoniinae for the French Polynesia fauna (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 120:379-381

Rambousek F.G. 1915
Ein neuer Aphodius aus Serbien
Koleopterologische Rundschau. Spezial-Fachschrift reiter coleopterologischer Interessen. Wien 4:88-89

Rambur P. 1843
Monographie du genre Elaphocera
Annales de la Société entomologique de France 1(2):329-358

Ramírez L.C. & Alonso C.P. 2016
Two late pleistocene members of the white-grub complex, one of the most destructive insect pests of turfgrasses
Revista Brasiliera de Paleontologia 19(3):531-536

Ramírez-Espinoza K.M., Ortega-Martínez I.J., Rios-Diaz C. & Moreno C.E. 2020
Sheep dung removal by coexisting rainbow Scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Phanaeus MacLeay) under experimental laboratory conditions
The Coleopterists Bulletin 74(4):869-874

Ramírez-Hernandez A., Mico S., Marcos-Garcia M.L.A. & Galante E. 2015
Coleópteros y sírfidos saproxílicos (Coleoptera; Diptera: Syrphidae) de las dehesas del oeste ibérico: la Reserva Biológica de Campanarios de Azaba (Salamanca)
Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología 39(1-2):133-158

Ramírez-Hernandez A., Mico S., Marcos-Garcia M.L.A. & Galante E. 2015
Protaetia (Eupotosia) affinis (Andersch, 1797) y Protaetia (Eupotosia) mirifica (Mulsant, 1842) en el sudoeste de la provincia de Salamanca (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniidae, Cetoniini)
Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología 39(1-2):197-199

Ramírez-Ponce A. 2011
Paranomala zaragozai, una nueva especie de Nayarit, México (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini)
Dugesiana 17(2):181-185

Ramírez-Ponce, A. 2012
Sistemática Supraespecífica del Género Paranomala Casey en Norte y Centroamérica (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Thesis :1-212

Ramírez-Ponce A. 2014
Giesbertiolus curoei, a new species of flower chafer from Panama with transitional characters (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini)
Zootaxa 3795(5):557-563

Ramírez-Ponce A. 2015
Moroniella, un nuevo género americano de Anomalini (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)
Dugesiana 22(1):261-266

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Curoe D. 2014
Description of two new species in the genera Epectinaspis Blanchard and Strigoderma Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini)
Zootaxa 3827(1):87-94

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Curoe D. 2017
Description of a new Plusiotis jewel scarab species from Oaxaca, Mexico (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 88(4):820-823

Ramírez-Ponce, A. & Galindo, O. 2021
A new species of Heterosternus Dupont (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Mexico
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 58(1):87-93

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Morón M.A. 2009
Relaciones filogenéticas del género Anomala (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae)
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 80:357-394

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Morón M.A. 2012
A new species of Callistethus from Mexico (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae)
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 56(2):142-146

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Morón M.A. 2012
Revision of the genus Pachystethus Blanchard with description of three new species from Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini)
Zootaxa 3394:1-24

Ramírez-Ponce A. & Morón M.A. 2012
Revision of Bucaphallanus, a new subgenus of Paranomala with description of six new species from Mexico (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Rutelinae, Anomalini)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105(6):781-803

Ramírez-Ponce A., Allende-Canseco J. & Morón M.A. 2009
Fauna de coleópteros lamelicornios de Santiago Xiacui, Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 25(2):323-343

Ramírez-Ponce A., Bitar A. & Curoe D. 2014
Two new species of Paranomala (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini) from Mexico and Costa Rica with remarkable modifications on the pronotum
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 85(4):1054-1060

Ramírez-Ponce, A., Caballero, S.Z. & Seidel, M. 2023
Geometric morphometry enables species hypotheses testing and the assignment of historical type specimens in the genus Callirhinus Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Anomalini)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202(2)(zlad172):1-26

Ramírez-Ponce A., Delgado L. & Soto Y. 2021
A new species of Epectinaspis Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Guatemala and rediscovery of Balanogonia constricta Paucar-Cabrera
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 57(3):240-247

Ramírez-Ponce, A., Delgado, L., Mora-Aguilar, E.F., Curoe, D.J. & Zaragoza-Caballero, Z. 2024
Pulchrotes, nuevo subgénero de Paranomala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) y descripción de dos especies nuevas de México y América Central
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 95(e955314):1-14

Ramírez-Ponce A., Nogueira G. & Cunningham R.A. 2020
Redefinition of the genus Parabyrsopolis Ohaus and description of a new species from west-central Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Rutelini)
Zootaxa 4803(3):515-522

Ramírez-Ponce, A., Zaragoza-Caballero, Z. & Curoe, D.J. 2023
A new species of Dilophochila Bates, 1888 with comments on natural history and distribution of the genus (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae)
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 63(e202363030):1-6

Ramírez-Restrepo L. & Halffter G. 2016
A dung beetle in Mexico City: the case of Ceratotrupes fronticornis (Erichson) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n. s.) 32(2):213-214

Ramírez-Salinas C. & Castro-Ramírez A.E. 2015
Description of third instar larvae of Ceraspis pilatei (Harold, 1863), Diplotaxis puberea (Bates, 1887) and Phyllophaga (s. str.) multipora (Bates, 1888) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) from Chiapas, Mexico
Dugesiana 22(1):251-259

Ramírez-Salinas C., Castro-Ramírez A.E. & Morón M.A. 2001
Descripción de la larva y pupa de Euphoria basalis (Gory & Percheron, 1833) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Cetoniinae) con observaciones sobre su biología
Acta Zoológica Mexicana 83:73-82

Ramírez-Salinas C., Morón M.A. & Castro-Ramírez A.E. 2000
Descripción de los estados immaduros de seis especies de Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae; Melolonthinae) de la región Altos de Chiapas, México
Folia entomológica mexicana 109:73-106

Ramírez-Salinas C., Morón M.A. & Castro-Ramírez A.E. 2004
Descripción de los estados inmaduros de tres especies de Anomala, Ancognatha y Ligyrus (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae y Dynastinae) con observaciones de su biología
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 20(3):67-82

Ramírez-Salinas C., Morón M.A. & Castro-Ramírez A.E. 2011
Descripciones de los estados inmaduros de cuatro especies de Phyllophaga, Paranomala y Macrodactylus (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) de los altos de Chiapas, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 27(3):527-545

Ramírez-Salinas C., Morón M.A., Castro-Ramírez A.E. & Pacheco-Flores C. 2009
Descripción de la larva de Phyllophaga (Phytalus) rufotestacea (Moser) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) en Chiapas, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 25(1):1-8

Ramírez-Salinas C., Pacheco-Flores C., Castro-Ramírez A.E. & Morón M.A. 2010
Descripción de los estados inmaduros de Ligyrus nasutus (Burmeister, 1847) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae) con informacion sobre su biologia
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 26(3):617-625

Ramos Abuin J.A. 2013
Primera observación sobre necrofagia en Scarabeus (Ateuchetus) laticollis Linnaeus, 1767 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Arquivos Entomolóxicos 9:131-132

Ramos Abuin J.A. 2015
Sobre dos especies de Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) poco frecuentes en el noroeste ibérico: Odonteus armiger (Scopoli, 1772) y Ceratophyus martinezi Lauffer, 1909
Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13:303-305

Rana, A., Chandel, R.S. & Verma, K.S. 2021
Morphological description and identification of Melolontha cuprescens, Melolontha furcicauda and Melolontha indica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): serious root feeding and defoliating pests in India
Phytoparasitica (2022) 50(2):281-305

Rana, A., Chandel, R.S., Verma, K.S. & Malannavar, A. 2023
Comparative biology, host preference behaviour and biological control of Melolontha cuprescens, Melolontha furcicauda and Melolontha indica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Oriental Insects (2024) 58(2):251-277

Rana, A., Chandel, R.S., Sharma, K.D., Chandel, S.S. & Verma, K.S. 2022
Phylogenetic analysis of Melolontha and Polyphylla beetles (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) from north‑western Himalaya, India
Phytoparasitica 50(1):71-82

Rana P.S., Fabrizi S. & Ahrens D. 2017
New records of Sericini and a new Serica (s.str.) species from Nepal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 127(3):144-148

Ranasinghe, S., Eberle, J., Athukorala, N., Benjamin, S.O. & Ahrens, D. 2022
New species of Sericini from Sri Lanka (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Part II
European Journal of Taxonomy 821:57-101

Ranasinghe S., Eberle J., Benjamin S.O. & Ahrens D. 2020
New species of Sericini from Sri Lanka (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
European Journal of Taxonomy 621:1-20

Ranasinghe, U.G.S.L., Eberle, J., Benjamin, S.P. & Ahrens, D. 2023
Local stochastics and ecoclimatic situation shape phytophagous chafer assemblage composition
Ecology and Evolution 13(5)(e10091):1-11

Ranasinghe, U.G.S.L., Eberle, J., Thormann, J., Bohacz, C., Benjamin, S.P. & Ahrens, D. 2022
Multiple species delimitation approaches with COI barcodes poorly fit each other and morphospecies –An integrative taxonomy case of Sri Lankan Sericini chafers (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Ecology and Evolution 12(5)(e8942):1-15

Ranasinghe, U.G.S.L., Thormann, J., Benjamin, S.P., Bezděk, A., Eberle, J. & Ahrens, D. 2023
Contrasting results of multiple species delimitation approaches cause uncertainty in synecological studies: A case study on Sri Lankan chafers
Insect Conservation and Diversity 16(6):870-885

Randall J.W. 1838
Description of new species of coleopterous insects inhabiting the State of Maine
Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston 2:1-33

Randriamanantsoa R., Aberlenc H.-P., Ralisoa O.B., Ratnadass A. & Vercambre B. 2010
Les larves des Scarabaeoidea (Insecta, Coleoptera) en riziculture pluviale des régions de haute et moyenne altitudes du Centre de Madagascar
Zoosystema 32(1):19-72

Rangel-Acosta J.L., Blanco-Rodriguez O.R., Gutiérrez-Rapalino B.P. & Martinez-Hernández N.J. 2012
Coleópteros coprófagos (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) asociados a excrementos de mamíferos en la Reserva Natural Luriza (RNL), departamento del Atlántico, Colombia
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.) 50:409-419

Rangel-Acosta J.L., Martinez-Hernández N.J. & Yonoff-Zapata R. 2020
Respuesta de los escarabajos coprófagos (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) a la modificación del hábitat causada por un incendio forestal en la Reserva Bijibana, Atlántico-Colombia
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 91(e912879):1-16

Rani A.A. & Sanjayan K.P. 2013
Community composition of dung beetles and population dynamics of Tiniocellus spinipes in a scrub jungle ecosystem
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 2(39):241-246

Ranz R.R., Jiménez R.G., Donoso M.E., Millanao R.P., Meza V.M. & Schencke M.R. 2017
Dung Beetles of Chile, with Emphasis in La Araucania Region
Schields V.D.C., Insect Physiology and Ecology, Chapter 2:25-36

Rao D.V., Chandra K. & Devi K. 2013
Endemic Fauna of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Bay of Bengal
Zoological Survey of India :1-292 (176-182)

Raphael S. 1970
The publication dates of the Transactions of the Linnean Society of London Series I, 1791–1875
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2(1):61-76

Rassi P., Karjalainen S., Clayhills T., Helve E., Hyvärinen E., Laurinharju E., Malmberg S., Mannerkoski I., Martikainen P., Mattila J., Muona J., Pentinsaari M., Rutanen I., Salokannel J., Siitonen J. & Silfverberg H. 2015
Kovakuoriaisten maakuntaluettelo 2015 (Provincial List of Finnish Coleoptera 2015)
Sahlbergia 21 Supplement 1:1-16

Rataj K. 1986
A contribution to the taxonomy and ecology of the genus Potosia Mulsant
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae Slovenske národné múzeum v. Bratislava 173:1-20

Rataj K. 1996
Zlatohlávkovití (Cetonidae). I. Díl
Karel Rataj, Vimperk 1:1-55

Rataj K. 1996
Zlatohlávkovití (Cetonidae). 2. Díl
Karel Rataj, Vimperk 2:1-60

Rataj K. 1997
Zlatohlávkovití (Cetonidae). III. Díl
Karel Rataj, Vimperk 3:1-97

Rataj K. 1998
Zlatohlávkovití (Cetonidae). IV. Díl, Tribus: Goliathini (dokoncení) 2. Tribus: Ischnoscelini 3. Tribus: Phaedemini
Karel Rataj, Vimperk 4:1-98

Rataj K. 1998
Zlatohlávkovití (Cetonidae). V. díl. Cetoniini, druhy palearktické oblasti
Karel Rataj, Vimperk 5:1-175

Rataj K. 2000
New Knowledge concerning certain Genera of the Family Cetoniidae (Coleoptera)
Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae Slovenske národné múzeum v. Bratislava 222:1-18

Rataj L. 2012
Description de la sous-espèce holometallicus ssp.n. de Chiasognathus grantii Stephens, 1831 (Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Lucaninae, Chiasognathini)
Le Coléopteriste, Supplément Chili 1:26-40

Rataj L. 2013
Une nouvelle espèce de Lucanidae pour le Chili, Chiasognathus megalodon sp. nova (Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Lucaninae, Chiasognathini)
Le Coléopteriste, Supplément Chili 2:3-15

Ratcliffe B.C. 1970
Collecting slime flux feeding Coleoptera in Japan
Entomological News 81:255-256

Ratcliffe B.C. 1974
New distribution records for eleven species of Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 85:72-75

Ratcliffe B.C. 1976
A revision of the genus Strategus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 10(3):93-207

Ratcliffe B.C. 1976
Notes on the biology of Euphoriaspis Hirtipes(Horn) and descriptions of the larva and pupa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 30(3):217-225

Ratcliffe B.C. 1977
Four new species of Neotropical Cyclocephalini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Amazonica 7(3):429-434

Ratcliffe B.C. 1977
Descriptions of the larva and pupa of Osmoderma subplanata (Casey) and Cremastocheilus wheeleri LeConte (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 50(3):363-370

Ratcliffe B.C. 1978
A review of the genus Argyripa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Systematic Entomology London 3:371-378

Ratcliffe B.C. 1978
A new species of Trox from the Amazon Basin with new distributional records for Central American Trox (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Amazonica 8(2):299-302

Ratcliffe B.C. 1978
New species of Stenocrates from Brazil (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Amazonica 8(3):489-495

Ratcliffe B.C. 1980
New species of Coprini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) taken from the pelage of three toed sloths in Central-Amazonia with a brief commentary on scarab-sloth relationships
The Coleopterists Bulletin 34(4):337-350

Ratcliffe B.C. 1980
Take a beetle to lunch today or the Natural History of Dung beetles
UNL News 59(18):1-4

Ratcliffe B.C. 1981
The fourth Hylobothynus: spanning the Amazonian gap (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 35(3):303-306

Ratcliffe B.C. 1981
New species and distribution records of Surutu from Amazonian Brazil (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 35(1):107-112

Ratcliffe B.C. 1981
Barutus hartmanni, a new genus and species from Panama with a key to the genera of New World Pentodontini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 35(4):463-471

Ratcliffe B.C. 1981
A redescription of Trichillum hirsutum Boucomont with notes on other interesting brazilian Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Acta Amazonica 11(1):183-186

Ratcliffe B.C. 1982
American Oryctini: Strategus verrilli rediscovered and described, and new records and comments for other Strategus and Hispanioryctes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 36(2):352-357

Ratcliffe B.C. 1983
Trox hamatus Robinson (Troginae) using a Canthon (Scarabaeinae) brood ball and new records of North American Trox (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 11:53-55

Ratcliffe B.C. 1984
A Review of the Penichrolucaninae with Analyses of Phylogeny and Biogeography, and Description of a Second New World Species from the Amazon Basin (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Quaestiones Entomologicae 20:60-87

Ratcliffe B.C. 1986
Two new species of Dyscinetus from the West Indies and South America (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin40(1):75-80

Ratcliffe B.C. 1988
A new species of Aphodius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from Nebraska
Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 16:87-89

Ratcliffe B.C. 1988
New species and distributions of Neotropical Phileurini and a new Phileurine from Burma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 42(1):43-55

Ratcliffe B.C. 1989
Scientific Note: A Case of Gynandromorphy in Golofa tersander Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 43(3):256-258

Ratcliffe B.C. 1989
Scientific Note: Corrections and clarifications to Endrodi's The Dynastinae of the World (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 43(3):275-278

Ratcliffe B.C. 1990
The significance of scarab beetles in the ethnoentomology of non-industrial, indegenous peoples
Proceedings of the first International Congress of Ethnobiology 1:159-185

Ratcliffe B.C. 1991
The Scarab beetles of Nebraska
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 12:1-333

Ratcliffe B.C. 1991
The Lucanidae and Passalidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Nebraska
Great Plain Research 1(2):249-282

Ratcliffe B.C. 1992
Two new species of Cyclocephala from Arizona and Mexico and a note on melanistic C. melanocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(3):250-255

Ratcliffe B.C. 1992
New species and country records of Brazilian Cyclocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 135:179-190

Ratcliffe B.C. 1992
A new species of Ancognatha from Panama (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(3):256-259

Ratcliffe B.C. 1992
Nine new species and 11 country records of Cyclocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Panama and Costa Rica
The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(3):216-235

Ratcliffe B.C. 1994
Orizabus subaziro, a new species from Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 48(1):91-93

Ratcliffe B.C. 1998
An unusual new unicorn species of Copris from Nicaragua (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae, Coprini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 52(1):93-96

Ratcliffe B.C. 2001
New species of Hemiphileurus Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Brazil
The Coleopterists Bulletin 55.4:433-443

Ratcliffe B.C. 2002
Review of the genus Palaeophileurus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) with description of two new species from Peru
Annals of the entomological Society of America. Columbus.95(3):335-339

Ratcliffe B.C. 2002
A checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Panama
Zootaxa 32:1-48

Ratcliffe B.C. 2003
New species of Hemiphileurus Kolbe from Honduras and Guatemala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 57(3):334-338

Ratcliffe B.C. 2003
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of Costa Rica and Panama (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 16:1-506

Ratcliffe B.C. 2004
Lectotype designations in the New World Gymnetini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Zootaxa 729:1-19

Ratcliffe B.C. 2005
A review of the South American Genus Hoplopygothrix Schürhoff (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 59(1):136-142

Ratcliffe B.C. 2006
Heterogomphus effeminatus, an unusual new species of rhinoceros beetle from French Guiana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini)
Acta zoologica Cracoviensia, 49B(1-2):9-12

Ratcliffe B.C. 2007
A remarkable new species of Megaceras from Peru (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini). The "Dim effect":Nature mimicking art
The Coleopterists Bulletin 61(3):463-467

Ratcliffe B.C. 2008
More new species of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 from South America (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 62(2):221-241

Ratcliffe B.C. 2009
Xyloryctes Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini) in the United States. Qui es et ubi fuisti et quo vadis?
Insecta Mundi 100:1-11

Ratcliffe B.C. 2010
A review of the Blaesiina (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Gymnetini)
Zookeys 34:105-128

Ratcliffe B.C. 2010
A new Bolivian Bothynus Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini), with a key to the species in Bolivia
The Coleopterists Bulletin 64(2):105-108

Ratcliffe B.C. 2010
Gorditus rotundus, a new genus and species of Pentodontini from Cuba (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Zootaxa 2683:56-60

Ratcliffe B.C. 2011
Hoplopygothrix Schürhoff (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini) revisited: a new species and country record for Bolivia
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(1):63-66

Ratcliffe B.C. 2011
A Review of the Species of Phileurus Latreille (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) with Quadridentate Protibiae and Description of a New Species from Panama
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(2):125-129

Ratcliffe B.C. 2012
First Reported Occurrence of Hoplopyga Thomson, 1880 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini) from the West Indies, with Description of a New Species
The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(2):111-115

Ratcliffe B.C. 2013
A Revision of the Neotropical Genus Amithao Thomson, 1878 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(3):265-292

Ratcliffe B.C. 2013
A Revision of the Neotropical Genus Desicasta Thomson (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(4):447-456

Ratcliffe B.C. 2013
The dung- and carrion-feeding Scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) of an Amazonian Blackwater Rainforest: Resutls of a continuous, 56-week, baited-pitfall trap study
The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(4):481-520

Ratcliffe B.C. 2014
A review of the Neotropical genera Badelina Thomson, 1880, Balsameda Thomson, 1880, Guatemalica Neervoort van de Poll, 1886 and Heterocotinis Martinez, 1948 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(2):241-262

Ratcliffe B.C. 2014
Reversal of precedence for Scarabaeus monoceros Nicolson, 1776, in favor of Scarabaeus oblongus Palisot de Beauvois, 1807 to stabilize the nomenclature of Strategus oblongus (Palisot de Beauvois) from Hispaniola (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Insecta Mundi 0370:1-3

Ratcliffe B.C. 2014
A review of the Neotropical genera Astroscara Schürhoff, 1937, Chiriquibia Bates, 1889, Hadrosticta Kraatz, 1892, Jansonia Schürhoff, 1937, Macrocranius Schürhoff, 1935, and Tiarocera Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(3):363-376

Ratcliffe B.C. 2014
A New Genus and Species of Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, other New Species of Cyclocephalini, Pentodontini, and Phileurini from South America, and a Revised Key to the Genera of New World Pentodontini
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(4):663-680

Ratcliffe B.C. 2015
A revision of the Neotropical genus Allorrhina Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 69(1):91-113

Ratcliffe B.C. 2015
A Review of the Neotropical Genus Marmarina Kirby, 1827 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini), with Description of a New Species from Argentina
The Coleopterists Bulletin 69(2):183-201

Ratcliffe B.C. 2015
A revised catalog of the species of Stenocrates Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini), with descriptions of three new species from Peru and Brazil and Stenocrates inpai Ratcliffe, 1978 placed in junior synonymy with Stenocrates popei Endrödi, 1971
The Coleopterists Bulletin 69(4):773-779

Ratcliffe B.C. 2016
Trox paulseni (Coleoptera: Trogidae) a new species from Nebraska and Kansas, USA
Insecta Mundi 0482:1-6

Ratcliffe B.C. 2017
The Fourteenth Amithao Thomson, 1878 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini): A Remarkable New Species from Ecuador
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(4):655-660

Ratcliffe B.C. 2018
A monographic revision of the genus Gymnetis Macleay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 31:1-249

Ratcliffe B.C. 2019
Keys to Adults of all Genera and Larvae of 19 Species of Gymnetini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) in the New World, with a Species Checklist and Descriptions of Two New Genera and Species from Mexico and Martinique
The Coleopterists Bulletin 73(1):1-26

Ratcliffe, B.C. 2021
A new species Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 from Bolivia (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini)
Journal of Insect Biodiversity 28(2):49-53

Ratcliffe B.C. & Ahmed Z. 2010
Additions to the distribution of Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Northern Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Zoology 42(6):827-830

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2002
New species of Cyclocephala from Honduras and El Salvador (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 56(1):152-157

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2006
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 21:1-424

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2008
The Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Bahamas with a description of a new species of Cyclocephala from Great Inagua Island
Insecta Mundi 24:1-10

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2008
A biotic survey and inventory of the dynastine scarab beetles of Mesoamerica, North America, and the West Indies: review of a long-term, multicountry project
Zoosystema 30(3):651-663

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2009
New species of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 from Guatemala (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 63(3):325-332

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2010
New species of Orizabus Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini) from Mexico and Guatemala, with a revised key and checklist of the species in the genus
Insecta Mundi 127:1-16

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2010
The Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Cayman Islands (West Indies), with descriptions of Tomarus adoceteus, new species (Pentodontini) and Caymania nitidissima, new genus and species (Phileurini)
Insecta Mundi 139:1-15

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2011
Revisions of the genera Endroedianibe Chalumeau and Hispanioryctes Howden and Endrödi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Hispaniola, with descriptions of new species
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(1):1-14

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2014
Los Escarabajos Rinocerontes Gigantes de El Salvador (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bioma 2(16):7-27

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2014
Un inventaire de la biodiversité des Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) des Antilles : présentation du projet
ACOREP-France : Coléoptères de Petites Antilles 2:3-9

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2015
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 28:1-343

Ratcliffe B.C. & Cave R.D. 2017
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 30:1-293

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Cave, R.D. 2021
A new species of Coelosis Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini) from Paraguay
Journal of Insect Biodiversity 28(2):44-48

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Cave, R.D. 2023
A Synopsis of the New World Genera of Phileurini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), with English and Spanish Keys to the Genera
Caldasia 45(3):491-509

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Cave, R.D. 2024
Description of a new species of Bothynus Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini) from Bolivia with a key to the Bolivian species of Bothynus
Journal of Insect Biodiversity 54(2):42-47

Ratcliffe B.C. & Chalumeau F. 1980
Strategus syphax (Fabr.): a description of the third instar larva and pupa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 34(1):85-93

Ratcliffe B.C. & Christen J. 2002
Lucanus elaphus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) discovered in Nebraska, with brief notes on its biology and identification
Entomological News 113(1):68-70

Ratcliffe B.C. & Curoe D.J. 2011
A New Species of Hemiphileurus Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) from Panama, with a Revised Key to the Panamanian Species
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(2):139-143

Ratcliffe B.C. & Dechambre R-P 1983
New combinations, synonymy and distribution records for neotropical Pentodontini and Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 37(3):267-272

Ratcliffe B.C. & Delgado-Castillo L. 1990
New species and notes of Cyclocephala from Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Folia entomológica mexicana 80:41-57

Ratcliffe B.C. & Deloya A.C. 1992
The biogeography and phylogeny of Hologymnetis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) with a revision of the genus
The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(2):161-202

Ratcliffe B.C. & Fagerstrom J.A. 1980
Invertebrate lebensspuren of Holocene foodplains: their morphology, origin and Paleoecological significance
Journal of Paleontology 54(3):614-630

Ratcliffe B.C. & Figueroa L. 2018
Description of a new species of Stenocrates Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini) from Peru
The Coleopterists Bulletin 72(4):797-800

Ratcliffe B.C. & Giraldo A.E.M. 2014
Piscoperus paracanicola Ratcliffe and Giraldo, a New Genus and New Species of Pentodontini from Peru, with a Revised Key to the New World Genera of Pentodontini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(1):103-110

Ratcliffe B.C. & Hardy M. 2005
Collagenus dasysternus, a new Genus and Species of Dynastinae from Eastern Venezuela with a key to the New World Genera of Pentodontini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 59(1):143-150

Ratcliffe B.C. & Hoffman R.L. 2011
Cyclocephala nigricollis Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclmocephalini). What is It? and Where is It?
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(2):135-138

Ratcliffe B.C. & Ivie M.A. 1998
New species of Hemiphileurus Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from the Dominican Republic with a key to the West Indian Species of Hemiphileurus
The Coleopterists Bulletin 52(3):201-208

Ratcliffe B.C. & Jameson M.L. 1989
A new species of Pelidnota (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Panama
The Coleopterists Bulletin 43(3):259-262

Ratcliffe B.C. & Jameson M.L. 1989
A synopsis of the genus Areoda (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 43(2):135-144

Ratcliffe B.C. & Le Tirant S. 2017
A new species of Golofa Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Peru
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(4):781-785

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Le Tirant, S. 2023
Description of a new species of Stenocrates Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini) from Peru and a revised catalog of the species of Stenocrates
Faunitaxys 11(21):1-5

Ratcliffe B.C. & Mico S. 2001
A reiew of the Neotropical genus Neocorvicoana Ratcliffe and Micó, New Genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 55(3):279-296

Ratcliffe B.C. & Morón M.A. 2005
Larval descriptions of eight species of Megasoma Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) with a key for identification and notes on Biology
The Coleopterists Bulletin 59(1):91-126

Ratcliffe B.C. & Nogueira G. 2020
Description of a New Species of Gymnetis MacLeay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini) from Colima, Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin 74(1):109-115

Ratcliffe B.C. & Ocampo F.C. 2001
Tyrannasorus rex Ratcliffe and Ocampo, a new genus and species of Miocene Hybosorid in Amber from the Dominican Republic (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Hybosoridae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 55(3):351-355

Ratcliffe B.C. & Ocampo F.C. 2002
A review of the genus Hylamorpha Arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anoplognathini: Brachysternina)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 56(3):367-378

Ratcliffe B.C. & Orozco J. 2009
A review of the biology of Pericoptus truncatus (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Pentodontini) from New Zealand and a revised description of the third instar
The Coleopterists Bulletin 63(4):445-451

Ratcliffe B.C. & Paulsen M.J. 2008
The Scarabaeoid beetles of Nebraska (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 22:1-570

Ratcliffe B.C. & Saltin J-P. 2010
Homophileurus neptunus Dechambre, a new junior synonym of H. waldenfelsi Endrodi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini)
Insecta Mundi 146:1-5

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Saltin, J.P. 2021
A New Species of Megaceras Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini) from Peru
The Coleopterists Bulletin 75(4):768-771

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Seidel, M. 2021
A new species of Chalepides Casey, 1915 (Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Cyclocephalini) from the Pantanal of Brazil
Evolutionary Systematics 5:189-192

Ratcliffe, B.C. & Seidel, M. 2023
Cyclocephala ignota, a New Species of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 from Bolivia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 77(1):19-23

Ratcliffe B.C. & Skelley P.E. 2011
Description of the larva of Homophileurus integer (Burmeister, 1847) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini), with notes on biology and a key to the known larvae of New World Phileurini
The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(3):297-304

Ratcliffe B.C. & Smith A.B.T. 1999
New species of Canthonella Chapin (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Amazonian Brazil
The Coleopterists Bulletin 53(1):1-7

Ratcliffe B.C. & Solis A. 2013
The southernmost Orizabus Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini): Description of a new species from Costa Rica
The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(1):1-6

Ratcliffe B.C. & Warner W.B. 2011
A revision of the genus Gymnetina Casey, 1915 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
Insecta Mundi 0173:1-28

Ratcliffe B.C., Cave R.D. & Cano E.B. 2013
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 27:1-661

Ratcliffe, B.C., Cave, R.D. & Le Tirant, S. 2023
The dynastine scarab beetles of Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 34:1-486

Ratcliffe, B.C., Cave, R.D. & Mondaca, J. 2021
The Dynastine Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) of Chile
The Coleopterists Bulletin 75(2):279-309

Ratcliffe B.C., Cave R.D. & Paucar-Cabrera A. 2020
The Dynastine Scarab beetles of Ecuador (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 32:1-586

Ratcliffe B.C., Gasca-Álvarez H.J. & Deloya C. 2017
Description of the Female of Hologymnetis reyesi Gasca and Deloya (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini), with New State Records for Mexico and a Bilingual Key to the Species of Hologymnetis Martínez
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(1):143-151

Ratcliffe B.C., Jameson M.L. & Taylor T. 1992
Two remakable new species of Plusiotis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Mexico and Central America
Insecta Mundi 6(1):59-63

Ratcliffe B.C., Jameson M.L. & Zorn C. 2018
Ganganomala saltini Ratcliffe, Jameson, and Zorn, a new genus and species of Anomalini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Bangladesh and Nepal, with a revised circumscription of the tribe
The Coleopterists Bulletin 72(4):717-735

Ratcliffe B.C., Jameson M.L., Figueroa L., Cave R.D., Paulsen M.J., Cano E.B., Beza-Beza C., Jimenez-Ferbans L. & Reyes-Castillo P. 2015
Beetles (Coleoptera) of Peru: A Survey of the Families. Scarabaeoidea
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 88(2):186-207

Ratcliffe B.C., Nogueira G. & Cunningham R. 2020
First Description of the Female of the Rare Megasoma lecontei Hardy (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Dynastini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 74(1):119-123

Ratcliffe B.C., Smith D.M. & Erwin D. 2005
Oryctoantiquus borealis, new genus and species from the Eocene of Oregon, U.S.A., the world's oldest fossil Dynastine and largest fossil Scarabaeid (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 59(1):127-135

Ratti E. 1991
Catalogo dei coleotteri della laguna di Venezia 6 - Lucanidae, Trogidae, Aphodiidae, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthidae, Rutelidae, Dynastidae, Cetoniidae
Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali Lavori 16:91-125

Ratti P. 1972
Descrizione della femmina di Rhaetulus didieri De Lisle (Coleoptera Lucanidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 104(6-7):129-131

Ratti P. & Lacroix J.P. 1975
Description de Odontolabis chuai n. sp. de W. Malaysia. (Contribution à l'étude des Coléoptères Lucanides. 3ème note)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 107(3-5):80-85

Rattu R., Uliana M., Fancello L. & Carpaneto G.M. 2020
Aggiornamenti faunistici sugli Scarabaeoidea di Sardegna (Coleoptera), con prima segnalazione di Anomala devota (Rossi, 1790)
Bollettino del Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia 71:45-50

Ratzeburg J.T.C. 1839
Die Forst-Insecten oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in den Wäldern Preussens und der Nachbarstaaten als schädlich oder nützlich bekannt gewordenen Insecten; in systematischer Folge und mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Vertilgung der Schädlichen. Im Auftrage des Chefs der zweiten Abtheilung des Königl. Preuss Haus-Ministeriums
Berlin, Nicolaische buchhandlung 1:1-247 (71-107,Taf.III)

Razoumowsky G.G. 1789
Histoire naturelle du Jorat et de ses environs et celle des trois lacs de Neufchatel, Morat et Bienne
Lousanne, Mourer 8 volume 1:1-322 (289-290)

Rébl K. 2010
Results of faunistic survey of beetles (Coleoptera) in the territory of Protected Landscape Area and Biospheric Reservation Křivoklátsko (Czech Republic)
Elateridarium 4 (Supplementum):1-253

Reddy P.V.R. & Kurian R.M. 2021
Occurence of fruit chafer beetle Protaetia alboguttata (Vigors) on fig
Indian Journal of Entomology 83(4):670-672

Redtenbacher L. 1843
Russegger J. von: Reisen in Europa, Asien und Afrika, mit besonderer Rüksicht auf die naturwissenschaftlichen Verhältnisse der betreffenden Ländern unternommen in den Jahren 1835 bis 1841. Erster Band. Reise in Griechenland, Unteregypten, im nördlichen Syrien und Kleinasien, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die naturwissenschaftlichen Verhältnisse der betreffenden Länder, unternommen in dem 1836. Zweiter Theil
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart 1(2):973-990

Redtenbacher L. 1845
Die Gattungen der deutschen Käfer-Fauna nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet, nebst einem kurzgefassten Leitfaden zum Studium dieses Zweiges der Entomologie
Carl Ueberreuter, Wien :1-178

Redtenbacher L. 1858
Fauna austriaca. Die Käfer. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. Zweite, gänzlich umgearbeitete, mit mehreren hunderten von Arten und mit der Charakteristik sämtlicher europäischer Käfergattungen vermehrte Auflage
Carl Gerold's Sohn. Wien :1-256 (1856) 257-768 (1857) 769-1017 (1858)

Redtenbacher L. 1867
Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter der Befehlen des Commodore B.von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Zoologie II part. Coleopteren
Wien:Carl Gerold’s Sohn (1868) :1-249

Reed E.C. 1872
Observaciones sobre los Coleópteros chilenos descritos por el señor doctor Redtenbacher
Anales de la Universidad Chile 41:190-196

Reed E.C. 1876
Catálogo de los Coleópteros de Chile. Segunda parte
Anales de la Universidad Chile 49(1):274-295

Reed E.C. 1904
Sobre el jénero Chiasognathus
Revista Chileña de Historia Natural 8(4-5):181-188

Reibnitz, J. 2019
Protaetia morio Fabricius 1781 (Col., Scarabaeidae) - Fund in Württenberg
Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 54(1):44

Reiche L. 1840
Note sur deux espèces d'Onthophagus
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée 3:243-244

Reiche L. 1840
Nouvelle espèce du genre Psalidognathus de M.Gray
Revue Zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne 3:358

Reiche L. 1841
Tableau d'une division systématique de la tribu des coprophages, dans la famille des Lamellicornes
Revue Zoologique 4(7):211-213

Reiche L. 1841
Note sur le genre Lamprima et description d'une nouvelle espèce
Revue Zoologique 4:50-51

Reiche L. 1842
Essai d'une classification méthodique de la tribu des Coprophages, famille des Lamellicornes, Division des Scarabaeoides, Coléoptères, Pentamères
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 11:59-94

Reiche L. 1845
Note sur le genre de Goliathide, auquel M.White a donné le nom Compsocephalus
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée 8:119-120

Reiche L. 1848
Ferret A. & Galinier: Voyage en Abyssinie dans les provinces du Tigre, du Samen et de l'Amhara (1839-1843) Tome I-III (1847-1848) Entomologie
Paris (1850) 3:304-361

Reiche L. 1850
La description suivante d’une nouvelle espèce de Chiasognathus. C.jousselinii
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure er apiquée 2(2):249-250

Reiche L. 1850
Mémoire sur les genres Psalidognathus et Chiasognathus
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (2)8:263-269

Reiche L. 1852
Revue de l'ouvrage intitule: Diagnosen neuer Coleoptera aus Abyssinien, von Dr.J.R.Roth
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 2(10):95-100

Reiche L. 1852
Description de quatre Coléoptères nouveaux et remarquables
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée (2)4:21-25

Reiche L. 1852
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris Bulletin entomologique :58-59 (lviii-lix)

Reiche L. 1853
Sur l'Hybosorus arator auctorum, et sur le Trox granulatus F., et description d'une nouvelle espèce
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (Series 3) 1:87-90

Reiche L. 1853
Notes synonymiques sur les espèces de la famille des Pectinicornes décrites dans le 5e vol. de l'Handbuch der Entomologie par M.H.Burmeister
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 3(1):67-86

Reiche L. 1853
Notes entomologiques
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (3)1:425-427

Reiche L. 1855
Remarques sur le mémoire de M. Perris concernant quelques espèces du genre Chasmatopterus
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 3(3):285-288

Reiche L. 1856
Description d'une espèce nouvelle du genre Onitis, Fabricius, suivie d'un Catalogue synoptique des espèces de ce genre qui se trouvent en Europe et sur les bords des bassins méditerranéens, de la Méditerranée, de l'Euxin et de la mer Caspienne
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée 8:118-121

Reiche L. 1856
Diagnoses d'espèces nouvelles qui seront décrites et figurées prochainement
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée 8:47-48

Reiche L. 1856
Nouvelle espèce du genre Lucanus
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Pure et Appliqée 8:80-84

Reiche L. 1859
M.Reiche répond en ces termes à l'un des points du travail de Motschulsky
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris Bulletin entomologique :208-209 (ccvii-ccix)

Reiche L. 1859
Notes synonymiques sur le cinqième volume de l'Handbuch der Entomologie, par M.H.Burmeister, Berlin, 1840. Coléoptères lamellicornes, xylophiles
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (3)7:5-19

Reiche L. 1859
Notes entomologiques sur divers Coléoptères
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 3(7):637-644

Reiche L. 1859
Synonymische Bemerkungen
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 3:88-89

Reiche L. 1860
Remarqués entomologiques et description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coléoptère
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 3(8):331-333

Reiche L. 1860
Coléoptères de Sicilie
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (3)8:717-729

Reiche L. 1861
Coléoptères nouveaux recueillis en Corse par M.E.Bellier de la Chavignerie
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (Series 4) 1:201-210

Reiche L. 1861
Species novae Coleopterorum descripta, quae in Syria invenit Dom.Kindermann
Wiener Entomologische Monatsschriften 5(1):1-8

Reiche L. 1862
Espèces nouvelles de Coléoptères. Découvertes en Corse par M. Bellier de la Chavignerie en 1861
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (Series 4) 2(2):293-300

Reiche L. 1862
Espèces nouvelles de coléoptères appartenant à la faune circamediterranéenne (Suite)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 2(4):539-546

Reiche L. 1863
Grenier A.: Cataloque des Coléoptères de France et materiaux pour servir la faune de Coléoptères francais. Materiaux pour la faune francaise
Paris :1-135

Reiche L. 1864
Espèces nouvelles de Coléoptères d'Algérie
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 4(4):233-246

Reiche L. 1871
Examen de quelques espèces de Cétonides d'Europe et pays limitrophes
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (5)1:83-87

Reiche L. & Saulcy F. 1856
Espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Coléoptères receuillis par Saulcy, membre de l'Institut, dans son voyage en Orient et décrites par MM. L.Reiche et Félicien de Saulcy (suite)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 3(4):353-422

Reichenbach A. 1995
Protaetia anneliae nov. spec. von den Philippinen (Insecta: Coleoptera: Lamellicornia: Cetoniinae)
Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 31(1):45

Reichenbach A. 1996
Zwei neue Taeniodera Arten (T. Steinkei spec.nov. Und T. Gregori spec.nov.) von Burma and Thailand (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 31(32):179-181

Reichenbach A. 1996
Trigonophorus talpa spec.nov. von Thailand (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 31(33):183-185

Reichenbach, A. & Keith, D. 2023
Description of a new species of Psilopholis Brenske (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Melolonthini) from Vietnam along with some remarks on the genus
Faunitaxys 11(15):1-5

Reichenbach A. & Schulze J. 1987
Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Spodistes grandis Sternberg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 24(23):161-162

Reichenbach A.B. 1857
Der Käferfreund
T.Thomas, Leipzig :1-244

Reichensperger A. 1915
Myrmekophilen, und Termitophilen aus Natal und Zululand gesammelt von Dr.I.Trägardh
Meddelanden fran Goteborgs Musei Zoologiska Afdelning. Goteborg 5:1-20 (16-18)

Reichensperger A. 1956
Eine neue termitophile Art der Coprinae aus dem Congogebiet und die ihr verwandten Arten
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 54:81-91

Reid C.A.M. 1999
A new generic synonym in the Australian Lucanidae (Coleoptera)
Coleopterists Bulletin 54:175-177

Reid C.A.M. 2000
A complex of cryptic species in the genus Coptodactyla Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Coprini)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(1):231-251

Reid C.A.M. & Beatson M. 2016
Revision of the stag beetle genus Ryssonotus MacLeay (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with descriptions of a new genus and three new species
Zootaxa 4150(1):1-39

Reid, C.A.M. & Runagall-McNaull, A. 2022
A Revision of the Onthophagus pexatus Species-group, with Description of a New Brachypterous Species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Records of the Australian Museum 74(5):131-150

Reid C.A.M. & Storey R.I. 2000
Revision of the dung beetle genus Temnoplectron Westwood (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeini)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(1):253-297

Reid, C.A.M. & Tees, N.A. 2023
A new, but possibly extinct, species of Semanopterus Hope, 1847 from Lord Howe Island, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Zootaxa 5306(5):563-570

Reid, C.A.M. & Willims, G. 2022
A recent record of the elusive stag beetle Lamprima imberbis Carter, 1926 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Australian Entomologist 49(3):181-188

Reid C.A.M., Smith K. & Beatson M. 2018
Revision of the genus Lamprima Latreille, 1804 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Zootaxa 4446(2):151-202

Reinhard H.J. 1939
New and little known Phyllophaga from Texas (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 12:47-63

Reinhard H.J. 1940
Notes on Texas Phyllophaga with description of one new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 13(1):4-5

Reinhard H.J. 1946
A new Phyllophaga from Texas (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 19(2):69-70

Reinhard H.J. 1950
The Phyllophaga of Texas (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 23(2):27-40

Reitter E. 1880
Beitrag zur Synonymie der Coleopteren
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 29: 507-512

Reitter E. 1883
Diagnosen neuer Coleopteren aus Lenkoran
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn (1884) 22:3-10

Reitter E. 1885
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern, mit Bemerkungen über bekannte Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:353-392

Reitter E. 1885
Uebersicht der Phyllopertha-Arten aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 29:393-397

Reitter E. 1887
Zur Species-Kenntnis der Maikäfer aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31(2):529-542

Reitter E. 1887
Tabelle zur Bestimmung der europäischen Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Homaloplia Steph.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 6:135-139

Reitter E. 1887
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen uber bekannte Arten. Vierter Theil
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 31:497-528

Reitter E. 1887
Insecta in itinere cl.N.Przewalskii in Asia centrali novissime lecta. VI. Clavicornia, Lamellicornia et Serricornia
Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae. Moscov 21:201-234

Reitter E. 1888
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Phyllopertha Kirby, aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern, Sibirien mit Central-Asien
Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin 14:289-294

Reitter E. 1888
Vier neue Koleopteren
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 7:68-71

Reitter E. 1888
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen uber bekannte Arten. Fünfter Theil
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:417-432

Reitter E. 1889
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Coleopteren-Gattungen der Melolonthini im Erichson’schen Sinne, aus der paläarctischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 8:275-279

Reitter, E. 1889
Uebersicht der Arten der mit Oxythyrea Muls. verwandten Gattungen, aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin 15:37-40

Reitter E. 1889
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Adoretus-Arten der palaearktischen Fauna
Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin 15:267-270

Reitter E. 1889
Coleopterologische Ergebnisse der im Jahre 1886 und 1887 in Transcaspien von Dr.G.Radde, Dr.A.Walters und A.Konchin ausgefürhten Expedition
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn 27:95-133

Reitter E. 1889
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Anisoplia aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :99-111

Reitter E. 1889
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Triodonta Muls.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 8:283-285

Reitter E. 1890
Uebersicht der bekannten Hymenoplia-Arten
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 9:259-263

Reitter E. 1890
Revision der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Triodonta Muls. aus der palaearctischen Fauna
Entomologische Nachrichten 16:65-69

Reitter E. 1890
Zur Synonymie einiger Polyphylla-Arten
Entomologische Nachrichten 16:185-189

Reitter E. 1890
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopterengattung Polyphylla Harr. aus der paläarctischen Region
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 9:21-22

Reitter E. 1890
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Anoxia Lap. aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 9:105-107

Reitter E. 1890
Coleopterologische Notizen XXXVII
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 9:142-146

Reitter E. 1890
Ergänzungen zu meiner Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Anoxia Lap. aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 9:173-176

Reitter E. 1890
Beschreibungen neuer Coleopteren aus Europa, dem Kaukasus, Russisch-Armenien und Turkestan
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 9:189-198

Reitter E. 1890
Coleopterologische Notizen XXXIX
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 9:264-267

Reitter E. 1890
Analytische Revision der Coleopteren-Gattung Amphicoma, subgenus Pygopleurus Motsch.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :53-64

Reitter E. 1890
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen uber bekannte Arten. Neunter Theil
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:145-164

Reitter E. 1890
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen uber bekannte Arten. Zehnter Theil
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:165-176

Reitter E. 1890
Analytische Uebersicht der bekannten Lethrus-Arten
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift :289-295

Reitter E. 1890
Heyden L. & Kraatz G.:XIII Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan (Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Reitter und Weise)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :353-367

Reitter E. 1890
Revision der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Hoplia Ill., aus der palaearctischen Fauna
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :375-383

Reitter E. 1890
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen uber bekannte Arten. Elfter Theil
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 2:385-396

Reitter E. 1891
Darstellung der echten Cetoniden-Gattungen und deren mir bekannte Arten aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):49-74

Reitter E. 1891
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen über bekannte Arten. Zwölfter Teil
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :17-36

Reitter E. 1891
Drei neue Coleopteren
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 10:33-34

Reitter E. 1891
Coleopterologische Notizen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 10:226-228

Reitter E. 1891
Ueber die mit Mendidius Er. verwandten Gattungen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 10:253-255

Reitter E. 1891
Ubersicht der Onthophagus-Arten aus dem nächsten Verwandschaftskreise des O.amyntas Ol.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 10(7):241-245

Reitter E. 1892
Ueber eine Lasiopsis-Art aus dem Kaukasus
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 11:101

Reitter E. 1892
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Monotropus Er.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 11:142

Reitter E. 1892
Siebender Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 11:151-154

Reitter E. 1892
Fünfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 11:59-68

Reitter E. 1892
Sechster Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 11:133-136

Reitter E. 1893
Neunter Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 12:219-224

Reitter E. 1892
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Lucaniden und coprophagen Lamellicornen des palaearctischen Faunengebietes
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn 30:141-262

Reitter E. 1892
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Lucaniden und coprophagen Lamellicornen des palaearctischen Faunengebietes
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn 31:3-109

Reitter E. 1893
Dritter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 12:172-176

Reitter E. 1893
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Lucaniden und coprophagen Lamellicornen des palaearctischen Faunengebietes
Separate publication, Brunn :3-230

Reitter E. 1893
Coleopterologische Notizen. XLVII
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 12:73

Reitter E. 1894
Coleopterologische Notizen LIV
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:311-312

Reitter E. 1894
Hauser F.: Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Transcaspien und Turkestan zusammengestellt unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr.Eppelsheim, Escherich, Faust, Dr.von Heyden, Kuwert, Reitter und Weise
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (1):17-74

Reitter E. 1894
Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zu meiner Bestimmungs-Tabelle der coprophagen Lamellicornes
Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin 20:183-190

Reitter E. 1894
Uebersicht der mir bekannten palaearctischen Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Trichius F.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:5-6

Reitter E. 1894
Elfter Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:238-248

Reitter E. 1894
Coleopterologische Notizen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:251-254

Reitter E. 1894
Zehnter Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 13:122-128

Reitter E. 1894
Fünfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 13:299-306

Reitter E. 1894
Essai sur les vrais Cétonides d'Europe et des contrées limitrophes
L'Abeille 28:109-138

Reitter E. 1895
Beschreibung neuer oder wenig gekannter Coleoptera aus der Umgebung von Akbes in Syrien
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 14(3):79-88

Reitter E. 1895
Anisoplia Koenigi n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):309-310

Reitter E. 1895
Nachträgliches über Cyphonotus Fisch. und Beschreibung einer neuen Art aus Transkaspien
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 14:205-207

Reitter E. 1895
Einige neue Coleopteren aus Korea und China
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 14:208-210

Reitter E. 1895
Zwölfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren. Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 14:149-162

Reitter E. 1896
Tribax certus und Cetonia chrysosoma n.sp.
Entomologische Nachrichten 22:4-5

Reitter E. 1896
Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Arten und Varietäten der Coleopteren-Gattung Cetonia L.
Entomologische Nachrichten 22:241-246

Reitter E. 1896
Dreizehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 15:64-77

Reitter E. 1896
Achter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den Angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 15(9):265-272

Reitter E. 1896
Beschreibungen neuer Coleopteren aus dem russischen Reiches
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :33-48

Reitter E. 1896
Coleopterologische Notizen LVII
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 15:77-78

Reitter E. 1896
Sicardia nov.gen.Aphodinidarum
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :318

Reitter E. 1896
Uebersicht der mir bekannten palaearktischen, mit der Coleopteren-Gattung Serica verwandten Gattungen und Arten
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 15(4-5):180-188

Reitter E. 1896
Vierzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 15:285-291

Reitter E. 1896
Revision analytique des Coléoptères du genre Amphicoma
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16:73-76

Reitter E. 1897
Coleopterologische Notizen LXII
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16:241-242

Reitter E. 1897
Coleopterologische Notizen LXI
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16:217-220

Reitter E. 1897
Zehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16:203-206

Reitter E. 1897
Aphodius Deubeli n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 1:76

Reitter E. 1897
Lethrus (Microlethrus) inermis Reitter n.sp.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :235-236

Reitter E. 1897
Dreissig neue Coleopteren aus russisch Asien und der Mongolei
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2:209-228

Reitter E. 1897
Neunter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16(2):45-47

Reitter E. 1897
Fünfzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 16:121-127

Reitter E. 1897
Coleopterologische Notizen LIX
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16(2):48-49

Reitter E. 1897
Ueber die mit Pachydema Lap. verwandten Coleopteren-Gattungen und Uebersicht der Hemictenius-Arten
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 16:221-225

Reitter E. 1898
Eine Decade neuer Coleopteren aus der Buchara
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 17:10-16

Reitter E. 1898
Siebzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 17:109-127

Reitter E. 1898
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Melolonthidae aus der europäischen Fauna und den angrenzenden Ländern. II Theil: Dynastini, Euchirini, Pachypodini, Cetonini, Valgini und Trichiini
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn 37:21-111

Reitter E. 1898
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 42(2):337-360

Reitter E. 1899
Elfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 18:155-161

Reitter E. 1899
Beitrage zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches und der angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :193-209

Reitter E. 1900
Coleopterologische Notizen. LXVIII
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 19:11-13

Reitter E. 1900
Coleoptera gesammelt in Jahre 1898 in Chin.Central-Asien von Dr.Holderer in Lahre
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 19:153-166

Reitter E. 1900
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift :49-59

Reitter E. 1900
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:81-88

Reitter E. 1901
Dreizehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 20:99-101

Reitter E. 1901
Uebersicht der franzosischen Rhyssemus-Arten von Dr.Chobaut. Coleopterologische Notizen N.598
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 20:175-176

Reitter E. 1901
Weitere Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 45(1):65-84

Reitter E. 1901
Eine Serie neue Coleopteren aus dem russischen Reiche
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 45:177-186

Reitter E. 1902
Neue Coleopteren der palaearctischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 21:137-141

Reitter E. 1902
Drei neue Coleopteren aus Turkestan
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 21:81-82

Reitter E. 1902
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Melolonthidae aus der europäischen fauna und angrenzenden Ländern, enthaltend die Gruppen der Pachydemini, Sericini und Melolonthini
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn (1901) 40:93-303

Reitter E. 1902
Neue und seltene Coleopteren, gesammelt im Jahre 1901, in der Herzegowina, in Dalmatien und Bosnien
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 21:1-9

Reitter E. 1902
Coleopterologische Notizen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 21(6):136

Reitter E. 1903
Nachträgliche Bemerkungen zu den Coleopteren-Arten aus der Verwandtschaft des Onthophagus amyntas Oliv.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 22(1):9-12

Reitter E. 1903
Siebzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 22(6):173-178

Reitter E. 1903
Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Melolonthidae aus der europäischen Fauna und angrenzenden Ländern, enthaltend die Gruppen der Rutelini, Hoplini und Glaphyrini (Schluss)
Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins, Brünn (1904) 41:28-158

Reitter E. 1904
Coleopterologische Notizen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 23:24-25

Reitter E. 1904
Sechzehn neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 23:151-160

Reitter E. 1904
Sechs neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Region
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 23:255-258

Reitter E. 1905
Sechzehn neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 24:241-251

Reitter E. 1905
Neun neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 24:201-206

Reitter E. 1906
Lamellicornia. Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossicae. Auctoribus L.v.Heyden, E.Reitter, J.Weise cum aliis sociis coleopterologicis. Editio secunda
Edmund Reitter. Berlin. Paskau. Caen :714-750

Reitter E. 1906
Neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 25:31-37

Reitter E. 1906
Uebersicht der Coleopteren-Arten der Gattung Aphodius Illig. aus dem nachsten Verwandschaftskreise der A.prodromus Brahm, des Sbg.Melinopterus s.str.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin (2):435-442

Reitter E. 1907
Einige neue paläarktische Coleopteren
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:484-487

Reitter E. 1907
Sechs neue Coleopteren aus Turkestan
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 26:205-208

Reitter E. 1907
Eine serie neuer Aphodius-Arten aus der palaearktischen Fauna (Col.)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin:407-411

Reitter E. 1907
Coleopterologische Notizen
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 26:27-30

Reitter E. 1908
Coleopterologische Notizen. N.691
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 27:36

Reitter E. 1908
Beschreibung einiger neuen Käferarten von Egypten
Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte 1(2):41-56

Reitter E. 1908
Neue paläarktische Käfer
Entomologische Blätter 4:129

Reitter E. 1908
Sieben neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 27:213-216

Reitter E. 1908
Siebzehn Coleopteren-Neuheiten aus der palaearktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 27:17-24

Reitter E. 1908
Acht neue Coleopteren aus Europa, Kleinasien und Turkestan
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 27:243-247

Reitter E. 1909
Farbenaberationen der Potosia affinis Andersch.
Entomologische Blätter 5:182

Reitter E. 1909
Einige neue Coleopteren aus der paläarktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 28:53-58

Reitter E. 1909
Voyage de M.René Chudeau dans le Sahara. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Brenskea
Bulletin du Muséum Nationale d'Histoire naturelle. Paris 15(8):526

Reitter E. 1909
Coleopterologische Notizen N.711-712
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 28:110

Reitter E. 1909
Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches (V.1-5)
Stuttgart 2:1-392

Reitter E. 1909
Eine serie neuer Scarabaeiden aus der palaearktischen Fauna
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 28:75-84

Reitter E. 1909
Neue palaearktische Melolonthiden
Entomologische Blätter, Nürnberg 5:117-119

Reitter E. 1911
Palaearktische Coleopterennovitäten
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 30:47-55

Reitter E. 1913
Eine Serie neuen Coleopteren aus der paläarktischen Fauna
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin :649-666

Reitter E. 1913
Ubersicht der paläarktischen Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Tropinota Muls.
Entomologische Blätter 9:224-227

Reitter E. 1913
Übersicht der Proagopertha-Arten (Col. Rutelidae)
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 32:212

Reitter E. 1914
Hoplia Peroni Blanch. v. aulicoides nov.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 33:38

Reitter E. 1916
Strittige Gattungen in Brenskes "Serica-Arten der Erde"
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 35:40-43

Reitter E. 1918
Eine neue Lamellicornien-Gattung aus Sizilien
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 37:77-78

Reitter E. 1918
Einige neue Coleopteren aus Albanien
Entomologische Blätter 14(1-2):42-45

Reitter E. 1919
Coleopterologische Notizen. Triodontella n.n. für Triodonta Muls. 1842
Entomologische Blätter, Nürnberg 15:220-221

Remillet M. 1973
Bionomie et écologie de Heteroligus meles Billberg (Coléoptère Dynastinae), un ravageur des Dioscoreaceae en Côte d'Ivoire
Cahiers ORSTOM, série Biologie 18:45-56

Ren D., Zhu H. & Lu Y. 1995
New Discovery of Early Cretaceous Fossil Insects from Chifeng City , Inner Mongolia
Acta Geoscientia Sinica 4:432-439

Ren G-D. 2003
Taxonomic studies of the family Trogidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) from China
Entomotaxonomia 25(2):109-117

Ren G-D. & Lin H. 2003
Advance in taxonomic research of the Trogidae
Entomological Knowledge 40(6):505-508

Ren G-D., Bai X-L. & Bai L. 2019
Fauna of the Beetles from Ningxia, China (Scarabaeoidea)
Publishing House of Electronics Industry :153-209, 642-651

Ren G-D., Guo S.B. & Zhang F. 2013
Fauna of Insects from Xiaowutai Mountain
Hebei University Press, Baoding :1-738 (151-250)

Renneson J-L., Drumont A., Grotz R. & Dekoninck W. 2012
A propos de Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (Herbst, 1782) en Belgique et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Lambillionea 112(3):263-279

Restrepo-Giraldo H., Morón M.A., Vallejo F., Pardo-Locarno L.C. & López-Avila A. 2003
Catálogo de Coleoptera: Melolonthidae (Scarabaeidae Pleurosticti) de Colombia
Folia entomológica mexicana 42(2):239-263

Rey A. 1986
Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, Genova 118:118-119

Rey A. 1992
Ricerche Faunistiche e Tassonomiche sui Coleotteri Scarabaeoidea Floricoli della Liguria
Tesi di Laurea, Universita degli Studi di Genova :1-141

Rey A. 1994
Miltotrogus kerimi, nuova specie dell'Iran (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, Genova 125(3):242-244

Rey A. 1999
Una nuova specie di Triodonta della Turchia sud-occidentale (Coleoptera Melolonthidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, Genova 131(2):121-124

Rey A. 1999
Note su alcuni Scarabaeoidei floricoli di Grecia e Turchia con descrizione di una nuova specie di Melolontha (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Fragmenta entomologica 31(1):89-116

Rey A. & López-Colón J.I. 2003
Propuesta de un nuevo nombre: Rudolfpetrovitzia Rey & López-Colón nom. nov., que actuará como nombre de reemplazo y sustituirá al nombre preocupado Petrovitzia López-Colón, 1996
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 33:138-139

Rey A. & Uliana M. 2011
Notes on Hoplia laconiae Petrovitz, a poorly known species from Greece, and related taxa (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae)
Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 62:47-54

Rey C. 1890
Remarques en passant
L'Echange. Lyon 6:163-164

Rey C. 1890
Remarques en passant
L'Echange. Lyon 6:171-172

Rey del L. & Lobo J.M. 2006
Distribución observada y potencial del género Acrossus Mulsant, 1842 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae) en la Península Ibérica
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 39:285-291

Rey-Muñiz X.L. 2015
Primeiro rexistro de Aphodius scrutator (Herbst, 1789) (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae) en Galicia (Noroeste da Península Ibérica)
Braña, Boletín Científico da Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural, Ferrol 13:1-4

Reyes A., Hernández B., Solis A. & Maes J-M. 2014
Cantharolethrus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) nuevo reporte para la fauna de Nicaragua
Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 77:2-6

Reyes N.E. & Morón M.A. 2005
Fauna de Coleoptera Melolonthidae y Passalidae de Tzucacab y Conkal, Yucatán, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 21(2):15-49

Reyes-Castillo P. 1970
A new species of Neotropical Passalidae (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G.Frey 21:3-12

Reyes-Castillo P. 1970
Coleoptera, Passalidae: Morfología y división en grandes grupos; géneros americanos
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico (20-22):1-240

Reyes-Castillo P. 1973
Passalidae de la Guayana Francesa (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Bulletin du Muséum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle 3e ser., Zool. 129:1541-1587

Reyes-Castillo P. 1974
Prosoclitus Bates a synonym of Pseudacanthus Kaup (Coleoptera, Passalidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 28(4):208

Reyes-Castillo P. 1975
El comportamiento social de los Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lemellicornia)
Folia entomológica mexicana 33:74-75

Reyes-Castillo P. 1975
Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. Coleoptera: Fam. Passalidae
Entomologica Basiliensia 1:211-213

Reyes-Castillo P. 1977
Systematic Interpretation of the Oligocene Fossil, Passalus indormitus (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 70(5):652-654

Reyes-Castillo P. 1978
Revision monografica del Género Spurius Kaup (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Studia Entomologica Rio de Janeiro 20(1-4):269-290

Reyes-Castillo P. 1982
Analisis zoogeografico de los Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia) en la zona de Transicion Mexicana
Zoologia Neotropical: Actas del VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Zoologia 2:1387-1397

Reyes-Castillo P. 1984
Analisis zoogeografico de los Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia) en Mexico
Memoria de los simposia nacionales de Parasitologia forestal II y III:292-303

Reyes-Castillo P. 1988
Coleoptera Passalidae de la estación de biología Chamela, Jalisco, México
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 77:517-518

Reyes-Castillo P. 2000
Coleoptera Passalidae de México
Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.) Monografías 3ercer Milenio M3M 1:171-182

Reyes-Castillo P. 2011
Las especies mexicanas de Heliscus Zang, 1906 (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Dugesiana 17(2):193-196

Reyes-Castillo P. 2012
Los Pasálidos de Los Ídolos Misantla, Veracruz
In Vasquez Zarate S.R., Ruiz Gordillo J.O. & Sanchez y Gandara A., (eds.) Los Idolos, Misantla: Biodiversidad y cultura ancestral:83-88

Reyes-Castillo P. & Amat-Garcia G.D. 1991
Notas sobre la taxonomia y distribución de Passalidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) en Colombia y descripción de una nueva especie
Caldasia 16:501-508

Reyes-Castillo P. & Amat-Garcia G.D. 2003
Passalidae (Coleoptera) de Colombia
Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.) Monografías 3ercer Milenio M3M 3:35-50

Reyes-Castillo P. & Castillo C. 1986
Nuevas especies de Coleoptera Passalidae de la zona de Transicion Mexicana
Anales del Instituto de Biologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 56:141-153

Reyes-Castillo P. & Castillo C. 1986
Nota sobre los Passalidae de las Islas Andaman, India (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia)
Bollettino del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona 13:19-23

Reyes-Castillo P. & Castillo C. 1992
Bess beetles of Panama (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia: Passalidae)
In Quintero D. & A. Aiello, (eds.) Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica :356-371 Oxford University Press, Oxford

Reyes-Castillo P. & Castillo C. 1993
Coleópteros Pasálidos
Luna Vega I. & Llorente Bousquets J., Historia natural del parque ecológico Omiltemi Chilpancingo Guerrero México :1-588 (289-305)

Reyes-Castillo P. & Chamé-Vázquez E.R. 2014
A new Mexican species of Pseudacanthus Kaup (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Dugesiana 21(2):175-178

Reyes-Castillo P. & Da Fonseca C.R.V. 1992
Contribución al conocimiento de Paxillus MacLeay, con la descripción de una nueva especie Amazonica (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Folia entomológica mexicana 84:15-33

Reyes-Castillo P. & Da Fonseca C.R.V. 1997
Paxillus MacLeay (Coleoptera: Passalidae): notas nomenclatoriales y descripción de una especie nueva
Folia entomológica mexicana 101:73-78

Reyes-Castillo P. & Halffter G. 1983
La structure sociale chez les Passalidae (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 88(7-8):619-635

Reyes-Castillo P. & Halffter G. 1984
La estructura social de los Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia)
Folia entomológica mexicana 61:49-72

Reyes-Castillo P. & Hendrichs J. 1975
Pseudoscorpiones asociados con pasálidos
Acta Politécnica Mexicana 16(72):129-133

Reyes-Castillo P. & Ibanez-Bernal S. 2008
Nueva especie de Passalus Fabricius, 1792 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Passalidae)
Dugesiana 15(2):127-130

Reyes-Castillo P. & Jarman M. 1980
Some notes on larval stridulation in neotropical Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 34(3):263-270

Reyes-Castillo P. & Jarman M. 1983
Disturbance sounds of adult Passalid beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae): structural and functional aspects
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 76(1):6-22

Reyes-Castillo P. & Jarman M. 1989
Some aspects of egg eclosion in Passalid beetles (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia, Passalidae)
Elytron 3:157-162

Reyes-Castillo P. & Jiménez-Ferbans L. 2016
Aulacocyclus yorkensis a new species of Passalidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) from Australia, with a key to the identification of Australian species of the genus
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60:211-213

Reyes P.C. & Martinez A. 1979
Nuevos Rhyparini neotropicales, con notas sobre su biologia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 41:115-133

Reyes-Castillo P. & Pardo-Locarno L.C. 1995
Hallazgo de una nueva especie de Pseudoarrox en Colombia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Passalidae)
Cespedesia 66(20):107-114

Reyes-Castillo P. & Pardo-Locarno L.C. 1996
Una nueva especie de Petrejoides Kuwert (Coleoptera Passalidae) del Choco biogeográfico e inquietudes sobre prioridades investigativas
Cespedesia 21(68):195-202

Reyes-Castillo P. & Quintero G. 1977
The species of Oileus Kaup and their distribution (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 37:31-41

Reyes-Castillo P. & Ritcher P.O. 1973
Ovariole number in Passalidae (Coleoptera)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 75(4):478-479

Reyes-Castillo P. & Schuster J.C. 1983
Notes on some Mesoamerican Passalidae (Coleoptera): Petrejoides and Pseudacanthus
The Coleopterists Bulletin 37(1):49-54

Reyes-Castillo P., Asiain J. & Márquez J. 2015
Nueva especie mexicana de Heliscus Zang, 1906 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Passalidae)
Dugesiana 22(1):209-214

Reyes-Castillo P., Da Fonseca C.R.V. & Castillo C. 1987
Descripción de un nuevo género mesoamericano de Passalidae (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia)
Folia entomológica mexicana. Mexico 73:47-67

Reyes-Castillo P., Martinez M.I. & Castillo M.L. 2003
Biological notes on Mexican (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Lucanus (Pseudolucanus) mazama (LeConte)
Entomolocial News 114(3):138-146

Reyes-Castillo P., Navarrete-Heredia J.L. & Gutiérrez-Velázquez A.L. 2018
Passalidae (Coleoptera) del Occidente de Jalisco, México
Dugesiana 25(1):3-9

Reyes-Hernández J.L. & Navarrete-Heredia J.L. 2019
Species Assemblage of Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Trogidae) in Three Habitats in the Northeastern Region of Aguascalientes, Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin 73(3):646-654

Reymond, A. 1933
Note sur deux Scarabæidæ caractéristique récoltés en Mongolie Intérieure, au cours de la Mission Citroen Centre Asie
Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (2)5:209-211

Reymond A. 1935
Note sur les Scarabeides Coprophages récoltés au cours de la mission Citroën-Centre-Asie
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 40(8):125-128

Reynolds C. & Byrne M.J. 2013
Alternate Reproductive Tactics in an African Dung Beetle, Circellium bacchus (Scarabeidae)
Journal of Insect Behavior 26(3):440-452

Rezaei S. 2015
Ankara İli Melolonthinae ve Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Altfamilyaları Üzerinde Sistematik Çalışmalar
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Thesis Ankara :1-69

Ribeiro J.M., Da Fonseca C.R.V. 2019
A new Paxillus Macleay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Passalinae) from Brazilian Amazon
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (Nueva Serie) 35:1-6

Ricchiardi E. 1992
On the Valginae genus Heterovalgus with description of three new species (Coleoptera Cetonidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 124(2):115-120

Ricchiardi E. 1993
Les Trichiinae de Thailande, avec description de trois espèces nouvelles (Coleoptera Cetonidae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 77:5-9

Ricchiardi E. 1994
Revision of the valginae from Himalaya (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 26(1):165-177

Ricchiardi E. 1995
Notes on the genus Oreovalgus Kolbe (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae: Valgini)
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest 41(1):11-14

Ricchiardi E. 1995
Note su alcuni Valgini della regione Orientale con descrizione di una nuova specie (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae et Valginae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 127(2):117-121

Ricchiardi E. 1995
Notes on Valginae from Sulawesi (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniidae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 26(2):353-362

Ricchiardi E. 1996
Notes on Philippines Dasyvalgus (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Valginae, Valgini)
Bollettino del Museo regionale di Scienze naturali. Torino 14(2):365-377

Ricchiardi E. 1997
Notes on South African Trichiini. On the genus Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840, with description of three new species (Coleoptera; Cetoniidae: Trichiinae)
Elytron 11:121-132

Ricchiardi E. 1998
Notes on the genus Dasyvalgus Kolbe, with description of two new species (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Valginae)
Mitteilungen der Museum Naturkunde Berlin. Zoologische Reihe 74(2):243-247

Ricchiardi E. 1998
Notes for the revision of the genus Stripsipher Gory & Percheron, 1833, with descriptions of four new species (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Trichiinae, Trichiini)
Mitteilungen der munchner entomologischen Gesellschaft. Munchen 88:45-64

Ricchiardi E. 2000
Revisione tassonomica del genere Oreoderus Burmeister, 1842, con descrizione di undici nuove specie (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Valginae)
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 93:507-557

Ricchiardi E. 2000
Camapterus, a new brachypterous Trichiini genus from South Africa (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae: Trichiinae)
Elytron 14:201-206

Ricchiardi E. 2001
Notes (I) for the revision of the genus Calometopus Blanchard, 1850, with descriptions of six new species (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)
Elytron 15:129-144

Ricchiardi E. 2002
Notes on the genus Coelocratus Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Cetoniimania 2(1):3-7

Ricchiardi E. 2003
Description of a new species of the genus Trigonopeltastes from South America (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 134(3):233-240

Ricchiardi E. 2011
Description of a new Calometopus (Blanchard, 1850) from Kivu (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Entomologia Africana 16(1):15-17

Ricchiardi E. 2012
Notes on the Himalayan Valginae with description of a new genus (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Hartmann M, Weipert A., editors. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. Band 3. Erfurt: Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. IV :323-328

Ricchiardi E. 2013
Description of eight new species of Dasyvalgus and notes on other Valgina (Coleoptera Cetoniinae Valgina)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 145(3):129-139

Ricchiardi E. 2015
Trichiomorphus Bourgoin, 1919 as synonym of Calometopus Blanchard, 1850, with description of a new species and redefinition of the genus (Coleoptera, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania 8:61-76

Ricchiardi E. 2015
Description of a new monospecific genus of South African Trichiina, with a key to the related genera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
European Journal of Taxonomy 159:1–6

Ricchiardi E. 2017
A new species of the genus Indotrichius Krikken, 2009 from Southern Vietnam (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 49(1):33-36

Ricchiardi E. 2017
Description of a new species of Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840 from Swaziland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidae, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania NS 12:13-17

Ricchiardi E. 2018
Description of three new Paratrichius Janson, 1881, from Indochinese peninsula (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 50(1):1-6

Ricchiardi E. 2018
Notes on genus Epitrichius Tagawa, 1941 in Vietnam, with description of a new species and a new synonym (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 50(2):131-136

Ricchiardi E. 2018
Description of a new Paratrichius Janson, 1881 from Nepal (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Hartmann M., Barclay M.V.L.& Weipert J. Biodiversitat und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VI :389-392

Ricchiardi E. 2019
Revision of Tanzanian Calometopus Blanchard, 1850, with description of two new species(Coleoptera, Cetoniinae, Trichiina)
Cetoniimania NS 14:7-21

Ricchiardi E. 2020
Description of eight new Paratrichius Janson, 1881 from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 52(2):321-339

Ricchiardi, E. 2024
Provisional revision of the genus Paratrichius Janson, 1881 inhabiting Myanmar, with a description of a new species and new records (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Hartmann M., Barclay M.V.L.& Weipert J. Biodiversitat und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VIII:383-393

Ricchiardi E. & Gill B.D. 2009
Preliminary notes for the revision of the African genus Myodermum, with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 141(3):147-154

Ricchiardi E. & Li S. 2015
Annotated checklist of Chinese mainland Dasyvalgus, with description of nine new species (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 147(3):113-133

Ricchiardi E. & Li, S. 2017
Revision of Chinese mainland Hybovalgus Kolbe, 1904, with description of a new species, and Excisivalgus Endrödi, 1952 reduced to synonymy with Hybovalgus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
European Journal of Taxonomy 340:1-32

Ricchiardi E. & Perissinotto R. 2013
Description and ecology of a new species of Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini), from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Zootaxa 3630(2):379-384

Ricchiardi E. & Perissinotto R. 2014
New species of Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini) from South Africa
ZooKeys 422:101-113

Ricchiardi E., Bai M. & Li S. 2019
Description of three new species of Paratrichius Janson, 1881 from China and revision of the distribution range of Paratrichius rubrodecoratus (Tesař, 1952) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini)
Zootaxa 4700(3):345-355

Ricchiardi, E., Lu, Y., Li, S. & Bai, M. 2022
Notes on Paratrichius Janson, 1881 inhabiting Hainan Island, with description of a new species and the definition of two new junior synonyms (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta Entomologica 54(1):133-142

Ricchiardi E., Perissinotto R. & Clennell L. 1999
Description of three new species and the brachypterous females of the genus Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840 (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae: Trichiinae)
Elytron 13:133-147

Ricchiardi E., Perissinotto R. & Clennell L. 2004
Parapeltastes, a new subgenus of Eriopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840 from South Africa (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Trichiinae)
Lambillionea 104(2):223-229

Ricchiardi E., Perissinotto R. & Clennell L. 2008
Taxonomic revision of the South African genus Stripsipher, with description of four new species (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana. Genova 140(3):155-178

Ricchiardi E., Perissinotto R. & Clennell L. 2017
Breviclypeus, a new South African Trichiina genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Fragmenta entomologica 49(2):125-132

Ricchiardi, E., Rojkoff, S. & Flutsch, G. 2023
Revision of Afrotropical genus Calometopidius Bourgoin, 1917, with a description of a new species and a new combination (Coleoptera, Cetoniinae, Trichiina)
Cetoniimania NS 17:8-15

Richards A.M. 1959
Revision of the genus Saprosites Redtenbacher, 1858 (Coleoptera: Aphodiinae) in New Zealand
Transactions of the royal Sociey of New Zealand. Dunedin 87:35-50

Richards K. & Spencer C.P. 2014
Descriptions and key to the larvae of the Tasmanian endemic genus Hoplogonus Parry (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), and comparison with the sympatric Lissotes rudis Lea
Zootaxa 3884(4):347-359

Richards K. & Spencer C.P. 2018
Aspects of the biology and habits of the broad-toothed stag beetle, Lissotes latidens (Westwood 1871) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) an endemic Tasmanian species
The Tasmanian Naturalist 140:98-106

Richter A.A. 1944
On the Dung Beetle Liatongus festivus Stev. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Doklady Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR. Erevan 1(4):9-14

Richter A.A. 1944
On the Larva of Amphimallon caucasicum Gyll. (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Doklady Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR. Erevan 2(1):27-30

Richter P. 1890
Agestrata lata n.sp.
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 35:138

Ridsdill-Smith T.J. & Hall G.P. & Weir T.A. 1989
A field guide to the dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) common in pastures in South-western Australia
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 71(2-3):49-58

Ries A.C.R., Silva V.C., da Silva P.G., Blochtein B. & Thyssen P.J. 2016
Record of Ataenius picinus Harold, 1868 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) associated with exposed carcasses in Southern Brazil
Entomotropica 31(6):48-53

Riggio G. 1882
Sull'Oryctes grypus Ill. lettera al signor Enrico Ragusa
Il Naturalista Siciliano 2:16-17

Rigout J. 1977
Determination des Pachnoda (Coléoptères Scarabaeidae Cetoninae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 16:6-16

Rigout J. 1978
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Pachnoda et note synonymique sur une sous espèce (Col. Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 17:2-3

Rigout J. 1978
Belles Cetoines
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 20:9-13

Rigout J. 1979
Note sur quelques Pachnoda du Sud-Est Rwanda
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 21:10-12

Rigout J. 1979
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Pachnoda de la Côte d'Ivoire (Col. Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 24:2-3

Rigout J. 1980
Revision des Pachnoda des groupes Postmedia Moser et Postica Gory & Percheron (Coléoptères Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 26:14-21

Rigout J. 1981
Belles Cetoines(2e article)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 31:18-21

Rigout J. 1981
Les Pachnoda du groupe Ephippiata Gerstaecker
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 29-30:51-54

Rigout J. 1982
La determination des Pachnoda (2e article) (Col. Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 36:8-12

Rigout J. 1982
Synonymies dans le genre Pachnoda (Col. Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Miscellanea Entomologica 49:11-12

Rigout J. 1982
Les petites Pachnoda vert et jaune (Col. Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 35:1-6

Rigout J. 1984
Pachnoda nouveau (Col. Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)x
Miscellanea Entomologica 50:65-67

Rigout J. 1984
Le genre Pachnoda note synonymique et description d'insectes nouveaux (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 43:1-3

Rigout J. 1984
Note pour servir a l'elaboration d'un catalogue du genre Pachnoda (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 44:11-15

Rigout J. 1985
Note sur quelques espèces du genre Pachnoda (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 47:25-26

Rigout J. 1985
Note sur les Pachnoda (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 46:3-6

Rigout J. 1986
Les Pachnoda du groupe Inscripta (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 50:1-2

Rigout J. 1987
Description d'une nouvelle espèce et de trois nouvelles sous espèces de Pachnoda et note sur P. aemula Bourgoin et P. arborescens Vigors (Coleoptera Cetoniidae Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 53:27-28

Rigout J. 1989
Un Pachnoda nouveau de l'Uganda (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 64:18

Rigout J. 1989
Cetoniini 1: Pachnoda - Pachnodella - Dischista - Paleopragma - Psacadoptera
Les Coléoptères du monde. Sciences Nat. Venette 9:1-135

Rigout J. 1994
Nouveau nom de genre de cétoines australiennes
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 82:39

Rigout J. 1995
Un nouveau Pachnoda du Mali (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat Compiegne 83:8

Rigout J. & Allard V. 1992
Cetoniini 2: Pachnoda (2) - Paleopragma (2) - Psacadoptera (2)
Les Coléoptères du monde. Sciences Nat. Venette 12:1-100

Rigout J. & Allard V. 1997
Schizorhini 3
Les Coléoptères du monde. Sciences Nat. Hillside Books, Canterbury 25:1-128

Riley E.G. & Wolfe C.S. 1995
A review of the Phyllophaga ignava species group with descriptions of two new species from Texas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Melolonthinae)
Journal of the New York entomological Society. New York 103(4):421-434

Riley E.G. & Wolfe C.S. 2003
An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea of Texas (Coleoptera)
Southwestern Entomologist Supplement 26:1-37

Ringenbach J. C. & Le Thuaut P. 2005
Contribution a la connaissance de la distribution des Cetoniidae de Libye (1ere partie)
Cetoniimania 2 (2):51-59

Rink M. 2002
Käferfunde (Coleoptera) im Pündericher Sternenwald an der Mosel
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen 12(2):39-44

Rios J.C. & Salazar J.A.E. 2005
Coléoptera (IV) Sobre algunas localidades Colombianas para conocer y estudiar a Cantharolethrus luxerii (Buquet); Sphaenognathus hemiphanestus (Delisle) & Sph.faisthameli (Guérin-Ménéville) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Boletin Cientifico Museo de Historia Natural 9:167-177

Rios S.D., Garcete-Barrett B.R. & Aguilar Julio C.A. 2019
A melanic form of Homothermon praemorsus (Burmeister) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Paraguay
Revista Chilena de Entomología 45(4):629-632

Riou, B. 1999
Descriptions de quelques insectes fossiles du Miocène supérieur de la Montagne d'Andance (Ardèche, France)
École Pratique des Hautes Études, Biologie et Evolution des Insectes 11/12:123–133

Ritcher P.O. 1937
A new species of Phyllophaga (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Kentucky
Entomological News 48(10):285-287

Ritcher P.O. 1945
North American Cetoniinae with descriptions of larvae and keys to genera and species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station University of Kentucky Lexington Bulletin 476:1-39

Ritcher P.O. 1945
Notes on Phyllophaga barda (Horn) with a description of the larva (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 47(4):97-99

Ritcher, P.O. 1947
Description of the larva of Pleocoma hirticollis vandykei Linsley (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 23(1):11-20

Ritcher P.O. 1948
Descriptions of the Larvae of Some Ruteline Beetles with Keys to Tribes and Species (Scarabaeidae)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 41(2):206-212

Ritcher P.O. 1958
Biology of Scarabaeidae
Annual Review of Entomology 3:311-334

Ritcher, P.O. 1962
Notes on Phyllophaga sociata (Horn) with a description of the larva (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 38(3):163-166

Ritcher P.O. 1966
White grubs and their allies. A study of North American Scarabaeoide larvae (Studies in Entomology number four)
Oregon State University Press. Corvallis 4:1-219

Ritcher, P.O. 1966
Oregon Diplotaxis with descriptions of the larvae of four common species and notes on biology (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 42(4):274-282

Ritcher P.O. 1967
Keys for identifying larvae of Scarabaeoidea to the family and subfamily (Coleoptera)
California Department of Agriculture, Occaisional Papers 10:1-8

Ritcher P.O. 1969
Spiracles of adult Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) and their phylogenetic significance. I. The abdominal spiracles
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 62(4):869-880

Ritcher P.O. 1969
Spiracles of adult Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) and their phylogenetic significance. II. Thoracic Spiracles and Adjacent Sclerites
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 62(6):1388-1398

Ritcher, P.O. 1971
A description of the larva of Ceratophyus gopherinus Cartwright with a revised key to the larvae of North American Geotrupini and notes on the biology (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 47(2):158-163

Ritcher P.O., Chamberlin T.R. & Seaton L. 1936
Additional collection records for Phyllophaga spreta (Horn) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 38:185-186

Ritsema C. 1879
On two new species of the genus Ischiopsopha Gestro
Notes from the Leyden Museum 1:185-187

Ritsema C. 1879
On a new species of Cetonide, Glycyphana rugipennis, from Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum 1:153-154

Ritsema C. 1879
On the new Cetoniidae collected during the recent scientific Sumatra-Expedition
Notes from the Leyden Museum 1:233-241

Ritsema C. 1879
On a new species of Lucanide, Nigidius Lichtensteinii, from Celebes
Notes from the Leyden Museum 1:129-130

Ritsema C. 1879
On a new species of the Lucanoid genus Figulus from the Malayan Archipelago
Notes from the Leyden Museum 1:189-191

Ritsema C. 1880
Description of a new species of the Lucanoid genus Figulus
Notes from the Leyden Museum 2:217-219

Ritsema C. 1880
On two new species of the genus Lomaptera from the Timor group
Notes from the Leyden Museum 2:241-245

Ritsema C. 1881
On a new species of Cetonide from the Aru Islands
Notes from the Leyden Museum 3:1-4

Ritsema C. 1881
Synonymical remarks about certain Coleoptera and a heterocerous lepidopteron
Notes from the Leyden Museum 3:82-84

Ritsema C. 1881
Description of a new species of the Dynastid genus Trichogomphus, Burm.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 3:158-160

Ritsema C. 1882
Two new species of Lucanoid Coleoptera from Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum 4:163-166

Ritsema C. 1882
Two new species of the Dynastid genus Dichodontus Burm.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 4:167-170

Ritsema C. 1882
On an undescribed Cetoniid belonging to the genus Chalcothea Burm.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 4:171-172

Ritsema C. 1882
A new genus of the Cetonid group Macronotidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 4:173-174

Ritsema C. 1882
Passalini. Veth P.J.: Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expeditie, uitgerust door het aardrijkskundig genootschap 1877-1879, beschreven door de leden der expeditie, onder toezicht van Prof.P.J.Veth. Vierde deel. Natuurlijke Historie. Eerste gedeelte. Fauna. Zesde afdeeling. Coleoptera
E.J.Brill, Leiden :23-24

Ritsema, C. 1882
Cetonini. Veth P.J.: Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expeditie, uitgerust door het aardrijkskundig genootschap 1877-1879, beschreven door de leden der expeditie, onder toezicht van Prof.P.J.Veth. Vierde deel. Natuurlijke Historie. Eerste gedeelte. Fauna. Zesde afdeeling. Coleoptera
E.J.Brill, Leiden :44-50

Ritsema C. 1884
Four new species of Malayan Cetoniidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 6:1-6

Ritsema C. 1885
Synonymical remarks on Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 7:16

Ritsema C. 1885
Four new species of exotic Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 7:39-46

Ritsema C. 1885
Remarks on Hymenoptera and Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 7:54

Ritsema C. 1885
Three new species of exotic Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 7:123-127

Ritsema C. 1887
On a few Coleoptera from the island of Riouw
Notes from the Leyden Museum 9:213-216

Ritsema C. 1888
Lijst der entomologische Geschriften van Mr.J.W.van Lansberge, gevolgd door eenen opgawe der daarin beschreven nieuwe geslachten, ondergeslachten en soorten
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 31:201-234

Ritsema C. 1889
Description of a Sumatran species of the Lucanoid genus Nigidius
Notes from the Leyden Museum 11:1-2

Ritsema C. 1889
On Aegus capitatus, Westw.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 11:229-232

Ritsema C. 1889
The species of Lucanoid Coleoptera hitherto known as inhabitating the island of Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum 11:233-236

Ritsema C. 1889
On some sumatran Coleoptera with description of a new genus and species of longicorn
Notes from the Leyden Museum 11:241-246

Ritsema C. 1890
Contributions towards the knowledge of the coleopterous fauna of west Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum 12:29-33

Ritsema C. 1890
On Lucanus elaphus Herbst
Notes from the Leyden Museum 12:28

Ritsema C. 1891
Two new species of the lucanoid genus Cyclommatus Parry
Notes from the Leyden Museum 13:233-238

Ritsema C. 1891
Alphabetische naamlijst der beschreven soorten van het Melolonthiden genus Apogonia
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 34:93-97 (xciii-xcvii)

Ritsema C. 1892
Description of a new species of the Lucanoid genus Cyclommatus, and list of the described species
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:1-6

Ritsema C. 1892
A new Lucanoid beetle from Java
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:31-32

Ritsema C. 1892
Cyclommatus squamosus, a new species of Lucanid from Borneo
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:45-48

Ritsema C. 1892
The species of Lucanidae hitherto know as inhabiting the island of Java
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:139-142

Ritsema C. 1892
Additions and corrections to the list of Sumatran Lucanidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:143-144

Ritsema C. 1892
Prosopocoelus tarsalis, a new Lucanid
Notes from the Leyden Museum 14:191-192

Ritsema C. 1893
Note XIII. Explanation of plate 2
Notes from the Leyden Museum 15:128

Ritsema C. 1893
Description of a new species of the Cetonid genus Thaumastopeus, Kraatz
Notes from the Leyden Museum 15:141-143

Ritsema C. 1893
A new species of the Rutelid genus Spilota
Notes from the Leyden Museum 15:171-173

Ritsema C. 1894
Note IV. On Cyclommatus squamosus Rits.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 16:110

Ritsema C. 1896
Zoological results of the Dutch Scientific Expedition to Central Borneo. The Lucanoid Coleoptera of the Dutch Scientific Borneo-Expedition, with description of a new species
Notes from the Leyden Museum 17:133-140

Ritsema C. 1896
The species of Lucanoid Coleoptera hitherto known as inhabiting the island of Borneo
Notes from the Leyden Museum 17:141-144

Ritsema C. 1896
Note XXX. A new species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 17:207-208

Ritsema C. 1896
Note V. Zoological results of the Dutch Scientific Expedition to central Borneo
Notes from the Leyden Museum 18:25-32

Ritsema C. 1896
On an undescribed Malaisian species of Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 18:53-54

Ritsema C. 1896
Supplementary list of the described species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 18:55-57

Ritsema C. 1896
Synonymical remarks on Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 18:130

Ritsema C. 1897
Note VII. Six new species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:117-124

Ritsema C. 1897
Note XI. Apogonia tuberculiventris, n.sp. from North Borneo
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:131-132

Ritsema C. 1897
Two new species of Lucanoid Coleoptera
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:185-188

Ritsema C. 1897
On Sumatran Lucanidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 19:234

Ritsema C. 1898
On the pupa of Allotopus resenbergii (Voll.)
Notes from the Leyden Museum 20:162

Ritsema C. 1898
Descriptions of two sumatran species of the lucanoid genus Cyclommatus in the Genoa Civic Museum
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 39:620-624

Ritsema C. 1898
Note III. Three new species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 20:29-32

Ritsema C. 1901
Two new Malayan Lucanidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 22:189-192

Ritsema C. 1902
A new species of the Lucanoid genus Cardanus
Notes from the Leyden Museum 23:229-230

Ritsema C. 1904
Note V. Four new species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia from Borneo
Notes from the Leyden Museum 25:103-109

Ritsema C. 1904
Note VII. Second supplementary list of the described species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 25:111-116

Ritsema C. 1912
Third supplementary list of the described Apogonia-species, with an alternation in nomenclature
Notes from the Leyden Museum 34:128

Ritsema C. 1912
A Cladognathid with five pubescent leaflets in the clava of the antennae (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Notes from the Leyden Museum 34:183-184

Ritsema C. 1913
Note XII. Description of a new African species of the Melolonthid genus Apogonia
Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:159-160

Ritsema C. 1913
Note XVI. Apogonia burmanica n.sp.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:176

Ritsema C. 1913
Fauna simalurensis. Coleoptera, fam.Lucanidae
Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:177-180

Ritsema C. 1913
Note XXI. Apogonia basiventris n.sp.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:200

Ritsema C. 1913
Fauna simalurensis. Coleoptera, fam.Lucanidae (Supplement)
Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:207-208

Ritsema C. 1914
Apogonia loizeaui, n.sp.
Notes from the Leyden Museum 36:163-164

Rittner O. 2011
A revised checklist of the genus Scarabaeus Linnaeus 1758 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) occurring in Israel with a first record of Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) irakensis Stolfa
Animma.X 40:1-4

Rittner O. 2016
The first record of Polyphylla olivieri (Laporte de Castelanu, 1840) (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from Lebanon
Israel Journal of Entomology 46:77-78

Rittner O. 2016
Synopsis of the Melolonthini (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) of Israel, with a first description of the female of Anoxia (Protanoxia) laevimacula Petrovitz, 1973
Israel Journal of Entomology 46:99-108

Rittner O. & Sabatinelli G. 2010
The genus Oxythyrea Mulsant in Israel (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Cetoniini)
Israel Journal of Entomology 40:11-19

Rivera C. & Wolff M. 2007
Digitonthophagus gazella (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): distribución en América y dos nuevos registros para Colombia
Revista Colombiana de Entomología 33(2):190-192

Rivera-Cervantes L.E. & Garcia-Real E. 2008
Primeros registros de Rutelisca flohri Bates, 1888 y Gymnetina cretacea (LeConte, 1863) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) para Jalisco y Colima, México
Dugesiana 15(1):41-42

Rivera-Cervantes L.E. & Garcia-Real E. 2008
Gymnetosoma stellata (Latreille, 1833) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Cetoniinae)
Dugesiana 15(1):43-44

Rivera-Cervantes L.E. & Garcia-Real E. 2015
First record of Onthotrupes herbeus (Jekel, 1865) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) for Jalisco, Mexico
Dugesiana 22(1):267-269

Rivera-Cervantes L.E. & Halffter G. 1999
Monografia de las especies Mexicanas de Canthon del subgénero Glaphyrocanthon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeiidae: Scarabaeinae)
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (N.S.)77:23-150

Rivera-Cervantes L.E., Garcia-Real E., Morón M.A., Ramirez-Villeda R. & Favela-Garcia F. 2014
Primer registro de distribución de Rhyparus costaricensis Cartwright & Woodruf, 1969 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) para Jalisco, México
Dugesiana 21(1):67-68

Rivera Duarte J.D. & Schlein O. 2014
Primer registro de Euoniticellus intermedius (Reiche, 1849) y Sulcophanaeus noctis cupricollis (Nevinson, 1891) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) para Honduras
Entomotropica 29(3):187-190

Rivera-Gasperin S.L. & Escobar-Hernández F. 2020
Especies de Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) del CICOLMA, Veracruz, México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 36:1-19

Rivera-Gasperin S.L. & Morón M.A. 2013
Análisis filogenético del subgénero Phyllophaga (Triodonyx) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae)
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 84(3):802-817

Rivera-Gasperin S.L. & Morón M.A. 2016
Stridulatory organs in Asian Holotrichia species (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae)
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 4(6):207-210

Rivera-Gasperin S.L. & Morón M.A. 2017
Phylogenetic Relationships within Phyllophaga Harris (sensu lato) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) with Emphasis on Listrochelus Blanchard
Neotropical Entomology 46(5):524-536

Rivera-Gasperin S.L. & Morón M.A. 2017
Relaciones filogenéticas de las especies de Chlaenobia con otros miembros de Phyllophaga s. lato (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae)
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 88(3):592-607

Rivera-Gasperin, S.L., Escobar-Hernández, F. & Favila, M.E. 2021
An update on the feeding preferences of the dung beetle Onthophagus moroni Zunino and Halffter (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from the Cuetzalan caves, Puebla, Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin 75(1):247-255

Rivera-Gasperin, S.L., Escobar-Hernández, F. & Halffter, G. 2022
Los Deltochilina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) un grupo indicador biogeográfico en el sureste de México
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 38:1-13

Rivers J.J. 1886
A new species of Californian Coleoptera
Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences 2:61-63

Rivers J.J. 1889
Change of name
Entomologica Americana 5:6

Rivers J.J. 1889
A New Pleocoma
Entomologica Americana 5:17-18

Rivers J.J. 1889
A new genus and species of N.A. Scarabaeidae
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) 1:100-102

Rivers J.J. 1891
New species of Scarabaeidae
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) 3:97-98

Rizzato, A., Corazza, C. & Pesarini, F. 2021
Prima segnalazione di Odonteus armiger (Scopoli, 1772) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) nel Bosco della Mesola (Delta del Po, Ferrara)
Quaderni del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 9:121-122

Rizzotto M. & Barbero E. 2016
Peeling dung pellets: an unrecorded behavior in the roller dung beetle Sisyphus schaefferi Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sisyphini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 70(4):819-821

Rizzotto, M. & Barbero, E. 2022
Dung ball splitting during combat: a rare behavior in the roller dung beetle Sisyphus schaefferi Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sisyphini)
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 16(67):495-496

Rizzotto, M., Negro, M. & Barbero, E. 2021
Some traits of the biology and epigean behavior of Sisyphus schaefferi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Sisyphini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 75(1):75-85

Rizzotto, M., Negro, M. & Barbero, E. 2023
Field Notes on the Consequences of Limb Damage and Loss in Sisyphus schaefferi (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Sisyphini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 77(2):196-199

Robacker, D.C., Hawks, D.C., Castillo, N. & Miranda, B. 2022
A new species of Chrysina Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico, with notes on the type locality of Chrysina adelaida (Hope, 1841)
Insecta Mundi 0955:1-14

Robacker D.C., Robacker K.M. & Warfield W.C. 2020
Validation of Chrysina valentini Zubov and Ivshin, 2019 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) by morphometric and cuticular reflectance analyses
Insecta Mundi 0820:1-5

Robertson J. 1970
A new species of Pleocoma from Southern California (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 46(2):106-111

Robinson M. 1937
A new Euphoria from Texas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 48:163

Robinson M. 1938
Studies in the Scarabaeidae I. (Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 64(2):107-115

Robinson M. 1939
A new species of Aphodius from New Jersey (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 50:24

Robinson M. 1940
Studies in the Scarabaeidae II. (Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 66(2):141-160

Robinson M. 1941
Studies in the Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) Parts I. and II
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 67(1-2):127-136

Robinson M. 1941
Notes on some rare Scarabaeidae with the description of one new species (Coleoptera)
Entomological News 52:227-232

Robinson M. 1941
A new species of Trox from Texas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News Philadelphia 52:134-135

Robinson M. 1946
Studies in the Scarabaeidae III. (Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 72(2):49-59

Robinson M. 1947
Notes on a few Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
Entomological News 58:149-151

Robinson M. 1947
A new species of Stenocrates from Central America
Entomological News 58:233-234

Robinson M. 1947
Two new species of Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73(3):169-171

Robinson M. 1948
A Review of species of the genus Canthon inhabiting the United States (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 74(2):83-100

Robinson M. 1948
A new species of Aphodius with notes on others (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News 59(5):113-117

Robinson M. 1948
A new species of Canthon with a key to the humectus group (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 74(3-4):155-158

Robinson M. 1948
Studies in the Scarabaeidae IV (Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 74(1):29-36

Robinson M. 1948
A new species of Canthon from Venezuela
Entomological News 59:37

Robinson M. 1948
A new species of Anaides from Peru (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
Entomological News 59:35-36

Robinson M. 1948
Two new species of neotropical Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
Entomological News 59:149-151

Robinson M. 1948
A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73(4):299-305

Robinson M. 1948
The genus Choeridium inhabiting the United States (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 74(1):37-40

Robinson M. 1948
A new genus of Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera)
Notulae Naturae 211:1-2

Robinson M. 1951
A new species of Uroxys from Peru (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomological News Lancaster 62:139-140

Robinson M. 2013
The Relative Abundance of Onthophagus Species in British Assemblages of Dung Beetles as Evidence for Holocene Climate Change
Environmental Archaeology 18(2):132-142

Robinson M. 2013
Holocene archaeological evidence of extinct and very rare British Scarabaeoidea
Environmental Archaeology 18(2):143-153

Roble S.M. & Hoffman R.L. 2011
Two Austral dung beetles new to the Virginia Fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Banisteria 37:30-33

Roble, S.M. & Hoffman, R.L. 2012
Phyllophaga longispina (Smith), A Northern May Beetle New to the Fauna of Virginia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Banisteria 40:75-77

Rod O. 2014
Dung beetle Euheptaulacus villosus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Czech Republic)
Acta rerum naturalium 17:89-90

Rod O. 2017
Interesting Records of Beetles (Coleoptera) around Ledeč nad Sázavou
Acta rerum naturalium 20:37-38

Rodrigues, D.F. & Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z. 2022
New country record of Blaesia subrugosa Moser, 1905 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini: Blaesiina) for Brazil
The Coleopterists Bulletin 76(1):110-111

Rodrigues, D.F., Grossi, P.C. & Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z. 2024
Synopsis of Brazilian Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniidae: Cetoniinae: Cetoniini) with description of a new species
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 68(3)(e20240057):1-8

Rodrigues, S.R. & Cocco, A.S. 2024
Antennal ultrastructure of three species of Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
EntomoBrasilis 17( e1079):1-8

Rodrigues S.R. & Puker A. 2013
Species of Geotrupidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Biota Neotropica 13(1):349-352

Rodrigues S.R., Aler de Lima Nogueira G. & Soares Gomes E. 2014
Biological Aspects of Liogenys bidenticeps Moser, 1919 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(2):235-238

Rodrigues S.R., Barbosa C.L., Abot A.R. & Ide S. 2012
Occurrence of adults and biological aspects of Geniates borelli Camerano (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Aquidauana, MS, Brazil
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 56(3):315-318

Rodrigues, S.R., Barbosa, C.L., Puker, A., Abot, A.R. & Ide, S. 2008
Occurrence, biology and behavior of Liogenys fuscus Blanchard (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 52(4):637-640

Rodrigues S.R., Ferreira Barbosa C.A., Fuhrmann J. & Amaro R.A. 2018
Mating behavior and description of immature stages of Cyclocephala melanocephala (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), identification key and remarks on known immatures of Cyclocephalini species
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 62(3):205-219

Rodrigues S.R., Fuhrmann J., & Amaro R.A. 2019
Aspects of mating behavior and antennal sensilla in Anomala inconstans Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
Biota Neotropica 19(3)e20180664:1-7

Rodrigues S.R., Fuhrmann J., Gomes E.S. & Amaro R.A. 2017
Description of immatures and mating behavior of Liogenys bidenticeps Moser, 1919 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae)
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 61(4):339-348

Rodrigues S.R., Garcia F.P., Falco J.S. & Morón M.A. 2016
Biology and description of immature stages of Gymnetis rufilateris (Illiger, 1800) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae: Cetoniinae
Biota Neotropica 16(3):e20140176

Rodrigues S.R., Gomes E.S., Morón M.A. & Fuhrmann J. 2017
Description of the Third Instar and pupa of Geniates borelli Camerano and Anomala testaceipennis Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(2):378-388

Rodrigues S.R., Morón M.A. & de Lima Nogueira G.A. 2012
Description of the Third Instar of Pelidnota fulva Blanchard, 1850 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(3):266-270

Rodrigues S.R., Morón M.A., Gomes E.S. & Bento J.M.S. 2016
Morphology of immature stages and mating behavior in Liogenys fusca (Blanchard) (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae)
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60(4):284-289

Rodrigues S.R., Nagase de Oliveira J.L., Bagnara C.A.C. & Puker A. 2013
Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) attracted to fruit-baited traps near Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
The Coleopterists Bulletin 67(2):119-122

Rodrigues Hickel, E. & Mendes de Haro, M. 2024
Flutuação populacional do cascudo-amarelo, Geniates barbatus Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), em pomar de goiabeira
Agropecuária Catarinense 37(2):62-66

Rodriguez B.A. 2012
Primera cita de Bolboceras armiger (Scopoli, 1772) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) para Galicia (N.O.Peninsula Ibérica)
Arquivos Entomolóxicos 7:113-114

Rodríguez W.D., Navarrete-Heredia J.L., Rodriguez-Macías R., Briceño-Félix G.A., Vásquez-Bolaños M. & Klimaszewski J. 2019
Diversity patterns of necrocolous beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Trogidae) in Agave tequilana Weber (Asparagaceae) fields of different ages
The Canadian Entomologist 151(5):585-599

Rodríguez W.D., Navarrete-Heredia J.L., Vásquez-Bolaños M., Rodriguez-Macías R., Briceño-Félix G.A., Coronado Blanco J.M. & Ruíz-Cancino E. 2019
Insects associated with the genus Agave spp. (Asparagaceae) in Mexico
Zootaxa 4612(4):451-493

Rodriguez-Arias D. & López-Colón J.I. 2002
Apuntes para una "Fauna Entomológica de Extremadura": Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea (nota I)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 31:103-109

Rodriguez-López M.E., Sánchez-Hernández G. & Gómez B. 2019
Escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en la reserva El Zapotal, Chiapas, México
Revista Peruana de Biologia 26(3):339-350

Rodríguez-Mirón, M., Moctezumla, V. & López-Pérez, S. 2023
New Distribution and Feeding Records for Onthophagus durangoensis Balthasar, 1939 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Onthophagini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 77(2):228-230

Rodríguez-Pulido, K., Gasca-Álvarez, H.J. & Alvarado, F. 2024
An Unusual Feeding Host for Hoplopyga liturata (Olivier, 1789) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 78(4):576-579

Roepke W. 1934
Centrognathus sumatranus n.sp. eine neue myrmekophile Cremastochiline (Coleopt., Cetoniidae) von Nord-Ost Sumatra
Miscellanea Zoologica Sumatrana 53:1-5

Roets F. & Oberlander K.C. 2010
Silvaphilus: a new relict forest-endemic Canthonini dung beetle genus from the Western Cape Province of South Africa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
African Entomology 18(2):369–373

Roets F., Allison J.D. & Basson R.J. 2019
Recent records of fruit chafers (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Cetoniini) in the southwestern Cape region of South Africa suggest that range expansions were facilitated by human-mediated jump-dispersal and pre-adaptation to transformed landscapes
African Entomology 27(1):135-145

Roets F., Crous C. & Pryke J. 2017
Sarophorus diabolus sp. n. and Sarophorus frolovi sp. n. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from South Africa
African Entomology 25(1):264-270

Roggero A. 2004
Analysis of shape variation in Phalops Erichson genus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Onthophagini)
Italian Journal of Zoology (Modena) 71(1):73-78

Roggero A., Barbero E. & Palestrini C. 2015
Phylogenetic and biogeographical review of the Drepanocerina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Oniticellini)
Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 73(1):153-174

Roggero A., Barbero E. & Palestrini C. 2017
Revised classification and phylogeny of an Afrotropical species group based on molecular and morphological data, with the description of a new genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Onthophagini)
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17(1):181-198

Roggero A., Dierkens M., Barbero E. & Palestrini C. 2017
Combined phylogenetic analysis of two new Afrotropical genera of Onthophagini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 180(2):298-320

Roggero A., Moretto P., Barbero E. & Palestrini C. 2019
The Phylogenetic Relationships of Tiaronthophagus n.gen. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Onthophagini) Evaluated by Phenotypic Characters
Insects 10(3):1-50

Roggero A., Stanbrook R., Josso J-F., Barbero E. & Palestrini C. 2017
Phylogenetic relationships of Epidrepanus within the subtribe Drepanocerina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Oniticellini), with the description of two new species
Zootaxa 4320(1):1-24

Roggero A., Tocco C. & Palestrini C. 2013
Description of the larval instars of Amidorus immaturus (Mulsant, 1842) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Turkish Journal of Zoology 37:50-58

Roh, S.J., Yoo, T.H., Kim, C.H., Lim, J., Lee, B.W., Song, J.H. & Byun, B.K. 2021
Life cycle of Leptaulax koreanus (Nomura, Kon, Johki, & Lee) (Coleoptera: Passalidae): A Korean endemic species
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 14(4):492-500

Rohwedder D. 2011
Aktuelle Aufsammlungen von Rosenkäfern im Kakamega Forest, am mount Kenya und angrenzenden Gebieten in Kenia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart 121(1):3-9

Roig-Junent S., Flores G.E., Ocampo F.C. & Smith A.B. 2005
Nuevas citas de Coleoptera para la Argentina (Carabidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae y Tenebrionidae)
Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 63(3-4):45-48

Rojas, J.L. & Maes, J.M. 2022
Cantharolethrus homoderoides Kriesche, 1928 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) confirmado para el Cerro Saslaya, Nicaragua
Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 272:3-12

Rojkoff S. 2007
Description de la femelle d'Heteroclita digennaroi (Legrand, 2004) et remarques sur l'espèce (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 76(5):77-80

Rojkoff S. 2008
Description d'une nouvelle espèce appartenant au sous-genre Trichocephala (Trichocephala) Moser, 1916, et clef de détermination pour le sous-genre (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Coléoptères 14(11):125-132

Rojkoff S. 2010
Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espèce de Cremastocheilini de Zambie lui appartenant (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Cetoniimania NS 1:39-44

Rojkoff S. 2011
Révision du genre Trogodes Westwood 1857 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cremastocheilini)
Cetoniimania NS 2:37-59

Rojkoff, S. 2011
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Cymophorus (Syntomopteryx) Kraatz, 1900 d'Angola (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Entomologia Africana 16(2):2-6

Rojkoff S. 2012
1ere Contribution à l'étude des Coenochilus africains. Révision du groupe "strigatus" sensu Schein et description d'une nouvelle espèce (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae, Cremastocheilini)
Cetoniimania NS 3:20-28

Rojkoff S. 2012
Révision du genre Pilinurgus Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae)
Coléoptères 18(9):67-97

Rojkoff S. 2013
Contribution à l'étude des Cremastocheilini africains (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania NS 5:19-29

Rojkoff S. 2013
2e contribution à l'étude des Cremastocheilini africains: description d’une nouvelle espèce de Cymophorus Kirby, 1827 d’Ethiopie et désignation d’un lectotype pour Genuchus perditus Westwood, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae, Cremastocheilini)
Cetoniimania NS 6:21-26

Rojkoff S. 2015
Révision du genre Anatonochilus Péringuey, 1907 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Cremastocheilini)
Cetoniimania NS 7:10-31

Rojkoff S. 2016
Révision du sous-genre Polystalactica (Trichocelis) (Moser, 1908) et description d'une nouvelle espèce (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Cremastocheilini)
Cetoniimania NS 9:10-23

Rojkoff S. 2016
Introduction aux Orphninae de Guyane (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Contribution à l'étude des Coléoptères de Guyane 10:79-82

Rojkoff S. 2016
À propos de Diplognatha (Diplognatha) pagana Harold, 1879 et description d'une nouvelle sous-espèce (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Diplognathini)
Entomologia Africana 21(2):40-46

Rojkoff S. 2017
Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coelocorynus Kolbe, 1895 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidae, Cetoniidae, Trichiini)
Cetoniimania NS 10:26-29

Rojkoff S. 2017
Expédition Sangha 2012 : contribution à l’inventaire des Cetoniidae du Parc National de Dzanga-N’Doki et description de deux nouvelles espèces appartenant aux genres Anelaphinis Kolbe, 1892 et Mecaspidiellus Antoine, 1997 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Cetoniimania NS 10:30-45

Rojkoff, S. 2023
A propos d'un Metallopseudinca auberti (Fairmaire, 1895) tératologique (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniiini, Diplognathini)
Cetoniimania NS 17:28-30

Rojkoff S. & Frolov A. 2016
Révision des espèces du genre Aegidium Westwood, 1845, des Petites Antilles (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae, Orphninae, Aegidiini)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 52(6):354-368

Rojkoff S. & Perissinotto R. 2015
Review of the genera Anelaphinis Kolbe, 1892 and Atrichelaphinis Kraatz, 1898 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
ZooKeys 482:91-142

Rojkoff S., Flutsch G. & Garnier T. 2020
Note à propos de Chondrorrhina (Plaesiorrhinella) bonnardi Garnier, Flutsch & Rojkoff, 2018 (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae, Goliathini)
Cetoniimania 15:71-72

Rolando, A., Bertolino, D., Laini, A., Roggero, A. & Palestrini, C. 2024
Thousands of Years of Pastoralism Don’t Count: Coprophagous Beetles Prefer Exotic Alpaca Dung to That of Cattle
Insects 15(12)(934):1-14

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Catálogo de los coleópteros de la Communidad Autónoma del Pais Vasco (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Heteropterus. Revista de Entomología 19(1):1-266 (89-107)

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Descripción de tres casos poco habituales de necrofagia en Scarabaeus cicatricosus (Lucas, 1846) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.) 48:487-488

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Genera insectorum Linnaei et Fabricii iconibus illustrata
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Primera cita de Aphodius(Phalacronothus) putoni Reitter, 1894 para Andalucia (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 21(3/4):286

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Morfología y protrusión-retracción de la cámara genital femenina de Phyllophaga obsoleta (Coleoptera: Melolonthide)
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 25(2):315-321

Romero-López M. & Morón M.A. 2017
Dos Nuevas Especies de Coleoptera Melolonthidae de la Costa Grande de Guerrero, México
Southwestern Entomologist 42(3):889-900

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Nuevos aportes a la corología y biología de Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) nuchicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 19(3-4):207

Romero-Samper J. 1996
Una nueva especie Española de Thorectes Mulsant, 1842 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae)
Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava 10-11:239-243

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Nesting behaviour, ontogeny and life-cycle of Onthophagus stylocerus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
European Journal of Entomology 92:667-679

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Resultados de la catalogación de los Scarabaeoidea Laparosticti (Insecta, Coleoptera) coprófagos de Marruecos y el Sáhara Occidental conservados en las colecciones del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
Graellsia 67(1):47-56

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Shape variation of mandible and head in Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae): a comparison of morphometric approaches
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 120(4):836-851

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Exaggerated Allometric Structures in Relation to Demographic and Ecological Parameters in Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Journal of Morphology 276(10):1193-1204

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Erregungsäusserungen des Spanischen Mondhornkäfer Copris hispanus (L.) (Coleopt. Scarab.)
Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 11(2):11-14

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Systematische und tiergeographische Untersuchungen an dem Mondhornkäfer Copris hispanus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden 31(2):57-71

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Ernärhrungsbiologie und Brutpflegeverhalten des Kleine Mondhornkäfers Copris lunaris (L.). Eine Vergleichsstudie zu den Arbeiten über den Spanischen Mondhornkäfer Copris hispanus L. (Col., Scarab.)
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Ernärhrungsbiologie und Brutpflegeverhalten des Kleine Mondhornkäfers Copris lunaris (L.). Eine Vergleichsstudie zu den Arbeiten über den Spanischen Mondhornkäfer Copris hispanus L. (Col., Scarab.)
Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 16(3/4):20-28

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New dung beetle Oxythyrea funesta in Estonian fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 3(1):53-54

Rosales M.C. & Castillo M.L. 2008
Morfologia del aparato reproductor en Odontotaenius striatopunctatus (Percheron, 1835) (Coleoptera: Passalidae)
Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 24(2):23-37

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Beitrage zur Insekten-Fauna Europas. Enthält die Beschreibung von sechzig neuen Käfer aus Bayern, Tyrol, Ungarn, etc., so wie die Käfer Tyrols,…
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Die Thiere Andalusiens nach dem Resultate einer Reise zusammengestellt, nebst den Beschreibungen von 249 neuen oder bis jetzt unbeschriebenen Gattungen,…

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Some like it hot: microclimatic variation affects the abundance and movements of a critically endangered dung beetle
Insect Conservation and Diversity 2(3):232-241

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Nordens Dyngbaggar
Hyönteistarvike TIBIALE Oy, Helsingfors :1-356

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Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa nella Republica dell´Ecuador e región vicine. XXIV. Passalidi
Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino 17(428):1-10

Rossa R., Michalcewicz J., Kubisz D. & Bunalski M. 2017
Materiały do poznania rozmieszczenia modzelatkowatych (Coleoptera: Trogidae) w Polsce
Wiadomości Entomologiczne 36(3):145-152

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Die Käfer der Umgegend von Neviges
Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Verein der preussischen Rheinland und Westfalens 39:196-215

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Zwei neue Käfervarietäten
Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst 19:44

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Dos nuevos nombres genéricos en Insecta (Coleop. Y Lepid.)
Physis, Buenos Aires 21(60):41-42

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Fauna etrusca sistens insecta quae in provinciis Florentina et Pisana praesertim collegit
Thomae Masi & Sociorum. Liburni 1:1-272 (1-26)

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Mantissa Insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas, adiactis Faunae Etruscae illustrationibus, ac amendationibus
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Rossini, M. 2021
Additional mislabeling in African Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): the case of Onthophagus viviensis and Onthophagus laevatus
Zootaxa 5032(2):262-274

Rossini, M. & Forshage, M. 2023
On the types of Bolboceratida (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)e in the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm
Zootaxa 5301(4):427-446

Rossini, M. & Génier, F. 2024
A New Classification for the Onthophagus clypeatus Group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) and Description of a New Species from Western Ecuador
The Coleopterists Bulletin 78(3):415-428

Rossini M. & Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. 2015
A review of the genus Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new species
Zootaxa 3920(2):291-300

Rossini M. & Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. 2016
On the identity of Onthophagus columbianus Boucomont, 1932 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Zootaxa 4061(3):296-300

Rossini M. & Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. 2017
A taxonomic review of the genus Isocopris Pereira and Martínez, 1960 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new Brazilian species
Journal of Natural History 51(19-20):1091-1117

Rossini M. & Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. 2020
Taxonomic review of the Dichotomius mamillatus group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with a description of a new species, Dichotomius (Dichotomius) gandinii sp. nov., from western Amazonia
Austral Entomology 59(1):52-73

Rossini, M., Grebennikov, V., Merrien, T., Miraldo, A., Viljanen, H. & Tarasov, S. 2022
Paleogene forest fragmentation and out-of-Africa dispersal explain radiation of the Paleotropical dung beetle tribe Epactoidini trib. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae)
Systematic Entomology 47(4):655-667

Rossini, M., Montanaro, G., Montreuil, O. & Tarasov, S. 2024
Towards computable taxonomic knowledge: Leveraging nanopublications for sharing new synonyms in the Madagascan genus Helictopleurus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae)
Biodiversity Data Journal 12(e120304):1-20

Rossini, M., Montreuil, O., Grebennikov, V. & Tarasov S. 2021
Genome sequencing reveals extraordinary cephalic horns in the Madagascan dung beetle genus Helictopleurus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae): insight from a revision of fungicola species group
ZooKeys 1033:63-79

Rossini M., Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. & Mann D.J. 2014
Onthophagus cervicornis Kirby, 1825, new synonym under Onthophagus dama (Fabricius, 1798) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae)
ZooKeys 419:111-115

Rossini M., Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. & Zunino M. 2016
More transcontinental mislabeling in the genus Onthophagus: d’Orbigny’s “African” Group 27 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
Zootaxa 4175(5):494-500

Rossini M., Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. & Zunino M. 2018
A taxonomic revision of the New World Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of the osculatii species-complex, with description of two new species from South America
Journal of Natural History 52(9-10):541-586

Rossini M., Vaz-de-Mello F.Z. & Zunino M. 2018
Toward a comprehensive taxonomic revision of the “hirculus” group of American Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae)
European Journal of Taxonomy 432:1-21

Rossini, M., Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z., Montreuil, O., Porch, N. & Tarasov, S. 2021
Extinct before discovered? Epactoides giganteus sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae), the first native dung beetle to Réunion island
ZooKeys 1061:75-86

Rössner, E. 1991
Zur Fauna der Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) des Kaukasus-Gebietes
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 35:265-268

Rössner E. 1995
Neue Kenntnisse zur Verbreitung von Omaloplia cerrutii Sabatinelli, 1977 (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 39:133-136

Rössner E. 1996
Morphologie und Verbreitung der „Anisoplia villosa- Gruppe“ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Rutelidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 40(2):119-123

Rössner E. 1997
Die Arten der Gattung Hoplia Illiger, 1803 in Bulgarien (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 41(3):190-194

Rössner, E. 2005
Beweidete Streuobstwiesen im Grabfeld (Thüringen) als attraktiver Lebensraum für Blatthorn- und Hirschkäfer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae)
Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 10:215-222

Rössner, E. 2005
Ein weiteres differenzialdiagnostisches Merkmal zur Unterscheidung zwischen Onthophagus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1767) und O. joannae Goljan, 1953 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Virgo. Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 8:24-26

Rössner, E. 2005
Der Rosenkäfer Tropinota hirta (Poda, 1761) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Nord-Brandenburg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Cetoniinae)
Virgo. Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 8:31-34

Rössner, E. 2006
Neuheiten für die Fauna der Blatthornkäfer Deutschlands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 50:209-211

Rössner, E. 2006
Ein weiteres differenzialdiagnostisches Merkmal zur Unterscheidung zwischen Onthophagus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1767) und O. joannae Goljan, 1953 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Virgo. Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 9:30-32

Rössner E. 2007
Die Arten der Untergattung Agoliinus A. Schmidt, 1913 in Deutschland bei Beachtung ihrer Gesamtareale (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift 117(6):263-275

Rössner E. 2008
Faunistisch interessante Funde von Blatthornkäfern aus den Bayerischen Alpen (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift 118(6):259-262

Rössner E. 2010
Vorkommen und Verbreitung von Aphodius (Agrilinus) constans Duftschmidt, 1805 in einigen Ländern Mittel- und Westeuropas (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 54(2):95-98

Rössner E. 2010
Berichtigung von Fundmeldungen über Blatthornkäfer für das Gebiet Deutschlands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 54(2):145-146

Rössner E. 2010
Protaetia (Netocia) metallica (Herbst, 1782) – Taxonomie, Verbreitung in Deutschland und Bindung an das Entwicklungssubstrat (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart 120(4):147-157

Rössner E. 2011
Rote Liste der Blatthornkäfer und Hirschkäfer (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Thüringens
Naturschutzreport 26:234-240

Rössner, E. 2011
Die Hirsch- und Blatthornkäfer (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) der Sammlung Raddatz/Wendt des Zoologischen Museums der Universität Rostock
Virgo - Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 14:12-16

Rössner E. 2012
Die Hirschkäfer und Blatthornkäfer Ostdeutschland (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e.V.:1-505

Rössner E. 2013
Korrektur und Ergänzungen zu: Rössner, E. (2012): Die Hirschkäfer und Blatthornkäfer Ostdeutschlands (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 57(3):137-141

Rössner E. 2014
Taxonomie und Verbreitung von Valgus hemipterus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Valgini)
Vernate 33:197-219

Rössner E. 2016
Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 – Taxonomie und Verbreitung der Arten der leucaspis-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Anomalini)
Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera 112(1):287-300

Rössner E. 2016
Melinoptereus reyi (Reitter, 1892) - ältere Nachweise in Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Entomologische Mitteilungen Sachsen-Anhalt 24(2):60-62

Rössner E. 2017
Blatthornkäfer aus dem Ötztal in Tirol, Österreich (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Virgo. Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 19(1):58-64

Rössner E. 2017
Eine neue Art der Gattung Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 aus Jordanien (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Anomalini)
Vernate 36:305-312

Rössner E. 2018
Die paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Melinopterus Mulsant, 1842 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Vernate 37:209-306

Rössner E. 2020
Verbreitung von Agrilinus ater (De Geer, 1774) und A. convexus (Erichson, 1848) in Österreich (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)
Entomologica Austriaca 27:9-21

Rössner, E. 2020
Verbreitung des Pinselkäfers Trichius gallicus gallicus Dejean, 1821 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Virgo - Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 23:75-79

Rössner, E. 2021
Blatthornkäfer aus Israel – Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen mit Bodenfallen (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 131(4):195-206

Rössner, E. 2021
Die Gattung Rhyssemus Mulsant, 1842 in Deutschland mit einer vorläufigen Verbreitungsübersicht (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini)
Virgo - Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg 24:64-70

Rössner, E. 2022
Die Arten der Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) ovatus-Gruppe in Österreich – Bestimmung und Verbreitung (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Onthophagini)
Entomologica Austriaca 29:9-28

Rössner, E. 2022
Faunistisch interessante Nachweise von Blatthornkäfern aus dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Ochodaeidae, Glaphyridae, Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 66(1):13-18

Rössner, E. 2022
Amphimallon ochraceum (Knoch, 1801) doch in Deutschland (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Rhizotrogini)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 66(2):163-169

Rössner, E. 2022
Ein weiterer Fund des Mistkäfers Trypocopris (Trypocopris) pyrenaeus splendens (Heer, 1841) in Österreich (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik 23:206-207

Rössner, E. 2024
Studie über die Hoplia (Decamera) der Türkei und die angrenzenden Länder sowie über ausgewählte Hoplia (s. str.) des Gebietes (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Hopliini)
Vernate 43:303-324

Rössner E. & Ahrens D. 2004
Chorologie und Taxonomie der Gattung Omaloplia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini)
Berlin: - Verlag im Internet GmbH:1-153

Rössner E. & Ahrens D. 2015
Addenda zur Revision von Omaloplia Schoenherr, 1817 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Sericini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 125(3):161-170

Rössner E. & Apfel W. 2018
Typuslokalitäten von Blatthornkäfern in Thüringen (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 23:191-198

Rössner E. & Bellmann A. 2015
Die Identität von Bodilus nigriventris (Reitter, 1892) und seine Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
Vernate 34:253-270

Rössner E. & Fery H. 2014
Aphodius (Biralus) mahunkaorum (Ádám, 1983) in Europa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 124(2):113-122

Rössner, E. & Frenzel, D. 2024
Hoplia (Decamera) praticola Duftschmid, 1805 in Thüringen und Bestimmungsschlüssel der Hoplia Deutschlands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Hopliini)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 68(3):483-491

Rössner E. & Hillert O. 2020
Revision der Gattung Melolontha Fabricius, 1775 für die ost-mediterrane Region und die angrenzenden Gebiete bis zum Iran (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Melolonthini)
Vernate 39:213-299

Rössner, E. & Hillert, O. 2022
Ein neues Artenkonzept für die Gattung Chaetopteroplia S. I. Medevedev, 1949 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini)
Vernate 41:295-373

Rössner, E. & Kalz, H. 2023
Trox transversus Reiche & Saulcy, 1856 – eine Art der Levante (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Trogidae)
Entomogischen Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 133(1):49-53

Rössner, E. & Kleeberg, A. 2023
Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Trogidae, Ochodaeidae, Scarabaeidae) from Albania, with two first country records, and taxonomic comments on the genus Rhyssemus Mulsant, 1842
Vernate 42:159-173

Rössner E. & Krell F-T. 2001
Amphimallon burmeisteri Brenske, 1886: Designation des Lectotypus und Abgrenzung von A.assimile (Herbst, 1790) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) - die Schwärmzeit als entscheidendes Bestimmungsmerkmal
Entomologische Blätter 96:171-198

Rössner E. & Krell F-T 2008
Identität und taxonomischer Status von Amphimallon ochraceum (Knoch, 1801) und A.fallenii (Gyllenhal, 1817) sowie weiterer mit A.solstitiale (Linnaeus, 1758) verwandter Taxa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Vernate 27:221-261

Rössner E. & Krell F-T. 2009
Amphimallon ochraceum (Knoch, 1801) - offenbar kein Bestandteil der Fauna Deutschlands (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthinae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 53(1):33-39

Rössner E. & Sabatinelli G. 2020
Morphologie und Verbreitung ausgewählter Anomalini Streubel, 1839 aus Israel und benachbarten Ländern – Teil 1: Arten von Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Rutelinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 130 (1):43-50

Rössner E. & Sabatinelli G. 2020
Verbreitung von Omaloplia settorum Uliana, 2014 und Morphologie der Endophalli einiger Omaloplia Schönherr, 1817 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 130(2):71-74

Rössner, E. & Sabatinelli, G. 2022
Morphologie und Verbreitung einiger Anomalini Streubel, 1839 aus Israel und benachbarten Ländern – Teil 2: Hemichaetoplia Baraud, 1986, Blitopertha Reitter, 1903 und Tribopertha Reitter, 1903 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Rutelinae)
Entomogischen Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 132(2):105-110

Rössner, E. & Schulze, J. 1999
Verbreitung der Gattung Trichius Fa b r ic iu s, 1775 in Ostdeutschland (Col., Scarabaeidae, Trichiinae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 43:59-66

Rössner E. & Waitzbauer W. 2019
Der Rosenkäfer Coenochilus carinatus Janson, 1911 in Ägypten (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 63(3):209-212

Rössner E. & Woog D. 2006
Die Verbreitung von Aphodius (Chilothorax) conspurcatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Deutschland bei Beachtung des Gesamtareales der Art (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift 116:203-210

Rössner E. & Zorn C. 2013
A new species of Firminus Coca-Abia, 2003 from the Mediterranean region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rhizotrogini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart 123(6):243-246

Rössner E., Blochwitz O. & Hillert O. 2018
Eine neue Art von Tropinota Mulsant, 1842 von der Iberischen Halbinsel und ergänzende Mitteilungen zur Verbreitung der iberischen Arten (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
Entomologische Zeitschrift 128(2):115-120

Rössner, E., Hillert, O., Uliana, M. & Zorn, C. 2024
Revision of the genus Blitopertha Reitter, 1903 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalina)
Vernate 43:325-395

Rössner E., Keith D. & Weigel A. 2017
Der Fund eines ostasiatischen Blatthornkäfers in Bayern (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rhizotrogini)
Entomologische Zeitschrift. Schwanfeld 127(2):112-114

Rössner E., Schönfeld J. & Ahrens D. 2010
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) medius (Kugelann, 1792)—a good western palaearctic species in the Onthophagus vacca complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Onthophagini)
Zootaxa 2629:1-28

Rössner E., Zorn C. & Branco T. 2009
Exomala (Neoblitopertha) campestris (Latreille, 1804) and Exomala (Neoblitopertha) succincta (Castelnau, 1840): two distinct European species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Anomalini)
Beiträge zur Entomologie 59(1):175-189

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Diagnosen neuer Coleoptera aus Abyssinien
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Berlin 17(1):115-133

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Les coléoptères. Organisation-moeurs chasse-collections-classification. Iconographie et histoire naturelle des coléoptères d'Europe
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On Two new Species of the Genus Enoplotrupes Lucas
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On some new or little-known pecies of Coleoptera from the East
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Six new species of Plusiotis, and one new Anoplostethus
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Koleopterologicke vysledky me cesty na kavkaz v cervenci r.1910. Quid novi de Coleopterorum Caucasi ad occidentem vergentis fauna in meo Itinere Julio mense anni 1910 suscepto congnoverim. IV.Krasnaja Poljana
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Neuheiten der palaearktischen Koleopterenfauna
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Drei palaearktische Nova
Koleopterologische Rundschau. Spezial-Fachschrift reiter coleopterologischer Interessen Wien 1:70-72

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Beschreibung fünf neuer palaearktischer Coleopteren-Formen
Koleopterologische Rundschau. Spezial-Fachschrift reiter coleopterologischer Interessen Wien 1:154-156

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Verschiedene koleopterologische Notizen
Koleopterologische Rundschau. Spezial-Fachschrift reiter coleopterologischer Interessen Wien 2:69-71

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Coleoptera Nova
Koleopterologische Rundschau. Spezial-Fachschrift reiter coleopterologischer Interessen Wien 4:62-65

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Aphodius kluchoris sp.n.m.
Societas Entomologica. Zurich 33(2):7

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Drei neue Käfer aus der Balkanhalbinsel
Neue Beiträge zur systematischen Insektenkunde, Berlin 1(9):72

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Sechs neue palaearktische Coleopteren
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 83A(7):36-39

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Drei coleopterologische Nova
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 5:63-64

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Cetonia aurata L. a. elegans Leoni
Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické. Praha 3-4:55

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Beschreibung von einigen neuen palaearktischen Coleopteren
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Tré nových Coleopter z východu Československé Republiky (Tria Coleoptera nova e Čechoslovakia orientali)
Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae 25:99-102

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Coleopterologische Notizen
Entomologische Nachrichtenblatt. Troppau 5:36-37

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Uebersicht der Gnorimus nobilis L. Formen mit der Beschreibung einer neuen Art
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Nová Coleoptera české Zvířeny (Coleoptera nova Bohemica)
Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické. Praha 30:138

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Popisy několika nových koleopter ze Slovenska. Beschreibung einiger neuen Coleopterenformen aus der Slovakei
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Eine Reihe neuer europäischer Coleopteren
Entomologische Blätter. Krefeld 31(6):245-246

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Beschreibung des Aphodius (Mendidaphodius Reitt.) Makólskii sp.n. nebst einer Übersicht der Mendidaphodius-Arten aus der Gruppe mit ungezähntem Clipeus beiderseits seiner Ausbuchtung
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Katalog Coleopter (Brouků) Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi na základě bionomickém a zoogeografickém a spolu systematický doplněk Ganglbauerových "Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa" a Reitterovy "Fauna germanica" (Tome:1-2)
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Pachydema voláki sp.n.
Entomologické Listy 8:68-69

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Inventaire et atlas des Coléoptères Scarabaeoidea de Loire-Atlantique (44) et de Vendée (85): appel a contribution et liste actualisée des espèces
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Contribution à l'étude de la faune entomologique de la République du Niger. I.Note concernant Aphodius (Mesontoplatys) rougoni Petrov. et Aphodius (Mesontoplatys) simplicius Petrov. (Coleoptera Aphodiidae)
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Contribution à l'étude de la faune entomologique de la République du Niger. V. Scarabaeidae : Scarabaeinae et Coprinae (Coleoptera)
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire 39 A(3):653-681

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Contribution à la biologie des Coléoptères coprophages en région sahélienne. Etude du développement d'Onthophagus gazella (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae)
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Le cleptoparasitisme en zone sahélienne: phénomène adaptatif d'Insectes Coléoptères Coprophages Scarabaeidae aux climats arides et semi-arides
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Description de la larve d’Onthophagus gazella Fabricius (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 86(1-2):6-13

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Insectes et fertilisation des Sols en zone sahélienne (République du Niger)
Agecop Liaison 59:36-39

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Le comportement nidificateur d'Onitis alexis Klug en région sahélienne (Col. Scarabaeidae Onitini)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 87(1-2):15-19

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Le comportement nidificateur de Catharsius phidias Ol. en zone sahélienne (Col. Scarabaeidae Coprini)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 87(5-6):197-200

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Catalogue et bioécologie des Aphodiidae de la République du Niger de 1971 à 1982 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea)
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Coléoptères coprophiles en zone sahélienne: Étude biocénotique, comportement nidificateur, intervention dans le recyclage de la matière organique du sol
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Nidification des Scarabaeidae et cleptoparasitisme des Aphodiidae en zone sahélienne (Niger) (Col.)
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Diversity and Seasonal Phenology of Coprophagous Beetles at Lake City, Michigan, USA, with a New State Record for Onthophagus taurus (Schreber) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(2):169-172

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Forme nouvelle de Chelorrhina kraatzi Moser du Cameroun (Coleoptera Cetoniidae)
Bulletin de la Société Sciences Naturelle Compiegne 64:22

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Sur quelques espèces intéressantes capturées près de Saint Amandin (Cantal): Ceruchus chrysomelinus Hochenwarth dans le Massif Central
Le Coléopteriste 10(1):45-47

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Male horn dimorphism, phylogeny and systematics of rhinoceros beetles of the genus Xylotrupes (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera)
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Partial revision of the systematics of rhinoceros beetles of the genus Xylotrupes (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
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Continued revision of the systematics of rhinoceros beetles of the genus Xylotrupes (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)
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Notes on nomenclature in Xylotrupes Hope (Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Dynastini)
Insecta Mundi 0176:1-10

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Two thresholds, three male forms result in facultative male trimorphism in beetles
Science 323:773-776

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Phylogeny and systematics of the giant rhinoceros beetles (Scarabaeidae: Dynastini)
Insecta Mundi 0263:1-15

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Discrimination of alternative male phenotypes in Scapanes australis (Boisduval) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Australian Journal of Entomology 44:22-28

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Pinpointing the level of isolation between two cryptic species sharing the same microhabitat: a case study with a scarabaeid species complex
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Lista preliminar de la familia Scarabaeidae sensu lato (Coleoptera) de Venezuela
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To the knowledge of Coleopterofauna of Zalve Rural Municipality, Nereta District, Latvia
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Additional Data to the Lamellicornia Fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia)
Natura Somogyiensis 15:69-100

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Species of 33 beetle families from the Felsõ-Kongó-mezõ (Tapolca Basin, Hungary) collected on the 12th Hungarian Biodiversity Days
Folia Musei Historico-Naturalis Bakonyiensis 33:131-141

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Los escarabajos del género Eurysternus Dalman, 1824 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) de Colombia
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 46:147-179

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Distribución conocida y potencial de las especies del Género Eurysternus Dalman, 1824 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) de Colombia
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 47:257-264

Ruchin A.B. & Egorov L.V. 2018
On distribution of Mimela holosericea (Fabricius, 1787) (Insecta, Scarabaeoidea, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Russia and adjacent territories
Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 50(7390):7-13

Ruchin, A.B., Egorov, L.V., Alekseev, S.K., Semishin, G.B. & Esin, M.N. 2021
Notes on the fauna of beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) adjacent to the territory of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve
Amurian Zoological Journal 16(1):12-35

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Coleoptera of the Penza region, Russia based on fermental crown trap
Biodiversitas 22(4):1946-1960

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Present distribution of Protaetia fieberi (Kraatz, 1880) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in the European part of Russia
Biharean Biologist 13(1):12-16

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A catalogue of types of Coleoptera in the Canadian National collection of Insects
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Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Lamellicornien
Societas entomologica 3:73-74

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Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Lamellicornien
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Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Lamellicornien
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Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Lamellicornien
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Date asupra situatici speciilor Potosia (s.str.) cuprea (Fabricius, 1775) si Netocia vidua (Gory & Percheron, 1833) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniidae) in fauna Romanici
Buletin de Informare Entomologică, Societatea Lepidopterologică Română 10(1-4):113-125

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Răspândirea speciei Scarabaeus affinis (Brullé, 1832) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) în România
Buletin de Informare Entomologică, Societatea Lepidopterologică Română 10(1-4):127-130

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El género Idiostoma en Chile
Revista chilena de Historia Natural 28(1):99-101

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Los Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) coprófagos de la Región de Ceuta. (Norte de África). Aproximación faunística
Transfretana Monografía Nº 2. Estudios sobre el medio natural de Ceuta y su entorno. Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes. Ceuta :11-114

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Une nueva especie de Elaphocera Gené, 1836 del sureste ibérico: Elaphocera perezlopezi n.sp. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris(N.S.)13(4):359-366

Ruiz J.L. 1997
Hábitos encaramadores en Trox fabricii Reiche, 1853 (Coleoptera, Trogidae)
Zoologica Baetica 8:245-247

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Aphodius (Nimbus) anyerae n.sp. de Aphodiini del norte de Marruecos (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris(N.S.)15(4):307-315

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Descripción de una nueva especie de Thorectes, del norte de Marreucos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Geotrupidae)
Graellsia 54:61-70

Ruiz J.L. 1999
Sobre la distribucion de Aphodius (Nimbus) affinis orbignyi Clouët, 1896 en Marruecos (Coleoptera, Aphodiidae)
Zoologica Baetica 10:215-218

Ruiz J.L. 2000
Bolbelasmus bocchus (Erichson, 1841) y Allotrypes mandibularis (Reitter, 1896): nuevos registros marroquíes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 27:74-75

Ruiz J.L. 2000
Heptaulacus brancoi Baraud, 1976, presencia confirmada en Marruecos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae)
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 24(3-4):195-196

Ruiz J.L. 2002
Notas de distribución de algunos Aphodius Illiger, 1798 en el norte de Marruecos (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 30:143-147

Ruiz J.L. 2002
Calicnemis atlanticus Mosconi, 1996 en la costa surmediterránea española y consideraciones sobre la distribución de las especies del género Calicnemis Laporte, 1832 en la Península Ibérica (Coleoptera, Dynastinae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 31:129-132

Ruiz J.L. 2005
Corología de Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) hirtus (Illiger, 1803) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) en Andalucía y nuevo registro en la provincia de Málaga (Península Ibérica)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 36:119-122

Ruiz J.L. 2006
Nimbus richardi (Veiga, 1984), un nuevo Aphodiini para la fauna de Marruecos (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 38:311-315

Ruiz J.L. 2012
Presencia de Trox scaber (Linnaeus, 1767) (Coleoptera, Trogidae) en la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (norte de África)
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 36(3-4):445-450

Ruiz J.L. 2015
Descripción de una nueva especie de Tropinota Mulsant, 1842 del subénero Epicometis Burmeister, 1842 del norte de Marreucos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Graellsia e019 71(1):1-16

Ruiz J.L. 2017
Redescubrimiento de Elaphocera sulcatula Fairmaire, 1884 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Tanyproctini) en la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (norte de África) y nuevos datos sobre su distribución, autoecología y variabilidad morfológica
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 60:167-178

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1993
Descripción de dos nuevas especies del género Euserica Reitter, 1896 del Norte de Africa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae)
Elytron 7:111-121

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1993
Confirmación de la presencia de Aphodius (Esymus) merdarius (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae) en el Norte de África
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 17(1):199

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1994
Chasmatopterus cobosi barrancoi, a new subspecies from southeastern Spain (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae, Chasmatopterinae)
Zoologica Baetica 5:99-106

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1995
Euserica brancobaraudi n.sp. de Marruecos y comentarios sobre algunas especies íbero-norteafricanas del género Euserica Reitter, 1896 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris(N.S.)12(1):95-103

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1995
Nuevas localizaciones de Pseudolucanus barbarossa (Fabricius, 1801) y Platycerus spinifer Schaufuss, 1862 en Andalucia (Coleptera: Lucanidae)
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 19(3-4):208-209

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1995
Elaphocera nupcialis n.sp. del sureste de la Peninsula Ibérica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae)
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 19(1-2):243-251

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1995
Trox (s. str.) scaber (Linnaeus, 1767) en el Sur de la Península Ibérica (Coleoptera. Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae)
Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 19(1-2):318

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1998
Estudio del material típico de las especies de Neomaladera Baraud, 1965 descritas como Serica MacLeay, 1819 y Euserica Reitter, 1896 por Escalera (Coleoptera,: Melolonthidae, Sericinae)
Zoologica Baetica 9:137-147

Ruiz J.L. & Ávila J.M. 1998
Nuevos datos corológicos de tres especies de Euserica Reitter, 1896 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae)
Zoologica Baetica 9:213-215

Ruiz J.L. & François A. 2018
First precise records of Trox strandi Balthasar, 1936 (Coleoptera: Trogidae) from Morocco and observations on its habitat and morphological variability
Graellsia e082 74(2):1-7

Ruiz J.L. & López-Colón J.I. 1996
Nuevos datos sobre Hybalus varians Petrovitz, 1964 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Orphnidae)
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 8:71-75

Ruiz J.L. & López-Colón J.I. 1998
Descripción de la hembra de Hybalus varians Petrovitz, 1964 y notas sobre la especie (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Orphnidae)
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 9:115-121

Ruiz J.L., Ávila J.M. & López-Colón J.I. 1994
Descripción de la hembra de Thorectes baraudi López-Colón, 1981 y comentarios sobre las especies del subgénero Thorectes s.str. Mulsant, 1842 (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris(N.S.) 11(4):365-373

Ruiz J.L., Ávila J.M., Sánchez-Piñero F. 1993
Estudio de una comunidad estival de escarabeidos coprófagos en el Norte de África (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Zoologica Baetica 4:149-157

Ruiz J.L., François A. & García-París M. 2016
Nuevos datos sobre distribución y hábitat de Glaphyrus reymondi Kocher, 1958 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Glaphyridae) en el sudeste de Marruecos
Graellsia e042 72(1):1-7

Ruiz L.A., Paramo P.B., López-Colón J.I. & Bahilo De la Puebla P. 2002
Apotriodonta hispanica (Baraud, 1962), escarabeido endémico del noroeste peninsular (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini)
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomólogica Aragonesa 31:180

Ruiz J.L., Yubero S. & García-Cardenete L. 2017
On the geographic distribution of Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) aegyptiacus Stolfa, 1938 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): first record from Atlantic Sahara (southwestern Morocco)
Graellsia 73(1):1-5

Ruiz-Manzanos E. 2006
Redescription and first record of Diaphylla granulata for Argentina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 65(3-4):79-86

Ruta, R., Orzechowski, R., Aleksandrowicz, O., Borowski, J., Buchholz, L., Komosińsk,i K., Lubecki, K. & Przewoźny, M. 2016
Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Gryżyński Landscape Park
Przegląd Przyrodniczy 27(2):28-62

Ruta, R., Rutkowski, T., Sienkiewicz, P. & Wendzonka, J. 2024
Selected groups of invertebrates of “Bagno Kusowo” nature reserve: arachnids, odonates, beetles, aculeate hymenopterans and lepidopterans (Arachnida, Odonata, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Aculeata, Lepidoptera)
Przegląd Przyrodniczy 35(1):51-103

Ruter G. 1948
Liste des Coléoptres Cétonides et Trichiides (Scarab.) recoltés dans la réserve du Banco(Côte d'Ivoire) par la mission Paulian-Delamare
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 53(3-4):54-55

Ruter G. 1949
Note sur les Cétonides Cremastochilides (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 16(4):199-208

Ruter G. 1949
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau du Cameroun (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 54(8):115-117

Ruter G. 1950
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau de Madagascar (Col. Scarab.)
Naturaliste Malgache Tananarive 2(2):123-125

Ruter G. 1952
Un Cétonide Crémastochilide nouveau du Sénégal (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 57(3):41-43

Ruter G. 1953
Description d'un Cétonide nouvea (Col. Scarabaeidae)u
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 58(5):65-67

Ruter G. 1953
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau du Cameroun (Col. Scarab.)
Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 20(1):32-34

Ruter G. 1953
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau du Congo Belge
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 48(1-2):124-127

Ruter G. 1954
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau de l'ile Europa (Col. Scarab.)
Naturaliste Malgache Tananarive 5(2):181-183

Ruter G. 1954
La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba Fasc II XVIII. Coléoptères Cétonides
Memoires de l'Institut francais d'Afrique noire. Dakar 40(2):213-232

Ruter G. 1957
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau de Madagascar (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 62(7-8):188-192

Ruter G. 1957
Contribution à l'étude des Cétonides malgaches (Col., Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 62(1-2):30-33

Ruter G. 1958
Description de deux Cétonides nouveaux du Congo Belge (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 57(1-2):171-176

Ruter G. 1958
La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba Fasc IV VII Coléoptères Cétonides (Mission M. Lamotte et R. Roy, juillet-décembre 1951)
Memoires de l'Institut francais d'Afrique noire. Dakar 53:191-198

Ruter G. 1958
Contribution à l'étude des Cétonides africains (Col. Scarabaeidae) Pachnoda rubrocincta Hope et espèces voisines
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 58(1-2):95-114

Ruter G. 1960
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau de l'Angola et remarques synonymiques sur quelques Cétonides (Coleoptera)
Beiträge zur Entomologie. Berlin 10(3-4):434-437

Ruter G. 1963
Contribution à l'étude des Cetoniinae africains du genre Pachnoda Burmeister (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar 25(A4):1127-1143

Ruter G. 1964
Description d'un Trichiinae nouveau de Fernando-Poo (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar A26(2):614-616

Ruter G. 1964
Description d'un Gnathocera nouveau (Col. Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 31(2):109-111

Ruter G. 1964
Description d'un Cetoniinae nouveau du Katanga (Col. Scarab.)
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 69(1-2):165-168

Ruter G. 1964
Contribution à l'étude des Cetoniinae Malgaches (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 31(4):263-289

Ruter G. 1964
Contribution à l'étude de la faune de la basse Casamance X. - Coléoptères Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar 26(3) 878-883

Ruter G. 1965
Contribution à l'étude des Cetoniinae Asiatiques (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 70(7-8):194-206

Ruter G. 1965
Lectotype designation for Sericospilus advena Sharp (Melolonthinae, Col.)
New Zealand Entomologist, Wellington 3(4):23

Ruter G. 1966
Liste des Cetoniinae (Col. Scarabaeidae) capturés dans la République de Guinéé par M. Le Dr. M. Mrázek, par Mme I. Korecká et par M. Le Dr. J. Jelínek
Casopis Moravskeko Musea v. Brne, Brno 51:285-288

Ruter G. 1967
Contribution à l'étude du genre Leucocelis Burmeister (Col. Scarab. Cetoniinae)
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africains. Bruxelles 76(1-2):37-42

Ruter G. 1967
Contribution à la faune du Congo(Brazzaville) Mission Villiers & Descarpentries LX. Coléoptères Scarabaeidae (Cetoniinae, Trichiinae et Valginae)
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar 29(3):1299-1310

Ruter G. 1967
Note sur les sous-espèces françaises de Potosia cuprea (Fabricius) et Potosia fieberi (Kraatz), espèce méconnue (Col. Scarab. Cetoniinae)
L'Entomologiste 23(2):27-38

Ruter G. 1969
Note relative à Potosia sibirica maura Bedel (P; squamosa Lefebvre v. maura Bedel) (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bollettino dell'Associazione romana di Entomologia. Roma 24(4):95-96

Ruter G. 1969
Note relative au genre Ischnovalgus Kolbe (Col. Scarabaeidae Valginae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 74(1-2):34-36

Ruter G. 1969
Contribution à l'étude des Cétonides africains (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar 31(3):899-919

Ruter G. 1969
Contributions à la connaissance de la Faune Entomologique de la Côte-d'Ivoire (J.Decelle 1961-1964) Deuxième Partie XXXIV. - Coleoptera Cetoniidae
Annales du Musee royal du Congo Belge. Tervuren Series 8 Sciences Zoologiques 175:81-100

Ruter G. 1972
Contribution à l'étude des Cétonides (Col. Cetoniidae)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 8(1):55-71

Ruter G. 1973
Contribution à l'étude des Cétoniides (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Annales de la Société entomologique de France. Paris (N.S.) 9(1):119-139

Ruter G. 1973
Note synonymique sur les Cétonides africains (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 78(9-10):333-334

Ruter G. 1973
Contribution à l'étude des Cetoniidae du massif de l'Andringitra (Madagascar centre) (Col.)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 78(3-4):117-126

Ruter G. 1973
Description d'un Cetonide nouveau Euselates machatschkei n.sp.
Acta Entomologica Jugoslavica 9(1-2):71-72

Ruter G. 1974
Description d'un Euchroea nouveau de Madagascar (Col. Cetoniidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 79(1-2):27-28

Ruter G. 1975
Deux Cétonides Crémastochilides nouveaux du Zaïre (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 89(4):969-973

Ruter G. 1975
Contribution à l'étude biologique du Sénégal septentrional XXVIII. Coléoptères Cetoniidae
Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Dakar 37(3):661-668

Ruter G. 1975
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau de Madagascar (Col. Scarabaeidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 80(3-4):82-84

Ruter G. 1975
Description d'un Cétonide nouveau du Zaïre (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae)
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 89(1):187-190

Ruter G. 1977
Mission entomologique du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale aux Monts Uluguru Tanzanie (L. Berger, N. Leleup et J. Debecker, V-VIII.1971) 23. Coleoptera Cetoniidae. Avec une note biologique sur quelques especes par N Leleup
Revue de Zoologie africaine. Tervuren, Bruxelles 91(1):1-10

Ruter G. 1978
Contribution à l'étude des Cétonides (Col. Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Paris 83(5-6):125-137

Ruter G. 1978
Coléoptères Cetonidae de l'archipel des Comores. Faune entomologique de l'Archipel des Comores
Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle, série A. Zoologie 109:79-83

Ruter G. 1978
Description de Cétonides nouveau (Col. Scarab.)x
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris 8(3):285-287

Ruter G. 1978
Description de deux Cétonides nouveaux (Col. Scarab.)
Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Paris 8(1):57-58

Ruter G. 1980
Note sur deux Cétonides de la péninsule malaise (Coleoptera)
Revue Française d'Entomologie.(N.S.) 2(3):126-128

Rutherford D. 1879
Description of a new Goliath beetle from Tropical West Afrika
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London :169-170

Ruzzier, E., Morin, L., Zugno, M., Tapparo, A., Bani, L. & Di Giulio, A. 2023
New records of non-native Coleoptera in Italy
Biodiversity Data Journal 11(e111487):1-26

Ruzzier E., Tomasi F., Poso M. & Martinez-Sañudo I. 2020
Archophileurus spinosus Dechambre, 2006 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), a new exotic scarab possibly acclimatized in Italy, with a compilation of exotic Scarabaeidae found in Europe
Zootaxa 4750(4):577-584
